27 research outputs found

    Learning model of shot put sideways style for junior high school students

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a sideways style shot put learning model for junior high school students. This study uses a research and development model from Robert Maribe Branch, namely the ADDIE model (Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The implementation phase is applied to class VII students at SMP Negeri 9 Pangkalpinang, class VII students at SMP Negeri 7 Pangkalpinang and class VII students at SMP Negeri 3 Pangkalpinang. So the total subjects in this study were 90 people. In this development research, the data used is data that uses instruments in the form of a questionnaire on the feasibility of developing a product and an instrument for the ability to shot put on the sideways style test. Paired Sample T-Test through the SPSS.26 application obtained the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05, it was concluded that there was an average difference between the pre-test and post-test on junior high school students. Then, the mean difference between pre-test and post-test is 14,833. This finding shows that the sideways style bullet put learning model program for junior high school students has a significant effect on increasing shot put abilit


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    Kebutuhan akan sistem absensi siswa yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan absensi siswa di lingkungan sekolah yang akurat semakin meningkat, sebagai contoh seringkali siswa tidak masuk sekolah tanpa sepengetahuan dari orang tuanya. Sehingga Aplikasi Absensi yang dibuat menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6 dalam makalah ini dapat digunakan untuk megelola data sidik jari (fingerprint) siswa pada Database My SQL yang kemudian dikombinasikan dengan teknologi SMS Gateway menggunakan Gammu, sehingga para orang tua dapat mengetahui melalui kiriman Short Message Services (SMS) dari Aplikasi Absensi di sekolah secara otomatis setelah siswa melakukan absensi, yang menunjukkan bahwa anaknya masuk sekolah. Proses absensi dengan fingerprint ini akurat dikarenakan proses absensi tidak dapat diwakilkan sebab identifikasi kehadiran siswa menggunakan sidik jari (finger print) dari siswa tersebut. Namun untuk mengimplementasikan kebutuhan absensi ini dibutuhkan pendanaan di sektor IT, khususnya pengadaan alat fingerpint (dalam paper ini digunakan type UAreU 4500) di sekolah. Pada setiap transaksi absensi, data absensi kemudian diintegrasikan ke dalam database dalam harddisk komputer sehingga limit penyimpanan mengikuti kapasitas dari harddisk internal pada komputer tersebut. Dari hasil uji coba dengan batasan selisih waktu dalam detik antara proses identifikasi sidik jari dengan terkirimnya sms, didapatkan tingkat keberhasilan pada uji coba ke 1 dengan jumlah percobaan sebanyak 100 percobaan adalah 69% dan tingkat keberhasilan pada uji coba ke 2 dengan jumlah percobaan sebanyak 100 percobaan adalah 75%. Pada akhirnya penerapan aplikasi absensi ini secara psikis akan menumbuhkan sikap mental antara lain: cerdas, kritis, kreatif, proaktif, disiplin, tangguh, pantang menyerah, bertanggung jawab, dan bangga sebagai warga negara Republik Indonesia. Keyword : Absensi Sekolah, Fingerprint, SMS Gateway, Microsoft Visual Basic 6

    Analisis Pemikiran Psikologi Islam (Studi Terhadap Konsep Psikologi Islam Dalam Pandangan Hasan Langgulung)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui konsep kepribadian manusia, teori filsafat manusia, serta metode dan pendekatan Hasan Langgulung dalam membangun psikologi Islam. Metode penelitian adalah studi kepustakaan (Library Research), dengan metode analisis adalah analisis isi (Content Analysis). Hasil Penelitian Pertama, bahwa manusia terdiri dari jasmani dan rohani, memiliki faculty-faculty meliputi fitrah yang baik, ruh, kebebasan kemauan dan akal.  Kedudukan manusia di alam semesta sangat istimewa sebab mempunyai faculty-faculty tersebut.  Maka diperlukanlah pendidikan yang berfokus pada pengembangan pribadi yang seimbang dan mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungannya dengan berorientasi pada iman dan amal shalih. Hasan Langgulung memperkenalkan paradigma ummatik dalam psikologi Islam. Hakikat psikologi Islam adalah penerapan-penerapan dan berbagai aspek kosmologi Islam tradisional. Tujuan utama utama psikologi Islam sebagai pembinaan manusia harus memenuhi tiga bidang binaan meliputi jasmani, akal dan rohani. Sedangkan dasar pembinaan manusia untuk menjadi pribadi yang sehat, wajar dan seimbang. Kedua, Kepribadian al-nafs al-muthmainnah bentuk tertinggi yang dicapai dengan proses tazkiyatun al-nafs. Ketiga, Metode psikologi Islam Hasan Langgulung adalah metode idealistik. Keempat, Pendekatan psikologi Islam Hasan Langgulung adalah skriptualistik dan tasawwuf

    The Relationship of Disaster to the Islamic Economic System: An Analysis on Aspect of Maqāṣid Shari‘āh Framework

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    Disasters occurring in recent years across various parts of the world have affected the economy and social life of the global community. Although disaster economics has received prominent attention from scholars, studies adopting the maqāṣid shari‘āh approach remain limited. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the relationship between disasters and the economic system contained in Surah Yusuf based on the maqāṣid methodology and framework. The data were collected via document analysis and in-depth interviews with three experts from different disciplines to assess the reliability of the findings based on Cohen’s Kappa test. The data analysis was based on the maqāṣid methodology involving four stages: identification of verses concerning disasters and economic system, a reflection of the verses using themaqāṣid framework, critical literature studies, and formation of principles about disasters in the Islamic economic system. The findings show that the relationship between disasters to the Islamic economic system can be understood based on maqāṣid shari‘āh. In this regard, disasters that are detrimental to the community's economy from a positive economics perspective have provided many lessons to improve the economic agents’ behavior from a normative economics view based on the maqāṣid framework. The findings further depict that, the majority of past studies on disaster economics were conducted using a positive-materialist approach. Therefore, this study offers a new perspective on the relationship between disasters and the economic system by understanding the material and non-material reality based on the guidance of revelation

    Understanding of cardiovascular disease among patients with hypercholesterolemia – a qualitative exploration

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    Background: The burden of cardiovascular disease is increasing rapidly in Malaysia but there are limited studies conducted on the understanding of cardiovascular disease among patient who have been identified as at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Without such an understanding, an early detection and management of the cardiovascular disease within primary care setting would be challenging. Objectives: The objective of this study was to explore the understanding of cardiovascular disease among patients with hypercholesterolemia. Methods: A qualitative study design was used. Semi structured interviews were conducted at a Family Health Clinic in Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur from May to August 2018. Purposive sampling was applied to recruit 13 patients with total cholesterol level of more than 5.2 mmol/L and low density lipoprotein of more than 4.9mmol/L. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and then subjected to interpretive thematic analysis using NVIVO 12 software. Results: Four themes emerged from the analysis: perceived causes of cardiovascular diseases, response and action, manifestation of heart disease and challenges in seeking medical care. Risk factors and typical presentation of heart disease were less recognizable. Personal hurdle, families and sociocultural factors were identified as the main barriers for uptake of health care services. Participants were heavily influenced by folk medicine to scale down their cholesterol level. Whilst the majority of the participants were unaware of their risk to develop cardiovascular disease, it appears that there was a lack of understanding on cardiovascular disease among the participants. Conclusion: This study clearly identified gaps and inaccuracies of cardiovascular disease understanding among participants with hypercholesterolemia. Patients at risk need to be educated about the disease through health education, counselling or community program

    Exploring barriers of cardiovascular disease prevention among women with hypercholesterolemia

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    Introduction: Hypercholesterolemia is one of major risk factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The previous study showed that the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia had an increasing trend among women as compared to men. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to explore the barriers and challenges faced by women with hypercholesterolemia in the prevention of CVD risk factors. Methodology: A qualitative study was designed to explore and understand the barriers for CVD prevention among women with high cholesterol level. A total of 13 women with hypercholesterolemia in their blood were detected during a routine medical screening by a primary health care clinic at the International Islamic University Malaysia, in Kuantan, Pahang. The women were interviewed. All interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, coded and analysed by using NVIVO Version 12 software. Findings: Five barriers were identified and divided into two categories, namely personal barrier (time-related barrier, lack of support, poor motivation and misconception) and environmental barrier (lack of accessibility to healthy food). Conclusion: This study highlighted women’s perceptions on barriers that influence their abilities to prevent cardiovascular risk factors. Consequently, intervention strategies were proposed to address CVD risk and overcome the barriers

    Cardiovascular disease awareness among women with hypercholesterolemia and their health seeking behavior: A qualitative study

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels. It is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in Malaysian women. However, many women are not aware of it and have a misconception that CVD is a disease that only affects men. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to explore CVD awareness among women who are at risk of developing the disease and evaluate their health seeking behaviour in regard to their hypercholesterolemia status. A series of in depth face-to-face interviews were conducted among 13 women who were found to have high cholesterol level detected in their blood during a routine medical screening at a primary health care clinic in the International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. NVIVO software Version 12 was used to code and manage all qualitative data. Results indicated that all participants had poor awareness of CVD. The majority of them did not perceive themselves as at high risk of developing CVD despite having high cholesterol levels in their blood. Poor CVD awareness, lack of knowledge and sociocultural aspect influenced their health seeking behaviour. This study provided an insight into the women’s awareness towards CVD. Health-care practitioners should elicit a patient’s awareness to facilitate the clinical management of CVD. Additionally, there is a clear need to increase CVD health awareness among women, especially those who are susceptible to CVD

    Cardiovascular disease awareness among women with hypercholesterolemia and their health seeking behavior – a qualitative study

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels. It is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in Malaysian women. However, many women are not aware of it and have a misconception that CVD is a disease that only affects men. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to explore CVD awareness among women who are at risk of developing the disease and evaluate their health seeking behaviour in regard to their hypercholesterolemia status. A series of in depth face-to-face interviews were conducted among 13 women who were found to have high cholesterol level detected in their blood during a routine medical screening at a primary health care clinic in the International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. NVIVO software Version 12 was used to code and manage all qualitative data. Results indicated that all participants had poor awareness of CVD. The majority of them did not perceive themselves as at high risk of developing CVD despite having high cholesterol levels in their blood. Poor CVD awareness, lack of knowledge and sociocultural aspect influenced their health seeking behaviour. This study provided an insight into the women’s awareness towards CVD. Health-care practitioners should elicit a patient’s awareness to facilitate the clinical management of CVD. Additionally, there is a clear need to increase CVD health awareness among women, especially those who are susceptible to CVD

    Peningkatan kreativiti saintifik murid : intervensi pembelajaran integrasi STEM berkontekskan Sains Forensik

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    Cabaran semasa dalam sistem pendidikan Malaysia adalah untuk menyediakan pendidikan berkualiti yang mampu menghasilkan modal insan bertaraf dunia dan mempunyai kemahiran-kemahiran kritikal alaf ke-21. Pada masa yang sama, PPPM 2013-2025 turut menggalakkan rakyat Malaysia agar terlibat dengan bidang Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM) kerana sesungguhnya kemajuan teknologi dan pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat hari ini didorong oleh STEM. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kesan penggunaan pendekatan Pembelajaran Integrasi STEM Berkontekskan Sains Forensik (PISTEM Forensik) terhadap perolehan kreativiti saintifik dalam kalangan murid tingkatan empat, dan kesannya berdasarkan jantina. Kajian ini berbentuk eksperimen kuasi yang melibatkan 67 orang murid tingkatan empat (31 perempuan dan 36 lelaki) daripada dua buah sekolah berlainan. Pengumpulan data telah dijalankan melalui Ujian Kreativiti Saintifik yang diberi kepada kedua-dua kumpulan murid yang terlibat. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan pada kreativiti saintifik murid yang mengikuti pendekatan PISTEM Forensik pada aras p<.05. Implikasi kajian ini kepada sekolah adalah penambahbaikan dalam penerapan kemahiran kreativiti saintifik yang berkesan terhadap para pelajar. Kesimpulannya, pendekatan PISTEM Forensik dapat meningkatkan perolehan kreativiti saintifik murid sekolah menengah

    Prevalence of depressive symptoms and its associated factors among elderly in private nursing homes in Kuantan

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    Introduction: mental health constitutes a major component of the global burden of disease worldwide. Residing in a nursing home poses a greater challenge for the elderly physically and mentally. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and its associated factors among elderly in private nursing homes in Kuantan. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at thirteen private nursing homes in Kuantan. 115 elderly residents aged 60 years old and above were recruited to complete the interview-based questionnaire. Participants were assessed with the Malay Geriatric Depression Scale(M-GDS-14), Elderly Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (ECAQ), and Modified Barthel Index(MBI). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0. Descriptive statistics was used to measure the prevalence and logistic regression to explore the association of depressive symptoms with the background variables. Results: The mean age of respondents was 74.1(SD ± 8.87) and the majority were Chinese (67%) and male (51.4%). The overall prevalence of depressive symptoms was 40% with 23.5% being major depression and 16.5% of clinically significant depression. This study revealed a significant association between depressive symptoms with chronic disease {AOR 3.956, CI 95% (1.071-14.608)}, cognitive impairment {AOR 3.185, CI 95% (1.325-7.655)}, and functional disabilities {AOR 4.314, CI 95% (1.799-10.345)}. Conclusion: This study revealed more than 1/3 of the elderly in nursing homes living with depressive symptoms. Residents with chronic diseases, cognitive impairment, and functionally dependent should receive greater attention as early recognition and intervention are crucial to prevent further disability and dysfunction