39 research outputs found


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    Students' understanding of the volume geometry is still not enough. This is because the teacher only explains the material on the volume of space with the blackboard media. The media is less interactive for learning the material of the volume of geometrical space so that the concept of volume of geometric space cannot be understood by students optimally. The purpose of this development research is to describe the validity of interactive multimedia-based media to explain and determine the volume of 5th grade student room building. The development model used in this study is the ADDIE model. The procedure of the ADDIE model consists of 5 stages, but this study only uses four stages. The stages carried out in this study did not go through the implementation stage because of the existence of Covid-19 so that it did not support the implementation of the learning program by applying the learning media that had been made. Data collection techniques in this study were to conduct observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is the validity criteria. From the results of media validation and material in interactive multimedia, the values were 97.6% and 96%. Thus interactive multimedia for the volume of 5th grade building materials at SDN Damarwulan IV was declared to be very valid and could be used without the need for improvement

    Analisis komparatif buku Al-Fahmu dengan buku Amṡilatī : tinjauan materi dan metode pembelajaran

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    Setiap penulisan buku teks atau buku ajar terdapat pedoman tertentu. Pedoman tersebut mengacu pada prosedur penulisan dan isi yang terkandung dalam tulisannya. Para penulis maupun akademisi diharapkan sangat memperhatikan hal itu agar mampu menulis dan menganalisa kualitas buku ajar tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa buku al-fahmu dan buku amṡilatī dari segi materi dan metode pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumentasi dan wawancara. Adapun analisis data, penulis menggunakan analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa buku al-fahmu dan amṡilatī belum memenuhi konsep seleksi karena belum sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran, tingkat kemampuan pembelajar dan lama waktu program pembelajaran. Buku al-fahmu menggunakan penyusunan materi secara logis dengan mendahulukan kaidah-kaidah yang sederhana, akan tetapi penulis buku al-fahmu gagal dalam segi pengelompokan materi. Sedangkan pada buku amṡilatī, materi disusun secara psikologis, akan tetapi penulis buku amṡilatī berhasil dalam mengelompokkan materi serumpun. Dari aspek repetisi, buku al-fahmu terdapat beberapa pengulangan materi pendalaman, akan tetapi belum terdapat latihan pengayaan untuk penajaman. Sedangkan buku amṡilatī terdapat pengulangan materi dan latihan pengayaan sebagai penajaman materi. Adapun metode pembelajaran naḥwu yang digunakan kedua buku tersebut sama-sama menggunakan metode deduktif, meskipun keduanya terdapat perbedaan strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam mengajarkannya. ABSTRACT: Every writing textbook or textbook has certain guidelines. The guidelines refer to the writing procedure and the content contained in the writing. The writers and academics are expected to pay close attention to this matter in order to be able to write and analyze the quality of the textbook. This study aims to analyze the al-fahmu book and the amṡilatī book in terms of material presentation and syntactic methods. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of library research (Library Research). Data was collected by means of documentation studies and interviews. As for data analysis, the author uses content analysis. The results of the analysis show that the al-fahmu and amṡilatī books have not met the concept of selection because they are not in accordance with the learning objectives, the level of the learner's ability and the length of time for the learning program. Al-Fahmu's book uses a logical arrangement of material by prioritizing simple rules, but the author of Al-Fahmu's book fails in terms of grouping the material. While in the amilat book, the material is arranged psychologically, but the writer of the amilat book is successful in grouping cognate material. From the aspect of repetition, al-fahmu's book contains several repetitions of deepening material, but there is no enrichment exercise for sharpening. While the amṡilatī book contains material repetition and enrichment exercises as material sharpening. The naḥwu learning methods used by the two books both use the deductive method, although there are differences in the learning strategies used in teaching them

    فعالية طريقة سوروكان لتعليم قراءة كتب التراث لطلاب معهد دار الفلاح ب-٩ الإسلامي سماراڠ سنة ٢٠٢٠

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    يهدف هذا البحث الى الإجابة على المشكلات التالية كيف تطبيق طريقة سوروكان ومهارة قراءة كتب التراث لطلاب معهد دار الفلاح ب-٩ الإسلامي؟وكيف فعالية طريقة سوروكان لتعليم قراءة كتب التراث لطلاب معهد دار الفلاح ب-٩ الإسلامي سماراݞ سنة ٢٠٢٠؟. نوع هذا البحث هو البحث النوعي الوصفي. ومكان البحث بمعهد دار الفلاح ب-٩ الإسلامي سماراݞ. والطرائق المستخدمة في هذا البحث هي الملاحظة والمقابلة والتوثيق. واستخدمت الباحثة التثليث لحصول البيانات الصحيحة. وأما طريقة تحليلها فهي شكل الميل و هوبرمان الذي يتكون من الحد اليانات و عرضها والخلاصة. نتائج هذا البحث في اختبار قراءة كتب التراث هناك الطلاب الذين يكملون حد الأدنى ٦٢طالبا وتكون نتائج الحساب ٨١,٦% الطلاب الذين حصلوا على درجات أعلى من المتوسط هم أكثر من أولئك الذين أدنى من المتوسط. انطلاقا على البيانات الموجودة تظهر أن تكون طريقة سوروكان فعال وفقا لمعايير كفاءة وهي حيث المهمة أو الوظيفة و من حيث الخطة أو البرنامج من حيث الأهداف أو الظروف المثالية هي نتائج الإختبار بمعيار فعالية Optimal (٧٦%-٩٩%). من هذا الحال طريقة سوروكان فعال لجميع مرحلة الفصل وهما الفصل المبتدئون والفصل الاستمرار


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    Pendidikan karakter perlu dilakukan sedini mungkin untuk me mbentuk moral dan perilaku anak-anak. Pendidikan karakter dirancang dan dilaksanakan secara sistematis agar anak-anak dapat memahami nilai-nilai atau perilaku yang sesuai sehingga menumbuhkan karakter yang positif. Metode peningkatan pengetahuan karakter positif anak melalui storytelling Berka dan Mayang melibatkan dongeng interaktif antara pendongeng dan siswa. Berka dan Mayang adalah maskot yang diciptakan peneliti. Nilai-nilai yang disampaikan dalam cerita antara lain meminta maaf, berterima kasih, menyayangi, dan juga berbagi. Variabel bebas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah storytelling dan variabel terikatnya adalah pengetahuan tentang karakter positif. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian pre-eksperimen one shot case study dengan jumlah subjek sebanyak 10 orang anak berusia 4 hingga 6 tahun. Subjek adalah siswa-siswi PAUD Setulus Hati, Semarang. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan pertanyaan secara langsung. Hal ini dilakukan untuk melihat keaktifan dan pemahaman para peserta te rhadap materi yang diberikan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, seluruh anak mampu memahami materi yang diberikan. Hanya saja pada dua orang siswa perlu dimintai penjelasan lebih, mereka tidak langsung menjawab namun memerlukan probing dari peneliti terlebih dahulu. Pengembangan dari program ini seperti pengenalan karakter-karakter positif lainnya sangat diharapkan sebab hal tersebut sangat penting bagi anak-ana

    Characterization of Filoplan and Endophytic Mold Isolates Avicennia marina from Mangrove Area, Semarang

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    The presence of fungi in nature is very abundant, but at this time it is still necessary to know and explore the various types that are able to live in various places. Fungi can live in plant tissue, known as endophytic fungi, and can also live on the leaf surface of a plant. Avicennia marina lives on the coast and is used to reduce abrasion, besides being able to live in tidal habitats and high salinity levels. This is supported by the plant's physiology and the help of its microbial symbionts, therefore it is necessary to explore fungi, especially fungi that are able to symbionting with these plants because they are thought to be resistant to high levels of salinity. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of molds that have been isolated and are able to live in the tissue and leaf surface of A. marina. Characterization method was reviewed through macroscopic and microscopic morphology using a microscope and compared with literature from various sources. The characterization results of the 12 isolates obtained several genera, including Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Curvularia, Paecilomyces, Talaromyces, Syncephalastrum, and 1 unidentified isolate. These isolates need to be continued with further research to see their ability to produce metabolites and so on

    Lytic Water Dynamics Reveal Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms of ATP Hydrolysis by TIP49 AAA+ ATPases

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    SummaryEukaryotic TIP49a (Pontin) and TIP49b (Reptin) AAA+ ATPases play essential roles in key cellular processes. How their weak ATPase activity contributes to their important functions remains largely unknown and difficult to analyze because of the divergent properties of TIP49a and TIP49b proteins and of their homo- and hetero-oligomeric assemblies. To circumvent these complexities, we have analyzed the single ancient TIP49 ortholog found in the archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri (mkTIP49). All-atom homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations validated by biochemical assays reveal highly conserved organizational principles and identify key residues for ATP hydrolysis. An unanticipated crosstalk between Walker B and Sensor I motifs impacts the dynamics of water molecules and highlights a critical role of trans-acting aspartates in the lytic water activation step that is essential for the associative mechanism of ATP hydrolysis

    The benefit of the glassy state of reinforcing particles for the densification of aluminum matrix composites

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    In metallic glass-reinforced metal matrix composites, the glassy phase can serve a dual purpose: (i) it can behave as soft binder and porosity remover during consolidation; and (ii) it can act as the hard reinforcing phase after densification. The present work aimed to demonstrate the benefit of the glassy reinforcing particles for the densification of aluminum matrix composites. The consolidation behavior of Al–50 vol.% Fe-based alloy mixtures prepared using a glassy Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 alloy powder (Tg = 521 °C, Tx = 573 °C) or a crystalline Fe62Cr10Nb12B16 alloy powder was studied under spark plasma sintering (SPS) and hot pressing (HP) conditions. The powders were consolidated by heating above the glass transition temperature of the glassy alloy (up to 540 °C in SPS and 570 °C in HP). When the coarse aluminum powder was used, the reinforcing particles formed chains within the microstructure. In composites formed from the fine Al powder, the particles of the Fe-based alloy were separated from each other by the metallic matrix, and the tendency to form agglomerates was reduced. The glassy state of the alloy was shown to be beneficial for densification, as the metallic glass acted as a soft binder. The densification enhancement effect was more pronounced in the case of reinforcing particles forming chains. The hardness of the Al–50 vol.% glassy Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 composites obtained by SPS was twice the hardness of the unreinforced sintered aluminum (110 HV1 versus 45 HV1)

    Metallic iron or a Fe-based glassy alloy to reinforce aluminum: reactions at the interface during spark plasma sintering and mechanical properties of the composites

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    The microstructural features and mechanical properties of composites formed by spark plasma sintering (SPS) of Al + 20 vol.% Fe and Al + 20 vol.% Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 (glassy alloy) mixtures composed of micrometer-sized particles are presented. The interaction between the mixture components was studied by differential thermal analysis and through examining the microstructure of composites sintered at two different SPS pressures. When the pressure was increased from 40 MPa to 80 MPa, the thickness of the reaction products formed between the iron particles and aluminum increased due to a more intimate contact between the phases established at a higher pressure. When the metallic glass was substituted for iron, the pressure increase had an opposite effect. It was concluded that local overheating at the interface in the case of Al + 20 vol.% Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 composites governed the formation of the product layers at 40 MPa. The influence of the nature of reinforcement on the mechanical properties of the composites was analyzed, for which sintered materials with similar microstructural features were compared. In composites without the reaction products and composites with thin layers of the products, the hardness increased by 13–38% relative to the unreinforced sintered aluminum, the glassy alloy and iron inclusions producing similar outcomes. The effect of the nature of added particles on the hardness and compressive strength of composites was seen when the microstructure of the material was such that an efficient load transfer mechanism was operative. This was possible upon the formation of thick layers of reaction products. Upon compression, the strong glassy cores experienced fracture, the composite with the glassy component showing a higher strength than the composite containing core-shell structures with metallic iron cores

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of composites obtained by spark plasma sintering of Al–Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 metallic glass powder mixtures

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    At present, metallic glasses are evaluated as alternative reinforcements for aluminum matrix composites. These composites are produced by powder metallurgy via consolidation of metallic glass-aluminum powder mixtures. In most studies, the goal has been to preserve the glassy state of the reinforcement during consolidation. However, it is also of interest to track the structure evolution of these composites when partial interaction between the matrix and the metallic glass is allowed during sintering of the mixtures. The present work was aimed to study the microstructure and mechanical properties of composites obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS) of Al-20 vol.% Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 metallic glass mixtures and compare the materials, in which no significant interaction between the matrix and the Fe-based alloy occurred, with those featuring reaction product layers of different thicknesses. Composite materials were consolidated by SPS at 540 and 570 °C. The microstructure and mechanical properties of composites obtained by SPS and SPS followed by forging, composites with layers of interfacial reaction products of different thicknesses, and metallic glass-free sintered aluminum were comparatively analyzed to conclude on the influence of the microstructural features of the composites on their strength

    Interaction between Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 metallic glass and aluminum during spark plasma sintering

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    In the area of metal matrix composites, novel reinforcing options are currently being evaluated. Particles of amorphous alloys present an interesting possibility to reinforce soft metals. In the present work, the interaction between Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 metallic glass and aluminum during spark plasma sintering (SPS) was studied for the first time. In order to trace the phase and microstructural changes upon sintering, mixtures containing 20 vol% and 50 vol% of metallic glass were subjected to SPS at 500–570 °C. After SPS at 500 °C, no reaction layer between the metallic glass particles and aluminum was observed. After SPS at 570 °C, a reaction layer containing Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 formed around the Fe-based cores. The Vickers hardness of composites obtained from mixtures containing 20 vol% Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 at 540 °C was 75 HV and increased to 280 HV after sintering at 570 °C due to the formation of thicker reaction layers at the interface. The hardness of the composite sintered from the mixture containing 20 vol% Fe66Cr10Nb5B19 at 570 °C was between the values predicted by Reuss and Voigt models. Comparison of results of SPS of the powder mixtures with those of SPS of a pre-compacted pellet and electric current-free annealing suggests that local heating at the interface caused by interfacial resistance may be an important factor influencing the reaction advancement at the interface and the formation of Al-containing intermetallic