6 research outputs found

    KONSEP PENENTUAN HALAL DALAM EKONOMI ISLAM (Studi Komparasi Hadits Riwayat Bukhari dan Tirmidzi)

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    Abstrak Kehalalan merupakan unsur penting dalam pengambilan keputusan ekonomi bagi umat islam. Kehalalan tidak hanya mengacu pada materi (dzat) nya, tetapi juga posesnya. Petunjuk ilahi (wahyu) berupa hadits memiliki peran penting dalam penentuan kehalalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan penentuan halal dengan membandingkan hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dan Imam Tirmidzi, di mana kedua riwayat menggunakan redaksi (matan) yang berbeda. Riwayat Bukhari menyebutkan bahwa antara halal dan haram adalah perkara yang samar (umurun musytabihatun), sehingga harus dijauhi. Sedangkan riwayat Tirmidzi menyebutkan bahwa antara halal dan haram adalah perkara yang dimaafkan (mimma ‘afa ‘anhu), sehingga boleh saja dilakukan. Adakah perbenturan dalil (ta’arudh) dari kedua riwayat tersebut? Mungkinkah kedua dalil itu dapat digunakan sekaligus, sehingga tidak ada dalil yang disingkirkan? Atau haruskah satu di antaranya diamalkan, sedangkan yang satu lagi ditinggal? Atau haruskah kedua dalil itu ditinggalkan? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode riset kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan ilmu hadits dan ushul fiqh. Pendekatan ilmu hadits digunakan untuk menjelaskan perbandingan tingkat kualitas hadits dari sisi sanad, melalui CD ROM Lidwa Pusaka i-software – Kitab9 Imam Hadits. Sedangkan pendekatan ushul fiqh digunakan untuk menganalisa ada tidaknya perbenturan dalil (ta’arud) antara kedua riwayat tersebut sekaligus cara menyikapinya. Kata kunci: halal, hadits, ta’arud

    The Relationship of Disaster to the Islamic Economic System: An Analysis on Aspect of Maqāṣid Shari‘āh Framework

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    Disasters occurring in recent years across various parts of the world have affected the economy and social life of the global community. Although disaster economics has received prominent attention from scholars, studies adopting the maqāṣid shari‘āh approach remain limited. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the relationship between disasters and the economic system contained in Surah Yusuf based on the maqāṣid methodology and framework. The data were collected via document analysis and in-depth interviews with three experts from different disciplines to assess the reliability of the findings based on Cohen’s Kappa test. The data analysis was based on the maqāṣid methodology involving four stages: identification of verses concerning disasters and economic system, a reflection of the verses using themaqāṣid framework, critical literature studies, and formation of principles about disasters in the Islamic economic system. The findings show that the relationship between disasters to the Islamic economic system can be understood based on maqāṣid shari‘āh. In this regard, disasters that are detrimental to the community's economy from a positive economics perspective have provided many lessons to improve the economic agents’ behavior from a normative economics view based on the maqāṣid framework. The findings further depict that, the majority of past studies on disaster economics were conducted using a positive-materialist approach. Therefore, this study offers a new perspective on the relationship between disasters and the economic system by understanding the material and non-material reality based on the guidance of revelation

    Alcohol investment policy in Indonesia according to Maqasid Shariah

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    Investments which are considered beneficial for the economy have caused controversy in the Indonesian society when the government enacted the Peraturan Presiden Nomor 10 Tahun 2021, which contains an article on alcohol-related investments. This study analysed the relationship between government policies and public figure responses relating to alcohol-related investments in Indonesia based on the Maqasid Shariah approach. This study used content analysis methodology and data were obtained by analysing documents, online media information and check lists. Two experts in Islamic Economics were involved and Cohen’s Kappa test was used to measure inter-rater reliability for qualitative (categorical) items, which yielded a score of 1 for each expert. Study data analysis was carried out descriptively and thematically. Findings show that policies to encourage investments considered beneficial for the economy have in fact, harmed the Indonesian society in general because the policies are contrary to the principles of Maqasid Shariah. The Muslim society believes that alcohol investments are detrimental to the country. The implications appear in the form of policies contradicting the maslahah (public interest) of the society, public rejection of investment policies, and rescinding of the government’s investment policies. Therefore, this study recommends that governments, in this case Indonesian government, should consider the Maqasid Shariah principles when formulating policies, especially those concerning the wider community, in the future

    Qur'anic Strategy Realizing Couple Harmony in Surah Al-Ahzab Verse 28

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    Research on the Qur'anic strategy in realizing couple harmony needs to be conducted to describe the understanding of the Qur'an in the early days of development with the facts that occur today. The purpose of this study is to present an understanding of the Qur'an that is in accordance with the current context. Knowing the tafsir method offered by Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi about the importance of caring for and maintaining couple relationships. The method used in this study is based on a literature method. This study found that harmony is the main goal of marriage. To realize harmony, several alternatives and solutions are needed for husband-and-wife couples. Surah al-Ahzab verse 28 tells about the challenge of the Prophet Muhammad in dealing with internal family problems. The success of Prophet Muhammad in solving these problems can be used as an alternative to solving the problems faced by every couple

    KH. Faqih Maskumambang's Thought Regarding the Prohibition of the Use of Kentongan as a Marker of Prayer Time: A Prophetic Hadith Perspective

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    Research on the analysis of KH. Faqih Maskumambang's thoughts on the prohibition of using the Kentongan as a prayer time marker from the perspective of the prophet's hadith needs to be conducted. The aim is to describe the understanding of hadith in the classical and contemporary eras. Kentongan is a tool commonly used by some people as a sign of prayer. The use of this tool is a part of the characteristics of Islam in the archipelago. Along with the development of knowledge, traditions have drawn the attention of many circles. The main reason for criticism and refutation is because the use of these tools is considered an act of bid'ah and resembles non-Muslim worship. Even the founding figure of the NU and KH. Hasyim Asy'ari was among those who opposed traditions. In this study, the author used a descriptive-qualitative method with a contextual approach. The primary source used the book Sharh Hazzu al-Ru'us fi Radd al-Jasus 'an Tahrim al-Naqus by KH. Faqih Maskumambang. The result of this study is that, according to KH. Faqih Maskumambang, the hadith used as the basis for the prohibition of the use of the horn is not valid. In fact, another Hadith refutes Hadith, which is more valid. In explaining this, Kyai Faqih took explanations from the Qur'an and Hadith, which have similar topics of discussion. He also takes the opinions of scholars and the methods of fiqh and logic as reinforcements