979 research outputs found

    Post Exercise Hypotension Following Concurrent Exercise: Does Order of Exercise Modality Matter?

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(2): 36-48, 2020. Cardiovascular (CV) and resistance training (RT) can moderate negative effects of aging, disease, and inactivity. Post-exercise hypotension (PEH) has been used as a non-pharmacological means to control and reduce BP. Few have evaluated PEH response following a bout of exercise combining CV and RT, whether or not there is an order effect, or if PEH continues when activities of daily living (ADLs) are resumed. Participants (N= 10) completed a non-exercise control, a graded exercise test (GXT), and two concurrent sessions (CVRT and RTCV). Each session was followed by a 60-minute laboratory and 3-hour ADLs PEH assessment, respectively. Two-way and Welch-one-way repeated measures ANOVAs were used to determine differences between among conditions in PEH. There was a significant interaction between BP and condition following the 60-minute laboratory measure (p= .030, ηp2= .166) and the ADLs BP assessments (p= .008, ηp2 = .993), respectively. PEH occurred following concurrent exercise conditions at minute 45 for RTCV (118 +8, p= .041; 95% CI [0.223, 17.443]) and minutes 50 (117 +9; p= .036 95% CI [0.441, 21.097]) and 55 (118 +8; p\u3c .001; 95% CI [5.884, 14.731]) following CVRT. BP was elevated during ADLs following the control session compared to the GXT, RTCV, and CVRT. Regardless of the order, concurrent exercise is effective in potentiating PEH. Elevation in BP associated with ADLs can be mitigated if exerciseis performed previously

    Taking control through self-determination: The management of personal lifestyles by adults with mental retardation.

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    This study was based on the idea that self-determination may be used as a vehicle through which individuals with mental retardation may redefine their identities, recast their futures, and take more control of the management of their own lifestyles. On one level, the effectiveness of the intervention package on the acquisition or improvement of choice and decision-making skills in persons with mental retardation was examined because the literature provides evidence that choice and decision-making skills form the basis for the achievement of self-determination. On another level, the effectiveness of the intervention package on increasing self-determining behaviors was examined because research has offered evidence that individuals with mental retardation who consistently engage in self-determining behaviors are indeed self-determined. The intervention package was made up of component elements that were found in the literature to be associated with self-determination. The effects the elements had on the choice and decision-making process and the effects the elements had on the occurrence of self-determining behaviors were examined. Evidence is reported that suggests that this intervention package does increase self-determining behaviors while allowing the participants to assume more responsibility in the choices and decisions that impact their daily lives

    Cognitive awareness of carbohydrate intake does not alter exercise‐induced lymphocyte apoptosis

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether cognitive awareness of carbohydrate beverage consumption affects exercise-induced lymphocyte apoptosis, independent of actual carbohydrate intake. INTRODUCTION: Carbohydrate supplementation during aerobic exercise generally protects against the immunosuppressive effects of exercise. It is not currently known whether carbohydrate consumption or simply the knowledge of carbohydrate consumption also has that effect. METHODS: Endurance trained male and female (N = 10) athletes were randomly assigned to one of two groups based on either a correct or incorrect cognitive awareness of carbohydrate intake. In the incorrect group, the subjects were informed that they were receiving the carbohydrate beverage but actually received the placebo beverage. Participants completed a 60-min ride on a cycle ergometer at 80% VO2peak under carbohydrate and placebo supplemented conditions. Venous blood samples were collected at rest and immediately after exercise and were used to determine the plasma glucose concentration, lymphocyte count, and extent of lymphocyte apoptosis. Cognitive awareness, either correct or incorrect, did not have an effect on any of the measured variables. RESULTS: Carbohydrate supplementation during exercise did not have an effect on lymphocyte count or apoptotic index. Independent of drink type, exercise resulted in significant lymphocytosis and lymphocyte apoptosis (apoptotic index at rest = 6.3 ± 3% and apoptotic index following exercise = 11.6 ± 3%, P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Neither carbohydrate nor placebo supplementation altered the typical lymphocyte apoptotic response following exercise. While carbohydrate supplementation generally has an immune-boosting effect during exercise, it appears that this influence does not extend to the mechanisms that govern exercise-induced lymphocyte cell death

    Effects of Varying Load Intensity on Skeletal Muscle Damage Between Two Isovolumic Resistance Exercise Bouts

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(4): 1212-1221, 2022. There are limited data comparing the efficacy of resistance loads within the hypertrophy range for promoting muscular growth, particularly when similar training volumes are utilized. The purpose of this study was to determine if two similar volume-loads, utilizing different intensities, would produce dissimilar muscular damage and inflammation. Eleven resistance-trained, college-aged males participated in this study. After testing 1RM barbell squats, participants completed two similar volume-load barbell squat sessions at two different resistance loads (67% and 85% of 1RM) on two separate visits. Venous blood samples were collected at baseline and one hour after completion of each exercise session. Plasma was isolated and analyzed for myoglobin and C-reactive protein (CRP) expression via ELISA. Plasma myoglobin expression was significantly elevated above baseline (BASE) values only after the 85% of 1RM (HHL) session (p =0.031), though the 67% (LHL) trial (p = 0.054; h2 = 0.647) was approaching significance (BASE: 1.42+.12 ng/mL; LHL: 4.65+1.13 ng/mL; HHL: 5.00+1.01 ng/mL). No changes in plasma CRP were observed. Despite attempts to equate volumes between resistances, mean total volume-load was significantly higher during the 67% of 1RM trial than during the 85% trial. Resistance loads at 85% of 1RM inflict significantly increased muscle damage over baseline values, even when significantly less total volume was lifted during the 85% trial. Individuals looking to maximize strength and hypertrophy during general training or during rehabilitation may benefit from these findings when determining the appropriate training load


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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of static stretching on gross motor coordination patterns (GMCP) exhibited during vigorous cycling. The performance of 29 females between the ages of eighteen and thirty were analyzed during the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). The participants completed the test under two conditions, following static stretching and no stretching. Results showed statistically significant differences (p = 0.05) between conditions for dependent variables assessed throughout this common 30 second test of maximal cycling. These findings suggest that static stretching subtly influenced GMCP exhibited during the WAnT

    C-Reactive Protein and the Disease Analog Model May Identify Predisposed Pre-Obese African-American Women

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    While the obesity rate in the Unites States has been reported to have hit a plateau, the overall percentage of obese Americans remains alarmingly high (27% self-reported, 33% population estimate). While the subgroup with the highest 2010 obesity rate is Black, non-Hispanic women (41.9%), there remains a disparity in the research with regards to this population group. The implication of an elevated obese population puts a strain on health care, overall quality of life, and is associated with a number of other co-morbidities. Given this background, pilot work to evaluate a disease analog model for obesity would be useful with the potential for identifying seemingly normal-weight individuals who are most susceptible to developing obesity


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    Static stretching has been linked to lesser performance in many sport activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of static stretching upon power and fatigue performance measures during vigorous cycling. In this study, vigorous cycling was assessed using the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). Using a counterbalanced design, twenty nine female participants completed standardized static stretching and nonstretching protocols prior to completing the WAnT. No statistically-significant differences (p = 0.05) were found between conditions for measures of peak power (PP), low power (LP) or fatigue index (FI). These findings suggest that static stretching had no statistically-significant effect on these performance measures commonly assessed during the WAnT

    Relative Importance of Convective Uncertainties in Massive Stars

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    In this work, we investigate the impact of uncertainties due to convective boundary mixing (CBM), commonly called ‘overshoot’, namely the boundary location and the amount of mixing at the convective boundary, on stellar structure and evolution. For this we calculated two grids of stellar evolution models with the MESA code, each with the Ledoux and the Schwarzschild boundary criterion, and vary the amount of CBM. We calculate each grid with the initial masses 15, 20 and 25Mødot25\, \rm M_ødot. We present the stellar structure of the models during the hydrogen and helium burning phases. In the latter, we examine the impact on the nucleosynthesis. We find a broadening of the main-sequence with more CBM, which is more in agreement with observations. Furthermore during the core hydrogen burning phase there is a convergence of the convective boundary location due to CBM. The uncertainties of the intermediate convective zone remove this convergence. The behaviour of this convective zone strongly affects the surface evolution of the model, i.e. how fast it evolves red-wards. The amount of CBM impacts the size of the convective cores and the nucleosynthesis, e.g. the 12C to 16O ratio and the weak s-process. Lastly, we determine the uncertainty that the range of parameter values investigated introduce and we find differences of up to 7070% for the core masses and the total mass of the star