506 research outputs found

    Web-based learning environment based on students’ needs

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    Traditional learning needs to be improved since it does not involve active learning among students. Therefore, in the twenty-first century, the development of internet technology in the learning environment has become the main needs of each student. One of the learning environments to meet the needs of the teaching and learning process is a web-based learning environment. This study aims to identify the characteristics of a webbased learning environment that supports students’ learning needs. The study involved 542 students from fifteen faculties in a public higher education institution in Malaysia. A quantitative method was used to collect the data via a questionnaire survey by randomly. The findings indicate that the characteristics of a web-based learning environment that support students’ needs in the process of learning are online discussion forum, lecture notes, assignments, portfolio, and chat. In conclusion, the students overwhelmingly agreed that online discussion forum is the highest requirement because the tool can provide a space for students and teachers to share knowledge and experiences related to teaching and learning

    Pemanfaatan Air Laut Sebagai Alternatif Irigasi Pada Tanaman Jagung Semi (Zea Mays L.)

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    Baby corn (Zea mays L.) atau jagung semi merupakan bahan sayuran segar yang diperoleh dari tongkol jagung muda yang awalnya hanya hasil sampingan dan kemudian dibudidayakan secara khusus (Soemadi, 2000). Dengan meningkatnya penduduk di Indonesia maka kebutuhan akan air bersih juga harus terpenuhi. Oleh sebab itu untuk mengurangi kebutuhan akan air bersih di bidang pertanian maka pemanfaatan air laut yang berlimpah dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan irigasi pada tanaman jagung semi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memanfaatkaan air laut untuk digunakan sebagai air irigasi pada tanaman baby corn dan mendapatkan konsentrasi air laut yang sesuai sebagai irigasi tanaman baby corn. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Greenhouse STPP, Malang, Jawa Timur pada bulan Januari- Maret 2015. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Bahan yang digunakan yaitu benih jagung varietas Bisi-2 dan pemberian irigasi yaitu 100% air tawar sebagai kontrol, 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, 1500 ppm, 2000 ppm, 2500 ppm, 3000 ppm, 3500 ppm, dan 4000 ppm. Pengamatan meliputi parameter pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, total luas daun dan umur berbunga ) dan komponen hasil panen (panjang tongkol, diameter tongkol, dan bobot segar tongkol). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tanaman jagung semi yang diberi air laut sebagai irigasi hingga konsentrasi 4000 ppm dapat menghasilkan kuantitas jagung semi yang tidak berbeda terhadap perlakuan 100% air tawa

    Risk Management Practices of Selected Islamic Banks in Malaysia

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    This study explores the risk management practices of major Islamic banks in Malaysia with the objective of having deeper understanding of the practices and identifying ways for further improvements. Various aspects of risk management practices are assessed through survey questionnaires, particularly those relevant and specific to the case of the Islamic banks. The study finds that the Islamic banks adopt good risk management practices with few areas of improvements include the use of computerised support systems and more sophisticated approaches to measure risks and the use of Shari\u27ah compliance techniques to mitigate risks. By assessing their current risk management practices, the study hopes to contribute in terms of recommending strategies to strengthen the risk management practices of the Islamic banks so as to increase the overall competitiveness in the Islamic banking industry

    Dual Channel Double Wavelength Method in Optical Fiber Based Gas Sensor for Carbon Dioxide Detection

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    A novel double wavelength strategy in optical fiberbased sensor for detection of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is presented. The detection strategy works based on an open-path direct absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) wavelength range. The sensor system comprises of a broadband filament emitter acting as the Infrared (IR) light source, Chalcogenide Infrared (CIR) Optical Fibers, two Pyroelectric detectors which been fitted built- in with a limited bandpass CO2 channel and a reference channel. The sensor additionally uses calcium fluoride (CaF2) limit bandpass (NBP) channel for recognition of CO2 gas without cross-sensitivity to different gasses exist in the surrounding environment. The correlation amongst test and computed sensor yields are additionally exhibited

    A Compact Optical Fiber Based Gas Sensing System for Carbon Dioxide Monitoring

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    This paper presents an approach to develop an optical fiber based gas leak sensor that can be used to detect and quantify carbon dioxide gas. The developed sensor system operates based on the principles of Infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy using the dual channel and double wavelength method. Therefore, it is possible to eliminate the interference signal from the outside environment by using this method. The design of the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas sensor system consists of a Broadband light source, two IR detectors with different Narrow Band Pass (NBP) filters for Active and Reference channel, chalcogenide infrared (CIR) fibers and a compact gas detection cell. The output of the sensor system is captured using in-house LabVIEW program with Data Acquisition (DAQ) capabilities and displayed in real time. Experimental results show that the developed optical fiber based gas sensor system is capable to detect and quantify concentrations of carbon dioxide gas for leak detection and also environmental monitoring applications

    Pengaturan Teknik Aplikasi Berbagai Sumber Bahan Organik Pada Budidaya Mentimun (Cucumis Sativus L.)

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    Terbatasnya ketersediaan air merupakan permasalahan budidaya di lahan kering, sehingga diperlukan teknologi yang mampu mengkonservasi air tanah untuk mem-pertahankan kandungan air tanah pada budidaya mentimun. Bahan organik me-rupakan salah satu alternatif yang mampu mempertahankan kandungan air tanah. Bahan organik dapat diaplikasikan dengan cara ditebar maupun dicampur dengan ta-nah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan teknik aplikasi dari berbagai sumber bahan organik yang mampu mempertahankan kandungan air tanah, sehingga dapat men-dukung pertumbuhan dan produksi men-timun. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah plastik, Desa Kepung, Kabupaten Kediri pada ketinggian 132 m dpl dengan tipe tanah regosol, dimulai pada bulan Januari hingga Maret 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok terdiri dari 10 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan ialah, P1 (Pupuk kandang sapi diaplikasikan de-ngan cara di-tebar), P2 (Pupuk kandang sapi di-aplikasikan dicampur dengan tanah), P3 (Ampas tebu diaplikasikan dengan cara ditebar), P4 (Ampas tebu diaplikasikan dicampur dengan tanah), P5 (Sekam padi diaplikasikan dengan cara di-tebar), P6 (Sekam padi diaplikasikan dicampur dengan tanah), P7 (Sekam bakar diaplikasikan dengan cara ditebar), P8 (Sekam bakar di-aplikasikan dicampur dengan tanah), P9 (Jerami padi diaplikasikan dengan cara ditebar), dan P10 (Jerami padi di-aplikasikan dicampur dengan tanah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik aplikasi bahan organik pupuk kandang sapi, ampas tebu, sekam padi, sekam bakar, dan jerami padi yang diaplikasikan dengan cara ditebar maupun dicampur dengan tanah memiliki kemampuan mempertahankan kandungan air tanah yang sama pada bu-didaya mentimun, terbukti dari kelembaban yang relatif stabil

    Closed Hollow Bulb Obturator-One-Step Fabrication: A Clinical Report

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    A method is described for the fabrication of a closed hollow bulb obturator prosthesis using a hard thermoforming splint material and heat-cured acrylic resin. The technique allowed the thickness of the thermoformed bulb to be optimized for weight reduction, while the autopolymerized seal area was covered in heat-cured acrylic resin, thus eliminating potential leakage and discoloration. This technique permits the obturator prosthesis to be processed to completion from the wax trial denture without additional laboratory investing, flasking, and processing.Article URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jopr.12036/abstrac

    Conflict Resolution of Land Disputes by Using Dayak Customary Law in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    The development of plantations are highly susceptible to conflict due to some land disputes between communities with large companies. The long conflict would greatly affect business continuity, so that the necessary conflict resolution efforts that benefit both parties. The purpose of this study was to determine the resolution of the conflict due to land disputes in the Seruyan Regency. The method used was exploratory survey of quantitative method. Based on the results of the study found that by applying local wisdom in the form of Dayak customary law, then obtained a mutually beneficial settlement for both sides conflicting and no one harmed. In terms of efficiency, that the settlement of land disputes in the customary manner has a lower settlement costs when compared with the courts of law of the State. In addition, the final result that obtained can reduce the potential for conflict due to the land dispute. Parties that win and lose in court customs, can sincerely accept the decision. Keywords: Dayak customary law, Potential Conflict Land Dispute
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