4 research outputs found


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    Pada kurikulum 2013, siswa dituntut untuk dapat memenuhi standar kompetensi dalam pembelajaran aljabar. Pada kenyataannya, siswa mempunyai kesulitan ketika belajar tentang operasi bentuk aljabar. Aljabar merupakan salah satu materi yang berkaitan erat dengan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Berpikir kritis dalam matematika adalah kemampuan untuk melibatkan pengetahuan sebelumnya, penalaran matematis, dan menggunakan strategi kognitif dalam menggeneralisasi, membuktikan, atau mengevaluasi situasi matematis dengan cara reflektif. Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa memiliki kaitan erat dengan gaya kognitif yaitu bagaimana menyelesaikan suatu tugas, merancang prosedur, dan dapat memberikan solusi yang tepat dalam memecahkan masalah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan berpikir kritis secara tidak langsung salah satunya adalah perbedaan gender. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana siswa SMP menyelesaikan masalah matematika materi aljabar ditinjau dari gender dan berpikir kritis siswa dengan gaya kognitif field Independent (FI) dan field Dependent (FD). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan bentuk penelitian studi kasus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh: 1) Siswa perempuan bergaya kognitif field dependent dengan kemampuan berpikir kritis sedang dalam masalah aljabar lebih dominan dalam membangun keterampilan dasar daripada siswa laki – laki, 2) Siswa laki - laki bergaya kognitif field independent dengan kemampuan berpikir kritis sedang dalam masalah aljabar dominan dalam membangun keterampilan dasar. Siswa perempuan dominan dalam memberikan penjelasan sederhana, 3) Siswa perempuan bergaya kognitif field independent dengan kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi dalam masalah aljabar dominan dalam memberikan penjelasan sederhana daripada siswa laki – laki. In the 2013 curriculum, students are required to achieve the competency standards in learning algebra. In fact, students still have difficulties in learning the operations of algebraic forms. Algebra is a material which has a close relation to critical thinking skills. Critical thinking in mathematics is the ability to engage prior knowledge, mathematical reasoning, and use cognitive strategies in generalizing, proving, or evaluating mathematical situations in a reflective manner. Students' critical thinking ability is closely related to cognitive style, including how to complete a task, design procedures, and provide appropriate solutions in solving problems. One of the indirect factors that influence critical thinking skills is gender differences. Thus, this study aims to understand how junior high school students solve algebraic mathematics problems in terms of gender and students' critical thinking with Field Independent (FI) and Field Dependent (FD) cognitive styles. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, specifically case study research. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained: 1) Female students with field dependent cognitive style with moderate critical thinking skills in algebra problems are more dominant in building basic skills than male students, 2) Male students with field independent cognitive style with critical thinking skills are in algebra problems dominant in building skills base. Female students are dominant in giving simple explanations, 3) Female students with field independent cognitive style with high critical thinking skills in algebraic problems are dominant in giving simple explanations than male students

    Students Critical Thinking Reviewed from Field-Dependent and Field-Independent on Number Pattern Material

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    One of the competencies or learning goals in the 2013 curriculum is to promote curiosity, creativity, and the ability to arranging problem to build critical thinking which are necessary for intelligent life. However, in reality, students's critical thinking skills in mathematics are still not satisfactory. Mathematic’ material and critical thinking skills are two things that cannot be separated because mathematics material can be understood through critical thinking which is trained through learning mathematics. Learning number patterns aims to equip students to think critically, analyze, creatively, logically, and systematically. Students' critical thinking skills have related to the existence of cognitive aspects like how to complete a task, make procedures design, and be able to give the right solution in solving problems. This study aims to understand how students of junior high school solve math problems with number pattern material reviewed from students's critical thinking with Field-Dependent (FD) and Field-Independent (FI) cognitive style. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method with case study design. From the results of study conducted on 14 students, there were 64% students in the Independent field category and 36% students in the Dependent field category. Of the 2 students, among them taken in the Independent field category, they have high-level critical thinking skills and medium-level critical thinking skills. There are 2 students among those taken in the Dependent field category have critical thinking skills on medium level and low level

    Perbandingan metode Least Cost, Reduction, dan Average Penalty untuk menyelesaikan solusi layak awal masalah transportasi

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang membandingkan solusi layak awal untuk menyelesaikan masalah transportasi menggunakan Metode Least Cost, Metode Reduction dan Metode Average Penalty. Metode Least Cost ini mengalokasi sistematik langsung kepada biaya terkecil dalam tabel transportasi dengan memperhatikan permintaan dan penawaran. Metode Reduction menentukan biaya terkecil dalam tiap baris dan kolom terlebih dahulu, kemudian mengurangi tiap biaya dalam baris dan kolom tersebut dengan biaya terkecilnya. Sehingga akan ada satu nilai nol pada setiap baris dan kolom. Sedangkan pada metode Average Penalty ini setelah mendapatkan nilai nol pada setiap baris dan kolom, kemudian mencari rata – rata penalti dari setiap baris dan kolom. Ketika mengaplikasikan Metode Least Cost, Metode Reduction dan Metode Average Penalty pada objek penelitian, maka dapat dibandingkan solusi layak awalnya. Setelah dibandingkan ternyata Metode Average Penalty adalah metode yang terbaik, karena biaya distribusinya lebih minimum dibandingkan dengan metode Least Cost dan metode Reduction