Molecular Identifi cation of Phenol-Degrading and Biofi lm-Forming Bacteria from Wastewater and Peat Soil


Phenol is hazardous aromatic pollutant which needs to be treated to reduce its hazardous effects.Bioremediation using bacteria which can form biofi lm offer an alternative wastewater treatment that is cheaperand environmentally safe. Eighteen strains of phenol-degrading and biofi lm-forming bacteria were isolatedfrom peat soil, also hospital and textile wastewater. Screening for phenol degradation ability of isolates wereperformed using Folin-ciocalteau reagent, while for biofi lm formation ability were performed using microtiterplate and crystal violet dye. Based on the ability to degrade phenol and to form biofi lm, four isolates (HP3,DOK135, DL120, andATA6) were choosen as phenol-degrading bacteria as well as biofi lm-forming bacteria.Based on phenotypic and genotypic characterization, isolate HP3 was highly similar to Rhodococcus equi strainDSM20307T, while DOK135 was highly similar to Enterobacter mori strain R18-2.The results also suggested thatDL120 and ATA6 could be classifi ed to the genus of Micrococcus and Bacillus respectivel

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