649 research outputs found

    Thermal entanglement of spins in a nonuniform magnetic field

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    We study the effect of inhomogeneities in the magnetic field on the thermal entanglement of a two spin system. We show that in the ferromagnetic case a very small inhomogeneity is capable to produce large values of thermal entanglement. This shows that the absence of entanglement in the ferromagnetic Heisenberg system is highly unstable against inhomogeneoity of magnetic fields which is inevitably present in any solid state realization of qubits.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, latex, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

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    Denne masteroppgaven i statsvitenskap har vĂŠrt en bestrebelse i Ă„ forstĂ„ hvilke strategier partiet RĂždt har nyttiggjort seg av i arbeidet med Ă„ Ăžke oppslutningen sin, og om dette kan skyldes A: Politisk merkevarebygging eller B: Populisme. Innledningsvis blir det kontekstuelle bakteppet introdusert, som tjener som legitimasjon for hvorfor siktepunktet ble valgt, og fĂžlgelig hvorfor nettopp dette er interessant. Videre blir tre separate tidsperioder i partiets historie, introdusert i bolker. Dette for Ă„ gi en helhetlig og komparativ fremstilling av hvordan partiet har endret karakter gjennom tidene. Dette blir gjort via empiri som bestĂ„r av avisartikler, styringsdokumenter og annet som ble bedĂžmt relevant i denne sammenhengen. Videre diskuteres det i samspill med informantene rundt vĂ„re to empiriske forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„l, her flettes egne refleksjoner sammen med informantenes innspill – som igjen sammenfaller med det teoretiske rammeverket. Hovedfunnene er at partiet aktivt har gĂ„tt gjennom en prosess der de har bygget den politiske merkevaren sin. Sentralt her er sosiologisk samfunnsanalyse, kontroll pĂ„ narrativet, med henblikk pĂ„ en sterk tilstedevĂŠrelse pĂ„ sosiale medier, samt bygging av en profil som etter alle Ăžremerker ser ut til Ă„ utvikle seg til et sosialdemokratisk substitutt. De kommuniserer populistisk, men som vi gjennomgĂ„r i selve oppgaven sĂ„ foreslĂ„r vi en populisme hjulpet av post-marxistisk analyse – altsĂ„ ikke slik vi kanskje tradisjonelt forstĂ„r denne mĂ„ten Ă„ kommunisere pĂ„. Ingen definitive konklusjoner er trukket i denne oppgaven, men pĂ„ bakgrunn av erfaringene som er gjort kan vi konkludere med at undersĂžkelsen av vĂ„re to empiriske forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„l, har en anselig del av forklaringskraften nĂ„r en forsĂžker Ă„ svare pĂ„ problemstillingen: «Partiet RĂždt har gĂ„tt fra Ă„ vĂŠre et mikroparti i 2009, til Ă„ komme over sperregrensen. Hvordan kan dette oppsvinget i oppslutning forklares som et resultat av a) politisk merkevarebygging, b) populisme»

    Teleportation via thermally entangled state of a two-qubit Heisenberg XX chain

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    We find that quantum teleportation, using the thermally entangled state of two-qubit Heisenberg XX chain as a resource, with fidelity better than any classical communication protocol is possible. However, a thermal state with a greater amount of thermal entanglement does not necessarily yield better fidelity. It depends on the amount of mixing between the separable state and maximally entangled state in the spectra of the two-qubit Heisenberg XX model.Comment: 5 pages, 1 tabl

    Quantum Entanglement in Fermionic Lattices

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    The Fock space of a system of indistinguishable particles is isomorphic (in a non-unique way) to the state-space of a composite i.e., many-modes, quantum system. One can then discuss quantum entanglement for fermionic as well as bosonic systems. We exemplify the use of this notion -central in quantum information - by studying some e.g., Hubbard,lattice fermionic models relevant to condensed matter physics.Comment: 4 Pages LaTeX, 1 TeX Figure. Presentation improved, title changed. To appear in PR

    Entanglement in the One-dimensional Kondo Necklace Model

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    We discuss the thermal and magnetic entanglement in the one-dimensional Kondo necklace model. Firstly, we show how the entanglement naturally present at zero temperature is distributed among pairs of spins according to the strength of the two couplings of the chain, namely, the Kondo exchange interaction and the hopping energy. The effect of the temperature and the presence of an external magnetic field is then investigated, being discussed the adjustment of these variables in order to control the entanglement available in the system. In particular, it is indicated the existence of a critical magnetic field above which the entanglement undergoes a sharp variation, leading the ground state to a completely unentangled phase.Comment: 8 pages, 13 EPS figures. v2: four references adde

    NatF Contributes to an Evolutionary Shift in Protein N-Terminal Acetylation and Is Important for Normal Chromosome Segregation

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    N-terminal acetylation (N-Ac) is a highly abundant eukaryotic protein modification. Proteomics revealed a significant increase in the occurrence of N-Ac from lower to higher eukaryotes, but evidence explaining the underlying molecular mechanism(s) is currently lacking. We first analysed protein N-termini and their acetylation degrees, suggesting that evolution of substrates is not a major cause for the evolutionary shift in N-Ac. Further, we investigated the presence of putative N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) in higher eukaryotes. The purified recombinant human and Drosophila homologues of a novel NAT candidate was subjected to in vitro peptide library acetylation assays. This provided evidence for its NAT activity targeting Met-Lys- and other Met-starting protein N-termini, and the enzyme was termed Naa60p and its activity NatF. Its in vivo activity was investigated by ectopically expressing human Naa60p in yeast followed by N-terminal COFRADIC analyses. hNaa60p acetylated distinct Met-starting yeast protein N-termini and increased general acetylation levels, thereby altering yeast in vivo acetylation patterns towards those of higher eukaryotes. Further, its activity in human cells was verified by overexpression and knockdown of hNAA60 followed by N-terminal COFRADIC. NatF's cellular impact was demonstrated in Drosophila cells where NAA60 knockdown induced chromosomal segregation defects. In summary, our study revealed a novel major protein modifier contributing to the evolution of N-Ac, redundancy among NATs, and an essential regulator of normal chromosome segregation. With the characterization of NatF, the co-translational N-Ac machinery appears complete since all the major substrate groups in eukaryotes are accounted for

    Entanglement study of the 1D Ising model with Added Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction

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    We have studied occurrence of quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Ising model with added Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction from bi- partite and multi-partite entanglement point of view. Using exact numerical solutions, we are able to study such systems up to 24 qubits. The minimum of the entanglement ratio R ≡\equiv \tau 2/\tau 1 < 1, as a novel estimator of QPT, has been used to detect QPT and our calculations have shown that its minimum took place at the critical point. We have also shown both the global-entanglement (GE) and multipartite entanglement (ME) are maximal at the critical point for the Ising chain with added DM interaction. Using matrix product state approach, we have calculated the tangle and concurrence of the model and it is able to capture and confirm our numerical experiment result. Lack of inversion symmetry in the presence of DM interaction stimulated us to study entanglement of three qubits in symmetric and antisymmetric way which brings some surprising results.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitte

    Entanglement and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Spin Models

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    It is shown that spontaneous symmetry breaking does not modify the ground-state entanglement of two spins, as defined by the concurrence, in the XXZ- and the transverse field Ising-chain. Correlation function inequalities, valid in any dimensions for these models, are presented outlining the regimes where entanglement is unaffected by spontaneous symmetry breaking

    Natural Thermal and Magnetic Entanglement in 1D Heisenberg Model

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    We investigate the entanglement between any two spins in a one dimensional Heisenberg chain as a function of temperature and the external magnetic field. We find that the entanglement in an antiferromagnetic chain can be increased by increasing the temperature or the external field. Increasing the field can also create entanglement between otherwise disentangled spins. This entanglement can be confirmed by testing Bell's inequalities involving any two spins in the solid.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement in quantum computers described by the XXZ model with defects

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    We investigate how to generate maximally entangled states in systems characterized by the Hamiltonian of the XXZ model with defects. Some proposed quantum computers are described by such model. We show how the defects can be used to obtain EPR states and W states when one or two excitations are considered.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
