406 research outputs found

    The cultural heritage: participative management proposal

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    Uno de los elementos que define a un pueblo es su cultura. Sus bienes culturales, sus costumbres, sus fiestas, su gastronomía; en definitiva, su patrimonio cultural, que permite conocerlo y, al mismo tiempo, identifica a las personas que forman parte de esa comunidad, pero, además, gestionado correctamente y con respeto, se puede convertir en un elemento que fomente su desarrollo socioeconómico. Ahora bien, es importante considerar la participación social como un elemento fundamental que debe estar presente desde los primeros momentos de las actuaciones que se planifiquen en este ámbito. La gestión de los bienes culturales, tanto tangibles como intangibles, posibilita diferentes modelos de intervención y, en función del modelo adoptado, las programaciones perseguirán diferentes objetivos, los agentes implicados serán distintos y las funciones y/o tareas que deberán llevar a cabo también variarán. En nuestra propuesta partimos de dos premisas básicas. En primer lugar, creemos que el profesional de la cultura debe ser considerado un agente que ofrezca respuesta a los problemas y/o demandas y que favorezca la autogestión con el fin último de mejorar la calidad de vida y el bienestar de los ciudadanos. En segundo lugar, pensamos que la participación social debe estar presente desde el primer momento; en concreto, que el grupo destinatario de las intervenciones debe tener un papel activo en la actuación cultural hasta llegar al punto de conseguir la gestión autónoma de su propio desarrollo cultural. La integración de estas dos premisas permitirá que los recursos culturales sean tratados como un bien cultural y social que contribuirán al desarrollo social de las personas y grupos que conforman la comunidad. Con todo ello, consideramos que las intervenciones en la gestión del patrimonio se pueden llevar a cabo implementando una estrategia metodológica concreta: la animación sociocultural, puesto que contempla entre sus finalidades, el fomento de la participación y el desarrollo de la autogestión, lo que la convierte en una propuesta idónea para el tema que nos ocupa. Esta propuesta metodológica, aplicada al ámbito de la gestión cultural, permitirá el aprovechamiento de recursos y la puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural desde las organizaciones de base y los propios agentes locales. Las acciones culturales serán generadas partiendo de sus intereses; serán capaces de generar sus recursos e idear acciones que permitan alcanzar los objetivos y atender a las necesidades detectadas. El hecho de que sean partícipes de su propio desarrollo es el punto fuerte de esta estrategia de intervención.One of the elements that define a people is their culture. Their cultural, customs, festivals, gastronomy, in short, their cultural heritage, can be understood and, at the same time, identifies people who are part of that community and becomes an element that contributes to development. Now it is important to consider that social participation is a key element that must be present from the first moments of the actions that are planned in this area. The management of cultural property, both tangible and intangible, provides different models of intervention and, depending on the model adopted, schedules pose different objectives are different stakeholders and the functions and / or tasks to be carried out also vary. In our approach we start from two basic premises. First, consider the professional culture should be considered an agent that provides answers to the problems and / or demands and to promote the self with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens. Second, we think that social participation must be present from the outset, namely, that the target group of interventions should take an active role in cultural action to the point of getting the autonomous management of their own cultural development. The integration of these two assumptions allow cultural resources are considered and treated as a social and cultural good that contribute to the social development of individuals and groups that make up the community. With all this, we believe that interventions in heritage management can be carried out by implementing a particular methodological strategy: socio-cultural, since includes among its aims, encouraging participation and self development, which the becomes an ideal proposal for the topic at hand. This methodological proposal applied to the field of cultural management, allow the use of resources and the enhancement of cultural heritage from grassroots organizations and local actors themselves. Cultural actions will be generated based on their interests will be able to generate their resources and develop actions to achieve the objectives and meet the needs identified. The fact become participants in their own development strength of this intervention strategy.peerReviewe

    Biofuncionalización de superficies de silicio monocristalino, nanoestructurado y macroporoso

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Física Aplicada. Fecha de lectura: Noviembre de 200

    The High Content of Quercetin and Catechin in Airen Grape Juice Supports Its Application in Functional Food Production.

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    Ensuring healthy lives and well-being constitutes one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 agenda. Consequently, research into how natural products may promote health is essential for the new generation of nutraceuticals and functional foods that are in high demand today. Grape juice is a natural foodstuff composed of water, sugars, minerals, vitamins and a wide array of polyphenols. Polyphenols are bioactive compounds of great interest due to their antioxidant properties and benefits to health, supporting antimicrobial, anti-aging, and anticarcinogenic activity. The majority of grape juice produced in the world is used for the production of wine, although a small part is used in the food industry, mainly in baby food and sports drinks. The aim of this work is to determine the polyphenol content in the natural and concentrated juice of Airen grapes, the main white grape variety produced in Spain. For this, fresh juices from five grape varietals (Airen, Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Verdejo and Tempranillo) and concentrated Airen juice were analyzed and compared. Results showed similar contents of phenolic acids and stilbenes in all grape varietals studied, although the Airen variety demonstrated a higher concentration of two flavonoids: quercetin and catechin. It can be concluded that the grape juice concentration process negatively affects the stability of these compounds, causing a reduction in the polyphenol content that ranges between 54–71%, with the exception of quercetin and catechin.post-print1881 K

    Comparing probabilities in urns: A study with primary school students

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    The study aimed to explore the strategies used by Costa Rican primary school students when comparing urn probabilities. The sample was intentional and consisted of 55 6th graders. Using an interpretive approach, we analyzed the children’s responses to a questionnaire of five probability comparison items taken from previous studies, including different levels of proportional reasoning. Results indicate that problems in the first levels of proportional reasoning were solved easily by students, while problems at higher levels increased in difficulty. One-variable strategies, which compare only the favorable or unfavorable cases in both urns, are predominant; although there are correspondence strategies, few students show complete proportional reasoning. Aside from slight variations, results are similar to previous studies, which suggests that this task is influenced more by the child’s level of maturity than by the instruction received

    Compared study of the regulation of the right to information in the Spanish autonomous regions

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    Introducción: En el presente trabajo realizamos un análisis comparado de la forma en que se ha regulado legalmente en España y sus CCAA el derecho del paciente a la información. La comparación nos lleva a pronunciarnos sobre la norma/s más acertadas en este propósito. Material y Método: La Ley 41/2002, de ámbito estatal, como referencia, y las catorce normas autonómicas. Se han seleccionado los extremos relativos a la información, a analizar. Resultados: La comparación nos ha permitido jerarquizar la idoneidad con que se han regulados los distintos aspectos del derecho a la información, como base para el ejercicio de la autonomía del paciente. Discusión: La información es un deber legal y ético al que se opone la escasez de tiempo del que dispone el médico en su tarea asistencial.Introduction: In the present work we have done a compared analysis of the form in which the right of the patient to information has been legally regulated in Spain and its autonomous regions. The comparison leads us to declaring the most correct rules for this. Material and Method: The state Law 41/2002, as a reference, and the fourteen autonomous rules. The ends relative to the information have been selected for analyzing. Results: The Comparison has allowed us to organize into a hierarchy the suitability with which the different aspects of the right to information have been regulated, as base for the exercise of the autonomy of the patient. Discussion: The information is a legal and ethical duty to which shortage of time the doctor has in his assisting task is opposed

    The right to privacy of the patient: study of its regulation in the spanish autonomous regions

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    Introducción: En el presente trabajo realizamos un análisis de la forma en que se ha regulado legalmente en España y sus CCAA el derecho del paciente a la intimidad. El estudio realizado nos lleva a pronunciarnos sobre la norma/s más acertadas en este propósito, para lo cual hemos fijado dos parámetros: en el primero se incluyen aquellas normativas que recogen la protección de la privacidad en base a la confidencialidad de los datos referidos a la salud del paciente, y la protección de la intimidad en lo referido a la esfera corporal del paciente en todo el proceso asistencial, y en el segundo, las garantías que las propias normativas disponen para hacer cumplir los aspectos citados. Hemos valorado en las normativas estudiadas, cual expresa con mayor precisión y garantías la protección de la Intimidad, y si lo ha establecido en base a los dos aspectos propuestos o solo a uno de ellos. En concreto, en razón a la confidencialidad de los datos, o a aspectos como el respeto a los valores culturales, morales y convicciones religiosas, así como la limitación de la presencia de otros profesionales, estudiantes o investigadores, circunstancias, junto a otras, que configuran la protección de los datos de salud personales y la protección de la esfera corporal del paciente. Material y métodos: Hemos realizado el estudio tomando como Ley de referencia La Ley 41/2002, de ámbito estatal, y 17 normas autonómicas, de aquellas Comunidades Autónomas que han legislado al respecto. Se han seleccionado los extremos relativos al contenido en cada normativa del Derecho a la Intimidad, como son la protección de los datos asistenciales y la protección de la esfera corporal y los medios para garantizar la protección del derecho motivo de estudio. Resultados: El resultado ha sido establecer una jerarquía cualitativa respecto a la idoneidad con que se ha redactado la regulación de la intimidad, respecto a los dos parámetros propuestos. Se valora qué norma/as son más efectiva tanto en la claridad y contundencia de su texto, como en la forma en que exigen el cumplimiento del mismo, como derecho fundamental del paciente. Discusión: Se discuten las normas legales entre sí, con los criterios ya expuestos en el apartado anterior. Aunar la protección ambos criterios ofrece mayores garantías de cobertura a este importante derecho fundamental. Conclusión: Como conclusión, consideramos que todas las normas analizadas garantizan de forma suficiente y adecuada el derecho a la intimidad, en general. Pero en los resultados hemos señalado aquellas que lo hacen de una manera más completa, al extender la protección a los dos criterios considerados y a más o menos aspectos de estos criterios.Introduction: In this study we analyze how it is legally regulated in Spain and its Autonomous Regions the patient's right to privacy.The study leads us to rule on the standards most successful in this purpose, for which we have set two parameters: the first includes those regulations set out the privacy protection based on the confidentiality of data relating to patient health and protection of privacy with regard to the patient's corporal sphere, throughout the care process, and second, the guarantees have their own regulations to enforce the above elements. We evaluated in the regulations studied, which expresses more accurately and guarantees the protection of Privacy Act, and if it has been established based on two aspects proposed or only one of them. Specifically, due to confidentiality of data, or issues such as respect for cultural values, moral and religious convictions, and limiting the presence of other professionals, students or researchers, circumstances, along with others, making up the protection of health and personal data protection sphere of patient body. Material and Method: We conducted the study taking as reference the statal Law 41/2002, and 17 regional regulations, of those Autonomous Communities that have legislated on the matter. We have selected for the content on each rule of the Right to Privacy, the data protection care and the protection of the corporal sphere to ensure protection of the law being studied Results:The result has been to establish a qualitative hierarchy regarding the adequacy with which it is issued the regulation of privacy with respect to the two proposed parameters. It assesses how standard is more effective in both clarity and forcefulness of his text, as in the way that require compliance with it as a fundamental right of the patient. Discussion: We discuss the legislation with one another, with the criteria already set out in the previous section. The sum of these two criteria provides greater protection guarantees of coverage to this important fundamental right. Conclusions: In conclusion, we believe that all analyzed standards ensure a sufficient and appropriate protection to the right to privacy in general. But the results have pointed out those that do a more complete, to extend protection to the two criteria considered as more or less aspects of these criteria.through this method. A stimulus pattern of 61 hexagons, with changes in luminance that subtends 60° of visual angle, was used. In all the patients, the densities of the recordings were lower than normal. Only in one patient, responses were obtained in all areas stimulated. In the rest, we found unresponsive areas that varied according to the type and severity of the disease. These results show the usefulness of multifocal electroretinography to determine the extent and location of the retinal degeneration of the patients

    Stability and activity of lactate dehydrogenase on biofunctional layers deposited by activated vapour silanization (AVS) and immersion silanization (IS).

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    The interaction between surfaces and biological elements, in particular, proteins is critical for the performance of biomaterials and biosensors. This interaction can be controlled by modifying the surface in a process known as biofunctionalization. In this work, the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is used to study the stability of the interaction between a functional protein and amine-functionalized surfaces. Two different functionalization procedures were compared: Activated Vapour Silanization (AVS) and Immersion Silanization (IS). Adsorption kinetics is shown to follow the Langmuir model for AVS-functionalized samples, while IS-functionalized samples show a certain instability if immersed in an aqueous medium for several hours. In turn, the enzymatic activity of LDH is preserved for longer times by using glutaraldehyde as crosslinker between the AVS biofunctional surface and the enzyme.pre-print966 K

    Language difficulties that affect the resolution of problems

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    La resolución de problemas matemáticos provoca frustración en los alumnos y preocupación en los docentes debido a su complejidad y dificultad. Se constata la necesidad de llevar a cabo un cambio metodológico que solvente esas dificultades./nEn este trabajo presentamos una metodología aplicada en el aula para dar respuesta a esas dificultades y mejorar el rendimiento de nuestros alumnos en este ámbito de las matemáticas./nPlanteamos un estudio relacionando las dificultades que tienen los alumnos en el lenguaje, dificultades como la comprensión lectora, la verbalización del problema, la identificación de los datos relevantes, la identificación de la pregunta y la expresión de la solución, y su repercusión en la resolución de problemas./nLa metodología que se presenta consta de una parte de desarrollo de competencia lingüística, donde se trabaja la comprensión del lenguaje y el razonamiento lingüístico, y otra parte matemática formada por cinco fases: completar problemas, inventar la pregunta a un enunciado dado, inventar enunciados, inventar problemas y resolver problemas./nPosteriormente a la aplicación metodológica se lleva a cabo un estudio estadístico en un curso de tercero de Educación Primaria del ceip Romero Peña de La Solana (Ciudad Real), con un grupo experimental, al cual se le ha aplicado la metodología propuesta, y un grupo de control, que ha seguido la metodología tradicional usando su libro de texto. El análisis estadístico revela que las dificultades en la resolución de problemas matemáticos disminuyen notablemente tras la aplicación de la metodología planteada, constatando que el tratamiento de las dificultades del lenguaje repercute positivamente en la resolución de problemas matemáticos

    Propuesta de modelo para la obtención de ventajas competitivas en el sector hotelero

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    Este estudio del sector hotelero pretende identificar la relación entre el aprendizaje continuo, la transferencia de conocimiento y la innovación como un medio para lograr ventajas competitivas sostenibles. En un sector cada vez más complejo, los hoteles deben reinventarse continuamente para sobrevivir. El objetivo de este estudio es la identificación de áreas en dónde las empresas puedan mantener la supervivencia o crecer a pesar de la dura y dinámica competencia.This study of the hotel sector aims to identify the relationship between continuous learning, knowledge-sharing and innovation as a means of achieving profitable competitive advantages. In an ever more complex sector, hotels have to continually reinvent themselves to survive and this study identifies areas in which survival and growth can be sustained despite severe and dynamic competition

    Multicenter Performance Evaluation of MALDI-TOF MS for Rapid Detection of Carbapenemase Activity in Enterobacterales: The Future of Networking Data Analysis With Online Software

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    In this study, we evaluate the performance of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for rapid detection of carbapenemase activity in Enterobacterales in clinical microbiology laboratories during a multicenter networking validation study. The study was divided into three different stages: “software design,” “intercenter evaluation,” and “clinical validation.” First, a standardized procedure with an online software for data analysis was designed. Carbapenem resistance was detected by measuring imipenem hydrolysis and the results were automatically interpreted using the Clover MS data analysis software (Clover BioSoft, Spain). Second, a series of 74 genotypically characterized Enterobacterales (46 carbapenemase-producers and 28 non carbapenemase-producers) were analyzed in 8 international centers to ensure the reproducibility of the method. Finally, the methodology was evaluated independently in all centers during a 2-month period and results were compared with the reference standard for carbapenemase detection used in each center. The overall agreement rate relative to the reference method for carbapenemase resistance detection in clinical samples was 92.5%. The sensitivity was 93.9% and the specificity, 100%. Results were obtained within 60 min and accuracy ranged from 83.3 to 100% among the different centers. Further, our results demonstrate that MALDI-TOF MS is an outstanding tool for rapid detection of carbapenemase activity in Enterobacterales in clinical microbiology laboratories. The use of a simple in-house procedure with online software allows routine screening of carbapenemases in diagnostics, thereby facilitating early and appropriate antimicrobial therapy.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII