53 research outputs found

    Can magnetotail reconnection produce the auroral intensities observed in the conjugate ionosphere?

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    [1] In a recent case study, Borg et al. (2007) reported that an inverted V structure, caused by a field-aligned potential drop of 30 kV producing very strong X-ray aurora, was found in connection with tail reconnection. However, the in situ particle measurements indicated clearly that the particles responsible for the X-ray aurora were not accelerated by the reconnection process. In this article, we report the predicted auroral intensities of thirteen reconnection events where Cluster passed through the reconnection region. For six of the events, global auroral imaging data were available and the predicted auroral intensities could be compared with the observed intensities. Our main findings are as follows: (1) Acceleration in the reconnection region is generally not sufficient to account for the observed auroral intensities. (2) Additional acceleration between the reconnection region and the ionosphere is needed to explain the auroral intensities. Although we see signatures that point toward potential drops at the flanks of bursty bulk flows (BBFs), we also find signatures of AlfvĂ©n wave accelerated electrons at 700 km and we are not able to determine the most likely acceleration mechanism. (3) The reconnection events are observed 2–14 min after substorm onset and indicate that reconnection is an expanding process observed along the poleward boundary of the aurora.publishedVersio

    Effectiveness and Safety of Low-Threshold Opioid-Agonist Treatment in Hard-To-Reach Populations with Opioid Dependence

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    Objectives: Opioid-use disorder is related to premature death worldwide. Opioid-agonist treatment (OAT) is an effective treatment for opioid dependence. OAT delivery platforms may influence treatment access and outcomes, especially for the most vulnerable groups. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness and safety of low-threshold OAT compared to the standard treatment. Methods: Patients with diagnosed opioid dependence undergoing low-threshold OAT at the Bergen delivery platform in Norway were enrolled in a cohort study in 2014–2019. A national OAT cohort was the reference group. The main outcomes were treatment retention, the use of illicit opioids, non-fatal overdose, overdose death, and all-cause mortality during the first year following treatment initiation and the full treatment period. Additionally, healthcare utilization in the periods before and during OAT was investigated. Results: Compared to the reference cohort, the low-threshold cohort (n = 128, mean age: 38 years, women: 28%) showed treatment retention rates of 95% versus 92%, illicit opioid use of 7% versus 10%, non-fatal overdose of 7% versus 6%, and death at 1.0% versus 1.3%, respectively. The incident rate ratios (IRRs) for healthcare utilization increased substantially during the OAT period compared to the period before; the IRR increased by 3.3 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.8, 3.9) and 3.4 (95% CI: 3.1, 3.9) for all in- and outpatient healthcare, respectively. Conclusions: Low-threshold OAT was at least as effective and safe as the standard OAT in terms of treatment retention, the use of illicit opioids, non-fatal overdose, and death. Healthcare utilization increased during the OAT compared to the period before. Lowering the threshold for OAT entrance within proper delivery platforms should be broadly considered to reduce harm and improve healthcare access among patients with opioid dependence.publishedVersio

    14-19 education reform under New Labour : an exploration of how politics and the economy combine with educational goals to affect policy

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    The area of 14-19 education and training was a significant priority for the Labour Government of Tony Blair and New Labour. Reforms such as the 14-19 White Paper (Feb 2005) were seen as key to this government’s ‘third term’ agenda. This research has at its heart the desire to identify the true drivers for 14-19 education and training reform, and critically analyse the results against alternative ‘aims’ of education. Much of current policy for this phase of education mentions the economic imperative of providing young people with the skills which both they and businesses need to compete in the global economy. This research intends to question the fact that economic goals appear to be inexorably entwined with this area of education, and analyse if this is an appropriate philosophy on which to base reform of the 14-19 phase. To achieve this, document analysis was used to identify the drivers for education reform contained within five policy documents in an attempt to understand the goals of New Labour’s 14- 19 education and training reform policy between May 1997 and February 2005. The conclusions which came from this analysis point to a consistency in the 14-19 reform programme of New Labour around the theme of the economy, with much of the content of the reforms focusing on adapting the phase in order to promote economic objectives. It is argued that by accepting economic objectives as a basis for educational reform, New Labour confused the influence of the economy for an educational aim

    Estimating health adjusted age at death (HAAD)

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    Objectives: At any point in time, a person’s lifetime health is the number of healthy life years they are expected to experience during their lifetime. In this article we propose an equity-relevant health metric, Health Adjusted Age at Death (HAAD), that facilitates comparison of lifetime health for individuals at the onset of different medical conditions, and allows for the assessment of which patient groups are worse off. A method for estimating HAAD is presented, and we use this method to rank four conditions in six countries according to several criteria of “worse off” as a proof of concept. Methods: For individuals with specific conditions HAAD consists of two components: past health (before disease onset) and future expected health (after disease onset). Four conditions (acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL), schizophrenia, and epilepsy) are analysed in six countries (Ethiopia, Haiti, China, Mexico, United States and Japan). Data from 2017 for all countries and for all diseases were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease Study database. In order to assess who are the worse off, we focus on four measures: the proportion of affected individuals who are expected to have HAAD<20 (T20), the 25th and 75th percentiles of HAAD for affected individuals (Q1 and Q3, respectively), and the average HAAD (aHAAD) across all affected individuals. Results: Even in settings where aHAAD is similar for two conditions, other measures may vary. One example is AML (aHAAD = 59.3, T20 = 2.0%, Q3-Q1 = 14.8) and ALL (58.4, T20 = 4.6%, Q3-Q1 = 21.8) in the US. Many illnesses, such as epilepsy, are associated with more lifetime health in high-income settings (Q1 in Japan = 59.2) than in low-income settings (Q1 in Ethiopia = 26.3). Conclusion: Using HAAD we may estimate the distribution of lifetime health of all individuals in a population, and this distribution can be incorporated as an equity consideration in setting priorities for health interventions.publishedVersio

    Health equity impact of community-initiated kangaroo mother care: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Kangaroo mother care (KMC) can substantially enhance overall survival of low birthweight babies. In a large randomized controlled trial, we recently showed that supporting mothers to provide community initiated KMC (ciKMC) can reduce mortality among infants up to 180 days of life by 25% (hazard ratio (HR) 0.75). With the current analysis, we aimed to explore if ciKMC promotion leads to increased inequity in survival. Methods: In the trial we randomized 8402 low birthweight babies to a ciKMC (4480 babies) and a control (3922 babies) arm, between 2015 and 2018 in Haryana, India. We estimated the difference in concentration indices, which measure inequality, between babies in the ciKMC and control arms for survival until 180 days of life. Further, we compared the effect of ciKMC promotion across subgroups defined by socioeconomic status, caste, maternal literacy, infant’s sex, and religion. Results: Our intervention did not increase survival inequity, as the concentration index in the ciKMC arm of the trial was 0.05 (95% CI -0.07 to 0.17) lower than in the control arm. Survival impact was higher among those belonging to the lower two wealth quintiles, those born to illiterate mothers and those belonging to religions other than Hindu. Conclusions: We found that ciKMC promotion did not increase inequity in survival associated with wealth. The beneficial impact of ciKMC tended to be larger among vulnerable groups. Supporting mothers to provide KMC at home to low birthweight babies will not increase and could indeed reduce inequities in infant survival.publishedVersio

    Life expectancy gains from dietary modifications: a comparative modeling study in 7 countries

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    Background: Eating healthier is associated with a range of favorable health outcomes. Our previous model estimated the impact of dietary changes on life expectancy gains but did not consider height, weight, or physical activity. Objectives: We aimed to estimate the increase in life expectancy resulting from the transition from typical national dietary patterns to longevity-optimizing dietary changes, more feasible dietary modifications, and optimized vegan dietary changes in China, France, Germany, Iran, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Methods: Our modeling study used data from meta-analyses presenting dose-response relationships between intake of 15 food groups and mortality. Background mortality data were from the Global Burden of Disease Study. We used national food intake data and adjusted for height, weight, and physical activity level. Results: For 40-y-olds, estimated life expectancy gains ranged from 6.2 y (with uncertainty interval [UI]: 5.7, 7.5 y) for Chinese females to 9.7 y (UI: 8.1, 11.3 y) for United States males following sustained changes from typical country-specific dietary patterns to longevity-optimized dietary changes, and from 5.2 y (UI: 4.0, 6.5 y) for Chinese females to 8.7 y (UI: 7.1, 10.3 y) for United States males following changes to optimized vegan dietary changes. Conclusions: A sustained change from country-specific typical dietary pattern patterns to longevity-optimized dietary changes, more feasible dietary changes, or optimized vegan dietary changes are all projected to result in substantial life expectancy gains across ages and countries. These changes included more whole grains, legumes, and nuts and less red/processed meats and sugars and sugar-sweetened beverages. The largest gains from dietary changes would be in the United States

    Protecting essential health services in low-income and middle-income countries and humanitarian settings while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    In health outcomes terms, the poorest countries stand to lose the most from these disruptions. In this paper, we make the case for a rational approach to public sector health spending and decision making during and in the early recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on ethics and equity principles, it is crucial to ensure that patients not infected by COVID-19 continue to get access to healthcare and that the services they need continue to be resourced. We present a list of 120 essential non-COVID-19 health interventions that were adapted from the model health benefit packages developed by the Disease Control Priorities project

    The electronic spectrum of decaborane and its derivatives

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    Ph.D.William H. Eberhard
