9 research outputs found
Peningkatan Produksi Naupli Melalui Aplikasi Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) Bubuk Pada Induk Jantan Udang Vaname (Litopeneaus vannamei)
Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi dalam kegiatan pembenihan udang vaname yaitu produksi naupli rendah. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan melakukan pemberian pakan bernutrisi pada induk. Pengkayaan nutrisi pada pakan dengan penambahan paprika bubuk dapat menjadi solusi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas induk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat efisiensi aplikasi paprika bubuk pada induk jantan dalam meningkatkan produksi naupli udang vaname. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan yaitu pemilihan induk, aklimatisasi, manajemen kualitas air, manajemen pakan, manajemen induk (ablasi, pemijahan, peneluran, penetasan, dan panen naupli). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara partisipasi aktif, observasi, wawancara dengan teknisi lapangan, dan penelitian literatur. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa tingkat mating rate dan spawning rate induk udang vaname yaitu 81,2% dan 97,7%, dengan rata-rata produksi naupli yaitu 363.109 ekor naupli/ekor induk memijah/hari. Jumlah produksi naupli tersebut sangat tinggi, sehingga penggunaan paprika bubuk 5%/kg pakan cumi-cumi yang diberikan pada induk jantan sangat signifikan meningkatkan produksi naupli udang vaname
Processing of Sepang Wood (Caesalpinia sappan. L) in Desa Biru of Kahu Subdistrict Bone South SulawesiAbstract: Sepang wood has only been used as additional wood for coloring drinks, especially in the Buginese community. For generations, the Buginese people were consumed drinking water containing Sepang wood without knowing the health benefits and how to process it, so that it can become a high economic value product. The community partnership program focuses on improving community skills, namely Kelompok Tani Desa Biru and Kelompok Ibu PKK Desa Biru. The activities carried out were in the form of counseling in the form of awareness of the benefits of Sepang wood, training and demonstration (by doing) for processing Sepang wood for partner groups, and assistance. The results obtained from this partnership program are that the community is able to process Sepang wood into Bottled Drinking Water, namely Sepang Mineral Water and differentiation products, namely Teh Kayu Sepang Desa Biru (Sepang wood tea). The impact of this activity is an increase in processing of Sepang wood which was initially of less value into a product that is of economic value, namely Sepang Mineral Water (AMDK) and Sepang Wood Tea. In addition, public awareness will cultivate Sepang wood because people are beginning to realize the benefits of consuming Sepang wood. The touch of technology with the help of water purification devices with a reverse osmosis system resolves the problems of the Biru village community for the need for clean drinking water (drinkable) because drinking water in Biru Village contains high levels of hardness. Therefore, socially, skill and technology are very helpful and change the pattern of productivity of the community through the use of Sepang wood processing as the product of the superior product of Desa Biru and the products produced are close to the SNI 01.3553-2015 standard and SNI 01-3886-2000 for dry tea.Keywords: Sepang wood, Sepang mineral water, Sepang wood tea  Abstrak: Kayu sepang selama ini hanya digunakan sebagai kayu tambahan untuk pewarna minuman khususnya pada masyarakat Bugis. Secara turun temurun masyarakat Bugis mengonsumsi air minum yang mengandung sepang tanpa mengetahui manfaat kesehatan dan cara pengolahan agar dapat menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Program kemitraan kepada masyarakat berfokus untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat yaitu mitra Kelompok Tani Desa Biru dan Ibu PKK Desa Biru. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berupa penyuluhan dalam bentuk penyadaran akan manfaat kayu sepang, pelatihan dan demonstrasi (by doing) akan pengolahan kayu sepang bagi kelompok mitra, serta pendampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari program kemitraan ini adalah masyarakat mampu mengolah kayu sepang menjadi Air Minum Dalam Kemasan yaitu Air Mineral Sepang serta produk diferensiasi yaitu Teh Kayu sepang Desa Biru. Dampak dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan pengolahan kayu sepang yang semula kurang bernilai menjadi produk yang sangat bernilai ekonomis yaitu menjadi Air Mineral Sepang (AMDK) dan Teh Kayu Sepang. Selain itu, penyadaran masyarakat akan membudidayakan kayu sepang disebabkan masyarakat mulai menyadari manfaat lebih dari konsumsi kayu sepang. Sentuhan teknologi dengan bantuan alat pemurnian air dengan sistem reverse osmosis menuntaskan masalah masyarakat Desa Biru akan kebutuhan air minum bersih (layak minum) sebab air minum di Desa Biru mengandung zat kapur yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, secara sosial, keterampilan, dan teknologi sangat membantu serta mengubah pola produktivitas masyarakat melalui pemanfaatan pengolahan kayu sepang menjadi produk cikal bakal produk unggulan Desa Biru serta produk yang dihasilkan mendekati standar SNI 01.3553-2015 dan SNI 01-3886-2000 untuk teh kering.Kata Kunci: Kayu sepang, air mineral sepang, teh kayu sepan
Visualization analysis and trends in Indonesian internet of things research using bibliometrics
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a
critical issue and area of research for a variety of communities, academics, and industries worldwide. Due to the lack of research in IoT and understanding the direction of IoT development in the future. This research presents bibliometric analysis and analysis of science mapping on IoT. Data was taken from the Scopus database based on Indonesian state affiliation from 2012 - 2020. A total of 1415 documents (Conference proceedings, journals, book series, and books)
were retrieved, which were then processed online via Scopus
Web and by VOSviewer software to perform advanced
bibliometric analysis and science mapping analysis. The
method is divided into five stages: keyword selection, initial
search results, search result refinement, initial compilation,
and data analysis. Scopus's list of the most frequently
published and indexed articles, the most published papers are
in the subject area of Computer Science (29.0%) with 938
documents, Engineering (20.7%) with 668 documents, Physics
and Astronomy (9.5%) with 308 documents. The data
processed and visualized on this topic offer exploratory
information about the current status and trends in the IoT
scientific literature and provide insight for established and
novice researchers in understanding this research topic
Scientometric analysis of digital entrepreneurship through bibliometric visualizing in the last 10 years
The widespread availability of the Internet has surely altered how business is conducted. The journey from jobs to entrepreneurship is growing easier with continually expanding technology, business models, and increasingly
imaginative advertising advances on social media. This research aims to identify research trends and visualization
mapping on the issue of Digital Entrepreneurship using bibliometric analysis. The Scopus database was used to
collect data for this study, and bibliometric network mapping was demonstrated online using the Scopus website and
VOSViewer. We employ an article selection approach that begins with the searched keywords and year constraints
and ends with the database being exported to RIS and CSV format files. We retrieved 1659 scientific publications
from the Scopus database in the last ten years, from 2012 to 2021. VOSViewer is also used to map the network.
According to the database the most knowledge is in the field of “Business, Management and Accounting”, with
25.2% academic documents (N=584). Then the second is “Social Sciences” with 444 academic documents, and the
third is Computer Science with 15% academic documents (N=347). Data study demonstrates a considerable growth
in producing scientific articles on Digital Entrepreneurship worldwide from 2012 to 2021. This study suggests
merging numerous Digital Entrepreneurship research themes, abbreviated as the LADESO research theme:
Literature, Adoption, Digital Economy, Student, and Outcome
Scientometric analysis in the field of big data and artificial intelligence in industry
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BD&AI) in
Industry have grown so prevalent, and the potential they
provide is so revolutionary that they are seen as critical for
competitive growth. Because the number of organizations
BD&AI on Industry technology is increasing exponentially, so
is the need for BD&AI on Industry practitioners. Until we
conducted this research, only 1399 academic documents on
BD&AI in Industry found from 2002 to 2020 were obtained by
searching the Scopus database. BD&AI in the industrial sector is examined in-depth in this paper. This study uses bibliometric analysis and indexed digital methods to map scientific publications worldwide. This study uses the Scopus database to collect information and online analysis via the Scopus website and VOSViewer to demonstrate bibliometric network mapping. We use the article selection process, starting with the keywords to be searched for, the year limitation, then the database is exported into RIS and CSV format files. From the database, we also perform network mapping using VOSViewer. Researchers in China have the most articles published and indexed by Scopus among the most prolific authors (373), followed by the United States (239) and India with 125 academic publications. Data analysis reveals an upward trend in the number of worldwide publications in BD&AI in Industry, as measured by the Scopus index
Performance analysis of closed loop control of diesel generator power supply for base transceiver (BTS) load
This paper describes closed loop control of Diesel Generator (DG) supplying power to a Base Transceiver (BTS) load of a telecommunication tower, which is DC in nature. Detail modeling of Diesel Generator set has been presented.. The stability analysis of governor and excitation system has been carried out in frequency domain. When DG source is connected to the BTS load bus through bridge rectifier, the output waveform distorted due to high odd harmonics content. To solve this problem a unity power factor rectifier has been designed. For the control operation of this UPFC rectifier, double loop mode control method has been used and results are presented. The complete system has been simulated in MATLAB-SIMULINK environment. - BEIESP.Scopu
Species Diversity of Bats in the Rich Limestone Complex Area of Merapoh in Lipis National Geopark, Malaysia
Merapoh, Pahang is an area rich with limestone karst located within Lipis National Geopark and home to the Sungai Relau gate of Taman Negara Pahang, a totally protected rainforest in Malaysia. Much of the research conducted here is mainly inside the national park, with few published faunal records for the Merapoh caves. Hence, this study compiled the data on the bat species diversity of eight Merapoh caves (March 2020 to March 2022) using mist nets and harp traps. Our results indicate that Chiroptera diversity at Merapoh caves is rich, with a total of 32 species recorded from 865 individuals and four new locality records for the state of Pahang namely Rousettus leschenaultii, Lyroderma lyra, Rhinolophus coelophyllus and Hipposideros pomona.. Gua Gunting has the highest diversity of bats (19 species) and also recorded the highest capture rate (640.63%, n=205 individuals).) Significant Merapoh caves that has primary colony bat roosts include Gua Jinjang Pelamin (Eonycteris spelaea & Rousettus leschenaultii), Gua Tahi Bintang (Hipposideros larvatus) and Gua Pasir Besar (Miniopterus medius). Rhinolophus convexus, previously recorded only in upper montane rainforests was also recorded in Merapoh caves indicating that this species can also be found in lower elevation than previously thought. Based on the findings of the current study and additional records from two previous studies have increased the Merapoh bat diversity checklist to 38 species. On the whole, the rich bat diversity in Merapoh is reflective of its immense limestone karst landscape highlights the reason Lipis National Geopark is recently gazetted. Future bat research should continue here and other karst in Lipis Geopark to not only better conserve biological diversity and geological structures but also raise awareness to the locals to appreciate their national heritage in aspiration to obtain the UNESCO Global Geopark status by 2025