426 research outputs found


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    This study is to test correlation Government accounting standard, human resources, utilization of technology and accounting internal control to the quality of  local government financial reports and the correlation to accountability government office performance report.(LAKIP) at local government activity unit (SKPD) in Jambi. The Research sample are head departments/ sub departments/accounting section f at local government activity unit (SKPD) in Jambi, The Research data are collected from with purposive sampling. The research Resultsf in Kendall’W  showing that there’s a significant positive correlation betweent the Government accounting standart, human resources, utilization of technology and accounting internal control to the quality of  local government financial reports meanwhile the reank Spearman test showing that  application Government accounting standard, human resources, and accounting internal control to the quality of  local government financial reports partly when the utilization of technology has no correlation to quality local government financial reports and there is no correlation between quality local government financial reports with accountability government office performance report.(LAKIP) at local government activity unit (SKPD) in Jambi Keywords :   Government accounting standart Human Resources, Information Tecnology Utilization, Accounting Internal Control, And the quality of  local government financial reports,  accountability government office performance report

    Pengaruh Latihan Square terhadap Daya Tahan Aerobic Atlet Sriwijaya Archery Club

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    This research starts from the low endurance possessed by SAC athletes, therefore researchers are interested in exploring further and trying to contribute in the form of exercises namely square exercises to increase the aerobic endurance of athletes. This type of research was an experimental design with pretest-posttest control group design. The sample is 30 people. divided into two groups, namely (experimental group and control group, 15 people each). the experimental group was given treatment in the form of square exercise. The data collection technique is using the 12-minute run test with data analysis techniques using the t-test (different test). Based on the results of the study data analysis found tcount (11.12)> t table (1.75) and the value of sig. (p) 0,000 <of 0,05. Conclusion, square exercises can increase the aerobic endurance of athletes in the club's archery significantly. Keywords : Square Exercise, Aerobic Enduranc


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    Pernikahan dibawah tangan adalah pernikahan yang telah memenuhi unsur syarat dan rukun nikah, namun tidak dicatatkan pada lembaga resmi Pemerintah. Penulis sepakat dengan pendapat ulama klasik dan fatwa MUI. Perbedaan sikap antara Ulama Timur Tengah di Mesir dan Yordania dengan MUI, dilatarbelakangi berbagai faktor sosiologis di masing-masing Negara. Faktor sosiologis masyarakat Indonesia yang beragam adat-istiadat, budaya dan letak geografisnya tentunya memberi pengaruh terhadap interaksi sosial dan sikap keber-agamaan. Faktor sosiologis ini sesuai dengan kaidah fikih “taghaiyur al-fatwa bi taghaiyur al-azman wa al-makan”  (berubahnya fatwa disebabkan perubahan zaman dan keadaan). Penulis berkesimpulan, bahwa pernikahan dibawah tangan di Indonesia hukumnya sah selama terpenuhi unsur syarat dan rukun nikah, karena masih banyak masyarakat muslim Indonesia yang berada di bahwa garis kemiskinan, hidup di daerah yang sangat terpencil, ditambah lagi aturan birokrasi perikahan dan poligami yang masih sulit. Namun dalam kondisi normal hukumnya haram, hal ini untuk menghindari mudharat yang berdampak negatif kepada pihak istri dan masa depan anak demi tercapainya kemashlahatan dalam kehidupan manusia. Maka pencatatan pernikahan menjadi sangat penting dan menjadi wajib dalam kondisi normal

    Pengaruh Metode Latihan Sirkuit terhadap Keterampilan Memanah

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of training using the circuit training method on archery skill of the extracurricular students of the Auladi Islamic Primary School Palembang. This type of research was involved in  the category of quasi-experimental research. The population of this study was 35 people, while the sample was determined by purposive sampling so that a sample of 24 male students was obtained. The data was obtained through basic technique test. While data analysis used independent sample t- test. The result of data analysis showed that training using the circuit training method significantly affected the improvement of archery skill, where tvalue ﹥ t table = 4.49> 1.714. Conclusion, the method of circuit training effectively had  a positive influence on archery skill. Keywords:Circuit Training, Metho, Archery &nbsp


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    Lembaga Pemasyarakatan ialah tempat yang didirkan dengan  bertujuan membuat para pelanggar hukum untuk  menyadari  kesalahan yang telah diperbuatnya. Namun,  kenyataannya Lapas yakni tempat dimana narapidana menjalani pembinaan tetapi terdapat penyelewangan didalamnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yakni dengan teknik pengambilan data yaitu wawancara untuk menjawab adanya  rumusan masalah terkait faktor internal, faktor eksternal dan strategi yang tepat terkait pemasaran produk perkayuan hasil narapidana Lapas Kelas IIB Kutacane. Penelitian ini dihasilkan bahwa strategi yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam upaya pencegahan penyelundupan narkotika Lapas Kelas IIB Kutacane  yaitu strategi agresif dimana memanfaatkan kekuatan dan peluang yang ada. Kemudian saran yang peneliti berikan kepada pihak lapas yaitu untuk meningkatkan sebuah sarana-prasarana di Lapas dalam melakukan pengamanan adanya narkotika serta peningkatan SDM petugas

    Mahram dan Kawin Sesuku dalam Konteks Hukum Islam (Kajian Tematik Ayat-ayat Hukum Keluarga)

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    Mahram is an important problem in Islam because it can influence the behavior, halal and haram. In addition, mahram is a wise decision from Allah the almighty and it is also a perfection of this religion which manages all aspects of life. As a result, it is a must for us to know whom belongs to mahram and his right. Futhermore, mahram also reached the problem of in-tribe married. The problem is whether it is considered as an opposit opinion toward the existence of mahram or not. This problem is always debated by many religion experts and it has emerged many different groups of schools and also one punished another who prohibited in-tribe married case. As a conclusion the writer declared that this problem is not part of daruriyyat, but it is just a hajiyyat category. In another word we can say that in-tribe married is allowed in Islam

    Jamak dan Qadha Shalat Bagi Pengantin Kajian Fiqh Kontemporer

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    Pada era modern nilai materialisme (madiyyah) lebih dominan dibandingkan spiritualisme (ruhiyyah), sehingga orang berpegang teguh pada agama seperti memegang bara api. Praktek nilai-nilai agama selalu ingin mengambil jalan termudah dan terlalu cepat dikondisikan sebagai masyaqqah. Kasus pada saat resepsi pernikahan (walimah al-`urs) menjadi bukti nyata bahwa setengah orang-orang besar yang terlibat didalamnya, termasuk pengantin, sering mengabaikan shalat bahkan meninggalkannya dengan alasan bahwa alasan untuk mendapatkan rukhshah sehingga mempluralkan atau make up sholat. Kondisi aktual di pengantin sibuk walimah al`urs tidak dapat dikategorikan sebagai alasan yang mengarah kepada masyaqqah

    EFL Students’ Grammatical Errors in Writing Descriptive Text

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    The aim of this study is to find out grammatical most frequently made by the student in writing descriptive text. This study was quantitative and qualitative method. The population of this study is Students' English Department of Muhammadiyah University. The writer chose 23 students as the sample. In this study, collect the data used observation, writing test, and documentation. The result shows there were 328 items of error in the students’ writing. The percentage of errors made by students in writing descriptive text are noun phrase 49,7%, verb phrase36,3%, adjective phrase 8,8%and adverb phrase5,2%. The writer finds that the grammar errors that most of the students made were in noun phrases, with a cumulative total of 163 errors or 49.7%. From the research findings, it is suggested learners have to use these errors as a means to study more about correct the use of grammar in descriptive texting, especially in the use of noun phrases, verb phrases, and adjectives. For teachers to work harder on noun phrases and verb phrases because they are the most frequent failures that are made by students in their writing


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    Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Narkotika Kelas IIA Muara Beliti merupakan tempat pembinaan narapidana yang menyelenggarakan program pembinaan pendidikan agama islam dan pembinaan aklaqul karimah sebagai upaya untuk menumbuhkan iman dan takwa narapidana. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis SWOT (strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities dan Threats) dalam mengiindentifikasikan faktor internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan) dan faktor eksternal (peluang dan ancaman) lapas Narkotika kelas IIA Muara Beliti dalam menjalankan program ini. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan metode dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa program pendidikan agama islam dan pembinaan aklaqul karimah sudah berjalan cukup baik dan kegiatan pembelajaran sudah terstruktur dengan baik dan memenuhi sistem pembelajara

    Motivation of People with HIV/AIDS in Terms of Sports Activities

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    This study aims to determine the motivation of people with HIV / AIDS in terms of futsal sports activities at Rumah Cemara Bandung. The research was carried out using the descriptive survey method. Sampling in this study used incidental sampling techniques. The sample in this study was 1 person who was positive for HIV/AIDS. The instrument used is in the form of a closed questionnaire using a Likert Scale. Based on the validity test of valid questionnaires, there were 29 questions out of 41 statement questions. The Reliability Test obtained 0.767 and falls under the criteria of high reliability. Data processing obtained a percentage of physiological needs of 37.5%, the need for a sense of security of 16.7%, social needs of 100%, appreciation needs of 33.3% and self-actualization needs of 100%. Thus, researchers can conclude that the motivation of people with HIV / AIDS in terms of the aspect of physiological needs in the criteria of motivation is very low, the aspect of the need for a sense of security is critiqued very low motivation, the aspect of social needs is critiqued very high motivation, the aspect of appreciation needs is critiqued very low and the aspect of self-actualization needs is critied very high