92 research outputs found

    Current discourses and attitudes in favour of the independence of the Basque Country

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    With the aim to win support for its political project, Basque nationalism has traditionally sought to get an increasingly larger number of people to share a national identity. However, in the twenty first century, we can appreciate another discourse, which goes beyond national sentiment, and includes aspects that are more related to social and personal wellbeing. This second discourse has given rise to a new attitude to the independence of the Basque Country, which can now be shared by people who are not necessarily Basque nationalists, but are, on the other hand, interested in a project for a state as it could afford them personal benefits. This study explores how both discourses are spread and whether there has been a perceptible change in the attitude to independence in non-Basque nationalist sectors.Ipar Hegoa Foundation. Parte Hartuz research group (UPV/EHU)

    Tan lluny i tan a prop : balanç i reptes de la traducció entre el català i el castellà

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    La directora de la Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, Izaskun Arretxe, analitza de manera crítica les traduccions del català al castellà: afirma que haurien de guanyar en fluïdesa, atesa la proximitat cultural. L'aparició de petites editorials afavoreix, tanmateix, aquesta línia de traduccions cap al castellà. Institucions com el Ramon Llull treballen en l'actualitat per penetrar el mercat llatinoamericà, la qual cosa requereix traduccions adaptades a les modalitats lingüístiques.Izaskun Arretxe, director of the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, critically analyses translations from Catalan into Spanish, stating that they should gain fluency, given their cultural proximity. The appearance of small publishers is, however, favoring this line of translations into Spanish. Institutions such as Ramon Llull are currently working to penetrate the Latin American market, which requires translations adapted to linguistic modalities

    Euskal nazionalismoaren diskurtsoa gaur egungo immigrazioaren aurrean

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    340 p.Doktorego Tesi honen aztergaia euskal nazionalismoa da; zehazki, nazionalismo horrek immigrazio fluxu zehatz baten aurrean ¿batik bat 2000tik aurrera Hego Euskal Herrira iritsitakoa¿ garatzen duen diskurtsoa. Tesiaren kokapen teoriko gisa, lehen atalean, nazionalismoaren eta immigrazioaren arteko hartu-emanak aztertzen dira; eta, horren ostean, euskal nazionalismoak immigrazioaz izandako ikuspegian gertatutako bilakaera da aztergai: immigrazioaren aurkako hasierako jarreratik etorkinen integrazioa bilatu arte. Kokapen teorikoaren bigarren atalean, bestetik, arreta immigrazioarengan jartzen da. Lehenik, immigrazioaren ikerkuntzan nagusi diren ereduak berrikusten dira eta, ondoren, Hego Euskal Herrira iritsitako migrazio fluxuak laburbiltzen dira. Metodologia kualitatiboan oin hartuz, Tesi honetan abertzaleek gai horri buruz eraikitzen duten diskurtsoan sakontzen da, eta bertan nagusi diren gaiak identifikatzen dira. Lan honetatik eratortzen den ondorio nagusia da euskal nazionalismoak immigrazioaren irakurketa politikoa hobesten duela, eta, nazioaren definizio itxien gainetik, immigrazio berria bere nazio egitasmora erakartzeko helburua duela, bide horretan hainbat arazo mahaigaineratzen den arren

    Exploring New Citizenship Practices: The Meaning of Young Activists’ Political Engagement in the Basque Country

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    The article analyses the meaning of innovative activist practices carried out by politicised young people in the Basque Country while considering the lines of continuity and rupture of said practices with respect to the political tradition in which these young people were socialised. To this end, we have referred to the results of qualitative research carried out with the aid of in-depth interviews during 2018. The analysis demonstrates that young activists are gradually moving away from intermediation by institutionalised political actors who have, so far, led political opposition in the Basque Country and proposes new, less formal, ways of relating to politics. More specifically, they are shifting political participation to areas of daily life, thus broadening the meaning of politics and redesigning the limits of the political arena. Their practices are understood as acts carried out by activist citizens who transform diverse social spaces into citizenship building sites. The transformation of young participants into activist citizens is underpinned by the existence of a particular structure for political opportunity in the Basque political field: a long-standing culture of community politics, characterised by counter-hegemonic activism and linked to nation building projects, in which they are socialised at an early age. Nonetheless, the new generations of activists tailor the acquired dispositions in this politicised context to the current conditions of individualisation and distancing from institutions, typical of the second modernity.Parte Hartuz research group (UPV/EHU

    Lengua e inmigración en la definición de la nación: el caso vasco

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    En este artículo se analiza el papel que tanto la lengua vasca como la inmigración han cumplido en la conformación del discurso teórico que el nacionalismo vasco ha construido sobre la nación. Se distinguen dos etapas, una primera en la que la nación se basa en la raza, y una renovación a partir de mediados del siglo XX. Así, el euskara jugó, a partir de los Sesenta, un rol central en la definición de la nacionalidad vasca; y, a su vez, este cambio hizo posible un nuevo discurso sobre la inmigración. En este trabajo se explica la interrelación entre estas dos esferas

    Systematic Approach to the Synthesis of Cobalt-Containing Polyoxometalates for Their Application as Energy Storage Materials

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    New energy storage materials are an object of study within the framework of the global energy transition. The development of renewable sources is being boosted thanks to stationary energy storage systems such as redox flow batteries (RFBs). This work reports the synthesis of the cobalt-containing Keggin-type polyoxometalates [CoW12O40]6− (CoW12) and [Co(H2O)SiW11O39]6− (CoSiW11), which have previously been shown to have applicability in RFBs. These procedures were reassessed to meet the strict requirements associated with the further implementation of RFBs, including fast and affordable synthetic procedures with high reaction yields. In contrast to the lengthy and complicated synthetic approaches published to date, the optimized synthesis reported in this work enables the isolation of the pure crystalline salt of the CoW12 anion with a 75% reduction of the time of the whole reaction procedure, eliminating tedious steps such as the recrystallization and including a 20% increased yield. The control of the stoichiometry, fine-tuning of reaction conditions, and the identification of intermediate species, as well as the acidic equilibria taking place during the process, were monitored via thermal, spectroscopic, and structural analyses. In the case of the CoSiW11 anion, its preparation was based on a simple and highly efficient procedure. Moreover, promising electrochemical properties were observed with the use of the one-pot synthetic approach, in which the stoichiometric amounts of the starting reagents are dissolved in the supporting electrolyte to be directly implemented as the electrolyte for a RFB.This work was developed within the framework of the Almagrid project, CER-20191006 funded by Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la innovación (CDTI). Call for proposals: Accreditation and granting of aid for technological centers of excellence “Cervera”. In addition, this research was funded by the Basque Government within the framework of ‘Research on complementary energy storage technologies, and its combination in efficient and competitive systems for its stationary application in the grid’ project, grant number KK-2022/00043.B.A. and J.G.Z. thank Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco for funding (grant IT1722-22)

    A Robust Framework Based on Polymeric Octamolybdate Anions and Copper(II) Complexes of Tetradentate N-donor Ligands

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    A new organic-inorganic compound based on octamolybdate building blocks and copper(II) complexes of tetradentate N-donor ligands has been hydrothermally synthesized, namely [Cu(cyclam)](2)[Mo8O26]center dot 1.5H(2)O (1), (cyclam: 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane). Compound 1 has been chemically (elemental and thermal analyses), spectroscopically (infrared spectroscopy), and structurally (single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction) characterized. The crystal packing of 1 shows a covalent framework structure formed by [Mo8O26](n)(4n-) chains running along the 100 direction which are linked to each other through the coordination spheres of {Cu(cyclam)}(2+) complexes leading to a three-dimensional open network. This structural assembly generates voids that can be described as a succession of cavities communicated through narrow bottlenecks with approximate cross section of 4 x 7 angstrom(2) where the hydration water molecules are hosted. The robust open structure of 1 remains virtually unaltered upon thermal evacuation of guest solvent molecules at 130 degrees C, resulting in the anhydrous phase [Cu(cyclam)](2)[Mo8O26] (1a) with potentially accessible micropores as demonstrated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of 1 has also been assessed.This work was funded by UPV/EHU (Grant PPG17/37 and GIU17/050) and University of Tunis El Manar (predoctoral fellowship to N.D., including a three-month stay at Universidad del Pais Vasco, UPV/EHU). B.A. thanks UPV/EHU for a postdoctoral fellowship within the program "Convocatorias de Ayudas para la Especializacion de Personal Investigador". Technical and human support provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU) is gratefully acknowledged

    Discursos sobre la integración. La inmigración al País Vasco en los años 1950-1970

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    La inmigración procedente de España al País Vasco, entre 1950 y 1980, generó un cambio demográfico espectacular: a mediados de los 70, los nativos de padres y madres autóctonos constituían la mitad de la población. Dado el contexto político en que este movimiento se desarrolló, durante años se ha generado un recurrente y politizado debate sobre la supuesta falta de integración de estas personas en la sociedad vasca. El presente artículo intenta conocer la percepción que sus protagonistas tienen de este proceso; es decir, analizar el grado de integración subjetiva de estos inmigrantes. Se extrae como principal conclusión el énfasis que ponen en la dimensión social de la integración, por encima de las cuestiones políticas y culturales.Instituto para la Promoción de los Estudios Sociales GITE-IPES (Julio Araluze beka/2009