306 research outputs found

    Partai Politik Dalam Pemenangan Suyatno Dan Jamiludin Pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Tahun 2015

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    Political parties as an icon of democracy is an organization engaged in the political process. Political parties have the goal of conquering power or take part in a launch power. For that victory in local elections became a very important thing obtained as the achievement of the objectives of political parties.This research was conducted in the District Rokan Hilir. The data used in this study is Primary data and secondary data. Data collection through in-depth interviews and documentation. This study uses qualitative descriptive method because the retrieval of data from informants depth interviews of informants related. So that the problem in this case is How Political Parties in Victory Suyatno and Jamiludin in local elections Rokan Hilir 2015.The results of this study are the political parties have an enormous influence on the award-Jamiludin Suyatno in Rokan Hilir. It can be seen from the performance of the party and the winning team always brings out creativity in conducting political campaign. In addition to campaign actively is also the most effective efforts are decisive victory Suyatno-Jamiluddin in Rokan Hilir in the general election of Regional Head in the title 2015. Political Parties is a highly effective tool in the campaign in the county Regional Head of Rokan Hilir. That's because the political parties were able to encourage people Rokan Hilir to steer voters in mmilih Suyatno-Jamiludin by optimizing campaigns and external network utilization

    The Impact Of A Modera TE Excercise Programme On Serum Interleukin-2 And Interleukin-4 Levels Among Secondary School Children

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    Cytokines are soluble glycoproteins that mediate cOlntnunication between and within imnlune and non-imtl1une cells. An alteration of cytokine production will impair the ilnrl1Une response and function. Previous studies on the ill1pact of exercise on cytokines have not been conclusive. Most studies were centered on adults and there is a lack of data about the correlation between exercise and cytokines on adolescents. The purpose of this investigation therefore, was to detennine the effect of Illoderate exercise on some cytokine levels in adolescence. Thirt

    Representasi Budaya Dayak Ngaju Kaharingan dalam Ritual Tawur di Kalimantan Tengah

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    This article aims to investigate the sequence of events of Tawur speech in the Bayar Hajat ceremony, the meaning and function contained in Tawur speech as a form of culture of the Dayak Kaharingan community in Central Kalimantan. The source of data in this article is derived from the text of the Tawur incantation. This research method utilised ethnography and literature study. The results of the data analysis reveal that the Dayak Kaharingan community’s belief in the existence of Ranying Hattala Langit (God), Sangiang, rice spirits id reflected in the Tawur speech. In addition, the analysis also revealed a number of meanings implied in the Tawur which include, the meaning of God as the Creator, the meaning of supplication, the meaning of the existence of rice spirits and Sangiang, the meaning of respect, and the meaning of togetherness. Finally, the Tawur speech also includes two language functions, consisting of emotive function and conative function. When connected between the meaning and function contained in the Tawur speech, it is a form of creating balance, harmony, and world safety for human beings.Artikel ini berupaya untuk mengungkap urutan peristiwa tuturan Tawur dalam upacara Bayar Hajat, makna, dan fungsi yang terkandung dalam tuturan Tawur sebagai bentuk budaya masyarakat Dayak Kaharingan di Kalimantan Tengah. Sumber data dalam artikel ini bersumber dari teks mantra Tawur. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi dan studi pustaka. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh mengungkap bahwa keyakinan masyarakat Dayak Kaharingan terhadap eksistensi dari Ranying Hattala Langit (Tuhan), Sangiang, dan roh beras yang tercermin dalam tuturan Tawur. Di samping itu, hasil analisis juga mengungkap sejumlah makna yang tersirat dalam tuturan Tawur yang meliputi, makna Tuhan sebagai Sang Pencipta, makna permohonan, makna keberadaan roh beras dan Sangiang, makna penghormatan, dan makna kebersamaan. Terakhir, tuturan Tawur juga menyelipkan dua fungsi bahasa, yaitu fungsi emotif dan fungsi konatif. Ketika dihubungkaitkan antara makna dan fungsi yang terdapat dalam tuturan Tawur, yakni sebagai bentuk untuk menciptakan keseimbangan, keharmonisan, dan keselamatan dunia bagi umat manusia

    ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PROFITABILITAS PERBANKAN (Studi pada Bank Umum yang Listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2007-2010)

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    Bank is one of the financial institution which have activities to raise funds from public in the form of savings and distribute them to the public in from of credit or other form. The purpose of the banking business is gain profit. Ability of the banks in gain profit is measured by return on assets (ROA). The purpose of this research is to examine influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), and BOPO through Return On Asset (ROA) of public banking listed at Indonesian Stok Exchange during 2007-2010. Research using purposive sampling method for taking samples. Data obtained on the basis of publication Annual Bank, obtained 20 samples of General Bank. Samples used in this research are public banking listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange on period 2007-2010. Analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research found that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) hasn’t significant positive effect to Return On Asset (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL) hasn’t significant negative effect to Return Asset (ROA), Net Interest Margin (NIM) has significant positive effect to Return On Asset (ROA), and BOPO has significant negative effect to Return On Asset (ROA)

    Witnessing of Cheating-in-Exams Behavior and Factors Sustaining Integrity

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    This-study is a-fraction of a-larger-research on cheating, at the-School of Engineering (SOE). The study-design used a-descriptive-survey-approach and a-document-analysis. A-designed-confidential self-report-questioner was used as the main-instrument, for this-study, with the-sample-size of 100-subjects and response-rate of 95%. The-tool was pre-tested, to-ensure its-validity and reliability. The-study focused on the-Classical-Test-Theory and on the-Theory of Reasoned-Action. The-data collection-instrument was subjected to the-statistical-analysis to-determine its-reliability via Cronbach’s alpha-coefficient, and found high inter-item consistency (a > 0.9). The-results of the-survey revealed that only 18% of the-respondents admitted that they-have-never cheated; however, they have-witnessed an-array of cheating-techniques used by their-classmates, which illustrates, that students are exceedingly-inventive and opportunistic, in-nature, and they are ready-to-use any-method, to-achieve their-ultimate-goals (mainly, good-grades). 22% of those never-cheated, confessed that they-were-afraid of being caught by the-invigilators; while only 6% stated that ‘I was afraid of being reported by my fellow-classmates’. The-absence of ‘risk’ (fear of penalties), is above all, attention-grabbing, to this-study, as it implies that SOE’ students do-not bothered-much about getting-caught cheating. Recommendations on-measures, to-be applied, to-fight cheating-menace, were presented, in-conjunction-with suggestions, for further-research, in this-area. In-synopsis, the-maintenance of academic-integrity, by all-stakeholders, is a-continuing and enduring-task, which will bring-in rewards, but only if attentively-managed. Keywords: academic misconduct, engineering undergraduate, students, questioner, peer-pressure

    Information- Seeking Behavior and Utilization among Snail Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable Animal Production

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    The authors of this study examined the information-seeking behavior and utilization among snail farmers in Oyo State with the view of improving animal production to achieve food and nutritional security.Simple random sampling was used to select one hundred and twenty respondents out ofthree hundred and sixty-five registered members in Oyo state. Interview schedule was administered to elicit information relating to socio-economic characteristics, information-seeking behaviour and utilization among snail farmers and the constraints faced by the snail farmers. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, mean, percentages, and correlation. Most of the respondents were literates. This factor increased their capacities for seeking and utilizing agricultural information. Lack of credit facilities and inadequate information from extension agents were the major constraints identified by the farmers. There was a significant relationship between the sources of information and information-seeking behavior of these farmers as well as the utilization of such information (r = -0.261; pv = \u3e0.05). Significant relationship also existed between constraints faced by the farmers and information-seeking behavior and utilization by these farmers (r = -0.23, pv = 0.01). Most of the respondents had high information-seeking behavior and utilization, which impliesthat farmers are willing to seek information that will improve their productivity.Efforts should therefore be made to promote the information utilization of farmers through the extension services of agricultural development projects in order to facilitate the transfer of technology. This will enhance the productivity and income of snail farmers and subsequently improve their standard of living

    Umpatan sebagai Penanda Relasi Keakraban Antar Mahasiswa: Analisis Berbasis Bentuk dan Gender

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    Swear words using is considered low-value and inappropriate behavior in a normative society. There are differences between men and women in in the using of swear words. The purpose of this study was to identify the swearing lexicon along with the lingual forms and its references used by each gender. Also, to find out the frequency of its use and what factors trigger the use of swear words from each gender. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used with data collection techniques through a questionnaire survey conducted on 115 students. The results of the study found that the choice of lexicon of swear words from the male gender is wider and more varied. Swearing is identified based on morphological and syntactic lingual forms. References of male gender come from groups of objects, animals, body parts, professions, situations, and activities. Meanwhile, references of female gender are more polite although they still seem rude, namely coming from groups of words such as animals, circumstances, activities, and objects. The frequency of use of both genders shows that the intensity of swear words using is rarely used

    Sapaan sebagai Ungkapan Fatis pada Masyarakat Sunda

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    Indonesia is a country with various cultures. The way people use language can reflects cultural value. Language has specific functions, and one of them is a phatic function. The phatic form is used to maintain social bonds between speakers and hearers. Sundanese is one of the regional languages in Indonesia where many phatic forms are found, one of them is the use of addressed terms. In Sundanese culture, several forms of addressed terms are found, which are identified as phatic forms. In the culture of the Sundanese people, several forms of address terms are found, which are identified as phatic expressions. In collecting the data, observation is done to find natural data in the forms of address terms used by adolescent and adult speakers in Bandung, West Java. A survey using questionnaire was also conducted to validate the data obtained through observation. Based on the analysis and discussion, this study shows that there are several functional differences in the use of address terms as phatic expression in the domain of friendship, family, and strangers analyzed based on age perspective. The use of address terms as phatic expression reflects the culture of Sundanese people that uphold politeness values. Keywords:  Address terms; Phatic expression; Sundanese speech community; Sundanese language.Indonesia adalah negara dengan beragam budaya. Cara seseorang menggunakan bahasa dapat mencerminkan nilai budaya. Bahasa memiliki fungsi tertentu, salah satunya adalah fungsi fatis. Bentuk fatis digunakan untuk menjaga ikatan sosial antara penutur dan mitra tutur. Bahasa Sunda merupakan salah satu bahasa daerah di Indonesia yang memiliki bentuk-bentuk fatis, salah satunya adalah melalui penggunaan sapaan. Dalam melakukan pengumpulan data, observasi dilakukan untuk menemukan data secara natural dalam bentuk-bentuk sapaan yang digunakan oleh penutur berusia remaja hingga dewasa di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat. Survei melalui kuesioner juga dilakukan untuk memvalidasi data yang diperoleh melalui hasil observasi. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa perbedaan fungsional di dalam penggunaan sapaan sebagai ungkapan fatis di dalam ranah persahabatan, keluarga, dan umum yang dianalisis berdasarkan perspektif usia. Penggunaan sapaan sebagai ungkapan fatis mencerminkan budaya masyarakat Sunda yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kesantunan. Kata Kunci: Sapaan, Ungkapan fatis, Masyarakat Sunda, Bahasa Sunda


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    This study aims to explain the use of viral vocabulary as a keyword in a strategy of creating clickbait in a podcast video. This study employed a descriptive qualitative methodology. The data are the linguistic features in the title and thumbnail of the podcast videos as well as the number of views it gets obtained from the Deddy Corbuzier and CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo YouTube channels that was taken from July to December 2022 using reading and note-taking techniques. The process of data analysis consisted of selecting the vocabulary associated with a viral issue as a clickbait keyword. Then, the data will be compared with the 2022 search trend results. The study's findings indicate a connection between the use of viral keywords in clickbait and the amount of views a podcast video receives. The choice of keywords and when to utilize them are crucial factors in getting viewers