42 research outputs found

    Psicología evolutiva en Miguel de Unamuno. .Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad.

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    En este trabajo se comenta desde la perspectiva de la psicología evolutiva la obra autobiográfica "Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad", escrita por el filósofo Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo. De la obra se extraen los fragmentos que ilustran conceptos típicamente evolutivos, como la causalidad, el realismo, el pensamiento mágico, el egocentrismo cognitivo, la contradicción lógica y la interacción entre iguales. El trabajo constituye un recurso didáctico para ejemplificar conceptos teóricos en la enseñanza de la psicología evolutiva.Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo filosofoak idatzitako "Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad" liburu autobiografikoa aztertzen dugu lan honetan, garapenaren psikologiaren ikuspuntutik. Kausalitatea, errealismoa, pentsamendu magikoa, ezagutzazko egozentrismoa, kontraesan logikoa eta kideen arteko elkarrekintza bezalako kontzeptu bereziki ebolutiboak direnen atal adierazgarriak atera ditugu idazlan horretatik. Beraz, garapenaren psikologiako zenbait kontzeptu teoriko irakasteko adibideak proposatzen dituen baliabide didaktikoa eskaintzen dugu.Dans ce travail nous commentons depuis la perspetive de la psychologie du développment l'ouvrage autobiographique "Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad" écrit par le philosophe Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo, dont on peut extraire des fragments qu'illustrent quelques concepts tipiquement evolutifs: la causalité, le réalisme, la pensée magique, l'égocentrisme cognitif, la contradiction logique ou l'interaction entre les pairs. Ce travail peut être un ressource didactique pour offrir plusieurs exemples sur quelques concepts theoriques qu'on doit apprendre en psychologie du développment.The author comments, from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, the autobiographic work "Childhood and Youth Reminiscences", written by philosopher Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo. The fragments that illustrate typically evolutionary concepts like causality, realism, magic thought, cognitive egocentrism, logic contradiction and the interaction between equals are extracted from that book. This work is a didactic resource to exemplify theoretical concepts in the teaching of evolutionary psychology

    Family context, gifted, talented and high capacity children

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    En este trabajo se analiza el contexto familiar de sujetos de altas capacidades en una muestra de 530 escolares de 10 años de edad. Se identificaron 45 sujetos superdotados, 64 sujetos con talento creativo, 6 sujetos superdotados con talento creativo y 15 sujetos de altas capacidades. El nivel cultural materno, el tipo de centro y el estilo educativo asertivo aparecen como variables asociadas a los contextos familiares de los niños superdotados. El nivel cultural materno unido al hecho de no trabajar fuera de casa aparecen asociados a los contextos familiares de niños con talento creativo y a los contextos de niños superdotados y a la vez creativos. La inadaptación social aparece asociada a los contextos de niños con altas capacidades. Palabras clave: contexto familiar y altas capacidades.This study analyzes the family context of high capacity children in a sample of 530 10-year-old school children. 45 gifted subjects were identified alongside 64 with creative talent, 6 who were both gifted and possessed creative talent and 15 high capacity subjects. Maternal cultural level, type of school attended and assertive parenting style were identified as variables associated with the family contexts of gifted children. Maternal cultural level, linked to the mother not working outside the home, was found to be associated with the family contexts of children with creative talent, as well as to those of children who were both gifted and highly creative. Social inadaptation was associated with high capacity children. Key words: family context and gifted children

    Parenting styles and adolescent adjustment

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    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre una muestra de 848 adolescentes de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 17 años, que cumplimentaron un cuestionario que incluía una escala con 6 dimensiones sobre su percepción del estilo parental o relacional materno y paterno y otros instrumentos para evaluar el ajuste adolescente. La realización de un análisis de conglomerados a partir de las puntuaciones en las 6 dimensiones que componían la escala reveló la existencia de tres grupos de padres y de madres que fueron definidos como democráticos, estrictos e indiferentes. El trabajo ofrece un modelo de categorización de las relaciones entre padres e hijos que posee un carácter bidireccional y que incluye dimensiones como la revelación, el humor y la promoción de autonomía, que enriquecen la perspectiva clásica basada exclusivamente en las dimensiones de afecto y disciplina. El estilo materno y el paterno fueron evaluados por separado encontrándose una alta coincidencia entre ambos estilos, que además mostraron una relación muy significativa con el ajuste de chicos y chicas.The paper presents the results of a study with a sample of 848 adolescents between 12 and 17 years who completed a questionnaire that included a 6 dimensions scale about their perception of maternal and paternal educational style and other measures of adolescent adjustment. The results of cluster analysis showed 3 groups of mothers and fathers that were defined as: authoritative, strict, and indifferent. The study has permitted us to create a bi-directional model which categorises the relationships between parents and adolescents and which includes factors such as self-disclosure, sense of humour and the encouragement of adolescent independence. These factors enrich the traditional perspective based solely on affection and discipline. The parenting style of mothers and fathers, evaluated separately, showed a high coincidence and furthermore showed a significant relationship with adolescent well-being.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BSO2002-0302

    Family and childhood antisocial behaviour

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    Este estudio examina la relación entre diferentes variables familiares y la aparición de conductas antisociales infantiles. La muestra estuvo formada por 76 familias con hijos/as de 6 a 10 años de cinco tipos de estructuras familiares diferentes. Los resultados mostraron que la conducta antisocial infantil estaba asociada con niveles elevados de conflicto marital, estrés familiar, prácticas educativas inadecuadas y con una amplia red familiar de conflicto. En cambio, la conducta antisocial no se encontró relacionada ni con el tamaño de la red de apoyo de la familia, ni con la cantidad y calidad de estimulación ofrecida a los menores en su contexto familiar, ni con el tipo de estructura familiar ni con variables sociodemográficas como la edad de los progenitores, el tamaño familiar o el nivel económico y educativo parental. Un análisis de regresión múltiple mostró que todos los factores familiares evaluados eran capaces de explicar el 43% de la varianza observada en relación con el comportamiento antisocial infantil.This study examines the association between family variables andvchildhood antisocial behaviour. Social-demographic variables, marital conflict, family stress, parenting styles, social support, and quality and structure of family environment were studied. The sample consisted of 76 families composed by parents and children aged from 6 to 10 years. Five different types of family structure were considered in the study. Results showed that high level of marital conflict and family stress, authoritarian or permissive parenting practices and large family’s conflictive networks were risk factors for antisocial behaviour. However, antisocial behaviour did not show significant relationship with the size of family’s social support network, the quantity and quality of the stimulation that children received at home, the type of family structure, and socialdemographic variables such as parents´ age or economical and educative level. A multiple regression analysis showed that all family predictors explained about 43% of the variability in childhood antisocial behaviour

    Online and offline social participation of spanish graduate students

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    El objetivo fundamental del trabajo es conocer si la participación social online favorece la participación social offline de los jóvenes universitarios. 1502 estudiantes universitarios respondieron la encuesta latinoamericana de participación cívica, a la que se añadieron ítems de participación online. Los resultados mostraron que los jóvenes más activos en la vida online respecto a una temática lo son también en la vida offline en esa misma temática. Se discute que el mundo online es una ampliación del offline tan real como este último. Potenciar la participación online redundará en la mejora social y en la tarea de convertirse en ciudadanoThe main aim of this paper is to check if offline social participation is fostered by online undergraduates social participation. 1502 undergraduate students are fulfilled Latin American social participation questionnaire. Two new specific items were added to evaluate the online social participation. Result showed the most networking active graduates are the most active ones in face to face on the very same topic. The online world is an extension as real as the offline. The enhancement of the online social participation will promote both social improvement, and the achievement of civic responsibility as an individual developmental tas

    Analysis of the problems and educational needs of new family structures

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    . El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer cuales son las preocupaciones y demandas de apoyo de familias correspondientes a diversas estructuras familiares. Se entrevistaron a 214 familias pertenecientes a 6 diferentes estructuras familiares. Los resultados muestran que las familias se preocupan por la salud de sus hijos y demandan criterios educativos para afrontar el proceso de crianza. Las familias monoparentales y reconstituidas inciden en el hecho de que sus hijos han vivido procesos de conflicto. Las familias adoptivas muestran preocupación por la normalidad del desarrollo psicológico de sus hijos y demandan formación de apoyo a la adopción. Las familias homoparentales resaltan la estigmatización social que puedan sufrir sus hijos. Las familias de partos múltiples señalan la elevada necesidad de recursos humanos, educativos y económicos que requiere la crianza de sus hijos. Los datos obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la necesidad del desarrollo de políticas educativas y preventivas dirigidas a las familias.The aim of this study is to identify the concerns and support needs of several family groups corresponding to different family structures. 214 families, matching 6 different family structures, were interviewed. The results show that families are worried about their children’s health and that educational criteria are required to deal with the child-rearing process. Single and step families are worried about the fact that their children have been through processes of conflict. Adoptive families have worry about the normal psychological development of their children and require specific training to deal with the adoption process. Gay and lesbian families are concerned about the social stigma that may fall on their children. Multiple-birth families are worried about the high level of human, educational and economic resources needed to raise their children. Results highlight the need to develop educational and preventive policies aimed at families

    Variables familiares asociadas a la conducta antisocial infantil: el papel desempeñado por el tipo de estructura familiar

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    Este trabajo presenta un doble objetivo, conocer las posibles diferencias que pueden existir entre diferentes tipos familiares en relación a las variables implicadas en la conducta antisocial, y determinar el papel desempeñado por la variable tipo de estructura familiar en el desarrollo de este tipo de conductas. La muestra estuvo constituida por un total de 214 familias, de contextos normalizados, con menores de 3 a 10 años. La familias pertenecieron a seis tipos de estructuras familiares en función a su composición: tradicionales, monoparentales, reconstituidas, de partos múltiples, homoparentales y adoptivas. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que ante contextos familiares normalizados existe una amplia homogeneidad en relación a las variables asociadas a la manifestación de conductas antisociales infantiles entre los distintos tipos de estructuras familiares. Igualmente, los resultaron mostraron que, una vez controlado los efectos que pudieran estar ejerciendo terceras variables, no se encontraban diferencias significativas en cuanto a los niveles de conducta antisocial infantil manifestado por los menores pertenecientes a diferentes tipos familiares. Este último dato lleva a concluir que el tipo de estructura familiar en el que se desarrolle el menor no debe a priori ser entendido como un factor de riesgo para la conducta antisocial infantil.This paper has two mains aims: to examine differences in variables associated with antisocial behaviour between types of family structure, and to analyze the association between family structure and antisocial behaviour. The sample consisted of 214 families composed by parents and children aged from 3 to 10 years. Six different types of family structure were considered in the study: traditional, single, step, adoptive, lesbian and gays and multiple births families. Results showed high homogeneity in variables associated with antisocial behaviour between types of family structure. Moreover, results indicated that when third-variable effects were controlled, antisocial behaviour did not show significant relationship with the type of family structure. This last result leads to the conclusion that it is not the family structure itself a risk factor to children’s antisocial behaviou


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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de evaluación de la Teoría de la Mente (ToM) en niños de 5 años en entornos escolares, así como una propuesta de orientación educativa para su potenciación en el ámbito familiar. Dadas las importantes implicaciones cognitivas y socio-emocionales de esta habilidad, la citada propuesta educativa consiste en una serie de orientaciones –basadas en datos empíricos de investigaciones sobre el tema- que los padres/madres pueden llevar a cabo bajo supervisión profesional para potenciar el desarrollo de la Teoría de la Mente de sus hijos/as. La propuesta incide en aspectos como la potenciación del vínculo afectivo, la calidad de las relaciones fraternas, el uso de la disciplina democrática, la expresión y regulación de las emociones, la estimulación del desarrollo lingüístico, el fomento de la toma de conciencia de estados mentales, intenciones y deseos de otras personas y la práctica de estrategias de distanciamiento.ABSTRACTThis paper presents a proposal for assessing 5-year-old children’s Theory of Mind (ToM) at school, as well as an educative proposal to enhance it in the family context. Given the important cognitive and socio-emotional implications of this ability, the paper describes a group of orientations – based on the empirical data from research on this field- which parents can follow up, with a professional’s supervision, to enhance their children’s ToM development. The proposal affects issues such as enhancing the bonding, the quality of fraternal relations, the use of democratic discipline, expression and regulation of emotions, stimulation of language development, promoting awareness of mental states, intentions and desires of others and the practice of distancing strategies

    Emotional Autonomy and Adjustment among Emerging Adults: The Moderating Role of Family Relationships

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    Emerging adults build their personal maturity within the family context, however, there is a lack of studies regarding the role of emotional autonomy during this stage. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between emotional autonomy and adjustment during emerging adulthood, bearing in mind the possible moderating role of parental support in this relationship. Data was collected from 1502 Spanish undergraduate students (903 women) aged between 18 and 29. Results indicated that emotional autonomy correlated negatively with family support and psychological wellbeing and positively with psychological distress. However, only when young people perceive a family context with low social support is gaining emotional distance from their parents associated with an increase in their psychological well-being. Our findings highlight the crucial role that family environment plays in well-being during young adulthood, and reveal that the effect of emotional distancing from parents on adjustment depends on the quality of the family climate. Future research should gain more in-depth knowledge of emotional autonomy during emerging adulthood, taking into account cross-cultural diversity

    Stability and change in family relationships in the transitional period of emerging adulthood

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    Throughout emerging adulthood, family relationships have been scarcely studied in South European countries and the research using longitudinal designs are practically non-existent. This study has two specific objectives. First, to examine whether family relationships changes or remain stable over emerging adulthood. Second, to analyse whether parent-child relationship at the beginning of emerging adulthood are associated with psychological distress four years later. Method: A sample of 400 emerging adults was followed from early to middle emerging adulthood. They completed, at wave 1 (Mean: 20.31; SD: 2.04) and wave 2 (Mean: 23.66; SD: 2.08), questionnaires to measure socio-demographic variables (age and sex), family social support, parental involvement, parental warmth, parental autonomy support, behavioural and psychological control exercised by parents, and psychological distress. Results: Data showed high relative stability in family relationships seen globally. There is absolute stability in parental involvement and parental autonomy support meanwhile parental social support, parental warmth and parental control decrease over the years. Parental control at W1 is significantly and positively associated with psychological distress at W2. By contrast, the rest of the family variables analysed at W1 had a negative and significant association with psychological distress at W2. Discussion: These findings suggest that although some parental behaviours decrease throughout emerging adulthood, family relationships still play an important role during the third-decade people’s lives. Finally, our findings highlight the importance of spreading our knowledge about this stage in the European context in order to optimize young people’s development with psychoeducational programs for them and their families who faced a new challenge during these years