9 research outputs found

    The Importance Of End-User Analysis In New Information System Adapters: Lessons Learned From Practice

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    The implementation of Information System (IS) in new-IS adapters can remain unused even when they developed properly. The previous research shows that the unsuccessful IS utilization problem primarily related to behavioral issues rather than technical issues. The behavioral issues should be addressed in the stakeholder analysis, an activity in the inception phase of requirement engineering. End-users of an IS are one of the focuses in stakeholder analysis. We studied the correlation of the end-user analysis in new-IS adapters with the successfulness of IS utilization. We conducted a qualitative studied on 20 IS development projects. The findings show strong correlation of the end-user behavior and the IS adoption. We suggest the end-user analysis is necessary for the IS development project in new-IS adapters. We concluded that it is recommended to formally get the end-user commitment before starting the IS development process. Keyword : Information System, end-user analysis, new-IS adapters, end-user commitmen

    Case Study on Testing of Web-Based Application: Del's Students Information System

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    Software Testing is an important process to assure the quality of software including web-based application. The aim of testing is to detect all failures to ensure that the software is built in accordance with its specifications. There are two methods of testing, such as the white box and the black box testing. White box testing is done with the approach to the program code, while black box testing is done without referring to the source code, but to the output of the resulting program. User interface testing is the type of testing that is usually conducted on a web-based application. In this research, functional and user interface testing were conducted into Del’s Student Information System. Testing techniques used in this research was a Simple Functional Acceptance Test (FAST). This technique was done by testing each function and checking each component of the user interface. Selenium IDE was used to execute test cases resulting in the implementation. From all steps carried out in this research, it can be concluded that the functional testing can be carried out in line with the testing of the user interface. A testing scenario for web-based application has been proposed and experimentally applied into an application under testing


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    Market retribution are local retribution that payed for the use of market facilities provided by the district government to individuals or entities. The process of collecting, recording, and reporting market retribution currently in Humbang Hasundutan Regency is still not effective and efficient, so it requires information technology support to enable it to improve the quality of services that are transparent and accountable in the traditional markets of Humbang Hasundutan Regency. The applications that will be developed are mobile and web-based applications that allow the collection and recording process to be more effective and efficient as well as more transparent reporting. Through the “SIAPPARA” Application, it is hoped that the process of collecting retribution in several markets in Humbang Hasundutan Regency will be easier and more transparent.Retribusi pasar adalah pungutan daerah sebagai pembayaran terhadap penggunaan fasilitas pasar yang disediakan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten kepada perorangan atau badan. Proses pemungutan, pencatatan dan pelaporan retribusi pasar yang ada saat ini di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan masih belum efektif dan efisien sehingga memerlukan dukungan teknologi informasi sehingga memungkinkan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang transparan dan akuntabel di pasar tradisional Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan. Aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan adalan aplikasi mobile dan web-based yang memungkinkan proses pemungutan dan pencatatan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien serta pelaporan yang lebih transparan. Melalui Aplikasi “SIAPPARA” ini diharapkan proses pemungutan retribusi di beberapa pasar di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan menjadi lebih mudah dan transparan

    Penerapan Ontology Web Language pada Domain Ulos Batak Toba

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    Indonesia adalah salah satu negara di dunia yang kaya akan keanekaragaman budaya. Keanekaragaman budaya ini diakibatkan banyaknya suku di Indonesia. Setiap suku memiliki kekhasan masing-masing termasuk kekhasan dalam kain tradisional. Salah satunya adalah ulos, kain tradisional suku Batak Toba. Ulos merupakan simbol sakral dalam adat istiadat suku Batak Toba. Ulos terdiri dari berbagai macam jenis, motif, warna, makna hingga fungsi. Namun sangat disayangkan bahwa informasi mengenai ulos belum terdokumentasi dengan baik. Informasi didapatkan secara turun temurun dari satu generasi ke generasi lain yang memungkinkan informasi tersebut hilang. Selain itu, beberapa sumber yang ada juga menyajikan informasi yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, ontologi bisa menjadi salah satu solusi untuk membantu mengelola informasi yang sudah ada supaya lebih terorganisir. Ontologi membantu memformalkan semua vocabulary pada domain ulos. Vocabulary itu kemudian dalam ontologi disebut sebagai konsep. Konsep tersebut akan saling berkaitan satu sama lain sehingga dapat dilihat sebagai suatu bentuk kesatuan (linked data) yang membentuk pola yang terstruktur. Kondisi ini yang kemudian mendukung pencarian dengan hasil yang bernilai semantik karena pola data yang disediakan saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Ontologi tersebut dapat direprentasikan menggunakan Web Ontology Language (OWL) yang merupakan vocabulary extension dari Resource Descriptive Framework (RDF). Kemudian untuk proses retrieving data akan menggunakan SPARQL.   Abstract Indonesia is a very rich country in cultural diversity. Most of the ethnic groups have their own uniqueness including the peculiarities in traditional textiles. One of them is Ulos, traditional cloth of Batak Toba. Ulos is a sacred symbol in the Batak traditions. Ulos consists of various types, motifs, colors, meanings and functions. However, it is unfortunate that information of Ulos has not been well documented. This cultural heritage is well-transferred from generation to generation. The existing sources sometime provide different information. Therefore, ontology can be one solution to help manage existing information to be more well-organized. Ontology helps formalize all vocabularies on the Ulos domain. The vocabulary in the ontology is called as a concept. The concepts are related to each other so that it can be seen as a linked data that form a structured pattern. This feature supports information searching with semantic value. The ontology of Ulos Batak Toba has been developed by using Web Ontology Language (OWL), which is a vocabulary extension of the Resource Descriptive Framework (RDF). Then for the data retrieving process we use SPARQ


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    SIAPPARA is an application that used to manage market retribution by Dinas Koperasi, Perdagangan Dan Industri kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan. The SIAPPARA application consists of two platforms, namely a web application used by the admin and treasurer and a mobile application used by market officers. The application has been used by market officers in 12 people's markets in Humbang Hasundutan. To ensure that all functions in the application have been running according to the design and requirements, it is necessary to test both functional and non functional features. Testing is carried out with the aim of finding failures in applications that have been used. Before testing the application, the researcher makes a test design including the selection of methods and stages of testing. The method used in this research is literature study and experiment. Researchers used the literature study method in collecting theoretical references and information related to functional and non functional testing of applications. Researchers use the experimental method to choose the test method to be used and make a test design for the method that has been selected.The results of this study is a design of testing activities using Category Based Partition testing method, the Usability Testing test method with the Heuristic Evaluation technique, and the Performance Testing method.SIAPPARA adalah aplikasi yang dibangun untuk Dinas Koperasi, Perdagangan Dan Industri Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan dalam melakukan administrasi dan penatausahaan retribusi di pasar rakyat. Aplikasi SIAPPARA terdiri dari dua platform yaitu aplikasi web yang digunakan oleh admin dan bendahara serta aplikasi mobile yang digunakan oleh petugas pasar. Saat ini aplikasi telah digunakan oleh petugas pasar di 12 pasar rakyat di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan. Untuk menjamin bahwa seluruh fungsi pada aplikasi telah berjalan sesuai dengan rancangan dan kebutuhan, maka perlu dilakukan pengujian kembali baik secara fungsional maupun secara non fungsional. Pengujian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menemukan ketidaksesuai fungsi pada aplikasi yang sudah digunakan. Sebelum melakukan pengujian aplikasi, peneliti membuat rancangan pengujian mencakup pemilihan metode dan tahapan pengujian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literature dan experiment. Peneliti menggunakan metode studi literatur dalam mengumpulkan referensi teori dan informasi yang berhubungan dengan pengujian fungsional dan non fungsional pada aplikasi. Peneliti mengunakan metode eksperimen untuk memilih metode pengujian yang akan digunakan serta membuat perancangan pengujian untuk metode yang telah dipilih. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa rancangan kegiatan pengujian yang akan dilakukan serta rancangan pengujian untuk metode pengujian Category Based Partition, metode pengujian Usability Testing dengan teknik Heuristic Evaluation, dan metode Performance Testing

    On feedback-based software testing

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    The Implementation of Caching Database to Reduce Query’s Response Time

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    Performance is an imperative aspect of a web-based application. Response time is one of the most important performance parameters. Most of web-based applications are driven by database system. Reducing response time of its database system will improve the performance of a web-based application. Caching is one of techniques that can be implemented to reduce response time. The implementation of caching can be conducted in the application or database side. Caching is a technique to keep the executed query and hence the query will not be executed when called in the later execution. The result of an executed query will be stored in the cache therefore when that query is called, the database will retrieve the stored result without re-executing query. This mechanism will reduce the time to re-execute queries. However, this technique may be not suitable for all queries. This research is intended to investigate the effect of the implementation of caching into performance of a database. A series of experiments have been conducted by applying query cache. The response time of the application of query cache is compared with the response time of database without query. The results show that the implementation of query cache reduces response time significantly. However, this technique is more suitable for large database with many frequently asked queries. The number of clients accessing the database is found to be influencing the performance of caching. The more clients access the database, the more improvement is provided by query cache

    The Implementation of Caching Database to Reduce Query’s Response Time

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    Performance is an imperative aspect of a web-based application. Response time is one of the most important performance parameters. Most of web-based applications are driven by database system. Reducing response time of its database system will improve the performance of a web-based application. Caching is one of techniques that can be implemented to reduce response time. The implementation of caching can be conducted in the application or database side. Caching is a technique to keep the executed query and hence the query will not be executed when called in the later execution. The result of an executed query will be stored in the cache therefore when that query is called, the database will retrieve the stored result without re-executing query. This mechanism will reduce the time to re-execute queries. However, this technique may be not suitable for all queries. This research is intended to investigate the effect of the implementation of caching into performance of a database. A series of experiments have been conducted by applying query cache. The response time of the application of query cache is compared with the response time of database without query. The results show that the implementation of query cache reduces response time significantly. However, this technique is more suitable for large database with many frequently asked queries. The number of clients accessing the database is found to be influencing the performance of caching. The more clients access the database, the more improvement is provided by query cache

    Evaluasi Usability Website di Tenun

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    Suatu aplikasi harus memiliki sisi usability yang baik agar dapat dengan nyaman digunakan oleh pengguna. Website DiTenun adalah salah satu aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat membuat motif tenun baru dan sebagai media komersial untuk membeli dan menjual produk tenun. Website DiTenun belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi usability sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi dan pengidentifikasian masalah usability dengan metode Heuristic Evaluation (HE) dan Usability Testing terhadap website Di Tenun untuk meningkatkan aspek usabilitynya. Hasil penerapan metode tersebut akan dibuat ke dalam bentuk prototipe interaktif website DiTenun sesuai perbaikan masalah usability yang ditemukan. Heuristic Evaluation merupakan evaluasi usability dengan melakukan tinjauan atau inspeksi suatu produk dari sisi ahli atau evaluator. HE pada penelitian ini mengacu kepada sepuluh prinsip evaluasi heuristik yang dikemukakan oleh Jakob Nielsen. Sedangkan usability testing merupakan evaluasi usability dengan aktivitas pengujian yang berfokus kepada pengguna. Sehingga evaluasi usability yang dilakukan terhadap website DiTenun akan dilihat dari dua sisi yaitu sis ahli/evaluator dan sisi pengguna. Untuk menyingkirkan masalah yang mungkin mengganggu pengguna sebelum usability testing, maka pertama sekali dilakukan heuristic evaluation. Setelah itu dilakukan pembuatan prototipe awal sesuai hasil dan rekomendasi HE untuk kemudian dilakukan usability testing terhadap partisipan sebagai penggua. Temuan permasalahan usability melalui hasil usability testing selanjutnya dianalisis dan diterapkan perbaikannya pada prototipe akhir. Hasil jumlah temuan permasalahan usability pada heuristic evaluation menunjukkan lebih banyak temuan dari hasil permasalahan usability pada usability testing, di mana pada hasil HE terdapat total 52 temuan sedangkan pada hasil usability testing terdapat total 37 temuan. Dari hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa implementasi HE di awal dapat mengurangi permasalah usability yang muncul bagi pengalaman pengguna pada saat usability testing. Kedua metode tersebut juga saling melengkapi untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan usability dari sisi ahli dan sisi pengguna dalam menerapkan perbaikan permasalahan usability pada prototipe akhir website Di Tenun