402 research outputs found

    Comparative Effectiveness of Defatted Hypotensive Crude Extract, Ethyl Acetate and Butanolic Fractions of Cassytha filiformis L. on Different Models of Hypertensive Rats

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    The hypotensive effectiveness of defatted crude ethanolic extract, ethyl acetate and butanolic fractions of Cassytha filiformis L. have been compared on anesthesized prednisone-saline-induced (PN) and Prednisone-saline-LNAME -induced (PNL) hypertensive rats. Extract/fractions were given at the dose of 5 mg/kg each while a group treated by 100 μmol/kg oftempol was used as comparison. Extract/fractions/vehicle were commence in 3 consecutive doses intravenously every one hour interval. The systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) of the animals were measured (Biopac® MP 150 Data Acquisition System). Data were presented as the percentage changes of those parameters and analyzed by three way ANOVA followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Results showed that the ethanolic defatted extract and tempol decreased animal SBP, DBP, MAP and HR significantly (p0.1). The average percentage decrease of animal SBP and MAP on PNL rats were higher (p0.1). Repeated dose of all samples tent to decrease animal SBP and HR (p0.1). These results indicated that the hypotensive effectiveness of the defatted ethanolic extract of Cassytha filiformis is better as compared to its ethyl acetate and butanolic fractions and these effects are greater on oxidative stress related hypertensive rats

    Subchronic Toxicity of Ethanolic Extract of Cassytha Filiformis L. on the Renal Function of Rat

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    Sub-chronic toxicity test of the deffated ethanolic extract of tali putri (Cassytha filiformis L.) on the rat renal function has been carried out. A number of 16 male rats aged 2-3 months, weighing ±250 g were used as experimental animals. The rats were divided into 4 groups which consisted of 1 control group and 3 extract-treated groups given 1.25, 2.5, and 5 mg/kg extract administrated intraperitoneally once a day for 14 days. The creatinine clearance, renal function, and the ratio of renal were calculated and analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Duncan's test. The study showed that the creatinine clearance and renal function decreased significantly during treatment (p<0.05). The kidney weight ratio of groups treated with extract, especially with greater doses, showed a very significant increase as compared with control (p<0,01). These indicated that the ethanolic extract of C. filiformis on the doses of 1.25 – 5 mg/kg might decrease the renal function, althought it seemed to be relatively safe when used for 14 days

    Pengaruh Diabetes Terhadap Haemodinamik dan Aktifitas Saraf Simpatik Ginjal pada Tikus Sprague-Dawley

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    This study sets up to examine the effect of diabetes on the haemodinamic and renal sympathetic nerve activity in normal male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Diabetes was chemically induced using streptozotocin (STZ) 60 mg/kg intraperitoneally, and the experiment was caried out seven days later. Body weight, total water intake, total urine output, urine sodium excretion were determined every 24 hours after STZ. The blood glucose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), heaft rate (HR) and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) were measured the day of acut experiment conducted. The animals were anaesthetised by a mixture of fluothane/O2 with flow rate 4 and 5 l/min for 2 min and thereafter maintained on chloralose/urethane (12 mg and 180 mg/ml) 0.1 ml/5 min (6-7 times) followed by 0.05 ml/30 min respectively, administered intravenously via femoral vein. Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) and heart rate were monitored using a Grass transducer connected to LabVIEW data acquisition system on a Macintosh computer. Renal nerves were isolated and placed on bipolar elechodes and their activity measured using the above system. Blood pressure, heart rate and renal sympathetic nerve activity were measured. The same experiment was also done in the normal SD rats. Results showed that urine out flow, water intack, natrium urine and blood glucose levels were increased in diabetic state while body weight was redused. Blood pressure were increurq but HR was decrease. However on RSNA was increased in diabetic state. Collectivily, these data indicated that diabetes can influence blood pressure, heart rate, renal sympathetic nerve activity in experimental diabetes rats

    Water resource management through systemic approach: The case of Lake Bracciano

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    Today natural water resources are becoming scarce, both due to global climate change but also due to irresponsible behaviour of human beings. Lakes are among the most delicate aquatic systems due to their limited size. The objective of this paper is to propose a System Dynamics model, employed in a real case study regarding the city of Rome and one of its water reserves, the Bracciano Lake, for the evaluation of different strategies and policies to reduce environmental impacts, considering different climatic and context scenarios. The results indicate that, as the system is currently exposed to a high risk of ecological disaster, the situation might worsen, and the disaster effectively happen. Simulation models may help agencies and administrations to explore policies and find solutions to address this fundamental problem, that may become even worst over the next years, given the potential severe consequences deriving from the current global warming trends

    Energy Transfer from Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Implications for Magnetic Hyperthermia

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    Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) have gained momentum in the field of biomedical applications. They can be remotely heated via alternating magnetic fields, and such heat can be transferred from the IONPs to the local environment. However, the microscopic mechanism of heat transfer is still debated. By X-ray total scattering experiments and first-principles simulations, we show how such heat transfer can occur. After establishing structural and microstructural properties of the maghemite phase of the IONPs, we built a maghemite model functionalized with aminoalkoxysilane, a molecule used to anchor (bio)molecules to oxide surfaces. By a linear response theory approach, we reveal that a resonance mechanism is responsible for the heat transfer from the IONPs to the surroundings. Heat transfer occurs not only via covalent linkages with the IONP but also through the solvent hydrogen-bond network. This result may pave the way to exploit the directional control of the heat flow from the IONPs to the anchored molecules─i.e., antibiotics, therapeutics, and enzymes─for their activation or release in a broader range of medical and industrial applications

    Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries - Country Report: Armenia

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    The purpose of this study is to explore and assess the costs and benefits of labour migration in Armenia and the potential of migration for contributing to the country's development. We also examine how policy can be effectively formulated and implemented so that Armenia can get the most out of its migration experience. Lastly, we analyse how a phenomenon that emerged because of limited opportunities for employment - migration - evolved into a strategy towards development and prosperity. Based on this analysis, this paper makes a strong argument in favour of implementing programs in Armenia that involve the active collaboration of government institutions and the Armenian Diaspora, duly considering the unusual influence the latter has on Armenia's economic and human development
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