1,361 research outputs found

    Resource effective control of Elymus repens

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    Preliminary results show that there is room for improvement within existing control methods of couch grass (Elymus repens (L.) Gould). It may be possible to reduce the number of stubble cultivations during autumn by timing the treatment, and to reduce the cultivation depth by using a goose foot cultivator (5 cm) instead of a disc cultivator (10 cm), without sacrificing couch grass control efficiency. The first year of the experiment, the use of a goose foot cultivator resulted in less nitrogen leaching than cultivation by disc. A reduced number of stubble cultivations potentially reduces nutrient loss, fuel consumption and the workload of the farmer. Our experiments with cover crops to control couch grass in cereals has yet to prove significant effects on couch grass control, but cover crops combined with goose foot hoeing did reduce nitrogen leaching by more than a third compared to cultivation by disc. Further data is necessary to see if the system can be used to effectively control couch grass without significant yield losses. Regardless, it can reduce nitrogen leaching and potentially provide other ecosystem services, e.g. control weeds other than couch grass

    Assessing the rider's seat and horse's behavior: difficulties and perspectives

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    correct seat and position are the basis for a good performance in horseback riding. This study aimed to measure deviations from the correct seat, test a seat improvement program (dismounted exercises), and investigate whether horse behavior was affected by the rider's seat. Five experienced trainers defined 16 seat deviations and scored the occurrence in 20 riders in a dressage test. Half the riders then carried out an individual training program; after 9 weeks, riders were again scored. The study took no video or heart-rate recordings of horses and riders. Panel members did not agree on the deviations in the rider's seat; the study detected no differencesÂżwith the exception of improvement of backward-tilted pelvisÂżbetween the groups. Horse behavior, classified as Âżevasive,Âż increased; horse heart rate decreased in the experimental group. Heart rates of riders in both groups decreased. Seven of 9 riders in the experimental group had the impression that the exercises improved their riding performance. There is a clear need to develop a robust system that allows trainers to objectively evaluate the rider's sea

    A Holder Continuous Nowhere Improvable Function with Derivative Singular Distribution

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    We present a class of functions K\mathcal{K} in C0(R)C^0(\R) which is variant of the Knopp class of nowhere differentiable functions. We derive estimates which establish \mathcal{K} \sub C^{0,\al}(\R) for 0<\al<1 but no K∈KK \in \mathcal{K} is pointwise anywhere improvable to C^{0,\be} for any \be>\al. In particular, all KK's are nowhere differentiable with derivatives singular distributions. K\mathcal{K} furnishes explicit realizations of the functional analytic result of Berezhnoi. Recently, the author and simulteously others laid the foundations of Vector-Valued Calculus of Variations in L∞L^\infty (Katzourakis), of L∞L^\infty-Extremal Quasiconformal maps (Capogna and Raich, Katzourakis) and of Optimal Lipschitz Extensions of maps (Sheffield and Smart). The "Euler-Lagrange PDE" of Calculus of Variations in L∞L^\infty is the nonlinear nondivergence form Aronsson PDE with as special case the ∞\infty-Laplacian. Using K\mathcal{K}, we construct singular solutions for these PDEs. In the scalar case, we partially answered the open C1C^1 regularity problem of Viscosity Solutions to Aronsson's PDE (Katzourakis). In the vector case, the solutions can not be rigorously interpreted by existing PDE theories and justify our new theory of Contact solutions for fully nonlinear systems (Katzourakis). Validity of arguments of our new theory and failure of classical approaches both rely on the properties of K\mathcal{K}.Comment: 5 figures, accepted to SeMA Journal (2012), to appea

    Existence and uniqueness of global solutions to fully nonlinear second order elliptic systems

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    We consider the problem of existence and uniqueness of strong a.e. solutions u:Rn⟶RNu:Rn⟶RN to the fully nonlinear PDE system F(⋅,D2u)=f, a.e. on Rn,(1) F(⋅,D2u)=f, a.e. on Rn,(1) when f∈L2(Rn)Nf∈L2(Rn)N and F is a CarathĂ©odory map. (1) has not been considered before. The case of bounded domains has been studied by several authors, firstly by Campanato and under Campanato’s ellipticity condition on F. By introducing a new much weaker notion of ellipticity, we prove solvability of (1) in a tailored Sobolev “energy” space and a uniqueness estimate. The proof is based on the solvability of the linearised problem by Fourier transform methods, together with a “perturbation device” which allows to use Campanato’s near operators. We also discuss our hypothesis via counterexamples and give a stability theorem of strong global solutions for systems of the form (1)

    A nonhomogeneous boundary value problem in mass transfer theory

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    We prove a uniqueness result of solutions for a system of PDEs of Monge-Kantorovich type arising in problems of mass transfer theory. The results are obtained under very mild regularity assumptions both on the reference set Ω⊂Rn\Omega\subset\mathbf{R}^n, and on the (possibly asymmetric) norm defined in Ω\Omega. In the special case when Ω\Omega is endowed with the Euclidean metric, our results provide a complete description of the stationary solutions to the tray table problem in granular matter theory.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Quasivariational solutions for first order quasilinear equations with gradient constraint

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    We prove the existence of solutions for an evolution quasi-variational inequality with a first order quasilinear operator and a variable convex set, which is characterized by a constraint on the absolute value of the gradient that depends on the solution itself. The only required assumption on the nonlinearity of this constraint is its continuity and positivity. The method relies on an appropriate parabolic regularization and suitable {\em a priori} estimates. We obtain also the existence of stationary solutions, by studying the asymptotic behaviour in time. In the variational case, corresponding to a constraint independent of the solution, we also give uniqueness results

    Boron Isotope Effect in Superconducting MgB2_2

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    We report the preparation method of, and boron isotope effect for MgB2_2, a new binary intermetallic superconductor with a remarkably high superconducting transition temperature TcT_c(10^{10}B) = 40.2 K. Measurements of both temperature dependent magnetization and specific heat reveal a 1.0 K shift in TcT_c between Mg11^{11}B2_2 and Mg10^{10}B2_2. Whereas such a high transition temperature might imply exotic coupling mechanisms, the boron isotope effect in MgB2_2 is consistent with the material being a phonon-mediated BCS superconductor.Comment: One figure and related discussion adde
