2 research outputs found

    Um roteiro-memória-reflexão sobre os catorze anos de prática médica e teatral comunitária: do Hospício do Engenho de Dentro ao Teatro-Clínica Dyonises

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    En un guion de escritura autobiográfica performativa, contamos las historias que nos llevaron a desarrollar la experiencia en teatro y psiquiatría transcultural en el hospital psiquiátrico público más antiguo de Brasil. Esta experiencia tuvo la contribución de maestros de la ciencia y el arte brasileños hasta la constitución del Teatro-Clínica de DyoNises y del Hotel de la Locura, además de la colaboración metodológica de autores brasileños e internacionales.Num roteiro de escrita performativa autobiográfica, relatamos as histórias que nos levaram a desenvolver experiência de teatro e psiquiatria transcultural no mais antigo hospício público brasileiro. Essa experiência teve a contribuição de mestres da ciência e da arte brasileiras até a constituição do Teatro-Clínica DyoNises e do Hotel da Loucura, além da colaboração metodológica de autores brasileiros e internacionais.In a performative autobiographical writing script, we tell the stories that led us to develop experience in transcultural theater and psychiatry in the oldest public asylum in Brazil. This experience had the contributions of Brazilian masters of science and art until the constitution of the TheaterClinic of DyoNises and the Madness Hotel, in addition to the methodological collaboration of Brazilian and international authors

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications