13 research outputs found

    Antibacterial Activity of Awar-awar Leaves (Ficus septica Burn f) AgainstStaphylococcus aureus ATCC 29523 and Escherichia coli ATCC 35218

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    This research was conducted to observe the activity of ethanol extract of Awar-awar (Ficus septica Burm f)leaves as antibacterial against staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29523 and Escherichia coli ATCC 35218 based on the formation of clear zone and analysis ofcell leak. The result showed that ethanol extract of awar-awar leaves performed antibacterial activity against S. aureus ATCC 29523 and E. coli ATCC 352l8. Based on the clear zone diamter, that antibacerial activity was categorized as medium. The analysis of cell leak using spectrophotometer at (alpha) 26O nm and 280 nm did not indicate that ethanol extract of awar-awar leaves can cause cell leak on S. aureus ATCC 29523 and E. coli ATCC 35218

    Isolasi Bakteri Indigenous Pereduksi Krom (VI) dari Limbah Cair Laboratorium Biologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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    Krom (vl) merupakan logam berat beracun yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan hingga kematian. Bioremiddsering dijadikan alternatif dalam mengatasi masalah pencemaran lingkungan oleh Krom (Vl) secara mikrobiologis.penelitian -bertujuan untuk mendapatkan serta karakterllasi morfologi koloni dan sel bakteri indigenous pereduksi Krom (Vl) dari limbah ciLaboratorium Eiologi ulN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. lsolasi dilakukan menggunakan media Nutrient Agor (NA) yang mengandrryKzCroqo,2 ppm. lsolat yang diperoleh diuji ketahanannya terhadap rrom (vtfdengan konsentrasi 50, 150, 5oo, 1000, 1500 ppm, l*dilakukan karakterisasi morfologi koloni serta sel bakteri unggul toleran Krom (Vl). Hasil penelitian diperoleh 17 isolat murni bakterldan semuanya resisten terhadap Krom (Vl) o2 ppm. Lima isolat bakteri (Nak g, Nak 5, Nak 17, Nak 12, dan Nak 6) memiliki resisterdtertinggi terhadap Krom (Vl) hingga konsentrasi 1500 ppm. Kcloni kelima isolat tersebut berbentuk circulor/irregulor, beftgentire/undulote, berwarna cream, berelevasi convex/ftot, dan ukurannya (diameter) berkisar 0,1-0,5 cm, sedangkan selnya berbenhlbocil/coccus, tersusun secara tunggal/berpasangan, mampu membentuk.endospora, dan merupakan bakteri Gram negatif (-

    Diversity of Macrosscopic Fungi in the Cibereum Waterfall Path, Mount Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) West Java

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    Indonesia is a tropical country that has natural resources that are rich in biodiversity. One of these biodiversity is mushrooms. Mushrooms generally occupy various types of habitats, namely soil, wood, litter, animal waste and some grow on rotting mushrooms.. This study aims to study the diversity of Microscopic Fungi in the Cibereum Curug Route,Selabintana Resort, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, West Java. The research method used in this study is VES (Visual Encounter Survey) by combining transects following the Cibereum waterfall path, and taking the right and left areas of 1 meter. Data analysis was performed by qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research on the Curug Cibereum Resort Selabintana route, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) West Java, found as many as 30 species of basidiomycota mushrooms and 3 species from the ascomycota division. The most common species found in the study area were Coprinellus disseminatus (336 Number of individuals/4000 m2), Stereum sp (153 Number of individual/ 4000 m2), Mycena roseignicola (145 individual pieces/4000 m2), and Favolaschia pustulosa (138 Number of individual / 4000 m2). The diversity index of basidiomycota fungi in the Curug Cibereum route is in the medium category, namely H'= 1.004


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    Implementation of practical work in biology laboratory needs supporting media including laboratory equipments and materials. In genetics and molecular biology, the routine materials are mostly molecular resources, which are produced by certain company. To get the materials, we must order and pay for a relative high price.These molecular resources in biology laboratory is not only beneficial for practical activity, but also useful for research activity in related fields.This research works as an application of methods applied in laboratory to result in a product that is valuable in practical works, i.e. the pGEM plasmids. The methods that were employed involved the transformation of E. coli with pGEM plasmid, blue-white screening by using X-gal, and plasmid isolation by alkaline lysis method. The transformation results showed a relative low efficiency at 1,2 x 103cfu/µg DNA. The electrophoresis in 0.8% agarose gel demonstrated that the plasmid DNA was successfully isolated with some thin bands at position 3000-4000bp, despite of a large chromosomal DNA and some smear RNA were still observed. The DNA obtained is pure enough, characterized by the ratio of A260/280 at the range of 1,8-2,0

    Karakterisasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Fenol Dan Pembentuk Biofilm Dari Sumber Alami Dan Artifisial

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    Fenol merupakan salah satu polutan air tanah yang memiliki sifat toksik bagi manusia maupun lingkungan. Salah satu teknologi yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk pengolahan limbah fenol adalah melalui bioremediasi dengan memanfaatkan aktivitas bakteri. Secara umum, bakteri di alam akan tumbuh dan membentuk biofilm. Bakteri pembentuk biofilm memiliki beberapa kelebihan, diantaranya mampu bertahan hidup dalam lingkungan yang kurang menguntungkan serta meningkatkan degradasi senyawa rekalsitran, karena bakteri akan saling berinteraksi dan saling melengkapi proses metabolik yang ada. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk karakterisasi dan identifikasi isolat bakteri pendegradasi fenol dan pembentuk biofilm yang diperoleh dari limbah cair rumah sakit dan industri tekstil serta dari tanah gambut. Karakter yang diamati meliputi karakter morfologi koloni dan sel, serta karakter biokimiawi. Hasil karakterisasi selanjutnya digunakan untuk identifikasi menggunakan analisis profile matching isolat terpilih berdasarkan Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa bakteri yang diperoleh dari limbah cair rumah sakit memiliki karakter yang mirip dengan Genus Micrococcus (isolat DL120), Genus Enterobacter (DOK135), dan Genus Bacillus (ATA6). Isolat TU3 dari limbah cair industri tekstil mirip dengan Genus Flavobacterium. Isolat HG1, SG3, dan HP3 yang diperoleh dari tanah gambut berturut-turut menunjukkan karakter yang mirip dengan Genus Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter, dan Rhodococcus

    Biodegradation of Phenol by Native Bacteria Strains Isolated from Polluted and Non-Polluted Sources

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    The present investigation was undertaken to assess the biodegradation of phenol by native bacteria strains isolated from polluted and non-polluted sources, which are hospital wastewater, wastewater of textile industry, and peat soil. Phenol degrading performance and growth of all the strains was evaluated periodically within 96 hours. Five isolates showed high performance in degrading phenol,they are DLl20 and DOKl35 which were obtained from hospital wastewater, TU3 from textile industry wastewater, also SG3 and SG1 from peat soil. Isolate DL120 was found to be highly effective for the removal of phenol, which was used as sole carbon and energy source. From an initial concentration of 300 mgL-1. it degraded to 96,35 %. Three isolates from hospital wastewater, namely DL120 and DOKl35, showed high performance indegrading phenol. Also one isolate from textile industry wastewater (TU3) and three isolates from peat soil (HGl, SG3, and HP3). one of the strains, namely DLl20 was found to be highly effective for the removal of phenol, which was used as sole carbon and energy source. From an initial concentration of 300 mgL-1r it degraded to 96,35%. on the other side, isolate TU3 show better growth because it still grow exponentially from 48 to 96 hours of incubation, even it has lower performance in degrading phenol (92,29%) than isolate DLl20. Therefore, the utilization of bacterial strains from polluted and non-pollulgf sources has potential for bioremediation. Further study is needed to investigate the best condition for isolates' growth and identification of the isolates

    Molecular Identifi cation of Phenol-Degrading and Biofi lm-Forming Bacteria from Wastewater and Peat Soil

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    Phenol is hazardous aromatic pollutant which needs to be treated to reduce its hazardous effects.Bioremediation using bacteria which can form biofi lm offer an alternative wastewater treatment that is cheaperand environmentally safe. Eighteen strains of phenol-degrading and biofi lm-forming bacteria were isolatedfrom peat soil, also hospital and textile wastewater. Screening for phenol degradation ability of isolates wereperformed using Folin-ciocalteau reagent, while for biofi lm formation ability were performed using microtiterplate and crystal violet dye. Based on the ability to degrade phenol and to form biofi lm, four isolates (HP3,DOK135, DL120, andATA6) were choosen as phenol-degrading bacteria as well as biofi lm-forming bacteria.Based on phenotypic and genotypic characterization, isolate HP3 was highly similar to Rhodococcus equi strainDSM20307T, while DOK135 was highly similar to Enterobacter mori strain R18-2.The results also suggested thatDL120 and ATA6 could be classifi ed to the genus of Micrococcus and Bacillus respectivel

    Molecular Identification of Phenol-Degrading and Biofi lm-Forming Bacteria from Wastewater and Peat Soil

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    Phenol is hazardous aromatic pollutant which needs to be treated to reduce its hazardous effects. Bioremediation using bacteria which can form biofi lm offer an alternative wastewater treatment that is cheaper and environmentally safe. Eighteen strains of phenol-degrading and biofi lm-forming bacteria were isolated from peat soil, also hospital and textile wastewater. Screening for phenol degradation ability of isolates were performed using Folin-ciocalteau reagent, while for biofi lm formation ability were performed using microtiter plate and crystal violet dye. Based on the ability to degrade phenol and to form biofi lm, four isolates (HP3, DOK135, DL120, andATA6) were choosen as phenol-degrading bacteria as well as biofi lm-forming bacteria. Based on phenotypic and genotypic characterization, isolate HP3 was highly similar to Rhodococcus equi strain DSM20307T, while DOK135 was highly similar to Enterobacter mori strain R18-2.The results also suggested that DL120 and ATA6 could be classifi ed to the genus of Micrococcus and Bacillus respectivel


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    Katak sawah (Rana cancrivora) merupakan salah satu spesies amfibi yang melimpah di Indonesia. Pemanfaatan katak sawah masih terbatas hanya pada sektor pangan, peternakan, dan perdagangan.Bakteri indigenous katak sawah diduga memiliki potensi antifungsi sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai agensia biofungisida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan seleksi dan identifikasi isolat bakteri indigenous dari katak sawah (R. cancrivora) yang telah diisolasi sebelumnya dalam menghambat pertumbuhan fungsi patogen Colletotrichum NC32 yang biasa menyerang tanaman cabai. Pengujian antifungi dilakukan dengan metode dual culture. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 8 isolat bakteri katak sawah memiliki aktivitas antifungi terhadap C. acutatum NC32, satu isolat di antaranya yaitu KSB 11 diketahui paling unggul. isolat KSB 11 memiliki nilai persentase hambat fungsi sebesar 26,6 %. Hasil identifikasi dengan metode Profile matching menunjukkan bahwa isolat KSB 11 termasuk anggota genus Bacillu