69 research outputs found

    Comparison of carbon footprint and water scarcity footprint of milk protein produced by cellular agriculture and the dairy industry

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    Purpose: This paper studies the carbon footprint and water scarcity footprint (WSF) of a milk protein, beta-lactoglobulin, produced by cellular agriculture and compares this to extracted dairy protein from milk. The calculations of the microbially produced proteins were based on a model of a hypothetical industrial-scale facility. The purpose of the study is to examine the role relative to dairy of microbially produced milk proteins in meeting future demand for more sustainably produced protein of high nutritional quality. Methods: The evaluated process considers beta-lactoglobulin production in bioreactor cultivation with filamentous fungi T. reesei and downstream processing for product purification. The model considers four production scenarios in four different locations (New Zealand, Germany, US, and Australia) with a cradle-to-gate system boundary. The scenarios consider different sources of carbon (glucose and sucrose), different options for the fungal biomass treatment (waste or animal feed) and for the purification of the product. Allocation to biomass was avoided by considering it substituting the production of general protein feed. The carbon footprint and WSF (based on AWaRe factors) modelling is compared to calculations and actual data on extracted dairy protein production in NZ. The uncertainties of modelled process were addressed with a sensitivity analysis. Results and discussion: The carbon footprint of microbially produced protein varied depending on the location (energy profile) and source of carbon used. The lowest carbon footprint (5.5 t CO2e/t protein) was found with sucrose-based production in NZ and the highest (17.6 t CO2e/t protein) in Australia with the glucose and chromatography step. The WSF results varied between 88–5030 m3 world eq./t protein, depending on the location, type of sugar and purification method used. The avoided feed production had a bigger impact on the WSF than on the carbon footprint. Both footprints were sensitive to process parameters of final titre and protein yield from sugar. The results for milk protein were of similar magnitude, c.10 t CO2e/t protein and 290–11,300 m3 world eq./t protein. Conclusions: The environmental impacts of microbially produced milk protein were of the same magnitude as for extracted dairy protein. The main contributions were sugar and electricity production. The carbon footprints of proteins produced by cellular agriculture have potential for significant reduction when renewable energy and more sustainable carbon sources are used and combined with evolving knowledge and technology in microbial production. Similarly, the carbon footprint of milk proteins can potentially be reduced through methane reduction technologies.</p

    Re-annotation of the CAZy genes of Trichoderma reesei and transcription in the presence of lignocellulosic substrates

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    BACKGROUND: Trichoderma reesei is a soft rot Ascomycota fungus utilised for industrial production of secreted enzymes, especially lignocellulose degrading enzymes. About 30 carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) of T. reesei have been biochemically characterised. Genome sequencing has revealed a large number of novel candidates for CAZymes, thus increasing the potential for identification of enzymes with novel activities and properties. Plenty of data exists on the carbon source dependent regulation of the characterised hydrolytic genes. However, information on the expression of the novel CAZyme genes, especially on complex biomass material, is very limited. RESULTS: In this study, the CAZyme gene content of the T. reesei genome was updated and the annotations of the genes refined using both computational and manual approaches. Phylogenetic analysis was done to assist the annotation and to identify functionally diversified CAZymes. The analyses identified 201 glycoside hydrolase genes, 22 carbohydrate esterase genes and five polysaccharide lyase genes. Updated or novel functional predictions were assigned to 44 genes, and the phylogenetic analysis indicated further functional diversification within enzyme families or groups of enzymes. GH3 ÎČ-glucosidases, GH27 α-galactosidases and GH18 chitinases were especially functionally diverse. The expression of the lignocellulose degrading enzyme system of T. reesei was studied by cultivating the fungus in the presence of different inducing substrates and by subjecting the cultures to transcriptional profiling. The substrates included both defined and complex lignocellulose related materials, such as pretreated bagasse, wheat straw, spruce, xylan, Avicel cellulose and sophorose. The analysis revealed co-regulated groups of CAZyme genes, such as genes induced in all the conditions studied and also genes induced preferentially by a certain set of substrates. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the CAZyme content of the T. reesei genome was updated, the discrepancies between the different genome versions and published literature were removed and the annotation of many of the genes was refined. Expression analysis of the genes gave information on the enzyme activities potentially induced by the presence of the different substrates. Comparison of the expression profiles of the CAZyme genes under the different conditions identified co-regulated groups of genes, suggesting common regulatory mechanisms for the gene groups

    Arabidopsis RCD1 coordinates chloroplast and mitochondrial functions through interaction with ANAC transcription factors

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent signaling pathways from chloroplasts and mitochondria merge at the nuclear protein RADICAL INDUCED CELL DEATH 1 (RCD1). RCD1 interacts in vivo and suppresses the activity of the transcription factors ANAC013 and ANAC017, which mediate a ROS-related retrograde signal originating from mitochondrial complex III. Inactivation of RCD1 leads to increased expression of mitochondrial dysfunction stimulon (MDS) genes regulated by ANAC013 and ANAC017. Accumulating MDS gene products, including alternative oxidases (AOXs), affect redox status of the chloroplasts, leading to changes in chloroplast ROS processing and increased protection of photosynthetic apparatus. ROS alter the abundance, thiol redox state and oligomerization of the RCD1 protein in vivo, providing feedback control on its function. RCD1-dependent regulation is linked to chloroplast signaling by 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate (PAP). Thus, RCD1 integrates organellar signaling from chloroplasts and mitochondria to establish transcriptional control over the metabolic processes in both organelles

    Silmien ja nÀön tutkiminen : Opetus-DVD Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun kÀyttöön

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyö ja sen tuloksena syntynyt opetusvideo on tehty Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun tilaamana ja tulee opetuskĂ€yttöön tuleville sairaanhoitajille. Opetus-DVD:llĂ€ kĂ€sitellÀÀn sairaanhoitajan suorittama silmien ja nÀön tutkiminen aikuiselta potilaalta. Projektin tavoitteena oli tuottaa selkeĂ€ ja sekĂ€ ÀÀni- ettĂ€ kuvamateriaalinsa osalta laadukas video. Tavoitteena oli myös esittÀÀ videolla kĂ€siteltĂ€vĂ€t asiat niin, ettĂ€ katsojille syntyisi eheĂ€ kuva siitĂ€, kuinka eri tutkimuksen osat suoritetaan. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tietoperustaan on kerĂ€tty tietoa silmĂ€n anatomiasta ja fysiologiasta, sekĂ€ esitelty yleisimpiĂ€ silmiin ja nĂ€köön vaikuttavia sairauksia ja ongelmia. LĂ€hteinĂ€ tietoperustan kokoamisessa on kĂ€ytetty aiheen kirjallisuutta, luotettaviksi arvioituja internet-lĂ€hteitĂ€ sekĂ€ projektityöryhmĂ€n jĂ€seniĂ€. Tietoperustan valmistumisen ohella hahmottelimme samanaikaisesti jo videon runkoa ja kĂ€sikirjoitusta. Projektisuunnitelman hyvĂ€ksymisen jĂ€lkeen aloimme videon kuvaukset. Kuvamateriaali kuvattiin kahtena erillisenĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€. Videon editoinnista vastasimme itse, jonka vuoksi editointi oli verrattain hidasta. Valmis video löytyy poltettuna DVD-muotoon. Projektin edetessĂ€ saimme palautetta opinnĂ€ytetyömme ohjaavilta opettajilta. Palautteiden pohjalta muokkasimme raporttia ja videomateriaalia haluttuun suuntaan. Videon alussa esitellÀÀn silmien tutkimisessa yleisimmin kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€t vĂ€lineet, jonka jĂ€lkeen kuvataan sairaanhoitajan suorittama silmien tutkiminen. TĂ€mĂ€n jĂ€lkeen esitellÀÀn nÀön tutkimisen vĂ€lineet, josta siirrytÀÀn nÀön tutkimisen demonstroimiseen. Lopussa kerrataan lyhyesti videolla nĂ€hdyt asiat.The thesis and the educational video is made for Oulu University of Applied Sciences and is due to be used by nursing students. The video demonstrates the examination of the eyes and vision done by a nurse to an adult patient. The main goal of the project was to produce a quality video which would portray the examination as distinctly as possible. The theory part of the thesis consists of the anatomy and physiology of the eye and describes few of the most common problems and diseases of the eyes and vision. The sources used to create the theory part of the thesis consists of literature, internet-websites which were estimated to be reliable and of the persons who were part of the project’s workgroup. While working on the theory part we simultaneously worked on the base and script of the video. When the plan of the project was accepted by the supervisors, we started shooting the video. The shooting took place in Oulu Univeristy of Applied Scienses and had to be done on two separate days. Due to the fact that we ourselves were responsible for the editing of the video and had no previous experience of it, the editing process was rather slow. The finished video can be found copied to DVD-form. Throughout the process of making the thesis and the video we collected feedback from the supervising teachers of our thesis. That helped us make the necessary changes and stirred the form of the project into more convenient direction. The video starts by showing the basic instruments which are used when examining the eyes. Then there is a demonstration of the different techniques used to examine the eyes. Next you will see the tools used in vision examination, followed by the examination itself. At the end of the video there is a short recap of the things learned so far

    The visual design of a websites user interface

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    This study examines web design user interface. In the theory part the main aspects and principles of web design will be described. The main principles that are introduced in the study are: balance, rhythm, emphasis and unity. Improvement suggestions for web pag-es with a bad interface will be done and also the end result and changes will be shown. The study goes deeply into detail looking at the structure of a webpage. The significance of colors and the use of them in design will also be focused on. A short explanation of each color will be explained in the concept of using them in web design. The eye-tracking machine Tobii will be used in the empirical part. Eye tracking is the process of measuring either the point of gaze or the motion of an eye relative to the head. Six webpages will be tested. Each site is very similar, small changes have been done to the coloring and product pictures. They are all e-commerce web pages that sell clothing as their main product. The webpages are done by the author, by making a realistic looking appearance. The purpose of the study is to examine the use of different colors and whether using human models or just pictures of the products are recommended. A conjoint analysis will be presented based on a questionnaire. The result of the test will be introduced by showing heat maps, time duration graphs and tables. The aim of the study is to figure out a common pattern for web design, more precisely where to place the different elements and what background color is recommended.Denna studie undersöker webbdesign. I teoridelen kommer de viktigaste aspekterna och principerna för webbdesign att beskrivas. De huvudprinciper som introduceras i studien Àr: balans, rytm, betoning och enhet. FörbÀttringsförslag pÄ webbsidor med dÄlig design kommer att ske och Àven slutresultatet och Àndringar kommer att visas. Studien gÄr djupt in i detalj och tittar pÄ strukturen av webdesign. Innebörden av olika fÀrger och anvÀndningen av dem i design kommer ocksÄ att fokuseras pÄ. En kort förklaring av varje fÀrg i begreppet visuell design kommer att finnas samt hur de kan anvÀndas inom webbdesign. Eye-tracking maskinen Tobii kommer att anvÀndas i den empiriska delen. Eye-tracking Àr en process för mÀtning av antingen blickens punkt eller rörelsen hos ett öga i förhÄllande till huvudet. Sex webbsidor kommer att testas och gemföras. Varje sida Àr mycket lika och de Àr alla e -handel webbsidor som sÀljer klÀder som sin huvudprodukt. En conjoint analys kommer att presenteras pÄ basen av frÄgeformulÀret. Syftet med studien Àr att un-dersöka anvÀndningen av olika fÀrger och om att anvÀnda mÀnskliga modeller eller bara bilder av produkterna rekommenderas. Resultatet av testet kommer att introducerar ge-nom att visa vÀrmekartor. Syftet med studien Àr att rÀkna ut ett gemensamt mönster för webbdesign, mer exakt var placeringen de olika elementen Àr lönsam och vilken bak-grundsfÀrg rekommenderas att anvÀnda. Resultatet av studien visar att respondenterna föredrog naturlig bakgrunds fÀrg och att anvÀnda modeller som visar klÀder rekommen-deras ocksÄ
