105 research outputs found

    Toleransi Masyarakat Multi Etnis dan Multiagama dalam Organisasi Subak di Bali

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    Subak merupakan organisasi pertanian di Bali, yang identik dengan masyarakat Bali yang beragama Hindu. Hal ini tidak sepenuhnya benar, sebab organisasi subak di Bali bersifat multietnis dan multiagama. Masyarakat anggota subak bukan hanya masyarakat etnis Bali yang beragama Hindu, tetapi masyarakat etnis lain yang beragama Islam, Budha, Protestan, maupun Katolik. Perbedaan etnis dan agama yang dianut anggota subak mengharuskan adanya sikap toleransi masing-masing etnis dan agama anggota pendukung organisasi subak. Proses toleransi berjalan dengan baik dalam aktivitas subak, sehingga keberadaan lembaga subak tetap ajeg sampai saat ini. Secara khusus, kajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kehidupan multietnis dan multiagama dalam kegiatan subak di Bali. Lebih lanjut, kajian ini diharapkan bermanfaat sebagai sumber informasi bentuk-bentuk adaptasi dan toleransi yang diterapkan pada tataran organisasi yang berbeda etnis dan agama. Dengan harapan, proses toleransi demikian dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu rujukan dalam menata kehidupan masyarakat multikultur di Indonesia. Kajian tentang toleransi menerapkan metode kualitatif dipadukan dengan analisis interpretatif

    Stress Prolongs Wound Healing Post Cesarean Section

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    Introduction: Decision for cesarean section may lead to the stress for women in delivery. Stress response requires longer recovery time in post cesarean section patients. Most of patients who experience stress before and after surgical is associated with wound healing delay. When this condition continues, the wound will have a higher risk of infection. The objective of this study was to analyze correlation between stress and wound healing phase in post cesarean section patients. Method: A cross sectional design was used in this study. The population were women with cesarean section, both elective or emergency, in Delivery Room I RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Samples were recruited by using purposive sampling, with 28 samples who met to the inclusion criterias. The observed variables were stress and wound healing phase in post cesarean section patient. Stress data were collected by interview and wound healing measurement done by observation on the 3rd day post cesarean section. Result: The result showed that women with stress experience wound healing delay. The characteristic of wound healing delay was prolonged on inflammation phase, nevertheless there was presence of granulation tissue. Spearman's rho correlation showed that correlation value r=0.675 with p=0.000. Discussion: It can be concluded that there was strong significant correlation between stress and wound healing phase in post cesarean section patients. It is important to give this information to the patients with cesarean section in order to prevent stress and delay in wound healing phase

    Peer Group Support Decrease Depression Level in Menopause Woman

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    Introduction: Menopause woman has higher depression level than pre and postmenopause woman. Many woman who are getting menopause will feel lonely and don't have any friends to talk, if this situation continue it can cause menopausal depression. Peer group support is one of group therapy which gives opportunity to menopause woman to get mutual support and help them to face the problem. This aimed of this study was to analyze the effect of peer group support in the menopause woman depression level. Method: A quasy experimental pre-post test design was used in this study. There were 16 menopause women taken from Cepokomulyo Kepanjen. The independent variable was peer group support and the dependent variable was the depression level. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with the significance level α<0.05. Result: Result showed that there was an effect of peer group support in the menopause woman depression level with significance level p=0.011 (treatment group) and p=0.23 (controlled group) and the result of Mann Whitney U Test showed that p=0.02. Discussion: It can be concluded that peer group support can reduce the menopause woman depression level. It can be suggested to the institutional to practice peer group support to help menopause woman reduce their depression level

    Carrot Juice Consumption During Chemotherapy Increases Haemoglobin Level on Patients with Cancer of Cervix Stage Ii-b

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    Introduction: Ca Cervix patients who had a chemotherapy may experience depletion of Hb level. Hb level can increase by giving a natural carrot juice. The nutritional content of carrot juice such as beta karoten, ferrum, calcium, vitamin B, vitamin C and protein can assist bone marrow produce Hb and lymphosite. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of carrot juice consumption during chemotherapy on Hb level of patients with Ca Cervix stage II-b. Method: This study used a quasy experimental design and the population was the patients who stayed at gynecology room. The sampling technique was used consecutive sampling, with the total sample were 16 respondents. Data were collected by taken the blood sample and analyzed by using Paired t-Test and Independent t-Test. Result: The result showed that carrot juice influent on the change of rate of Hb with significance level (p=0.005). Discussion: It can be concluded that by giving carrot juice to the patients with experiencing chemotherapy, can increase Hb level. Further studies are recommended to analyze the effect of carrot Juice on patient with low Hb level during Chemotherapy for further possibilities


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    Introduction: Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling or sense of uncertainty felt by someone. Adolescents who experience anxiety can be caused by menstruation, especially at the early menarche age of 1-3. Untreated Anxiety can interfere aldolescent’s study. This study aim to investigate the relationship between mother’s social support with adolescent’s anxiety in confronting menstruation. Method: this study was a descriptive analytical with cross sectional approach. The population was student in 6th grade in SDN Panjang Jiwo 1 Surabaya. The 26 sample respondents were chosen by purposive sampling technique. The independent variable in this study was mother’s social support. The dependent variable was adolescent’s anxiety. The data was collected using questionnare and analyzed using Spearmen rho test with a degree of significance p ≤ 0,05. Result: Most adolecent students experiencing mild anxiety(65,3%), though there were experiencing moderate anxiety (34,7%). The correlation between perceived susceptibility p = 0,034 with significant r = -0,418. Discussion: Mother’s social support was strong enough towards adolescent’s anxiety in confronting menstruation. Further research was suggested to invole mother as a respondent to decrease adolescent’s anxiety to comfront menstruation. Keywords: mother’s social support, adolescent’s anxiety, menstruatio

    Intervensi Penyuluhan Kesehatan Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Remaja Tentang Hiv-aids Di SMA 1 Sidemen Kabupaten Karangasem, Provinsi Bali

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    Latar belakang: Remaja merupakan golongan yang rentan terhadap masalah-masalah perilaku berisiko, seperti melakukan hubungan seksual sebelum menikah dan penyalah gunaan napza yang meningkatkan terjadinya penularan HIV-AIDS. Tujuan: Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang HIV-AIDS sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Metode: Penelitian pre-eksperimental dengan rancangan one group pretest-postest design serta menggunakan teknik Stratified Proportionale Random Sampling, terhadap 80 responden. Variabel pengetahuan dan sikap diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil: Penelitian ini mencatat bahwa pengetahuan sebelum dan setelah penyuluhan adalah 56 vs 96 (p value ≤ 0,001). Skor sikap remaja sebelum dan setelah penyuluhan adalah 30 vs 75 (p value ≤ 0,001). Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan bermakna pada pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang HIV-AIDS sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan

    The Beneficience of Family Social Support Toward Anticipatory Behaviour of Pregnancies Sign\u27s Alert in Primigravida

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    Introduction: Complication in pregnancy can be endangering both mother and fetus. Pregnant woman and her family must be able to recognize risk factors of the complication. Family support make pregnant woman feel more confident, happy and ready to face her pregnancy. The aimed of this study was to learn the influences of social family support toward anticipatory behavior of pregnancies sign\u27s alert in primigravida. Method: A quasy experimental purposive sampling design was used in this study. There were 20 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. They were divided into 2 groups, intervention and control groups, each comprising 10 respondents. The independent variable in this study was social family support and the dependent variable was the anticipatory behavior of pregnancies sign\u27s alert in primigravida. Data were collected by using questionnaire, observation and structured interview and then analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with significance level α≤0.05. Result: The result showed that the social family support influencing the knowledge of pregnant woman with significant level p=0.011, social family support also influencing the attitude of pregnant woman with significant level p=0.008 and the action of pregnant woman p=0.017. There were difference knowledge, attitude and action between intervention and control groups after treatment with significant level p=0.000 for knowledge, p=0.015 for attitude and p=0.002 for action. Discussion: It can be concluded that social family support influence anticipatory behavior (knowledge, attitude and action) of pregnancies sign\u27s alert in primigravida. Further studies should be concern to the other factors that influencing the anticipatory behavior of pregnancies sign\u27s alert in primigravida, both of internal and external factors

    Pengaruh Cat Stretch Exercise Terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri Menstruasi (Dysmenorrhea) Dan Tanda-tanda Vital Pada Remaja

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    Menstruation is a period of uterine fluid discharge to endometrial detachment, often accompanied with pain called dysmenorrhea. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of cat stretch exercise on the relief of menstrual pain and characteristics of vital sign in adolescence. Pre experimental design (one group pre-post test) was used in this study, 12 samples were recruited by purposive sampling. Observation and questionnaire were applied to measure patient\u27s pain scale. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon signed rank test (p<0.05). Conclusion: the cat stretch exercise has effect on relieve of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) and normalized of vital sign: blood pressure, hearth rate and respiratory rate


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    Two sets of experiments were conducted to determine the effect of growth hormones, argynine, and coconut water, on the adventitious shoot induction from garlic tissue, and also to find out the best medium for adventitious shoots proliferation. Both experiments could induce direct adventitious shoot and indirect adventitious shoot formation, from calli. Medium with 2 ppm Kinetin and 0.4ppm 2,4-Dproduce good quantity and quality of shoots. The number of shoot from this medium were 32.6 shoots per explant. Medium with 0.5 ppm Kinetin, 0.1 ppm 2.4-D, 25 ppm Argynine, and 10% coconut water produce the highest diameter and good quality of calli, while medium with 1 ppm 2iP and 25 ppm Argynine induced adventitious shoot from calli and produced the highest number of shoot per culture (33.9 shoots)

    Evaluation of SCO1 deletion on Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism through a proteomic approach

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene SCO1 has been shown to play an essential role in copper delivery to cytochrome c oxidase. Biochemical studies demonstrated specific transfer of copper from Cox17p to Sco1p, and physical interactions between the Sco1p and Cox2p. Deletion of SCO1 yeast gene results in a respiratory deficient phenotype. This study aims to gain a more detailed insight on the effects of SCO1 deletion on S. cerevisiae metabolism. We compared, using a proteomic approach, the protein pattern of SCO1 null mutant strain and wild-type BY4741 strain grown on fermentable and on nonfermentable carbon sources. The analysis showed that on nonfermentable medium, the SCO1 mutant displayed a protein profile similar to that of actively fermenting yeast cells. Indeed, on 3% glycerol, this mutant displayed an increase of some glycolytic and fermentative enzymes such as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1, enolase 2, pyruvate decarboxylase 1, and alcohol dehydrogenase 1. These data were supported by immunoblotting and enzyme activity assay. Moreover, the ethanol assay and the oxygen consumption measurement demonstrated a fermentative activity in SCO1 mutant on respiratory medium. Our results suggest that on nonfermentable carbon source, the lack of Sco1p causes a metabolic shift from respiration to fermentation
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