937 research outputs found

    An analysis of the XOR dynamic problem generator based on the dynamical system

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    This is the post-print version of the article - Copyright @ 2010 Springer-VerlagIn this paper, we use the exact model (or dynamical system approach) to describe the standard evolutionary algorithm (EA) as a discrete dynamical system for dynamic optimization problems (DOPs). Based on this dynamical system model, we analyse the properties of the XOR DOP Generator, which has been widely used by researchers to create DOPs from any binary encoded problem. DOPs generated by this generator are described as DOPs with permutation, where the fitness vector is changed according to a permutation matrix. Some properties of DOPs with permutation are analyzed, which allows explaining some behaviors observed in experimental results. The analysis of the properties of problems created by the XOR DOP Generator is important to understand the results obtained in experiments with this generator and to analyze the similarity of such problems to real world DOPs.This work was supported by Brazil FAPESP under Grant 04/04289-6 and by UK EPSRC under Grant EP/E060722/2

    The Dynamics of a Rigid Body in Potential Flow with Circulation

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    We consider the motion of a two-dimensional body of arbitrary shape in a planar irrotational, incompressible fluid with a given amount of circulation around the body. We derive the equations of motion for this system by performing symplectic reduction with respect to the group of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms and obtain the relevant Poisson structures after a further Poisson reduction with respect to the group of translations and rotations. In this way, we recover the equations of motion given for this system by Chaplygin and Lamb, and we give a geometric interpretation for the Kutta-Zhukowski force as a curvature-related effect. In addition, we show that the motion of a rigid body with circulation can be understood as a geodesic flow on a central extension of the special Euclidian group SE(2), and we relate the cocycle in the description of this central extension to a certain curvature tensor.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos correcte

    Generalized Euler-Poincar\'e equations on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, orbit invariants and applications

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    We develop the necessary tools, including a notion of logarithmic derivative for curves in homogeneous spaces, for deriving a general class of equations including Euler-Poincar\'e equations on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces. Orbit invariants play an important role in this context and we use these invariants to prove global existence and uniqueness results for a class of PDE. This class includes Euler-Poincar\'e equations that have not yet been considered in the literature as well as integrable equations like Camassa-Holm, Degasperis-Procesi, Ό\muCH and Ό\muDP equations, and the geodesic equations with respect to right invariant Sobolev metrics on the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle

    Meson Exchange Currents in (e,e'p) recoil polarization observables

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    A study of the effects of meson-exchange currents and isobar configurations in A(e⃗,eâ€Čp⃗)BA(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})B reactions is presented. We use a distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA) model where final-state interactions are treated through a phenomenological optical potential. The model includes relativistic corrections in the kinematics and in the electromagnetic one- and two-body currents. The full set of polarized response functions is analyzed, as well as the transferred polarization asymmetry. Results are presented for proton knock-out from closed-shell nuclei, for moderate to high momentum transfer.Comment: 44 pages, 18 figures. Added physical arguments explaining the dominance of OB over MEC, and a summary of differences with previous MEC calculations. To be published in PR

    Resummation Methods at Finite Temperature: The Tadpole Way

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    We examine several resummation methods for computing higher order corrections to the finite temperature effective potential, in the context of a scalar ϕ4\phi^4 theory. We show by explicit calculation to four loops that dressing the propagator, not the vertex, of the one-loop tadpole correctly counts ``daisy'' and ``super-daisy'' diagrams.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, CALT-68-1858, HUTP-93-A011, EFI-93-2

    Next-to-next-to-leading-order Δ expansion for a Fermi gas at infinite scattering length

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    We extend previous work on applying the expansion to universal properties of a cold, dilute Fermi gas in the unitary regime of infinite scattering length. We compute the ratio Ο=Ό/F of chemical potential to ideal gas Fermi energy to next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) in =4-d, where d is the number of spatial dimensions. We also explore the nature of corrections from the order after NNLO

    Discrete Nonholonomic Lagrangian Systems on Lie Groupoids

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    This paper studies the construction of geometric integrators for nonholonomic systems. We derive the nonholonomic discrete Euler-Lagrange equations in a setting which permits to deduce geometric integrators for continuous nonholonomic systems (reduced or not). The formalism is given in terms of Lie groupoids, specifying a discrete Lagrangian and a constraint submanifold on it. Additionally, it is necessary to fix a vector subbundle of the Lie algebroid associated to the Lie groupoid. We also discuss the existence of nonholonomic evolution operators in terms of the discrete nonholonomic Legendre transformations and in terms of adequate decompositions of the prolongation of the Lie groupoid. The characterization of the reversibility of the evolution operator and the discrete nonholonomic momentum equation are also considered. Finally, we illustrate with several classical examples the wide range of application of the theory (the discrete nonholonomic constrained particle, the Suslov system, the Chaplygin sleigh, the Veselova system, the rolling ball on a rotating table and the two wheeled planar mobile robot).Comment: 45 page

    Calculations of parity nonconserving s-d transitions in Cs, Fr, Ba II, and Ra II

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    We have performed ab initio mixed-states and sum-over-states calculations of parity nonconserving (PNC) electric dipole (E1) transition amplitudes between s-d electron states of Cs, Fr, Ba II, and Ra II. For the lower states of these atoms we have also calculated energies, E1 transition amplitudes, and lifetimes. We have shown that PNC E1 transition amplitudes between s-d states can be calculated to high accuracy. Contrary to the Cs 6s-7s transition, in these transitions there are no strong cancelations between different terms in the sum-over-states approach. In fact, there is one dominating term which deviates from the sum by less than 20%. This term corresponds to an s-p_{1/2} weak matrix element, which can be calculated to better than 1%, and a p_{1/2}-d_{3/2} E1 transition amplitude, which can be measured. Also, the s-d amplitudes are about four times larger than the corresponding s-s transitions. We have shown that by using a hybrid mixed-states/sum-over-states approach the accuracy of the calculations of PNC s-d amplitudes could compete with that of Cs 6s-7s if p_{1/2}-d_{3/2} E1 amplitudes are measured to high accuracy.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Universal Drinfeld-Sokolov Reduction and Matrices of Complex Size

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    We construct affinization of the algebra glλgl_{\lambda} of ``complex size'' matrices, that contains the algebras gln^\hat{gl_n} for integral values of the parameter. The Drinfeld--Sokolov Hamiltonian reduction of the algebra glλ^\hat{gl_{\lambda}} results in the quadratic Gelfand--Dickey structure on the Poisson--Lie group of all pseudodifferential operators of fractional order. This construction is extended to the simultaneous deformation of orthogonal and simplectic algebras that produces self-adjoint operators, and it has a counterpart for the Toda lattices with fractional number of particles.Comment: 29 pages, no figure
