33 research outputs found

    “Intervención Psicoterapéutica Gestalt a adolescentes con manifestaciones de ansiedad social del Internado IPT Chiriquí Oriente”

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    La investigación se centra en el estudio de la ansiedad social, que son experiencias de estrés, miedo o inquietud, en situaciones sociales, generando evitación, por miedo a ser objeto de críticas negativa por parte de otras personas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo establecer la efectiva de la intervención de psicoterapia Gestalt en adolescentes residentes en el internado del Instituto Profesional y Técnico Chiriquí Oriente, que presentan manifestaciones de ansiedad social. Las bases del estudio son teóricas según las variables seleccionadas, posteriormente se aplica a los sujetos seleccionados, los instrumentos que brindaran la información necesaria para determinar las manifestaciones y el nivel de ansiedad social que poseen los adolescentes. Con la muestra de estudio se trabajara la psicoterapia Gestalt, este proceso se basa en el aquí y el ahora, la misma estará dividida en dos etapas, la primera es terapia de grupo conformada en ocho sesiones y la segunda etapa en terapia individual establecida en 17 sesiones.La investigación se centra en el estudio de la ansiedad social, que son experiencias de estrés, miedo o inquietud, en situaciones sociales, generando evitación, por miedo a ser objeto de críticas negativa por parte de otras personas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo establecer la efectiva de la intervención de psicoterapia Gestalt en adolescentes residentes en el internado del Instituto Profesional y Técnico Chiriquí Oriente, que presentan manifestaciones de ansiedad social. Las bases del estudio son teóricas según las variables seleccionadas, posteriormente se aplica a los sujetos seleccionados, los instrumentos que brindaran la información necesaria para determinar las manifestaciones y el nivel de ansiedad social que poseen los adolescentes. Con la muestra de estudio se trabajara la psicoterapia Gestalt, este proceso se basa en el aquí y el ahora, la misma estará dividida en dos etapas, la primera es terapia de grupo conformada en ocho sesiones y la segunda etapa en terapia individual establecida en 17 sesiones

    El dibujo y la pintura como estrategia lúdica para el mejoramiento de la habilidad lectora en los estudiantes de grado primero del colegio marco Antonio Carreño Silva

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    Esta propuesta de intervención pedagógica denominada “El dibujo y la pintura como estrategia lúdica para el mejoramiento de la competencia lectora en estudiantes de grado Primero, del Colegio Marco Antonio Carreño Silva de la localidad de Puente Aranda”, se enmarca en los procesos de investigación formativa de la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. La propuesta surge de la necesidad de fortalecer los procesos lectores de los estudiantes del grado Primero de la Institución Educativa, que han presentado dificultades con la lectura comprensiva de textos. Se planteó como pregunta de investigación ¿En qué medida, la implementación de estrategias lúdicas enfatizadas en el dibujo y la pintura, contribuye a mejorar el bajo nivel de lectura interpretativa, en los estudiantes del grado Primero del Colegio Marco Antonio Carreño Silva de la localidad Puente Aranda en Bogotá? La propuesta busca aportar estrategias lúdicas para el desarrollo de los procesos lectores al interior del aula de clase, con la mediación de estrategias didácticas enfatizadas en las artes plásticas, como recursos valiosos para conseguir aprendizajes significativos

    Human peritoneal mesothelial cells display phagocytic and antigen-presenting functions to contribute to intraperitoneal immunity

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    Mesothelial cells lining the peritoneal cavity are strategically positioned to respond to and counter intraperitoneal infections, cancer cells, and other challenges. We have investigated human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMCs) for phagocytic activity, expression of surface MHC Class II and accessory molecules involved in antigen presentation, and the ability to present recall antigens to T cells. Phagocytosis of dextran, latex beads and Escherichia coli was observed by flow cytometry, and internalization was visualised using confocal and electron microscopy. Flow cytometry and/or cellular ELISA showed constitutive expression of ICAM-I, LFA-3, and B7-1, but not B7-2 or MHC II. Interferon-gamma induced MHC II and ICAM-1 expression in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Importantly, HPMCs induced autologous CD3+ T lymphocyte proliferation (3H-incorporation) after pulse with recall antigen. HPMCs equipped with phagocytic and antigen-presenting machinery are anticipated to have an integral role in intraperitoneal immune surveillance

    The interstitium in cardiac repair: role of the immune-stromal cell interplay

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    Cardiac regeneration, that is, restoration of the original structure and function in a damaged heart, differs from tissue repair, in which collagen deposition and scar formation often lead to functional impairment. In both scenarios, the early-onset inflammatory response is essential to clear damaged cardiac cells and initiate organ repair, but the quality and extent of the immune response vary. Immune cells embedded in the damaged heart tissue sense and modulate inflammation through a dynamic interplay with stromal cells in the cardiac interstitium, which either leads to recapitulation of cardiac morphology by rebuilding functional scaffolds to support muscle regrowth in regenerative organisms or fails to resolve the inflammatory response and produces fibrotic scar tissue in adult mammals. Current investigation into the mechanistic basis of homeostasis and restoration of cardiac function has increasingly shifted focus away from stem cell-mediated cardiac repair towards a dynamic interplay of cells composing the less-studied interstitial compartment of the heart, offering unexpected insights into the immunoregulatory functions of cardiac interstitial components and the complex network of cell interactions that must be considered for clinical intervention in heart diseases

    The Ode Active Database: Trigger Semantics and Implementation

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    Triggers are the basic ingredient of active databases. Ode triggers are event-action pairs. An event can be a composite event (i.e., an event composed from other events). Composite events are detected by translating the event specifications into finite state machines. In this paper, we describe the integration and implementation of composite event based triggers into the Ode object database. We focus on implementation details such as the basic trigger events supported, the efficient posting of these events, the handling of transactionrelated events, and the integration of triggers into a real database. We also describe the run-time facilities used to support trigger processing and describe some experiences we gained while implementing triggers. We illustrate Ode trigger facilities with a credit card example. 1 Introduction Ode [1, 2] is a database system and environment based on the object paradigm. The database is defined, queried, and manipulated using the database programming lang..

    Privacy-Preserving Global Customization

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    ABSTRACT We present an architecture for global customization of web content, by w h i c h a w eb site can customize content for each visitor based on the activities undertaken by the same user on other, unrelated sites. Our architecture distinguishes itself in the privacy mechanisms it provides: each u s e r c o n trols what information a merchant can learn about her activities at other merchants, and each merchant controls to what other merchants the information it contributes is revealed. To a c hieve t h i s w e i n troduce novel data protection mechanisms for merchants and users. We further describe aspects of a prototype implementation of our architecture

    Privacy-Preserving Global Customization (Extended Abstract)

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    We present an architecture for global customization of web content, by which aweb site can customize content for each visitor based on the activities undertaken by the same user on other, unrelated sites. Our architecture distinguishes itself in the privacy mechanisms it provides: each user controls what information a merchant can learn about her activities at other merchants, and each merchant controls to what other merchants the information it contributes is revealed. To achieve this we introduce novel data protection mechanisms for merchants and users. We further describe aspects of a prototype implementation of our architecture. 1

    Making ldap active with the ltap gateway: Case study in providing telecom integration and enhanced services

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    LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directories are being rapidly deployed on the Web. They are currently used to store data like white pages information, user profiles, and network device descriptions. These directories offer a number of advantages over current database technology in that they provide better support for heterogeneity and scalability. However, they lack some basic database functionality (e.g., triggers, transactions) that is crucial for Directory Enabled Networking (DEN) tasks like provisioning network services, allocating resources, reporting, managing end-to-end security, and offering mobile users customized features that follow them. In order to address these limitations while keeping the simplicity and performance features of LDAP directories, unbundled and portable solutions are needed. In this paper we discuss LDAP limitations we faced while building an LDAP meta-directory that integrates data from legacy telecom systems, and how LTAP (Lightweight Trigger Access Process), a portable gateway that adds active functionality to LDAP directories, overcomes these limitations

    A case study of open source tools and practices in a commercial setting

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