8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Regulations on Using Disposable Plastic in Community and Tourism Behaviors in Denpasar, Bali

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    Plastic waste have been a problem for the sustainability of tourism, especially Bali. Efforts to reduce plastic waste have been carried out by the government, such as the issuance of Denpasar Mayor Regulation Number 36 of 2018 and then followed by Bali Governor Regulation Number 97 of 2018. This paper aims to find out the opinions and changes in behavior of Balinese people, especially in Denpasar City after the enactment of the Denpasar Mayor Regulation and the Bali Governor Regulation about plastic waste. Data collection carried out through questionnaires distributed to tourists, students (tourism department), traders, the general public, and Lecturer. The result is everyone is aware of the government regulation on limiting single-use plastic bags, but some residents only know about the existence of government regulations without knowing where the regulations came from. Most of the people agree with the policy, but there are also people who disagree because the use of plastic bags is more efficient, however. This policy has led people to cultivate bringing their shopping bags

    Pembiasaan Khataman Al-Qur’an Untuk Meningkatkan Semangat Mengaji Santri Di Madin Manba’ul ’Ulum Dukuh Sekuwung Sukorejo Ponorogo

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    Madrasah Diniyah Manba' ul 'Ulum was founded in 2008 in Sekuwung hamlet and is one of the educational institutions that studies religious sciences which aims to provide students with experience, knowledge, prayer skills and good attitudes in participating in Islamic religious and social education. This is considered important because reciting the Koran or reading the Al-Qur'an is knowledge for students that has become part of their studies and reciting the Al-Qur'an is a form of worship that has great rewards. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with observation and interview data collection techniques with ustad and ustazah about how the habit of reciting the Al-Qur'an increases the enthusiasm of students to recite the Koran. The obstacle in the Koran recitation process is that they are not yet fluent in pronouncing the hijaiyah letters and also the students' knowledge of the contents of the Al-Qur'an. This decline occurred due to the negative impact of technology, especially on smartphones, which greatly influenced students' interest in reciting the Koran and students' lack of knowledge in understanding the Al-Qur'an. The results of this research state that the habit of reciting the Al-Qur'an can increase students' interest in reciting the Koran with evidence that reciting the Al-Qur'an has a good impact on students, improves the ability to read the Al-Qur'an, especially the makhorijul letters and recitation, and can Cultivate students with good morals.&nbsp

    Construction of Kedisan Pier to Increase Tourist Visits and Water Quality in Lake Batur, Bali

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    Kedisan Pier gives a new feel of traveling in Batur, with a concept like a pier in South Korea, but also provides views of Lake Batur and Mount Batur simultaneously. Tourists not only visit restaurants, hot springs, hikes, and stay overnight but can also visit the Kedisan Pier Area. The increase in tourist visits influences the condition of water quality in Lake Batur. This study aims to determine the influence of the construction of Kedisan Pier on tourist visits and the quality of Lake Batur water. This study used a purposive sampling method; sampling was carried out at three points representing settlements and agriculture, water bodies/middle of lakes, and dock. The samples were tested for pH and temperature in the field and COD parameters in the laboratory. Furthermore, these three parameters are compared with Class 1 lake water quality standards in Government Regulation 22 of 2021. Based on the results, it is known that the pH and COD in the three locations exceed the class 1 water quality standard, which is 10 mg / L. pH in the range of 9.2 – 9.5. Increased COD concentration compared to the quality standard at point 1 by 127%; Point 2 is 82%, and Point 3 is 144%. Domestic activities cause the high pH and COD values at these three points—the highest COD value in the Kedisan Pier area. The construction of Kedisan Pier impacts the increasing number of tourists but also causes a decrease in Lake Batur's water quality. Based on this, human awareness is needed to increase tourism while maintaining the quality of waters for the future benefit of humans, flora, and fauna. In addition, further research needs to be carried out using other microbiological and chemical parameters to see the quality of Lake Batur waters

    Construction of Kedisan Pier to Increase Tourist Visits and Water Quality in Lake Batur, Bali

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    Kedisan Pier gives a new feel of traveling in Batur, with a concept like a pier in South Korea, but also provides views of Lake Batur and Mount Batur simultaneously. Tourists not only visit restaurants, hot springs, hikes, and stay overnight but can also visit the Kedisan Pier Area. The increase in tourist visits influences the condition of water quality in Lake Batur. This study aims to determine the influence of the construction of Kedisan Pier on tourist visits and the quality of Lake Batur water. This study used a purposive sampling method; sampling was carried out at three points representing settlements and agriculture, water bodies/middle of lakes, and dock. The samples were tested for pH and temperature in the field and COD parameters in the laboratory. Furthermore, these three parameters are compared with Class 1 lake water quality standards in Government Regulation 22 of 2021. Based on the results, it is known that the pH and COD in the three locations exceed the class 1 water quality standard, which is 10 mg / L. pH in the range of 9.2 – 9.5. Increased COD concentration compared to the quality standard at point 1 by 127%; Point 2 is 82%, and Point 3 is 144%. Domestic activities cause the high pH and COD values at these three points—the highest COD value in the Kedisan Pier area. The construction of Kedisan Pier impacts the increasing number of tourists but also causes a decrease in Lake Batur's water quality. Based on this, human awareness is needed to increase tourism while maintaining the quality of waters for the future benefit of humans, flora, and fauna. In addition, further research needs to be carried out using other microbiological and chemical parameters to see the quality of Lake Batur waters

    Empowerment Program in Pesagi Village Community: Assistance in Compounding Innovative Peel-off Pain Reliever (UNO) Derived from Family Medicinal Plants

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    The abundance of family medicinal plants (TOGA) growing in the yards of the house can be utilized for one of the health products called boreh, a traditional medicine used from generation to generation by the Balinese. Boreh can be innovated into a peel-off preparation form that has some potential to increase public interest in traditional medicine. The contents of TOGA, such as ginger, turmeric, and galangal in the peel-off boreh preparation, may exhibit beneficial effects as a pain reliever. Therefore, the mentioned product can be used to overcome pain problems that are commonly found in the people of Pesagi Village. The ideas related to compounding certain innovative herbal preparations for overcoming health problems in Pesagi Village were carried out through community empowerment activities. A series of program activities took place during January-April 2022. The purpose of this community empowerment program was to provide training and assistance activities to the people of Pesagi Village in the practice of utilizing TOGA as an innovative boreh peel-off preparation, namely UNO, with empirical pain reliever properties. Guidance and assistance in compounding practice were based on the results of dosage formulation previously developed by the executive team in the School of Pharmacy Mahaganesha Laboratory. This empowerment program was executed through a learning-by-doing approach, integrated training, participatory practice, and guided mentoring by the executive team with knowledge and skills evaluation (pre-test and post-test, p=0.000, 95%). After the empowerment program, the community has been able to practice how to turn TOGA from the ground into a useful product. The innovative products in this empowerment program may offer some potential benefits to overcome certain health-related problems of the community in Pesagi Village, such as joint pain. The success of this program may encourage the sustainability of the program in the future

    Analisis tingkat validitas buku suplemen berbasis kearifan lokal untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa produktif siswa kelas iv sd (studi kasus di SDN Margomulyo)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat validitas buku suplemen berbasis kearifan lokal untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa produktif siswa kelas IV SD pada pembelajaran abad 21. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dimana model pengembangan yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan jenis data kuantitatif. Analisis data kevalidan yang peneliti lakukan adalah lembar validasi oleh ahli media, materi, dan bahasa. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1) tingkat validitas dari ahli media dinyatakan valid dengan skor 80%. 2) tingkat validitas dari ahli materi dinyatakan sangat valid dengan skor 95%. 3) tingkat validitas dari ahli bahasa dinyatakan sangat valid dengan skor 100%. Kesimpulan dari hasil validasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa buku suplemen berbasis kearifan lokal yang dikembangkan dinyatakan sangat valid dan siap untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar siswa kelas IV di Sekolah Dasar


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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini berrtujuan untuk mengenalkan pengolahan limbah akomodasi menjadi eco enzyme pada pelaku wisata di Desa Sidemen Karangasem Bali. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu melalui tahap perencanaan meliputi survey lokasi dan diskusi dengan POKDARWIS Desa Sideman, dilanjutkan dengan observasi di villa Desa Sidemen terkait waste manajement akomodasi, selanjutnya menyusun program kegiatan, pelaksanaan kegiatan melalui seminar dan workshop dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat tersebut adalah kehadiran peserta pelaku wisata Desa Sidemen sebanyak 48% dan kehadiran peserta internal Kampus IPBI dan stakeholder di Desa Sidemen Karangasem sebanyak 80%. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan peserta yang hadir sangat antusias dan merasakan manfaat kegiatan tersebut. Peserta juga mampu memanfaatkan limbah organik hasil akomodasi pariwisata menjadi eco enzyme. &nbsp

    Pengolahan Limbah Akomodasi Menjadi Eco Enzyme pada Pelaku Wisata di Desa Sidemen Bali

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini berrtujuan untuk mengenalkan pengolahan limbah akomodasi menjadi eco enzyme pada pelaku wisata di Desa Sidemen Karangasem Bali. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu melalui tahap perencanaan meliputi survey lokasi dan diskusi dengan POKDARWIS Desa Sideman, dilanjutkan dengan observasi di villa Desa Sidemen terkait waste manajement akomodasi, selanjutnya menyusun program kegiatan, pelaksanaan kegiatan melalui seminar dan workshop dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat tersebut adalah kehadiran peserta pelaku wisata Desa Sidemen sebanyak 48% dan kehadiran peserta internal Kampus IPBI dan stakeholder di Desa Sidemen Karangasem sebanyak 80%. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan peserta yang hadir sangat antusias dan merasakan manfaat kegiatan tersebut. Peserta juga mampu memanfaatkan limbah organik hasil akomodasi pariwisata menjadi eco enzyme