1,838 research outputs found

    H.E.S.S. deeper observations on SNR RX J0852.0-4622

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    Supernova Remnants (SNRs) are believed to be acceleration sites of Galactic cosmic rays. Therefore, deep studies of these objects are instrumental for an understanding of the high energy processes in our Galaxy. RX J0852.0-4622, also known as Vela Junior, is one of the few (4) shell-type SNRs resolved at Very High Energies (VHE; E > 100 GeV). It is one of the largest known VHE sources (~ 1.0 deg radius) and its flux level is comparable to the flux level of the Crab Nebula in the same energy band. These characteristics allow for a detailed analysis, shedding further light on the high-energy processes taking place in the remnant. In this document we present further details on the spatial and spectral morphology derived with an extended data set. The analysis of the spectral morphology of the remnant is compatible with a constant power-law photon index of 2.11 +/- 0.05_stat +/- 0.20_syst from the whole SNR in the energy range from 0.5 TeV to 7 TeV. The analysis of the spatial morphology shows an enhanced emission towards the direction of the pulsar PSR J0855-4644, however as the pulsar is lying on the rim of the SNR, it is difficult to disentangle both contributions. Therefore, assuming a point source, the upper limit on the flux of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) between 1 TeV and 10 TeV, is estimated to be ~ 2% of the Crab Nebula flux in the same energy range

    VHE gamma-ray observations of the young synchrotron-dominated SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 with H.E.S.S

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are widely considered to be accelerators of cosmic rays (CR). They are also expected to produce very-high-energy (VHE; E>100E > 100 GeV) gamma rays through interactions of high-energy particles with the surrounding medium and photon fields. They are, therefore, promising targets for observations with ground-based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes like the H.E.S.S. telescope array. VHE gamma-ray emission has already been discovered from a number of SNRs, establishing them as a prominent source class in the VHE domain. Of particular interest are the handful of SNRs whose X-ray spectra are dominated by non-thermal synchrotron emission, such as the VHE gamma-ray emitters RX J0852.0-4622 (Vela Jr.) and RX J1713-3946. The shell-type SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 also belong to this subclass and are further notable for their young ages (≀1\leq 1 kyr), especially G1.9+0.3, which was recently determined to be the youngest SNR in the Galaxy (∌100\sim100 yr). These unique characteristics motivated investigations with H.E.S.S. to search for VHE gamma rays. The results of the H.E.S.S. observations and analyses are presented, along with implications for potential particle acceleration scenarios.Comment: ICRC 2011 proceedings, 4 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    A detailed two-dimensional stellar population study of M32

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    We present Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy of the 9x12 arcsec^2 central region of M32 obtained with the 2D_FIS fibre spectrograph installed at the William Herschel Telescope. From these spectra line strength maps have been reconstructed for about 20 absorption lines, mostly belonging to the Lick system. We find good agreement with long-slit line strength profiles in the literature. In contrast with previous studies, indices were azimuthally averaged along continuum isophotes of M32. A remarkable result is that no gradients are presented in the spectral indices. So, we have fitted the mean values of each spectral index and central colours to the models of Vazdekis et al. (1996) and Worthey (1994), finding that an intermediate age (~4 Gyr) and metallicity similar to solar (Z=0.02) are the best fitted values for the innermost region of M32.Comment: accepted in MNRA

    Integrated spectra extraction based on signal-to-noise optimization using Integral Field Spectroscopy

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    We propose and explore the potential of a method to extract high signal-to-noise (S/N) integrated spectra related to physical and/or morphological regions on a 2-dimensional field using Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) observations by employing an optimization procedure based on either continuum (stellar) or line (nebular) emission features. The optimization method is applied to a set of IFS VLT-VIMOS observations of (U)LIRG galaxies, describing the advantages of the optimization by comparing the results with a fixed-aperture, single spectrum case, and by implementing some statistical tests. We demonstrate that the S/N of the IFS optimized integrated spectra is significantly enhanced when compared with the single aperture unprocessed case. We provide an iterative user-friendly and versatile IDL algorithm that allows the user to spatially integrate spectra following more standard procedures. This is made available to the community as part of the PINGSoft IFS software package.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 12 pages, 7 figure

    Integral Field Spectroscopy based H\alpha\ sizes of local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. A Direct Comparison with high-z Massive Star Forming Galaxies

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    Aims. We study the analogy between local U/LIRGs and high-z massive SFGs by comparing basic H{\alpha} structural characteristics, such as size, and luminosity (and SFR) surface density, in an homogeneous way (i.e. same tracer and size definition, similar physical scales). Methods. We use Integral Field Spectroscopy based H{\alpha} emission maps for a representative sample of 54 local U/LIRGs (66 galaxies). From this initial sample we select 26 objects with H{\alpha} luminosities (L(H{\alpha})) similar to those of massive (i.e. M\ast \sim 10^10 M\odot or larger) SFGs at z \sim 2, and observed on similar physical scales. Results. The sizes of the H{\alpha} emitting region in the sample of local U/LIRGs span a large range, with r1/2(H{\alpha}) from 0.2 to 7 kpc. However, about 2/3 of local U/LIRGs with Lir > 10^11.4 L\odot have compact H{\alpha} emission (i.e. r1/2 < 2 kpc). The comparison sample of local U/LIRGs also shows a higher fraction (59%) of objects with compact H{\alpha} emission than the high-z sample (25%). This gives further support to the idea that for this luminosity range the size of the star forming region is a distinctive factor between local and distant galaxies of similar SF rates. However, when using H{\alpha} as a tracer for both local and high-z samples, the differences are smaller than the ones recently reported using a variety of other tracers. Despite of the higher fraction of galaxies with compact H{\alpha} emission, a sizable group (\sim 1/3) of local U/LIRGs are large (i.e. r1/2 > 2 kpc). These are systems showing pre-coalescence merger activity and they are indistinguishable from the massive high-z SFGs galaxies in terms of their H{\alpha} sizes, and luminosity and SFR surface densities.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. (!5 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

    Two-Dimensional Line Strength Maps in Three Well-studied Early-Type Galaxies

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    Integral field spectroscopy has been obtained for the nuclear regions of 3 large, well-studied, early-type galaxies. From these spectra we have obtained line strength maps for about 20 absorption lines, mostly belonging to the Lick system. An extensive comparison with multi-lenslet spectroscopy shows that accurate kinematic maps can be obtained, and also reproducible line strength maps. Comparison with long-slit spectroscopy also produces good agreement. We show that Mg is enhanced with respect to Fe in the inner disk of one of the three galaxies studied, the Sombrero. [Mg/Fe] there is larger than in the rest of the bulge. The large values of Mg/Fe in the central disk are consistent with the centres of other early-type galaxies, and not with large disks, like the disk of our Galaxy, where [Mg/Fe] is approximately 0. We confirm with this observation a recent result of Worthey (1998) that Mg/Fe is determined by the central kinetic energy, or escape velocity, of the stars, only, and not by the formation time scale of the stars. A stellar population analysis using the models of Vazdekis et al. (1996) shows that our observed H gamma agrees well with what is predicted based on the other lines. Using the line strength of the Ca II IR triplet as an indicator of the abundance of Ca, we find that Ca follows Fe, and not Mg, in these galaxies. This is peculiar, given the fact that Ca is an alpha-element. Finally, by combining the results of this paper with those of Vazdekis et al. (1997) we find that the line strength gradients in the three galaxies are primarily caused by variations in metallicity.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, includes mn.sty, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    A reproducible notebook to acquire, process and analyse satellite imagery

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    Satellite imagery is often used to study and monitor Earth surface changes. The open availability and extensive temporal coverage of Landsat imagery has enabled changes in temperature, wind, vegetation and ice melting speed for a period of up to 46 years. Yet, the use of satellite imagery to study cities has remained underutilised, partly due to the lack of a methodological approach to capture features and changes in the urban environment. This notebook offers a framework based on Python tools to demonstrate how to batch-download high-resolution satellite imagery; and enable the extraction, analysis and visualisation of features of the built environment to capture long-term urban changes

    Recurrence of the blue wing enhancements in the high ionization lines of SDSS 1004+4112 A

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    We present integral field spectroscopic observations of the quadruple-lensed QSO SDSS 1004+4112 taken with the fiber system INTEGRAL at the William Herschel Telescope on 2004 January 19. In May 2003 a blueward enhancement in the high ionization lines of SDSS 1004+4112A was detected and then faded. Our observations are the first to note a second event of similar characteristics less than one year after. Although initially attributed to microlensing, the resemblance among the spectra of both events and the absence of microlensing-induced changes in the continuum of component A are puzzling. The lack of a convincing explanation under the microlensing or intrinsic variability hypotheses makes the observed enhancements particularly relevant, calling for close monitoring of this object.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Defying some difficulties of the assessment of several generic competences

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    A reference to concepts, procedures and attitudes and also to acquisition of capacities was frequent when people were interchanging opinions about the aspects that could be evaluated in a university-level student. Now, we speak in terms of competences: there are specific competences, generic competences,. Just trying to speak about them is a hard job; to obtain competences will represent an enormous challenge. It’s important to mention the extensive difficulty to find a common definition of the word "competence". One of the many meanings is: the knowledge needed to do something, the knowledge needed to do something with people, the knowledge needed to do something with criteria, the knowledge of when and why is necessary to do something. Common elements to the numerous definitions are the references to: a set of conceptual knowledge, the procedures and the attitudes, feasibility in its learning with recurrent training, an explanation on its attainment in the action, its use in an efficient work and a necessary context. Some of the reasons used for the work by the competences in the educative sphere are the overcoming of the design based on content, the integration of diverse intelligences, the advance towards a unification of the areas of the knowledge, the true connection with a final applicability of the education in the work. A formation in competences demands several experiences that integrate knowledge and the practical design to apply these experiences – including several (and/or many) of them -, selecting and preparing the diverse scenes that promote them. One of the objectives of the hands-on session is to explain and to discuss about this kind of experiences, practical designs and stages. Even with all their limitations, the conventional tools have been useful for an evaluation of the degree of assimilation of the concepts and the capacities; nevertheless, the task is much more arduous -and with less explicit experience transmissible and transmitted - when a person moves in the reach of the evaluation in values and attitudes, and of the evaluation of the competitions located within a profile. In order to evaluate competences, the educational team defines evidences. This task must be done in team for many reasons. For example, the fact that many competences transfer the borders of the concrete territory in which an individual professor moves. The mentioned evidences will have to be pertinent, excellent, adapted and realistic. Often, to elaborate a scheme of the knowledge associated to each competence will identify diverse possibilities to demonstrate the possession of this competence through its development in a practical frame. Nevertheless, some competences (or some groups of competences) can be resisted to the previous practice. Perhaps it would be possible to lodge here the ethical behaviour, the capacity to learn, the responsibility, the team work, the creative and enterprising capacity, the multiple attention to sustainability and the subjects around the communicative capacity. Also the evidences for this sort of competences are targeted issues in the debates. Within the previous frame, the authors of this contribution have made tasks destined to the specification of several elements, in the work of the "CAU-AIDA" group of the professors of several universities, within the project #SEJ2007-65786 “Evaluation of competences of the university students in the face of the challenge of the EEES: description of the current scenario, analysis of good practices and proposals of transfer to different environments” and can offer some results of their task that shows there are options to approach some assessments about many generic competences. The planned procedure is to expose briefly some experiences and the referred evidences, devoted to the assessment that can be transferred, concerning each of the above mentioned generic competences.Peer Reviewe
