645 research outputs found

    Recent sediments of the Eume river: mineralogical and textural composition

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    [Resumen] Se analiza la granulometrĂ­a, textura y mineralogĂ­a de sedimentos recogidos en los fondos de la rĂ­a de Ares, estuario y tramo final del rĂ­o Eume. Texturalmente, las muestras se agrupan en francolimosas o francoarenosas y su distribuciĂłn estĂĄ defmida segĂșn las caracterĂ­sticas dinĂĄmicas de la rĂ­a y las modificaciones realizadas por las obras de infraestructura. La mineralogĂ­a de la fracciĂłn arcilla es muy homogĂ©nea, con caolinita y filosilicatos 2: 1 dominantes, junto con pequeñas antidades de cuarzo y feldespato. El contenido en carbonatos es bajo, siempre menor del 30 %, destacando los porcentajes encontrados en el sondeo de la cola del embalse del Eume, de origen claramente antrĂłpico. Textura y mineralogĂ­a son coherentes con el marco geolĂłgico del que proceden, excepto en la presencia de carbonatos y exceso de partĂ­culas finas con caolinita cristalina existentes en la cola del embalse del Eume. La distribuciĂłn de las partĂ­culas, segĂșn su tamaño, obedece fundamentalmente a causas naturales, pero existen imponantes modificaciones relacionadas con el papel de barrera del embalse y las obras de infraestructura que han alterado la circulaci6n original en algunas zonas del estuario y desembocadura.[Abstract] A textural and mineralogical analysis is made to sediments sampled at the bottom of the RĂ­a de Ares, estuarine and Eume river. Clay mineralogy is very similar for all the samples and consists of kaolinite and 2: 1 phyllosilicates with small amounts of quartz and fe'ldspar. The percentage of carbonates is small, always less than 30 o/o. There should be pointed out the values found in the Eume reservoir core, with a clear antropic origino Texture and mineralogy are coherent with the geology of the basin they come from, excepting the carbonates and fine particle excess with cristaline caolinite in the Eume reservoir core. Size grain distribution is due to the dinamic characteristics of the rĂ­a, but there are important rnodifications related to the reservoir, that acts as a barrier, and the constructions in the lower part of the river that have changed the original circulation in sorne areas of the rĂ­a

    Extracellular Vesicles in NAFLD/ALD:From Pathobiology to Therapy

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    In recent years, knowledge on the biology and pathobiology of extracellular vesicles (EVs) has exploded. EVs are submicron membrane-bound structures secreted from different cell types containing a wide variety of bioactive molecules (e.g., proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids (coding and non-coding RNA) and mitochondrial DNA). EVs have important functions in cell-to-cell communication and are found in a wide variety of tissues and body fluids. Better delineation of EV structures and advances in the isolation and characterization of their cargo have allowed the diagnostic and therapeutic implications of these particles to be explored. In the field of liver diseases, EVs are emerging as key players in the pathogenesis of both nonalcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic liver disease (ALD), the most prevalent liver diseases worldwide, and their complications, including development of hepatocellular carcinoma. In these diseases, stressed/damaged hepatocytes release large quantities of EVs that contribute to the occurrence of inflammation, fibrogenesis, and angiogenesis, which are key pathobiological processes in liver disease progression. Moreover, the specific molecular signatures of released EVs in biofluids have allowed EVs to be considered as promising candidates to serve as disease biomarkers. Additionally, different experimental studies have shown that EVs may have potential for therapeutic use as a liver-specific delivery method of different agents, taking advantage of their hepatocellular uptake through interactions with specific receptors. In this review, we focused on the most recent findings concerning the role of EVs as new structures mediating autocrine and paracrine intercellular communication in both ALD and NAFLD, as well as their potential use as biomarkers of disease severity and progression. Emerging therapeutic applications of EVs in these liver diseases were also examined, along with the potential for successful transition from bench to clinic

    Regular practice of competitive sports does not impair sleep in adolescents: DADOS study

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    Purpose: To analyze differences in sleep quality and duration by athletic status and sex, and to examine the association between physical activity (PA) recommendation and sleep in adolescents. Methods: A total of 267 adolescents [13.9 (0.3) y] from Deporte, ADOlescencia y Salud (DADOS) study (129 girls) were included in this cross-sectional analysis. Athletes competed regularly in organized sport events and trained =3 days per week, but nonathletes did not compete. PA was assessed by GENEActiv accelerometer. PA values were dichotomized into inactive (5 (poor quality) or =5 (good quality). Sleep duration was objectively measured by accelerometer. Results: Sleep quality and duration were not statistically different between athletes [median (Mdn) = 4.0, interquartile range (IQR) = 3.0-6.0 and Mdn = 8.0, IQR = 7.4-8.6 h, respectively] and nonathletes (Mdn = 5.0, IQR = 3.0-7.0 and Mdn = 7.9; IQR = 7.3-8.6 h, respectively), P > .05. Nonathlete or inactive adolescents did not show higher risk for poor sleep quality or short sleep duration than athletes [odds ratio (OR) = 1.17; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.68-2.00 and OR = 0.93; 95% CI, 0.56-1.55, respectively] or active peers (OR = 1.39; 95% CI, 0.66-2.89 and OR = 1.62; 95% CI, 0.78-3.37, respectively). Conclusions: In our group of adolescents, competitive sport practice did not alter sleep patterns. PA recommendations for adolescents may not discriminate between good and poor sleepers. Âż 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc

    Diversity of Color Vision: Not All Australian Marsupials Are Trichromatic

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    Color vision in marsupials has recently emerged as a particularly interesting case among mammals. It appears that there are both dichromats and trichromats among closely related species. In contrast to primates, marsupials seem to have evolved a different type of trichromacy that is not linked to the X-chromosome. Based on microspectrophotometry and retinal whole-mount immunohistochemistry, four trichromatic marsupial species have been described: quokka, quenda, honey possum, and fat-tailed dunnart. It has, however, been impossible to identify the photopigment of the third cone type, and genetically, all evidence so far suggests that all marsupials are dichromatic. The tammar wallaby is the only Australian marsupial to date for which there is no evidence of a third cone type. To clarify whether the wallaby is indeed a dichromat or trichromatic like other Australian marsupials, we analyzed the number of cone types in the “dichromatic” wallaby and the “trichromatic” dunnart. Employing identical immunohistochemical protocols, we confirmed that the wallaby has only two cone types, whereas 20–25% of cones remained unlabeled by S- and LM-opsin antibodies in the dunnart retina. In addition, we found no evidence to support the hypothesis that the rod photopigment (rod opsin) is expressed in cones which would have explained the absence of a third cone opsin gene. Our study is the first comprehensive and quantitative account of color vision in Australian marsupials where we now know that an unexpected diversity of different color vision systems appears to have evolved

    Local inhibition of nitrogen fixation and nodule metabolism in drought-stressed soybean

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    Drought stress is a major factor limiting symbiotic nitrogen fixation (NF) in soybean crop production. However, the regulatory mechanisms involved in this inhibition are still controversial. Soybean plants were symbiotically grown in a split-root system (SRS), which allowed for half of the root system to be irrigated at field capacity while the other half remained water deprived. NF declined in the water-deprived root system while nitrogenase activity was maintained at control values in the well-watered half. Concomitantly, amino acids and ureides accumulated in the water-deprived belowground organs regardless of transpiration rates. Ureide accumulation was found to be related to the decline in their degradation activities rather than increased biosynthesis. Finally, proteomic analysis suggests that plant carbon metabolism, protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism, and cell growth are among the processes most altered in soybean nodules under drought stress. Results presented here support the hypothesis of a local regulation of NF taking place in soybean and downplay the role of ureides in the inhibition of NF
