29 research outputs found


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    ANALISIS TATA LETAK DALAM PERSPEKTIF RITEL  Ria ArifiantiDepartement of Business Administrative ScienceFaculty of Social and Political Sciences University of PadjadjaranEmail : [email protected]. [email protected] ABSTRACT                Layout strategies undertaken to generate profits, and to provide comfort for visitors. Despite the fact that so run smoothly. This can be seen from the customer complained about the layout made by the company. They complained of the board were not clear and the high placement so that makes them confused for mencarai desired goodsThe approach taken in this study is a qualitative approach. The research method is descriptive method. Technique of collecting data using study of literature and field. Field studies using observation and interviews.The research results that Retail Modern retail use this type of layout. The arrangement is based layout to provide convenience for consumers when shopping. Other than that a good layout. Placement will impact and improve competitiveness. The advice given is a clear indication of the existence of the placement of goods, so as not to confuse consumers when shopping Keywords : modern retail,  lay out strategy   ANALISIS TATA LETAK DALAM PERSPEKTIF RITEL  ABSTRAK Strategi tata letak dilakukan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan, dan untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengunjung. Meskipun pada kenyataannya tidak begitu berjalan dengan lancar. Hal ini terlihat dari pelanggan mengeluhkan tata letak yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Mereka mengeluhkan papan petunjuk yang tidak jelas dan tinggi penempatannya sehingga membuat mereka kebingungan untuk mencarai barang yang diinginkan Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan secara induktif untuk memperoleh data yang bersifat menyeluruh atau holistic dan mendalam. Metode penelitiannya adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian mennujukkan bahwa Ritel Modern menggunakan jenis tata letak ritel. Penataan tata letak didasarkan untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi konsumen ketika berbelanja. Selain daripada itu penempatan layout yang baik akan memberikan dampak dan meningkatkan daya saing. Adapun saran yang diberikan adalah Adanya petunjuk yang jelas tentang penempatan barang, sehingga tidak memusingkan konsumen ketika berbelanja Kata kunci : ritel modern, strategi tata leta

    Policy Network in Tangerang Live Application

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    Tangerang City as a city that is implementing the Smart City concept to solve city problems and improve city governance. Since 2016 the Tangerang City Government has been running Smart City by creating a Tangerang LIVE Room with the Tangerang LIVE vision of Liveable, Investable, Visitable, and E-City, the vision is based on the use of information, technology and communication to create a public service system and employee work to the community to be more optimal, efficient and effective. Innovations that are being developed by the City of Tangerang have successfully made 174 Applications. The success of the application made 31 City Governments and Agencies in Indonesia adopt applications owned by the City of Tangerang. The principle of the Tangerang Smart City Partnership aims to accelerate regional development at the local level, increase economic growth and community welfare through optimizing the use of regional resources. A qualitative approach was used in this research by collecting data through library research, interviews and documentation of informants who were directly involved in carrying out these activities. The analysis of this study uses Frans Van Waarden's theory model, the results of the study show that: (1) The actors involved have been from all walks of life, but it is better to increase their involvement, (2) The function of each actor should be improved again to achieve the Tangerang policy objectives Live (3) Network structure is already running, but the good Leading Sector is transferred to the Mayor (4) Institutionalization has not been regulated (5) Rules of action have not been regulated in mayor regulations or regional regulations specifically regarding Smart City (6) Power Relations have been running with good (7) The actor's strategy is well underway to manage his dependency

    Manajemen Bisnis Aerotropolis (Airport City): Sebuah Studi Pemetaan Sistematis

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    The application of the concept of aerotropolis (airport city) in various parts of the world requires holistic planning. Aspects that affect the implementation of airport cities must be considered in planning. The linkage between regulations, government support, business schemes, land ownership, and human resources, is an important capital in realizing an airport city. This study is an initial research that aims to identify the results of research that has been carried out in the field of Aerotropolis business management using a systematic mapping study (SMS). The purpose of this mapping is to find out what Aerotropolis topics are being researched. This article focuses on 10 airport cities in the world that have applied the Aerotropolis model in their development, namely Amsterdam, Paris, Dubai, Dallas, Chicago, Memphis, Hong Kong, Singapore, Incheon, and Washington. This study uses a qualitative method by going through a literature study. The search is done through Google Scholar. It is intended that the output of this SMS can describe opportunities with the aim of exploring topics and new ideas in managing the Aerotropolis (aerocity-airport city) business apart from exploiting previously existing topics. Recommendation of study results from Aerotropolis Development with a research focus on Aerotropolis Development Practices. Qualitative methods are mostly used in research on this Aerotropolis.Penerapan konsep aerotropolis (kota bandara) di berbagai belahan dunia memerlukan perencanaan yang holistik. Aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi terhadap implementasi kota bandara wajib menjadi pertimbangan dalam perencanaan. Keterkaitan antara regulasi, dukungan pemerintah, skema bisnis, kepemilikan lahan, serta sumber daya manusia, menjadi modal penting dalam mewujudkan sebuah kota bandara. Studi ini adalah riset awal yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hasil dari riset yang pernah dilakukan pada bidang pengelolaan bisnis Aerotropolis dengan menggunakan systematic mapping study (SMS). Tujuan dari pemetaan ini adalah untuk mengetahui topik Aerotropolis apa saja yang diteliti. Artikel ini memfokuskan pada 10 kota bandara di dunia yang telah mengaplikasikan model Aerotropolis dalam pengembangannya, yaitu Amsterdam, Paris, Dubai, Dallas, Chicago, Memphis, Hongkong, Singapore, Incheon, dan Washington. Studi ini menggunakan metode1kualitatif dengan melalui studi pustaka. Penelusuran dilakukan melalui Google Scholar. Dimaksudkan bahwa keluaran dari SMS ini dapat menggambarkan mengenai peluang dengan tujuan eksplorasi topik serta pemikiran baru dalam pengeloaan bisnis Aerotropolis (aerocity-airport city) selain dari eksploitasi topik yang telah ada sebelumnya. Rekomendasi hasil studi dari Aerotropolis Development dengan fokus riset pada Aerotropolis Development Practices. Metode kualitatif paling banyak dilakukan dalam riset mengenai Aerotropolis ini

    Analisis Manajemen Operasional Perusahaan Multinasional (PT Nestle Indonesia)

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    Untuk memenuhi dan mewujudkan tujuan atau visi perusahaan, maka setidaknya ada tiga fungsi dasar manajemen yang harus diimplementasikan pada sebuah perusahaan, yaitu fungsi pemasaran, fungsi operasional, dan fungsi keuangan. Ketiga fungsi tersebut merupakan aspek utama di sebuah perusahaan atau industri demi keberlangsungan hidup perusahaan. Manajemen operasional sendiri merupakan sebuah fungsi manajemen yang utama dalam sebuah perusahaan. Manajemen operasi ini telah berkembang pesat sebab kemajuan teknologi dan munculnya inovasi baru yang telah diterapkan dalam praktik bisnis. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah literature review. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Manajemen  operasional  merupakan  fungsi  manajemen    yang  sangat  pokok  bagi  sebuah perusahaan  apapun,  salah  satunya  adalah  PT.  Nestle Indonesia  yang  memiliki  strategi  untuk bersaing  untuk  mencapai  dan  memperoleh  tujuan.  PT Nestle Indonesia  juga  memiliki  strategi yang  kunci  utamanya  adalah mengembangkan  produk  baru  dan  tepat  guna.  Selain  faktor  dari  keunikan  produk,  perusahaan  yang mempunyai kelebihan dalam bersaing juga menerapkan strategi marketing mix yang melingkupi harga yang  bisa  besaing,  tempat  atau  lokasi  yang  strategis,  dan  promosi  yang  memadai. Supply Chain Management (SCM) adalah suatu konsep atau mekanisme untuk meningkatkan produktivitas total perusahaan dalam rantai suplai melalui optimalisasi waktu, lokasi dan aliran kuantitas bahan. Manufakturing, dalam penerapan supply chain management (SCM), perusahaan-perusahaan diharuskan mampu memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan, mengembangkan produk tepat waktu, mengeluarkan biaya yang rendah dalam bidang persediaan dan penyerahan produk, mengelola industri secara cermat dan fleksibel

    Supply Chain in Library: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The research objective of this paper is to identify and map supply chain research in a library. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus electronic database. The article search is done by filtering search results in the system and manual exploration to get relevant articles. The collected articles are processed with the VOSviewer application to obtain research mapping results. A total of 81 articles were obtained from 1999 to 2021, with an increasing trend in the number of articles each year. The United States and China are the most productive countries in this field. Three cluster topics were obtained: supply chain integration in digital libraries, the benefits of open source applications in libraries, and digital data issues in libraries. The results of this study provide an additional overview of supply chain mapping in libraries


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    Plered Ceramics is a business in processing clay, whose products can be used as household appliances and decoration. In its development the SME industry can export. Achievement to make products that are acceptable and in accordance with the wishes of consumers has been increasingly recognized by businesses. There fore we need a process flow that can support the smooth production process to fulfill orders. This study aims to analyze the production process flow map in the ceramics industry Plered Purwakarta from the perspective of layout theory. The method used is a qualitative method of study of motion and time.Based on the results of research on designing process flow maps related to the machine is better and more profitable for craftsmen because it takes a shorter time. However, its use is experiencing obstacles due to lack of skills in operating the machine in ceramic processing.Keramik Plered merupakan usaha dalam pengolahan tanah liat, yang produknya dapat digunakan sebagai alat rumah tangga dan hiasan. Dalam perkembangannya industri UKM ini dapat melakukan ekspor.  Pencapaian untuk membuat produk yang dapat diterima dan sesuai keinginan konsumen sudah semakin disadari oleh para pelaku usaha. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya aliran proses yang dapat menunjang kelancaran proses produksi untuk memenuhi pesanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peta aliran proses produksi pada industri keramik Plered Purwakarta dari perspektif teori tata letak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif studi gerak dan waktu.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian perancangan peta aliran proses yang berkaitan dengan mesin lebih baik dan lebih menguntungkan bagi para pengrajin karena memakan waktu yang lebih singkat. Namun dalam penggunaannya mengalami hambatan karena kurangnya ketrampilan dalam pengoperasian mesin dalam pengolahan keramik


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    ABSTRACT                Creative Economy will be the world economic trend in the next few years. Stagnation of economic growth and environmental degradation is increasingly alarming, encouraging the whole world to put forward the creativity in economic life that maximizes the added value of a product of goods and services in the framework of the sustainability of human life and civilization. The research method used is a qualitative method of research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written words or oral from the people and behavior that can be observed. With the explorative approach that is digging more detailed description.The result of the research is the formulation of creative economic activation for Bandung based on the requirement by UNESCO. The selection of activation of the creative economy sub-sector, it was found that the first scenario was the most proportional. Furthermore, the first government of Bandung City to develop more extensive network of creative industries to the kecamatan or kelurahan. Second, improve activation of low value, with the training on activation Keywords :Economics, creative, activation.   ABSTRAKEkonomi Kreatif akan menjadi trend ekonomi dunia dalam beberapa tahun mendatang.   Stagnasi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan degradasi lingkungan yang semakin mengkhawatirkan, mendorong seluruh dunia untuk lebih mengedepankan kreativitas dalam berkehidupan ekonomi yang memaksimalkan nilai tambah dari suatu produk barang dan jasa dalam rangka keberlanjutan kehidupan dan peradaban manusia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metoda kualitatif yaitu prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati .Dengan pendekatan eksploratif yaitu menggali keterangan lebih rinci. Hasil penelitian adalah perumusan aktivasi ekonomi kreatif untuk Kota Bandung berdasarkan yang disyaratkan oleh UNESCO. Pemilihan aktivasi sub sektor ekonomi kreatif, maka ditemukan bahwa skenario yang pertama  adalah yang paling proporsional. Selanjutnya, pertama pemerintah Kota Bandung mengembangkan lebih luas jaringan industri kreatifnya ke kecamatan atau kelurahan. Kedua, memperbaiki aktivasi yang bernilai rendah, dengan adanya pelatihan tentang aktivasi Kata Kunci : Ekonomi,  kreatif, aktivasi. 

    Pengaruh Selebrity Endorsme, Brand Image, dan Testimoni dalam Meningkatkan Minat Beli Produk (Studi Kasus : Instagram UKM Kylafood)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Image, and Testimonials on consumer buying interest in Kylafood products on Instagram Social Media. The research methods used in this research are descriptive and quantitative methods. Data analysis techniques and research model submissions use Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with 95 questionnaire distribution data aimed at people who at least follow one celebrity endorsment on Instagram, know the kylafood brand, know the testimonials of the kylafood brand and intending to buy kylafood products. The results of this study state that the celebrity endorsement and testimonial variables have a significant positive effect on buying interest in Kylafood products on Instagram, while the brand image variable has a positive but not significant effect

    Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Kinerja Pemasaran, dan Kapabilitas TIK Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing Pada Pelaku UMKM di Sentra Industri Sepatu Cibaduyut Kota Bandung

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    Covid-19 penetrates into Indonesia to have an impact on Business, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). One of the MSMEs affected by the Covid-19 pandemic is the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center. This has an impact on business, marketing, information and the competitiveness of MSME players in Cibaduyut. So the research objective is to find and determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing performance, and ICT capabilities on competitive advantage. The research method used is quantitative with the research sample being SMEs in Cibaduyut and analysis using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square. While the results of the study provide results for the greatest influence on the ICT capability variable of 44.9%. The conclusion in this study is that the entrepreneurial orientation variable and marketing performance do not have a significant effect on competitive advantage, while the ICT capability variable has a significant effect

    Strategi Marketing Pada CV. Kembar Jaya Kreatif Dengan Memanfaatkan Analisis Swot Serta QSPM

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    CV. Kembar Jaya Kreatif is an industry engaged in garment or convection. The results of the CV. Kembar Jaya Kreatif from September 2017 to April 2019 can be seen if there are some months of income that do not meet the income target that has been set. Therefore CV. Kembar Jaya Kreatif is obliged to devise a new strategy in order to increase income in order to achieve the targets that have been set. SWOT analysis is used to obtain alternative strategies, where strategic alternatives are obtained from internal and external aspects of the industry. Information and research data consist of primary and secondary information, the analytical tools used in this research are the IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) matrix, the EFE (External Factor Evaluation) matrix, the IE (Internal-External) matrix, the SWOT matrix (Strengths, Weakness). , Opportunities, and Threats), as well as QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). The SWOT matrix creates 5 strategic alternatives that can be implemented by the industry. Based on the QSPM results from 5 alternatives, one of the prioritized alternative strategies is to use existing technology to carry out marketing activities and sell products online such as through social media and e-commerce with a TAS score of 6, 303