2,316 research outputs found

    Accretion of Ghost Condensate by Black Holes

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    The intent of this letter is to point out that the accretion of a ghost condensate by black holes could be extremely efficient. We analyze steady-state spherically symmetric flows of the ghost fluid in the gravitational field of a Schwarzschild black hole and calculate the accretion rate. Unlike minimally coupled scalar field or quintessence, the accretion rate is set not by the cosmological energy density of the field, but by the energy scale of the ghost condensate theory. If hydrodynamical flow is established, it could be as high as tenth of a solar mass per second for 10MeV-scale ghost condensate accreting onto a stellar-sized black hole, which puts serious constraints on the parameters of the ghost condensate model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX 4.0; discussion expande

    Electroweak symmetry breaking in supersymmetric models with heavy scalar superpartners

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    We propose a novel mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking in supersymmetric models, as the one recently discussed by Birkedal, Chacko and Gaillard, in which the Standard Model Higgs doublet is a pseudo-Goldstone boson of some global symmetry. The Higgs mass parameter is generated at one loop level by two different, moderately fine-tuned sources of the global symmetry breaking. The mechanism works for scalar superpartner masses of order 10 TeV, but gauginos can be light. The scale at which supersymmetry breaking is mediated to the visible sector has to be low, of order 100 TeV. Fine-tuning in the scalar potential is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than in the MSSM with similar soft scalar masses. The physical Higgs boson mass is (for tan⁥ÎČ≫1\tan\beta\gg1) in the range 120-135 GeV.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Signals of Supersymmetric Lepton Flavor Violation at the LHC

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    In a generic supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, there will be lepton flavor violation at a neutral gaugino vertex due to misalignment between the lepton Yukawa couplings and the slepton soft masses. Sleptons produced at the LHC through the cascade decays of squarks and gluinos can give a sizable number of events with 4 leptons. This channel could give a clean signature of supersymmetric lepton flavor violation under conditions which are identified.Comment: 21 page

    The Littlest Higgs

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    We present an economical theory of natural electroweak symmetry breaking, generalizing an approach based on deconstruction. This theory is the smallest extension of the Standard Model to date that stabilizes the electroweak scale with a naturally light Higgs and weakly coupled new physics at TeV energies. The Higgs is one of a set of pseudo Goldstone bosons in an SU(5)/SO(5)SU(5)/SO(5) nonlinear sigma model. The symmetry breaking scale ff is around a TeV, with the cutoff \Lambda \lsim 4\pi f \sim 10 TeV. A single electroweak doublet, the ``little Higgs'', is automatically much lighter than the other pseudo Goldstone bosons. The quartic self-coupling for the little Higgs is generated by the gauge and Yukawa interactions with a natural size O(g2,λt2)O(g^2,\lambda_t^2), while the top Yukawa coupling generates a negative mass squared triggering electroweak symmetry breaking. Beneath the TeV scale the effective theory is simply the minimal Standard Model. The new particle content at TeV energies consists of one set of spin one bosons with the same quantum numbers as the electroweak gauge bosons, an electroweak singlet quark with charge 2/3, and an electroweak triplet scalar. One loop quadratically divergent corrections to the Higgs mass are cancelled by interactions with these additional particles.Comment: 15 pages. References added. Corrected typos in the discussion of the top Yukawa couplin

    Constraining the Littlest Higgs

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    Little Higgs models offer a new way to address the hierarchy problem, and give rise to a weakly-coupled Higgs sector. These theories predict the existence of new states which are necessary to cancel the quadratic divergences of the Standard Model. The simplest version of these models, the Littlest Higgs, is based on an SU(5)/SO(5)SU(5)/SO(5) non-linear sigma model and predicts that four new gauge bosons, a weak isosinglet quark, tâ€Čt', with Q=2/3Q=2/3, as well as an isotriplet scalar field exist at the TeV scale. We consider the contributions of these new states to precision electroweak observables, and examine their production at the Tevatron. We thoroughly explore the parameter space of this model and find that small regions are allowed by the precision data where the model parameters take on their natural values. These regions are, however, excluded by the Tevatron data. Combined, the direct and indirect effects of these new states constrain the `decay constant' f\gsim 3.5 TeV and m_{t'}\gsim 7 TeV. These bounds imply that significant fine-tuning be present in order for this model to resolve the hierarchy problem.Comment: 31 pgs, 26 figures; bound on t' mass fixed to mt'>2f, conclusions unchange

    Solutions to large B and L breaking in the Randall-Sundrum model

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    The stability of proton and neutrino masses are discussed in the Randall-Sundrum model. We show that relevant operators should be suppressed, if the hierarchical Yukawa matrices are explained only by configurations of wavefunctions for fermions and the Higgs field along the extra dimension. We assume a ZNZ_N discrete gauge symmetry to suppress those operators. In the Dirac neutrino case, there is an infinite number of symmetries which may forbid the dangerous operators. In the Majorana neutrino case, the discrete gauge symmetries should originate from U(1)XU(1)_X gauge symmetries which are broken on the Planck brane. We also comment on the n−nˉn-\bar{n} oscillation as a phenomenon which can distinguish those discrete gauge symmetries.Comment: 12 pages, No figures, Added reference

    The Littlest Higgs in Anti-de Sitter Space

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    We implement the SU(5)/SO(5) littlest Higgs theory in a slice of 5D Anti-de Sitter space bounded by a UV brane and an IR brane. In this model, there is a bulk SU(5) gauge symmetry that is broken to SO(5) on the IR brane, and the Higgs boson is contained in the Goldstones from this breaking. All of the interactions on the IR brane preserve the global symmetries that protect the Higgs mass, but a radiative potential is generated through loops that stretch to the UV brane where there are explicit SU(5) violating boundary conditions. Like the original littlest Higgs, this model exhibits collective breaking in that two interactions must be turned on in order to generate a Higgs potential. In AdS space, however, collective breaking does not appear in coupling constants directly but rather in the choice of UV brane boundary conditions. We match this AdS construction to the known low energy structure of the littlest Higgs and comment on some of the tensions inherent in the AdS construction. We calculate the 5D Coleman-Weinberg effective potential for the Higgs and find that collective breaking is manifest. In a simplified model with only the SU(2) gauge structure and the top quark, the physical Higgs mass can be of order 200 GeV with no considerable fine tuning (25%). We sketch a more realistic model involving the entire gauge and fermion structure that also implements T-parity, and we comment on the tension between T-parity and flavor structure.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; v2: minor rewording, JHEP format; v3: to match JHEP versio

    Collective Quartics and Dangerous Singlets in Little Higgs

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    Any extension of the standard model that aims to describe TeV-scale physics without fine-tuning must have a radiatively-stable Higgs potential. In little Higgs theories, radiative stability is achieved through so-called collective symmetry breaking. In this letter, we focus on the necessary conditions for a little Higgs to have a collective Higgs quartic coupling. In one-Higgs doublet models, a collective quartic requires an electroweak triplet scalar. In two-Higgs doublet models, a collective quartic requires a triplet or singlet scalar. As a corollary of this study, we show that some little Higgs theories have dangerous singlets, a pathology where collective symmetry breaking does not suppress quadratically-divergent corrections to the Higgs mass.Comment: 4 pages; v2: clarified the existing literature; v3: version to appear in JHE

    Split Fermions in Extra Dimensions and Exponentially Small Cross-Sections at Future Colliders

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    We point out a dramatic new experimental signature for a class of theories with extra dimensions, where quarks and leptons are localized at slightly separated parallel ``walls'' whereas gauge and Higgs fields live in the bulk of the extra dimensions. The separation forbids direct local couplings between quarks and leptons, allowing for an elegant solution to the proton decay problem. We show that scattering cross sections for collisions of fermions which are separated in the extra dimensions vanish exponentially at energies high enough to probe the separation distance. This is because the separation puts a lower bound on the attainable impact parameter in the collision. We present cross sections for two body high energy scattering and estimate the power with which future colliders can probe this scenario, finding sensitivity to inverse fermion separations of order 10-70 TeV.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Deconstructing Gaugino Mediation

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    We present a model of supersymmetry breaking which produces gaugino masses and negligible scalar masses at a high scale. The model is inspired by ``deconstructing'' or ``latticizing'' models in extra dimensions where supersymmetry breaking and visible matter are spatially separated. We find a simple four-dimensional model which only requires two lattice sites (or gauge groups) to reproduce the phenomenology.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, acknowledgements adde
