378 research outputs found
Kartlegging av forurensningstilstanden i MerÄker gruvefelt
Avrenning fra kisgruvene i MerÄkerfeltet pÄvirker fortsatt vannkvaliteten i vassdragene i nedbÞrfeltet selv 100 Är etter at gruvedriften opphÞrte. StÞrste forurensningskilde i omrÄdet er Lillefjell gruve som bidrar med ca. 80 % av kobbertilfÞrslene til StjÞrdalselva som er ca. 3 tonn pÄ Ärsbasis. GilsÄa og DalÄa er mest belastet med tungmetaller, men vassdragsreguleringen som er foretatt, kan ha bidratt til en forverret vannkvalitet i TorsbjÞrka nedenfor inntaket til kraftverket. UndersÞkelser av bunnfaunaen viser klare pÄvirkninger i DalÄa, mens det var en naturlig bunnfauna i nedre del av TorsbjÞrka og i StjÞrdalselva. BurforsÞk med Þrret viste en hÞy dÞdelighet i GilsÄa/DalÄa. Det ble ogsÄ pÄvist at Þrreten i TorsbjÞrka var metallbelastet
Signal-background separation and energy reconstruction of gamma rays using pattern spectra and convolutional neural networks for the Small-Sized Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) detect very high-energy
gamma rays from ground level by capturing the Cherenkov light of the induced
particle showers. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be trained on IACT
camera images of such events to differentiate the signal from the background
and to reconstruct the energy of the initial gamma ray. Pattern spectra provide
a 2-dimensional histogram of the sizes and shapes of features comprising an
image and they can be used as an input for a CNN to significantly reduce the
computational power required to train it. In this work, we generate pattern
spectra from simulated gamma-ray and proton images to train a CNN for
signal-background separation and energy reconstruction for the Small-Sized
Telescopes (SSTs) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). A comparison of our
results with a CNN directly trained on CTA images shows that the pattern
spectra-based analysis is about a factor of three less computationally
expensive but not able to compete with the performance of the CTA images-based
analysis. Thus, we conclude that the CTA images must be comprised of additional
information not represented by the pattern spectra.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research - section
Sink i ferskvann - kjemi, tilfĂžrsler og biologiske effekter
Det er laget en kunnskapsstatus for betydningen av sink i ferskvann med sÊrlig vekt pÄ tilfÞrsler fra gruveavrenning. I tillegg ble det utfÞrt en undersÞkelse av biologiske effekter i et vassdrag. Sveselva, med sink-belastning, men fÄ andre metaller. Alle levende organismer har behov for sink, men det er begrensede kunnskaper om mekanismene bak giftigheten til metallet. Effekt-grenser for akvatiske organismer varier fra 10 til over 1000 ”g/l. Blant de mest fÞlsomme organismene er enkelte alger, planktoniske krepsdyr og utviklingsstadier hos fisk. I Sveselva var det tilsynelatende effekter pÄ vegetasjon (begroing) allerede ved 20-30 ”g/l, men det er usikkert om dette var det reelle belastningsnivÄet. BÄde vegetasjon og bunndyr var klart pÄvirket pÄ stasjoner med konsentrasjoner i omrÄdet 250-670 ”g/l. Kadmium og sink akkumulerte i gjellene til utplassert dammusling pÄ alle stasjoner nedenfor tilfÞrslene og fÞrte til noe forhÞyede konsentrasjoner av metallotionein. Dammusling med hÞye metall-nivÄer i gjellene filtrerte mindre alger og hadde hÞyere respirasjon enn dammusling med lavere metall-nivÄer i gjellene. Resultatene viser at det er viktig Ä benytte flere mÄl for biologiske effekter i overvÄking av effektene av metall-forurensning og Ä integrere kjemisk og biologisk overvÄking
Protein N-terminal acetylation: NAT 2007â2008 Symposia
Protein N-terminal acetylation is a very common modification, but has during the past decades received relatively little attention. In order to put this neglected field back on the scientific map, we have in May 2007 and September 2008 arranged two international NAT symposia in Bergen, Norway. This supplement contains selected proceedings from these symposia reflecting the current status of the field, including an overview of protein N-terminal acetylation in yeast and humans, a novel nomenclature system for the N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) and methods for studying protein N-terminal acetylation in vitro and in vivo
NatF Contributes to an Evolutionary Shift in Protein N-Terminal Acetylation and Is Important for Normal Chromosome Segregation
N-terminal acetylation (N-Ac) is a highly abundant eukaryotic protein modification. Proteomics revealed a significant increase in the occurrence of N-Ac from lower to higher eukaryotes, but evidence explaining the underlying molecular mechanism(s) is currently lacking. We first analysed protein N-termini and their acetylation degrees, suggesting that evolution of substrates is not a major cause for the evolutionary shift in N-Ac. Further, we investigated the presence of putative N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) in higher eukaryotes. The purified recombinant human and Drosophila homologues of a novel NAT candidate was subjected to in vitro peptide library acetylation assays. This provided evidence for its NAT activity targeting Met-Lys- and other Met-starting protein N-termini, and the enzyme was termed Naa60p and its activity NatF. Its in vivo activity was investigated by ectopically expressing human Naa60p in yeast followed by N-terminal COFRADIC analyses. hNaa60p acetylated distinct Met-starting yeast protein N-termini and increased general acetylation levels, thereby altering yeast in vivo acetylation patterns towards those of higher eukaryotes. Further, its activity in human cells was verified by overexpression and knockdown of hNAA60 followed by N-terminal COFRADIC. NatF's cellular impact was demonstrated in Drosophila cells where NAA60 knockdown induced chromosomal segregation defects. In summary, our study revealed a novel major protein modifier contributing to the evolution of N-Ac, redundancy among NATs, and an essential regulator of normal chromosome segregation. With the characterization of NatF, the co-translational N-Ac machinery appears complete since all the major substrate groups in eukaryotes are accounted for
Entanglement study of the 1D Ising model with Added Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
We have studied occurrence of quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional
spin-1/2 Ising model with added Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction from bi-
partite and multi-partite entanglement point of view. Using exact numerical
solutions, we are able to study such systems up to 24 qubits. The minimum of
the entanglement ratio R \tau 2/\tau 1 < 1, as a novel estimator of
QPT, has been used to detect QPT and our calculations have shown that its
minimum took place at the critical point. We have also shown both the
global-entanglement (GE) and multipartite entanglement (ME) are maximal at the
critical point for the Ising chain with added DM interaction. Using matrix
product state approach, we have calculated the tangle and concurrence of the
model and it is able to capture and confirm our numerical experiment result.
Lack of inversion symmetry in the presence of DM interaction stimulated us to
study entanglement of three qubits in symmetric and antisymmetric way which
brings some surprising results.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitte
Out of equilibrium correlation functions of quantum anisotropic XY models: one-particle excitations
We calculate exactly matrix elements between states that are not eigenstates
of the quantum XY model for general anisotropy. Such quantities therefore
describe non equilibrium properties of the system; the Hamiltonian does not
contain any time dependence. These matrix elements are expressed as a sum of
Pfaffians. For single particle excitations on the ground state the Pfaffians in
the sum simplify to determinants.Comment: 11 pages, no figures; revtex. Minor changes in the text; list of
refs. modifie
Absence of N-terminal acetyltransferase diversification during evolution of eukaryotic organisms
Protein N-terminal acetylation is an ancient and ubiquitous co-translational modification catalyzed by a highly conserved family of N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs). Prokaryotes have at least 3 NATs, whereas humans have six distinct but highly conserved NATs, suggesting an increase in regulatory complexity of this modification during eukaryotic evolution. Despite this, and against our initial expectations, we determined that NAT diversification did not occur in the eukaryotes, as all six major human NATs were most likely present in the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor (LECA). Furthermore, we also observed that some NATs were actually secondarily lost during evolution of major eukaryotic lineages; therefore, the increased complexity of the higher eukaryotic proteome occurred without a concomitant diversification of NAT complexes
Tilstandsklassifisering av vannforekomster i VannomrĂ„de Glomma SĂžr for Ăyeren (2011) i henhold til vannforskriften.
Denne rapporten inneholder en tilstandsklassifisering og vurdering av Ăžkologisk tilstand i 19 innsjĂžer og 63 elve- og bekkelokaliteter i VannomrĂ„de Glomma SĂžr for Ăyeren. Klassifiseringen er gjort etter kriteriene som gis i vannforskriften og er basert pĂ„ innsamlede, og noen tidligere innsamlede, biologiske, vannkjemiske- og fysiske parametere. I 2011 ble det gjennomfĂžrt en omfattende prĂžvetaking av aktuelle biologiske kvalitetselementer og vannkjemiske parametere i de utvalgte vannforekomstene. I Ă„tte innsjĂžer som er pĂ„virket av forsuring ble det tatt prĂžver av bunndyr og pH. I 11 innsjĂžer som er pĂ„virket av eutrofiering ble det tatt prĂžver av planteplankton, vannplanter og flere fysiske- og vannkjemiske parametere. I de 63 elve- og bekkelokalitetene som er pĂ„virket av eutrofiering ble det tatt prĂžver av begroingsalger, bunndyr og utvalgte vannkjemiske parametere. Rapporten gir en grundig beskrivelse av metodene som er brukt for hvert kvalitetselement, samt en innfĂžring i hvordan tilstandsklassifiseringen er gjennomfĂžrt. Tilstandsklassifiseringen er gjort ut fra âdet verste styrerâ prinsippet, slik at det kvalitetselementet som har dĂ„rligst tilstand blir utslagsgivende for totalresultatet for vannforekomsten. Resultatene er presentert i to hovedkapittel: 1) resultater for hvert kvalitetselement, bĂ„de for innsjĂžer og for elver, og 2) «faktaark» for hver vannforekomst med en samlet tilstandsvurdering. Resultatene viser at de aller fleste vannforekomstene som har blitt tilstandsklassifisert er i moderat eller dĂ„rligere tilstandsklasse og at det mĂ„ iverksettes tiltak for Ă„ nĂ„ miljĂžmĂ„let om god Ăžkologisk tilstand.VannomrĂ„de Glomma SĂžr for Ăyere
Exploring the Higgs Portal with 10/fb at the LHC
We consider the impact of new exotic colored and/or charged matter
interacting through the Higgs portal on Standard Model Higgs boson searches at
the LHC. Such Higgs portal couplings can induce shifts in the effective
Higgs-gluon-gluon and Higgs-photon-photon couplings, thus modifying the Higgs
production and decay patterns. We consider two possible interpretations of the
current LHC Higgs searches based on ~ 5/fb of data at each detector: 1) a Higgs
boson in the mass range (124-126) GeV and 2) a `hidden' heavy Higgs boson which
is underproduced due to the suppression of its gluon fusion production cross
section. We first perform a model independent analysis of the allowed sizes of
such shifts in light of the current LHC data. As a class of possible candidates
for new physics which gives rise to such shifts, we investigate the effects of
new scalar multiplets charged under the Standard Model gauge symmetries. We
determine the scalar parameter space that is allowed by current LHC Higgs
searches, and compare with complementary LHC searches that are sensitive to the
direct production of colored scalar states.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; v2: references added, correction to scalar form
factor, numerical results updated with Moriond 2012 data, conclusions
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