1,318 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- St Pierre, Armand O. (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Diversity of opinions promotes herding in uncertain crowds

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    Classic and recent studies demonstrate how we fall for the ‘tyranny of the majority' and conform to the dominant trend when uncertain. However, in many social interactions outside of the laboratory, there is rarely a clearly identified majority and discerning who to follow might be challenging. Here, we asked whether in such conditions herding behaviour depends on a key statistical property of social information: the variance of opinions in a group. We selected a task domain where opinions are widely variable and asked participants (N = 650) to privately estimate the price of eight anonymous paintings. Then, in groups of five, they discussed and agreed on a shared estimate for four paintings. Finally, they provided revised individual estimates for all paintings. As predicted (https://osf.io/s89w4), we observed that group members converged to each other and boosted their confidence following social interaction. We also found evidence supporting the hypothesis that the more diverse groups show greater convergence, suggesting that the variance of opinions promotes herding in uncertain crowds. Overall, these findings empirically examine how, in the absence of a clear majority, the distribution of opinions relates to subjective feelings of confidence and herding behaviour

    The Effect of Gender-Targeted Conditional Cash Transfers on Household Expenditures: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment

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    This article studies the differential effect of targeting cash transfers to men or women on household expenditure on non-durables. We study a policy intervention in the Republic of North Macedonia that offers cash transfers to poor households, conditional on having their children attending secondary school. The recipient is randomised across municipalities, with payments targeted to either the mother or the father of the child. Targeting transfers to women increases the expenditure share on food by 4 to 5 percentage points. At low levels of food expenditure, there is a shift towards a more nutritious diet

    The effect of gender-targeted conditional cash transfers on household expenditures: evidence from a randomized experiment

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    This paper studies the differential effect of targeting cash transfers to men or women on the structure of household expenditures on non-durables. We study a policy intervention in the Republic of Macedonia, offering cash transfers to poor households, conditional on having their children attending secondary school. The recipient of the transfer is randomized across municipalities, with payments targeted to either the mother or the father of the child. We show that the gender of the recipient has an effect on the structure of expenditure shares. Targeting transfers to women increases the expenditure share on food by about 4 to 5 percentage points. At low levels of food expenditure, we observe a shift towards a more nutritious diet as a result of targeting women

    A new battery-charging method suggested by molecular dynamics simulations

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    Based on large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, we propose a new charging method that should be capable of charging a Lithium-ion battery in a fraction of the time needed when using traditional methods. This charging method uses an additional applied oscillatory electric field. Our simulation results show that this charging method offers a great reduction in the average intercalation time for Li+ ions, which dominates the charging time. The oscillating field not only increases the diffusion rate of Li+ ions in the electrolyte but, more importantly, also enhances intercalation by lowering the corresponding overall energy barrier.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Nutritional Status and Daytime Pattern of Protein Intake on Match, Post-Match, Rest and Training Days in Senior Professional and Youth Elite Soccer Players

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    The nutritional status of elite soccer players across match, post-match, training and rest days has not been defined. Recent evidence suggests the pattern of dietary protein intake impacts the daytime turnover of muscle proteins and, as such, influences muscle recovery. We assessed the nutritional status and daytime pattern of protein intake in senior professional and elite youth soccer players and compared findings against published recommendations. Fourteen senior professional (SP) and fifteen youth elite (YP)soccer players fromtheDutch premier division completed nutritional assessments using a 24-h web-based recall method. Recall days consisted of a match, post-match, rest and training day. Daily energy intake over the 4-day period was similar between SP (2988±583 kcal/day) and YP (2938±465 kcal/day;p=0.800). Carbohydrate intake over the combined 4-day period was lower in SP (4.7±0.7 g·kg-1BM·day-1)vs.YP(6.0±1.5 g·kg-1BM·day-1,p=0.006) and SP failed to meet recommended carbohydrate intakes on match and training days. Conversely, recommended protein intakes were met for SP (1.9±0.3 g·kg-1BM·day-1) and YP (1.7±0.4 g·kg-1BM·day-1), with no differences between groups (p=0.286). Accordingly, both groups met or exceeded recommended daily protein intakes on individual match, post-match, rest and training days. A similar ‘balanced’ daytime pattern of protein intake was observed in SP and YP. To conclude, SP increased protein intake on match and training days to a greater extent than YP, however at the expense of carbohydrate intake. The daytime distribution of protein intake for YP and SP aligned with current recommendations of a balanced protein meal pattern

    Taxon-specific responses of Southern Ocean diatoms to Fe enrichment revealed by synchrotron radiation FTIR microspectroscopy

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    © 2014 Author(s). Photosynthesis by marine diatoms contributes substantially to global biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem productivity. It is widely accepted that diatoms are extremely sensitive to changes in Fe availability, with numerous in situ experiments demonstrating rapid growth and increased export of elements (e.g. C, Si and Fe) from surface waters as a result of Fe addition. Less is known about the effects of Fe enrichment on the phenotypes of diatoms, such as associated changes in nutritional value-furthermore, data on taxon-specific responses are almost non-existent. Enhanced supply of nutrient-rich waters along the coast of the subantarctic Kerguelen Island provide a valuable opportunity to examine the responses of phytoplankton to natural Fe enrichment. Here we demonstrate the use of synchrotron radiation Fourier Transform Infrared (SR-FTIR) microspectroscopy to analyse changes in the macromolecular composition of diatoms collected along the coast and plateau of Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean. SR-FTIR microspectroscopy enabled the analysis of individual diatom cells from mixed communities of field-collected samples, thereby providing insight into in situ taxon-specific responses in relation to changes in Fe availability. Phenotypic responses were taxon-specific in terms of intraspecific variability and changes in proteins, amino acids, phosphorylated molecules, silicate/silicic acid and carbohydrates. In contrast to some previous studies, silicate/silicic acid levels increased under Fe enrichment, in conjunction with increases in carbohydrate stores. The highly abundant taxon Fragilariopsis kerguelensis displayed a higher level of phenotypic plasticity than Pseudo-nitzschia spp., while analysis of the data pooled across all measured taxa showed different patterns in macromolecular composition compared to those for individual taxon. This study demonstrates that taxon-specific responses to Fe enrichment may not always be accurately reflected by bulk community measurements, highlighting the need for further research into taxon-specific phenotypic responses of phytoplankton to environmental change

    Energy Transduction of Isothermal Ratchets: Generic Aspects and Specific Examples Close to and Far from Equilibrium

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    We study the energetics of isothermal ratchets which are driven by a chemical reaction between two states and operate in contact with a single heat bath of constant temperature. We discuss generic aspects of energy transduction such as Onsager relations in the linear response regime as well as the efficiency and dissipation close to and far from equilibrium. In the linear response regime where the system operates reversibly the efficiency is in general nonzero. Studying the properties for specific examples of energy landscapes and transitions, we observe in the linear response regime that the efficiency can have a maximum as a function of temperature. Far from equilibrium in the fully irreversible regime, we find a maximum of the efficiency with values larger than in the linear regime for an optimal choice of the chemical driving force. We show that corresponding efficiencies can be of the order of 50%. A simple analytic argument allows us to estimate the efficiency in this irreversible regime for small external forces.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Sabrina Coast (East Antarctica) depositional processes highlightedthrough stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental diatom analysis

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    The systematic survey of Antarctic margin sedimentary sequences offers, especially in poorly investigated areas,the opportunity to obtain a wide range of information on glacio-eustatic, climatic, and tectonic events. Multi-disciplinary datasets resulting from geophysical surveys and scientific coring and drilling are needed to addressquestions regarding the orbital forcing and the global response of the hydrosphere (oceans and atmosphere),cryosphere, and biosphere. The PNRA Tytan Project, embedded into the Australian project \u201cInteractions of theTotten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles\u201d (Australian National University), aimsto understand how the Totten Glacier behaved during past Holocene and Pleistocene times of warmer climate.Insights for reconstructing the depositional and hydrodynamic environments of the continental margin off theTotten Glacier, a large outlet glacier located on the Sabrina Coast of East Antarctica, are addressed throughmicropaleontological efforts. The micropaleontological research group focused on identification of diatombiostratigraphic markers and assemblage analyses in sediment cores collected from the Sabrina Coast continentalslope during the RV Investigator mission IN2017_V01 in order to reconstruct paleoenvironments and to place ageconstraints on the sedimentary sequences.All but one of the piston cores recovered late Pleistocene sediments, documenting MIS 9 \u2013 MIS 1, withinterglacial intervals characterized by diatomaceous sediments dominated by the open water taxon Fragilariopsiskerguelensis. Glacial intervals have much lower diatom concentrations and a higher proportion of reworked forms.A single piston core, IN2017_V01_PC03, recovered a more complicated sedimentary sequence. This sequence,targeted for an older and more condensed coring location, was selected for coring based on the sub-bottomgeophysical data that indicated thinning of the upper stratigraphic section, and greater access to the underlyingsection. The results suggest a very dynamic sediment delivery system in a context of Pliocene\u2013Recent Antarcticcontinental margin. The basal section of the core is marked by Eocene-Oligocene reworked taxa while the midsection is characterized by almost barren sediments. The silty top section of the PC03 core, had diatom assem-blages similar to the other kasten and piston cores; t his sectionis characterized by modern diatom assemblagesdominated by Circum Antarctic Current and open water taxa with a variable presence of sea ice associated forms.Glacial slumping, perhaps facilitated by the presence of biogenic silica, and reworking may have removed orprevented deposition within this condensed sedimentary sequence.The presence or absence of F. kerguelensis versus F. barronii and also the presence of transitional forms betweenthese two species, confirms the much older nature of the sediments in this core as compared to the other pistoncores. In addition, Denticulopsis simonsenii much more common at the basal part of the core, may reflect ero-sional contributions from Miocene-aged sediment, while the significant contribution of F. barronii, Thalassiosiralentiginosa and Thalassiosira oliverana (var. sparsa?) versus intervals dominated by D. simonsenii may suggestdifferent sources of material
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