124 research outputs found

    Active learning of driving scenario trajectories

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    Annotated driving scenario trajectories are crucial for verification and validation of autonomous vehicles. However, annotation of such trajectories based only on explicit rules (i.e. knowledge-based methods) may be prone to errors, such as false positive/negative classification of scenarios that lie on the border of two scenario classes, missing unknown scenario classes, or even failing to detect anomalies. On the other hand, verification of labels by annotators is not cost-efficient. For this purpose, active learning (AL) could potentially improve the annotation procedure by including an annotator/expert in an efficient way. In this study, we develop a generic active learning framework to annotate driving trajectory time series data. We first compute an embedding of the trajectories into a latent space in order to extract the temporal nature of the data. Given such an embedding, the framework becomes task agnostic since active learning can be performed using any classification method and any query strategy, regardless of the structure of the original time series data. Furthermore, we utilize our active learning framework to discover unknown driving scenario trajectories. This will ensure that previously unknown trajectory types can be effectively detected and included in the labeled dataset. We evaluate our proposed framework in different settings on novel real-world datasets consisting of driving trajectories collected by Volvo Cars Corporation. We observe that active learning constitutes an effective tool for labeling driving trajectories as well as for detecting unknown classes. Expectedly, the quality of the embedding plays an important role in the success of the proposed framework

    A Unified Active Learning Framework for Annotating Graph Data with Application to Software Source Code Performance Prediction

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    Most machine learning and data analytics applications, including performance engineering in software systems, require a large number of annotations and labelled data, which might not be available in advance. Acquiring annotations often requires significant time, effort, and computational resources, making it challenging. We develop a unified active learning framework, specializing in software performance prediction, to address this task. We begin by parsing the source code to an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and augmenting it with data and control flow edges. Then, we convert the tree representation of the source code to a Flow Augmented-AST graph (FA-AST) representation. Based on the graph representation, we construct various graph embeddings (unsupervised and supervised) into a latent space. Given such an embedding, the framework becomes task agnostic since active learning can be performed using any regression method and query strategy suited for regression. Within this framework, we investigate the impact of using different levels of information for active and passive learning, e.g., partially available labels and unlabeled test data. Our approach aims to improve the investment in AI models for different software performance predictions (execution time) based on the structure of the source code. Our real-world experiments reveal that respectable performance can be achieved by querying labels for only a small subset of all the data

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p–Pb collisions at

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    Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at s=0.9 \sqrt {s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

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    Integrerat brounderhÄll

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    Trafikverket ansvarar för det statliga vÀgnÀtet i Sverige. VÀgnÀtet bestÄr av cirka 15 500 broar som stÀndigt utsÀtts för olika former av nedbrytning. Broarna behöver dÀrför underhÄllas med jÀmna mellanrum bÄde för att hÄlla broarna i ett bra skick och för att motverka att nedbrytningen pÄskyndas. Under de senare Ären har Trafikverket utformat en ny upphandlingsmetod av brounderhÄll. Den gÄr ut pÄ att allt brounderhÄll för en region paketeras, i ett s.k. brounderhÄllspaket, som en entreprenör sköter i en femÄrig period. I brounderhÄllspaketen ingÄr förebyggande underhÄll, avhjÀlpande underhÄll och akut underhÄll. Syftet med det hÀr arbetet Àr att följa upp den nya formen att upphandla brounderhÄll i paket. MÄlet Àr att tydliggöra vilka vinster, eller förluster, som gjorts i effektivitet i hela kedjan sedan införandet av brounderhÄll i paket.   De metoder som anvÀnts vid skapandet av examensarbetet Àr litteraturstudier, möten och intervjuer samt analyser, berÀkningar och jÀmförelser. Resultatet visar hur bestÀllare, entreprenör och konsult arbetar i brounderhÄllspaket och vad som har förÀndrats jÀmfört med hur de arbetade med brounderhÄll tidigare. De största effektivitetsvinsterna Àr administrativa. Genom att brounderhÄllspaketen Àr en totalentreprenad lÀggs mycket av ansvaret över frÄn bestÀllaren till entreprenören och dÀrmed fÄr bestÀllaren tid till andra arbetsuppgifter. Eftersom brounderhÄllet numera ligger i eget kontrakt som löper under en lÀngre tid fÄr bestÀllaren ocksÄ en kunnig entreprenör till arbetet vilket minskar antalet grundlÀggande frÄgor och frigör tid. Entreprenören fÄr mer frihet nÀr arbetena skall utföras och samtidigt mer tid till att planera underhÄllsarbetet. Genom en tÀt kommunikation mellan bestÀllare och entreprenör blir beslutsvÀgarna kortare vilket effektiviserar hela kedjan. Skaraborgspaketet var ett av de första brounderhÄllspaketen och det skiljer sig mycket frÄn de senare underhÄllspaketen. Den största förÀndringen ligger i förfrÄgningsunderlagen. Skaraborgspaketet utgick frÄn en fiktiv bro medan förfrÄgningsunderlagen i de nyare paketen behandlar verkliga ÄtgÀrder som entreprenören kommer att utföra under den kontrakterade tiden.Trafikverket is responsible for the public traffic network in Sweden. The traffic network contains around 15 500 bridges that constantly are exposed of different kinds of degradation. The bridges must therefore be maintained at regular intervals both to keep bridges in good condition and to prevent the degradation accelerated. During the last years Trafikverket has developed a new procurement method of bridge maintenance. The method involves that all bridges maintenance of a region is being bundled to one contract that an entrepreneur handles for five years, a socalled bridge maintenance package. A bridge maintenance package exists of preventive maintenance, remedial maintenance and emergency maintenance. The purpose of this paper is to follow up the new form to procure bridge maintenance in package. The goal is to clarify the gains or losses made in efficiency since the introduction of bridge maintenance in package. Methods used in the creating of this thesis are literary studies, meetings and interviews along with analysis, calculations and comparisons. The result lays the foundation for the client, contractor and consultant working in the bridge maintenance package and further what has changed from the way they were working on bridge maintenance earlier. The largest efficiency gains are administrative. Because a bridge maintenance package is a turnkey contract the majority of responsibility is put on the contractor, instead of the client, which gives the client time for other tasks. Nowadays the bridge maintenance is in a separate contract which lasts for a longer time which gives the client a more qualified contractor for that kind of work which is reducing the number of fundamental questions and gives the client extra time. The contractor will get more operating freedom and at the same time more time to plan maintenance work. Through frequent communication between client and contractor decision-making paths becomes shorter which gives more efficiency throughout the entire process. The package in the region Skaraborg was one of the first bridge maintenance packages and it differs a lot from later maintenance packages. The biggest difference is in the contract documents. The package in Skaraborg was based on a fictional bridge while the more recent maintenance packages documents addresses the real action which the contractor will perform during the contracted period

    Remote Scrum : Scrum Master’s Experience with Working Remotely

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    Att behöva stÀlla om sitt arbetssÀtt frÄn att arbeta fysiskt pÄ plats till att arbeta hemifrÄn pÄ distans Àr nÄgot som har pÄverkat de flesta organisationer och individer till viss utstrÀckning pÄ grund av Covid-19 pandemin. Inom informatiksektorn anvÀnds agila arbetssÀtt för att agera som en buffert för att snabbt kunna anpassa sig till nya krav eller arbetsförhÄllanden. Denna studie tar ett intresse i att undersöka den agila rollen Scrum master utefter ramverket Scrum. Samt studera ifall rollen har behövt göra förÀndringar i sina arbetsuppgifter och inom Scrum ceremonier, med anledning av övergÄngen till ett distansbaserat arbetssÀtt. Genom en kvalitativ undersökning dÀr sju certifierade Scrum masters intervjuats har personliga erfarenheter samlats in för att undersöka samband med förÀndringar som krÀvts vid omstÀllningen av ens arbete. DÀr de intervjuade besvarat att deras arbete gÄr att utföra vÀl Àven nÀr distansarbete krÀvs eller blir infört i ens vardag. UtifrÄn resultatet bygger studien vidare pÄ forskning kring att arbeta som Scrum master och enligt Scrums riktlinjer Àr en vÀlfungerande metodik Àven ifall ens arbete behöver genomföras pÄ distans. Trots detta finner studien ett skifte i Scrum masterns prioriteringar vid distansarbete dÀr ett större fokus behövs för att bibehÄlla kommunikation, vÀlmÄende och effektiviteten inom Scrum-team. Framför allt nÀr ett Scrum-team blir internt distansbaserat. Detta leder Àven till rekommendationer som bör beaktas av organisationer eller Scrum masters som utför sitt arbete pÄ distans.     Having to change one's way of working, from working physically on site to remote work is something that has affected most organizations and individuals to some extent due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the informatic sector, agile working methods are used to act as a buffer to be able to quickly adapt to new requirements or working conditions. This study takes an interest in investigating the agile role of the Scrum master along the Scrum framework, as well as studying whether the role has needed to make changes in performed tasks and within Scrum ceremonies due to the transition to work remotely. Through a qualitative survey where seven certified Scrum masters were interviewed, personal experience from the interviewees has been gathered to investigate the connection with changes required in the adjustment of one's work. Where the interviewees answered that their work can be performed well even when remote based work is required or is introduced into the everyday life. Based on the results, the study extends on research regarding working as a Scrum master and according to Scrum's guidelines, is a well-functioning methodology even if one's work needs to be carried out remotely. Despite this, the study finds a shift in the Scrum master's priorities when working remotely. The study found that a greater focus is needed to maintain communication, well-being, and efficiency within the Scrum-team. Especially when a Scrum-team internally becomes remote based. Which leads to recommendations that should be considered by organizations or Scrum masters who perform their work remotely. Lastly, the following thesis is written in Swedish

    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas–epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, and management

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    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) is one of the most common cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. It is a heterogeneous disease and can be divided into ductal types and morphological subtypes. The incidence of IPMN is increasing, likely due to the widespread use of cross-sectional imaging and a growing elderly population. IPMN poses an increasing demand on the health care system. Current guidelines provide indications for surgery and recommendations for surveillance, but management of IPMN is still challenging in routine clinical practice. In this article, we review current knowledge about IPMN and provide future directions for improving diagnosis and management

    Remote Scrum : Scrum Master’s Experience with Working Remotely

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    Att behöva stÀlla om sitt arbetssÀtt frÄn att arbeta fysiskt pÄ plats till att arbeta hemifrÄn pÄ distans Àr nÄgot som har pÄverkat de flesta organisationer och individer till viss utstrÀckning pÄ grund av Covid-19 pandemin. Inom informatiksektorn anvÀnds agila arbetssÀtt för att agera som en buffert för att snabbt kunna anpassa sig till nya krav eller arbetsförhÄllanden. Denna studie tar ett intresse i att undersöka den agila rollen Scrum master utefter ramverket Scrum. Samt studera ifall rollen har behövt göra förÀndringar i sina arbetsuppgifter och inom Scrum ceremonier, med anledning av övergÄngen till ett distansbaserat arbetssÀtt. Genom en kvalitativ undersökning dÀr sju certifierade Scrum masters intervjuats har personliga erfarenheter samlats in för att undersöka samband med förÀndringar som krÀvts vid omstÀllningen av ens arbete. DÀr de intervjuade besvarat att deras arbete gÄr att utföra vÀl Àven nÀr distansarbete krÀvs eller blir infört i ens vardag. UtifrÄn resultatet bygger studien vidare pÄ forskning kring att arbeta som Scrum master och enligt Scrums riktlinjer Àr en vÀlfungerande metodik Àven ifall ens arbete behöver genomföras pÄ distans. Trots detta finner studien ett skifte i Scrum masterns prioriteringar vid distansarbete dÀr ett större fokus behövs för att bibehÄlla kommunikation, vÀlmÄende och effektiviteten inom Scrum-team. Framför allt nÀr ett Scrum-team blir internt distansbaserat. Detta leder Àven till rekommendationer som bör beaktas av organisationer eller Scrum masters som utför sitt arbete pÄ distans.     Having to change one's way of working, from working physically on site to remote work is something that has affected most organizations and individuals to some extent due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the informatic sector, agile working methods are used to act as a buffer to be able to quickly adapt to new requirements or working conditions. This study takes an interest in investigating the agile role of the Scrum master along the Scrum framework, as well as studying whether the role has needed to make changes in performed tasks and within Scrum ceremonies due to the transition to work remotely. Through a qualitative survey where seven certified Scrum masters were interviewed, personal experience from the interviewees has been gathered to investigate the connection with changes required in the adjustment of one's work. Where the interviewees answered that their work can be performed well even when remote based work is required or is introduced into the everyday life. Based on the results, the study extends on research regarding working as a Scrum master and according to Scrum's guidelines, is a well-functioning methodology even if one's work needs to be carried out remotely. Despite this, the study finds a shift in the Scrum master's priorities when working remotely. The study found that a greater focus is needed to maintain communication, well-being, and efficiency within the Scrum-team. Especially when a Scrum-team internally becomes remote based. Which leads to recommendations that should be considered by organizations or Scrum masters who perform their work remotely. Lastly, the following thesis is written in Swedish
