20 research outputs found

    Transfert de gestion et conservation de la biodiversité de Makira, Nord-Est de Madagascar

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    International audienceAvec sa biodiversité unique dans l'un des grands blocs de forêts humides de l'Est de Madagascar, les ressources naturelles de la forêt de Makira (Nord-Est) occupent une place prépondérante dans le développement des communautés riveraines et la préservation des organismes endémiques de l'Île. Le système de gestion rationnelle mise en place ces dernières années à Makira montre un certain niveau de contribution à la réduction des menaces pesant sur l'aire protégée. Toutefois, pour atteindre un niveau satisfaisant à la fois pour le bien-être des communautés riveraines et la préservation d'un tel patrimoine biologique, un système de suivi basé sur des actions-réponses, le " Law Enforcement Monitoring " (LEM), devrait être mise en place

    Ectoparasite reproductive activity in relation to host reproduction and dispersal: case of species of nycteribiid fly (Diptera) parasitizing Rousettus madagascariensis (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae)

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    Ce travail présente des détails sur la biologie de reproduction de la mouche ectoparasite, Eucampsipoda madagascarensis (Nycteribiidae), de Rousettus madagascariensis, une espèce de chauve-souris frugivore endémique de Madagascar. La synchronisation du cycle de reproduction de cet ectoparasite avec celui de son hôte est mise en exergue. Les données ont été recueillies sur R. madagascariensis utilisant une grotte comme gîte diurne dans le Parc National d’Ankarana, à l’extrême nord de Madagascar. Ce gîte a été échantillonné à cinq reprises, dont trois en fin de saison sèche (septembre 2014, 2015 et 2016), correspondant à la saison d’accouplement de la chauve-souris, et deux pendant la saison des pluies (janvier 2015 et 2016), coïncidant avec la période de mise bas et d’allaitement. Sur tous les individus de R. madagascariensis capturés au cours des différentes visites (n = 1030), une seule espèce de Nycteribiidae, E. madagascarensis (n = 5201), a été identifiée. La majorité des nyctéribies femelles collectées au cours de ces deux saisons sont gravides. Pendant la période d’accouplement de la chauve-souris (saison sèche), les mouches femelles gravides n’ont généralement de préférence ni pour l’hôte mâle ni pour l’hôte femelle. Mais pendant la période de mise bas et d’allaitement (saison des pluies), les nyctéribies gravides parasitent surtout les hôtes femelles allaitantes. Les hôtes mâles à testicules scrotaux sont plus parasités que ceux à testicules abdominaux par les nyctéribies gravides durant la période d’accouplement comparativement à la période de mise bas et d’allaitement. Nous donnons des explications sur la stratégie de reproduction de l’ectoparasite suivant le changement de l’état physiologique de l’hôte entre ces deux périodes de reproduction. Cependant, la stratégie de dispersion des ectoparasites n’est pas évidente si l’on tient compte d’une possibilité de dispersion des chauves-souris.Details are presented on the reproductive biology of a bat fly, Eucampsipoda madagascarensis (Nycteribiidae) parasitizing Rousettus madagascariensis, a fruit bat endemic to Madagascar, specifically to examine possible synchronization of the host-parasite reproductive cycles. Data were collected at a cave in the Parc National d’Ankarana, northern Madagascar, used by the bat species as a day roost site. Rousettus were sampled on five occasions, at the end of the dry season (September 2014, 2015 and 2016), corresponding to its mating period, and during the rainy season (January 2015 and 2016), coinciding with the birth season and lactation period. The only nycteribiid fly identified from captured R. madagascariensis (n = 1030) was E. madagascarensis (n = 5201). Female flies were gravid during both seasons. During the bat mating period (dry season), gravid female flies showed no preference for hosts in reproductive or non-reproductive states. During the lactation period (rainy season), gravid flies disproportionately parasitized lactating females. During the mating period, as compared to the lactation period, male bats with scrotal testes were more parasitized by gravid flies than those with abdominal testes. These observations are discussed in relationship to shifts in host physiological states between these two seasonal periods and ectoparasite reproduction strategies. No evidence was found of expanded fly reproductive activity during the period it is presumed that this fruit bat disperses

    Comportement De Territorialité De Propithecus Deckenii Dans Les Aires Protégées Complexe Tsimembo Manambolomaty Et Mandrozo

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    This study aims to understand the behavior territoriality of the lemur Decken's Sifaka Propithecus deckenii in the Protected Areas (PAs) Complexe Tsimembo Manambolomaty and Mandrozo in the central-west of Madagascar between November 2017 and April 2018, and between July and October 2018. The continuous focal animal sampling method was used to monitor eight groups of Sifakas, two groups of the intact habitat and two groups from the disturbed habitat in each PA. Scent marking frequencies per focal groups differs between the two habitats types and is influenced by sex in favor of males. Season does not impacted this activity. The home range (define by MCP and 95% Kernel density estimate) and core area varies between monitored groups and the daily path length can reach 234 ± 98 m to 362 ± 110 m. These parameters are not influenced by season and habitat types. However, the intensity of territory use does not have any variation among the studied groups. The mean average « defensibility index » value for P. deckenii is 1.74 ± 0.70 (n = 8). The studied species has ability to adjust their territorial behavior, despite the degradation of habitat in sustainable use zone

    Win-win opportunities combining high yields with high multi-taxa biodiversity in tropical agroforestry

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    Resolving ecological-economic trade-offs between biodiversity and yields is a key challenge when addressing the biodiversity crisis in tropical agricultural landscapes. Here, we focused on the relation between seven different taxa (trees, herbaceous plants, birds, amphibians, reptiles, butterflies, and ants) and yields in vanilla agroforests in Madagascar. Agroforests established in forests supported overall 23% fewer species and 47% fewer endemic species than old-growth forests, and 14% fewer endemic species than forest fragments. In contrast, agroforests established on fallows had overall 12% more species and 38% more endemic species than fallows. While yields increased with vanilla vine density and length, non-yield related variables largely determined biodiversity. Nonetheless, trade-offs existed between yields and butterflies as well as reptiles. Vanilla yields were generally unrelated to richness of trees, herbaceous plants, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and ants, opening up possibilities for conservation outside of protected areas and restoring degraded land to benefit farmers and biodiversity alike

    First breeding survey of the endemic Madagascar Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis and Forest Fody Foudia omissa at Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar

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    An intensive study of the breeding biology of Foudia madagascariensis and Foudia omissa in the family Ploceidae was first conducted in Ranomafana National Park from November 2003 to April 2004. During the survey, 368 nests of Foudia madagascariensis and 7 nests of Foudia omissa were found. Nest building of F. madagascariensis can be divided into four stages. The male builds the nest up to stage 2. Then the female partner finishes construction of the nest until stage 4. In both species incubation lasts 13 to 17 days and the number of eggs varies from 1 to 5 per brood for F. madagascariensis and 1 to 3 for F. omissa. Males of both species occupied more than one nest in their territory and had at least three different partners, thus are apparently polygamous. They defend their territory and rarely feed their chicks or engage in parental care at all. The females ensure incubation of the eggs, clean the nest and rear the chicks. The nestlings first flew out after 13 to 15 days and were consecutively led by the parents. During the study period a cyclone and especially anthropogenic nest destruction contributed to 26% of nest failures

    Breeding biology and reproductive success of the Spectacled Tetraka Xanthomixis zosterops (Bernieridae) in a rainforest of Madagascar

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    The Spectacled Tetraka Xanthomixis zosterops is a sexually monomorphic species in a family (Bernieridae) endemic to Madagascar and is found in various humid forest types. It is categorised as Least Concern by the IUCN. Despite its commonness, the biology of this species is little known. This study focused on its breeding biology and took place from September to December 2010 at Talatakely, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Thirty nests were monitored and incubating birds were marked. Direct observations were made associated with nest building, incubating and nestling periods. Habitat structure was assessed to detect nesting site choice. The breeding episode, from the nest-building stage to fledging of the last chick, lasted on average 45 d. Only one individual, probably the female, in each presumed pair incubated eggs and brooded hatchlings, whereas both parents fed and cared for the nestlings. The mean clutch size was 2.4 ± 0.2 egg per nest (range 1–3, n = 24), the incubation period averaged 17.7 ± 0.3 d (range 16–19, n = 10), and the nestling period averaged 14.7 ± 0.3 d (range 14–15, n = 3). We estimated the reproductive success to be 13.6% (n = 59 eggs). Nest predation was believed to be the primary cause of nesting failure with 24 eggs (40.7%) and 18 (64.3%) nestlings being predated.Keywords: Bernieridae, breeding biology, Madagascar, Ranomafana, Xanthomixis zosteropsOSTRICH 2014, 85(2): 119–12

    The diet of Malagasy dry forest understory birds based on faecal samples

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    This study provides data on the diet of understory birds living in the dry deciduous forests of western Madagascar. Samples were collected at three lowland localities: Ankarafantsika National Park in the northwest, the Kirindy forest (Menabe Antimena Protected Harmonious Landscape) in the central west, and Tsimanampesotse National Park in the extreme southwest. Faecal samples from 160 individual birds were analysed and found to include arthropods, plant materials and sand. The most commonly consumed insect orders were Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera, and the most common families were Formicidae (Hymenoptera), Scarabaeidae and Carabidae (Coleoptera). The various bird species showed statistical differences in the families of Insecta represented in their diet, some displaying the dietary regime of specialists and others are generalists. Keywords: deciduous forest, faeces, insects, spiny thickets, western Madagasca

    Variation saisonnière de la structure d’âge et de la sex-ratio de la population deRousettus madagascariensis (Yinpterochiroptera : Pteropodidae) à Ankarana, Nord de Madagascar

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    Seasonal variation in the age and sex structure of Rousettus madagascariensis (Yinpterochiroptera : Pteropodidae) in Ankarana, northern Madagascar. The purpose of this study was to examine seasonal variation in age and sex structure, as well as the disparity in the proportion of males and females of different age groups, of a population of Rousettus madagascariensis roosting in the Grotte des Chauves-souris, Ankarana, northern Madagascar. The study included 1196 individuals captured during six visits in both the dry (September 2014, 2015, 2016, November 2016) and wet seasons (January 2015, 2016). Adjustment and homogeneity χ² tests were used to determine whether the sex ratio deviated from equilibrium (1:1) and if the age-sex structure of the population varied between seasons. Neonates were present only during the wet season and the sex ratio (SR) of this age group was in equilibrium. On the basis of trap captures, juveniles and adults, were more numerous during the dry season than the wet season. Regardless of season, the proportion of adults was always higher than that of juveniles. Among juveniles, the sex ratio was biased in favor of males during the wet season (January 2015: SR = 4, January 2016: SR = 1.66), whereas during the dry season, females predominate (September 2014: SR = 0.67 ; September 2015: SR = 0.30 ; September 2016: SR = 0.13). In adults, the sex ratio was biased towards females during the wet season and males during the dry season (January 2015: SR = 0.56, January 2016: SR = 0.22, September 2014: SR = 1.77, September 2015: SR = 1.70, September 2016: SR = 2.50). The seasonal patterns in Rousettus madagascariensis associated with the day roosting site show two clear differences with regards to age (juvenile and adult) and sex (males and females).Le but de cette étude est d’analyser la variation saisonnière de la structure d’âge et de sexe de la population de Rousettus madagascariensis dans la Grotte des Chauves-souris, à Ankarana, nord de Madagascar. Les analyses ont porté sur 1196 individus capturés durant six visites menées au cours des deux saisons sèche (septembre 2014, 2015, 2016, novembre 2016) et humide (janvier 2015, 2016) sèche. Des tests du χ² d’ajustement et d’homogénéité ont été utilisés afin de déterminer si la sex-ratio présente une déviation par rapport à l’équilibre (1:1) et si la structure par âge et par sexe de la population varie suivant les saisons. D’après les animaux capturés, les juvéniles et les adultes, sont plus nombreux en saison sèche qu’en saison humide. La proportion des adultes est toujours plus élevée que celle des juvéniles. Les nouveau-nés ne sont recensés que durant la saison humide et leur sex-ratio est en équilibre. Chez les juvéniles, la sex-ratio est biaisée en faveur des mâles en saison humide (janvier 2015: SR = 4, janvier 2016: SR = 1,66), en faveur des femelles en saison sèche (septembre 2014: SR = 0,67 ; septembre 2015: SR = 0,30 ; septembre 2016: SR = 0,13). Chez les adultes, la sex-ratio est biaisée en faveur des femelles en saison humide (janvier 2015: SR = 0,56 ; janvier 2016: SR = 0,22), en faveur des mâles en saison sèche (septembre 2014: SR = 1,77 ; septembre 2015: SR = 1,70 ; septembre 2016: SR = 2,50). La tendance saisonnière chez Rousettus madagascariensis montrent l’existence de deux formes de ségrégation au niveau de gîte : 1) âges (juvéniles et adultes) et 2) sexe (mâles et femelles).Noroalintseheno Lalarivoniaina Oliva S., Rajemison Faneva I., Andrianarimisa Aristide, Goodman Steven M. Variation saisonnière de la structure d’âge et de la sex-ratio de la population deRousettus madagascariensis (Yinpterochiroptera : Pteropodidae) à Ankarana, Nord de Madagascar. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°1, 2018. pp. 23-30

    Régulation de l’activité reproductrice des ectoparasites par le cycle de reproduction de l’hôte et stratégie de dispersion : cas de Eucampsipoda madagascarensis (Nycteribiidae : Diptera) chez Rousettus madagascariensis (Pteropodidae : Chiroptera)

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    Ectoparasite reproductive activity in relation to host reproduction and dispersal : case of species of nycteribiid fly (Diptera) parasitizing Rousettus madagascariensis (Chiroptera : Pteropodidae). Details are presented on the reproductive biology of a bat fly, Eucampsipoda madagascarensis (Nycteribiidae) parasitizing Rousettus madagascariensis, a fruit bat endemic to Madagascar, specifically to examine possible synchronization of the host-parasite reproductive cycles. Data were collected at a cave in the Parc National d’Ankarana, northern Madagascar, used by the bat species as a day roost site. Rousettus were sampled on five occasions, at the end of the dry season (September 2014, 2015 and 2016), corresponding to its mating period, and during the rainy season (January 2015 and 2016), coinciding with the birth season and lactation period. The only nycteribiid fly identified from captured R. madagascariensis (n = 1030) was E. madagascarensis (n = 5201). Female flies were gravid during both seasons. During the bat mating period (dry season), gravid female flies showed no preference for hosts in reproductive or non-reproductive states. During the lactation period (rainy season), gravid flies disproportionately parasitized lactating females. During the mating period, as compared to the lactation period, male bats with scrotal testes were more parasitized by gravid flies than those with abdominal testes. These observations are discussed in relationship to shifts in host physiological states between these two seasonal periods and ectoparasite reproduction strategies. No evidence was found of expanded fly reproductive activity during the period it is presumed that this fruit bat disperses.Ce travail présente des détails sur la biologie de reproduction de la mouche ectoparasite, Eucampsipoda madagascarensis (Nycteribiidae), de Rousettus madagascariensis, une espèce de chauve-souris frugivore endémique de Madagascar. La synchronisation du cycle de reproduction de cet ectoparasite avec celui de son hôte est mise en exergue. Les données ont été recueillies sur R. madagascariensis utilisant une grotte comme gîte diurne dans le Parc National d’Ankarana, à l’extrême nord de Madagascar. Ce gîte a été échantillonné à cinq reprises, dont trois en fin de saison sèche (septembre 2014, 2015 et 2016), correspondant à la saison d’accouplement de la chauve-souris, et deux pendant la saison des pluies (janvier 2015 et 2016), coïncidant avec la période de mise bas et d’allaitement. Sur tous les individus de R. madagascariensis capturés au cours des différentes visites (n = 1030), une seule espèce de Nycteribiidae, E. madagascarensis (n = 5201), a été identifiée. La majorité des nyctéribies femelles collectées au cours de ces deux saisons sont gravides. Pendant la période d’accouplement de la chauve-souris (saison sèche), les mouches femelles gravides n’ont généralement de préférence ni pour l’hôte mâle ni pour l’hôte femelle. Mais pendant la période de mise bas et d’allaitement (saison des pluies), les nyctéribies gravides parasitent surtout les hôtes femelles allaitantes. Les hôtes mâles à testicules scrotaux sont plus parasités que ceux à testicules abdominaux par les nyctéribies gravides durant la période d’accouplement comparativement à la période de mise bas et d’allaitement. Nous donnons des explications sur la stratégie de reproduction de l’ectoparasite suivant le changement de l’état physiologique de l’hôte entre ces deux périodes de reproduction. Cependant, la stratégie de dispersion des ectoparasites n’est pas évidente si l’on tient compte d’une possibilité de dispersion des chauves-souris.Rajemison Faneva I., Noroalintseheno Lalarivoniaina Oliva S., Andrianarimisa Aristide, Goodman Steven M. Régulation de l’activité reproductrice des ectoparasites par le cycle de reproduction de l’hôte et stratégie de dispersion : cas de Eucampsipoda madagascarensis (Nycteribiidae : Diptera) chez Rousettus madagascariensis (Pteropodidae : Chiroptera). In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°4, 2018. pp. 514-525