61 research outputs found
Creación e implementación de talleres escolares de iniciación a la electrónica, programas en sistemas y microcontroladores con Arduino
Hoy por hoy, la articulación con la educación media es uno de los aspectos más importantes para diferentes instituciones de educación superior, sobre todo para captar el interés de los potenciales estudiantes a la vinculación de carreras profesionales de su afinidad. Por esta razón, es meritorio que los estudiantes de los colegios distritales puedan tener contacto con la electrónica y los lenguajes de programación como ejes temáticos de vanguardia ocupacional. Este proyecto, por lo tanto, se encuentra enfocado en brindar la orientación necesaria a estos potenciales estudiantes para el proceso de elección de estos temas afines. Se ha identificado la placa Arduino como base fundamental para la enseñanza de la electrónica y los lenguajes de programación a los estudiantes de la media vocacional. Es, por eso, la principal finalidad de este proyecto de investigación la consecución de talleres escolares de iniciación a la electrónica, programación en sistemas y microcontroladores con Arduino en los colegios Distritales del centro histórico de Barranquilla como apoyo a la adquisición de estos conocimientos por parte de los estudiantes y su acercamiento al proceso de elección de una carrera profesional a cursar
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition - a systematic review of literature
The research area of ambient assisted living has led to the development of activity recognition
systems (ARS) based on human activity recognition (HAR). These systems improve the quality of life and
the health care of the elderly and dependent people. However, before making them available to end users, it is
necessary to evaluate their performance in recognizing activities of daily living, using data set benchmarks
in experimental scenarios. For that reason, the scientific community has developed and provided a huge
amount of data sets for HAR. Therefore, identifying which ones to use in the evaluation process and which
techniques are the most appropriate for prediction of HAR in a specific context is not a trivial task and
is key to further progress in this area of research. This work presents a systematic review of the literature
of the sensor-based data sets used to evaluate ARS. On the one hand, an analysis of different variables
taken from indexed publications related to this field was performed. The sources of information are journals,
proceedings, and books located in specialized databases. The analyzed variables characterize publications
by year, database, type, quartile, country of origin, and destination, using scientometrics, which allowed
identification of the data set most used by researchers. On the other hand, the descriptive and functional
variables were analyzed for each of the identified data sets: occupation, annotation, approach, segmentation,
representation, feature selection, balancing and addition of instances, and classifier used for recognition.
This paper provides an analysis of the sensor-based data sets used in HAR to date, identifying the most
appropriate dataset to evaluate ARS and the classification techniques that generate better results
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition - a systematic review of literature
The research area of ambient assisted living has led to the development of activity recognition
systems (ARS) based on human activity recognition (HAR). These systems improve the quality of life and
the health care of the elderly and dependent people. However, before making them available to end users, it is
necessary to evaluate their performance in recognizing activities of daily living, using data set benchmarks
in experimental scenarios. For that reason, the scientific community has developed and provided a huge
amount of data sets for HAR. Therefore, identifying which ones to use in the evaluation process and which
techniques are the most appropriate for prediction of HAR in a specific context is not a trivial task and
is key to further progress in this area of research. This work presents a systematic review of the literature
of the sensor-based data sets used to evaluate ARS. On the one hand, an analysis of different variables
taken from indexed publications related to this field was performed. The sources of information are journals,
proceedings, and books located in specialized databases. The analyzed variables characterize publications
by year, database, type, quartile, country of origin, and destination, using scientometrics, which allowed
identification of the data set most used by researchers. On the other hand, the descriptive and functional
variables were analyzed for each of the identified data sets: occupation, annotation, approach, segmentation,
representation, feature selection, balancing and addition of instances, and classifier used for recognition.
This paper provides an analysis of the sensor-based data sets used in HAR to date, identifying the most
appropriate dataset to evaluate ARS and the classification techniques that generate better results
Discovering similarities in Landsat satellite images using the Kmeans method
This article different ways for the treatment and identification of similarities in satellite images. By means of the systematic review of the literature it is possible to know the different existing forms for the treatment of this type of objects and by means of the implementation that is described, the operation of the K-means algorithm is shown to help the segmentation and analysis of characteristics associated to the color. In this type of objects, a descriptive analysis of the results thrown by the method is finally carried out
WSIA: web ontological search engine based on smart agents applied to scientific articles
The Semantic Web proposed by the W3C (Word Wide Web Consortium), aims to make the automation of the information contained in the current web through semantic processing based on ontologies that define what must be the rules used for the representation knowledge. This article resulting from the research project “Model for the representation of knowledge based on Web ontologies and intelligent search agents, if required: Scientific articles WSIA” proposes an architecture for finding information through intelligent agents and ontologies Web of scientific articles. This paper shows the architecture, implementation and comparing these with traditional applications
A Cost Estimating Method for Agile Software Development
In every software development project, the software effort estimating procedure is an important process in software engineering and always critical. The consistency of effort and timeline estimation, along with several factors, determines whether a project succeeds or fails. Both academics and professionals worked on the estimation approaches in software engineering. But, all these approaches have many problems that need to be addressed. One of the most difficult aspects of software engineering is estimating effort in agile development. This study aims to provide an effort estimation method for agile software development projects. Because in software engineering, the agile method is widely used for the development of software applications. The development and usage of the agile method are described in depth in this study. The framework is configured with empirical data gathered by projects from the software industry. The test findings reveal that the estimation method has great estimation accuracy in respect of mean magnitude of relative error (MMRE) and Prediction of Error PRED (n). The suggested approach achieves more accuracy for effort estimation as compare to others
Reasonable Non-conventional Generator of Random Linear Chains Based on a Simple Self-avoiding Walking Process: A Statistical and Fractal Analysis
Models based on self-excluded walks have been widely used to generate random linear chains. In this work, we present an algorithm capable of generating linear strings in two and three dimensions, in a simple and efficient way. The discrete growth process of the chains takes place in a finite time, in a network without pre-established boundary conditions and without the need to explore the entire configurational space. The computational processing time and the length of the strings depending on the number of trials N′ . This number is always less than the real number of steps in the chain, N. From the statistical analysis of the characteristic distances, the radius of gyration ( Rg ), and the end-to-end distance ( Ree ), we make a morphological description of the chains and we study the dependence of this quantities on the number of steps, N. The universal critical exponent obtained are in very good agreement with previous values reported in literature. We also study fractal characteristics of the chains using two different methods, Box-Counting Dimension or Capacity Dimension and Correlation Dimension. The studies revealed essential differences between chains of different dimensions, for the two methods used, showing that three-dimensional chains are more correlated than two-dimensional chains
IT government in colombians SMEs. myth or reality?
El presente artículo se enmarca en el desarrollo del proyecto
Hace una revisión sistemática de la literatura en cuanto a
conceptos, marcos de referencia y normativa que contribuyen en
el alineamiento de las TI y el gobierno corporativo de las
empresas. Analiza el estado actual de las PyMES en Colombia, y
como aporta el GOBIT en el desarrollo de las PyMES en el país.
Posterior a la revisión de la literatura se llega a la conclusión que
para alcanzar los objetivos trazados por parte de las
organizaciones, es necesario que las empresas establezcan
acciones encaminadas a la eficaz gestión de los recursos de TI, la
implementación de las acciones planteadas, un posterior
seguimiento a esas acciones, y finalmente trabajar en conjunto
por la mejora continua de los procesos.This article is part of the development of the project INTEGRATED
review of the literature regarding concepts, frameworks and
regulations that contribute to the alignment of IT and corporate
governance of companies. It analyzes the current state of SMEs in
Colombia, and how GOBIT contributes to the development of SMEs
in the country. Following the literature review, it is concluded that
in order to achieve the goals set by the organizations, it is
necessary for companies to establish actions aimed at the efficient
management of IT resources, implementation of the actions
proposed, Follow up on these actions, and finally work together for
the continuous improvement of processes
Feature selection, learning metrics and dimension reduction in training and classification processes in intrusion detection systems
This research presents an IDS prototype in Matlab that assess network traffic connections contained in the
NSL-KDD dataset, comparing feature selection techniques available in FEAST toolbox, refining prior
results applying dimension reduction technique ISOMAP. The classification process used a supervised
learning technique called Support Vector Machines (SVM). The comparative analysis related to detection
rates by attack category are conclusive that MRMR+PCA+SVM (selection, reduction and classification
techniques) combined obtained more promising results, just using 5 of 41 available features in the dataset.
The results obtained were: 85.42% normal traffic, 80.77% DoS, 90.41% Probe, 91.78% U2R and 83.25%
Geographic information systems - GIS, a view from the water resource
This research paper presents an overview of the state of the art
Geographic Information Systems - GIS, which has been defined
and characterized important aspects about these systems and
their contribution to the analysis of water bodies from various
use and development, which allows the achievement of the
Platform for water Resources Network of the Colombian
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