51 research outputs found

    Thread Quality Control in High-Speed Tapping Cycles

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    Thread quality control is becoming a widespread necessity in manufacturing to guarantee the geometry of the resulting screws on the workpiece due to the high industrial costs. Besides, the industrial inspection is manual provoking high rates of manufacturing delays. Therefore, the aim of this paper consists of developing a statistical quality control approach acquiring the data (torque signal) coming from the spindle drive for assessing thread quality using different coatings. The system shows a red light when the tap wear is critical before machining in unacceptable screw threads. Therefore, the application could reduce these high industrial costs because it can work self-governance.This research was funded by the vice‐counseling of technology, innovation and competitiveness of the Basque Government grant agreements IT‐2005/00201, ZL‐2019/00720 (HARDCRAFT project) and KK‐2019/00004 (PROCODA project)

    Evolution of atmospheric connectivity in the 20th century

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    We aim to study the evolution of the upper atmosphere connectivity over the 20th century as well as to distinguish the oceanically forced component from the atmospheric internal variability. For this purpose we build networks from two different reanalysis data sets using both linear and nonlinear statistical similarity measures to determine the existence of links between different regions of the world in the two halves of the last century. We furthermore use symbolic analysis to emphasize intra-seasonal, intra-annual and inter-annual timescales. Both linear and nonlinear networks have similar structures and evolution, showing that the most connected regions are in the tropics over the Pacific Ocean. Also, the Southern Hemisphere extratropics have more connectivity in the first half of the 20th century, particularly on intra-annual and intra-seasonal timescales. Changes over the Pacific main connectivity regions are analyzed in more detail. Both linear and nonlinear networks show that the central and western Pacific regions have decreasing connectivity from early 1900 up to about 1940, when it starts increasing again until the present. The inter-annual network shows a similar behavior. However, this is not true of other timescales. On intra-annual timescales the minimum connectivity is around 1956, with a negative (positive) trend before (after) that date for both the central and western Pacific. While this is also true of the central Pacific on intra-seasonal timescales, the western Pacific shows a positive trend during the entire 20th century. In order to separate the internal and forced connectivity networks and to study their evolution through time, an ensemble of atmospheric general circulation model outputs is used. The results suggest that the main connectivity patterns captured in the reanalysis networks are due to the oceanically forced component, particularly on inter-annual timescales. Moreover, the atmospheric internal variability seems to play an important role in determining the intra-seasonal timescale networks

    Identifying large-scale patterns of unpredictability and response to insolation in atmospheric data

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    Understanding the complex dynamics of the atmosphere is of paramount interest due to its impact in the entire climate system and in human society. Here we focus on identifying, from data, the geographical regions which have similar atmospheric properties. We study surface air temperature (SAT) time series with monthly resolution, recorded at a regular grid covering the Earth surface. We consider two datasets: NCEP CDAS1 and ERA Interim reanalysis. We show that two surprisingly simple measures are able to extract meaningful information: i) the distance between the lagged SAT and the incoming solar radiation and ii) the Shannon entropy of SAT and SAT anomalies. The distance uncovers well-defined spatial patterns formed by regions with similar SAT response to solar forcing while the entropy uncovers regions with similar degree of SAT unpredictability. The entropy analysis also allows identifying regions in which SAT has extreme values. Importantly, we uncover differences between the two datasets which are due to the presence of extreme values in one dataset but not in the other. Our results indicate that the distance and entropy measures can be valuable tools for the study of other climatological variables, for anomaly detection and for performing model inter-comparisons

    Identifying large-scale patterns of unpredictability and response to insolation in atmospheric data

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    Understanding the complex dynamics of the atmosphere is of paramount interest due to its impact in the entire climate system and in human society. Here we focus on identifying, from data, the geographical regions which have similar atmospheric properties. We study surface air temperature (SAT) time series with monthly resolution, recorded at a regular grid covering the Earth surface. We consider two datasets: NCEP CDAS1 and ERA Interim reanalysis. We show that two surprisingly simple measures are able to extract meaningful information: i) the distance between the lagged SAT and the incoming solar radiation and ii) the Shannon entropy of SAT and SAT anomalies. The distance uncovers well-defined spatial patterns formed by regions with similar SAT response to solar forcing while the entropy uncovers regions with similar degree of SAT unpredictability. The entropy analysis also allows identifying regions in which SAT has extreme values. Importantly, we uncover differences between the two datasets which are due to the presence of extreme values in one dataset but not in the other. Our results indicate that the distance and entropy measures can be valuable tools for the study of other climatological variables, for anomaly detection and for performing model inter-comparisons.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Adaptation to synchronization in phase-oscillator networks

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    We introduce an adaptation algorithm by which an ensemble of coupled oscillators with attractive and repulsive interactions is induced to adopt a prescribed synchronized state. While the performance of adaptation is controlled by measuring a macroscopic quantity, which characterizes the achieved degree of synchronization, adaptive changes are introduced at the microscopic level of the interaction network, by modifying the configuration of repulsive interactions. This scheme emulates the distinct levels of selection and mutation in biological evolution and learning

    Proyecto de intervención socioeducativa: contexto social y educativo, caso Escuela Primaria Hermenegildo Galeana

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    The Socio-Educational Intervention Project (PISE), has the purpose of knowing, by means of a diagnosis and observation, the social and educational situation of an institution. The aim is to carry out an educational intervention to strengthen the area or areas detected. The PISE was held at Hermenegildo Galeana Elementary School in Toluca, State of Mexico, from June 3 to 14, 2019. From the data obtained, some problems were identified, the main one being peaceful school coexistence at institutional level, by grade and by group in order to promote it. The methodology used for the implementation of the project was proposed by Ander Egg (1998).  The project was called "Living together to learn in the classroom"El Proyecto de Intervención Socioeducativa (PISE), tiene el propósito de conocer por medio de un diagnóstico y la observación, la situación social y educativa de una institución, la finalidad es realizar una intervención educativa para fortalecer el área o áreas detectadas. El PISE, se realizó en la Escuela Primaria Hermenegildo Galeana de la ciudad de Toluca Estado de México, del 03 al 14 de junio de 2019, a partir de los datos obtenidos se identificaron algunas problemáticas de las cuales la principal fue la convivencia escolar pacífica a nivel institucional, por grado y por grupo con el fin de promoverla. La metodología que se utilizó para la implementación del proyecto fue la propuesta por Ander Egg (1998). Al proyecto se le denominó “Convivir para aprender en el aula” &nbsp

    Investigación Educativa en las Ciencias Sociales

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    El libro se organiza en cinco grandes secciones, cada una con diferentes capítulos: La primera de ellas, rescata dos temas vinculados con aspectos teórico metodológicos de la Investigación Educativa; La segunda sección recoge algunos planteamientos del nivel básico; en tanto que la tercera, concentra dos capítulos de investigación en el nivel superior; la cuarta parte recupera y muestra dos aportes de nivel posgrado y, finalmente, se cierra con una quinta sección donde se concentran, distintos capítulos, de tópicos diversos