13 research outputs found

    Effendi Kadarisman's Peksi Jiwa, A Jewel of Literary Transcreation

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    Good literary translators satisfy readers’ demands for entertainment or moral teachings that originate from foreign texts, but more importantly, also provide the academia with valuable research data. Certain translation techniques and strategies that translators use when translating foreign literary pieces, with the addition historical background or social circumstances surrounding the translations can push outstanding literary translation projects into recognition and transform the translation into new pieces of literary work that equal or outshine the original work. Effendi Kadarisman’s Peksi Jiwa (1980), a Javanese poem that he freely translated from Emily Dickinson’s epic poem Hope is the thing with feathers (c.a., 1890) is a perfect example of this case. This article then initiates a broader translation analysis of this literary translation, armed with a knowledge Professor Kadarisman’s personal biographical background and character, with the goal of understanding Peksi Jiwa as a Javanese transcreation of a Emily Dickinson’s classic. The translation analysis reveals that Peksi Jiwa’s literary translation put into use remarkable elements of cultural and poetic considerations in process of translation, so much that in the end, it enables Peksi Jiwa to transcend from a mere Javanese translation into an exceptionally well written poem, worthy of its own merit. Thus, Peksi Jiwa becomes a transcreation of Emily Dickinson’s original poem

    A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Translation Techniques on the Translation of Similes and Metaphors in The Old Man and The Sea

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    Figurative language is a way to captivate readers, expressed through writing in a more creative style. This research aims to find out and compare the translation techniques used by Sapardi Djoko Damono and Dian Vita Ellyati to translate similes and metaphors in The Old Man and The Sea Novel and their effect on the quality of the translation. This research used a descriptive qualitative method that employed a sampling technique. The research data are similes and metaphors from The Old Man and the Sea and its two Indonesian translations. This research collects data from document analysis, questionnaires, and focus group discussions. This research shows that translation techniques used in similes and metaphors have different impacts on the translation quality in both versions. The final result of the calculation shows that version A has a final translation quality score of 2.42, while version B has a final quality score of 2.54. The findings highlight the importance of carefully considering and selecting appropriate techniques to convey figurative language in translated works effectively. Future research in this field could focus on exploring additional translation strategies for other forms of figurative language, investigating the preferences, and examining the influence of cultural context on the translation process


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    Studies on interlanguage in English learning in countries where English as a foreign language have been highlighted for decades. Interlanguage is the type of language produced by second- and foreign-language learners who are in the process of learning a language. This single‐participant study is intended to investigate and analyse the English competence of an Indonesian student who learns English as a foreign language. The study reveals that there are four major errors areas in the learner language, such as past tense, plural form ‘s’, quantifiers, and subject-verb agreement. The source of the learner’s errors might be due to the interference of the learner’s first language, intralingual factors, incomplete application of rules in the target language, failure in comprehending the rules, and the learner’s communication strategies


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    ABSTRAK Sebagian besar wilayah Kabupaten Blora merupakan hutan, terutama hutan jati. KPH Randublatung merupakan KPH terbesar di wilayah Kabupaten Blora. Penebangan liar (illegal logging) di kawasan KPH Randublatung menyebabkan berkurangnya jumlah pohon jati dan luas vegetasi hutan jati. Akibat dari berkurangnya vegetasi hutan jati dapat menyebabkan perubahan musim yang tidak menentu dan beberapa fauna hutan kehilangan habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan luas dan kerapatan vegetasi hutan jati di kawasan KPH Randublatung. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui kerapatan vegetasi hutan jati yaitu berdasarkan analisis indeks vegetasi NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Indeks) dengan menggunakan citra Landsat 7 ETM+ tahun perekaman 2000 dan 2011. Berdasarkan dari hasil pengolahan data, pada tahun 2000 luas vegetasi hutan jati di kawasan KPH Randublatung seluas 25.528,33 ha, dengan tingkat kerapatan sedang memiliki nilai tertinggi yang didapat dari analisis indeks vegetasi NDVI yaitu seluas 10.815,45 ha. Sedangkan pada tahun 2011 luas vegetasi hutan jati di KPH Randublatung seluas 12.451,37 ha, dengan tingkat kerapatan jarang memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu seluas 5.105,77 ha. Dengan demikian dari tahun 2000 sampai dengan tahun 2011 tutupan lahan vegetasi hutan jati di kawasan KPH Randublatung mengalami perubahan seluas 13.076,96 ha


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    ABSTRAK Sawah merupakan media atau sarana untuk memproduksi padi. Sawah yang subur akan menghasilkan padi yang baik. Indonesia termasuk Negara agraris yang sebagian wilayahnya adalah pertanian, yang dapat memproduksi padi lebih banyak. Namun, karena adanya pembangunan pabrik atau bangunan lainnya di lahan pertanian, menyebabkan produksi pertanian kian berkurang. Perhitungan luas area tanaman padi dilakukan dengan melakukan overlay antara peta hasil klasifikasi dengan peta hasil NDVI pada citra Landsat 8. Sedangkan untuk menghitung produksinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ubinan seperti yang dilakukan oleh BPS dan Dinas Pertanian. Luas area tanaman padi di Kota Pekalongan yaitu sebesar 664,96 hektar dengan nilai luas terbesar berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Selatan yaitu sebesar 425,33 hektar dan luas terkecil berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Barat yaitu sebesar 16,86 hektar. Sedangkan nilai produksi padinya diperkirakan mencapai 4443,05 ton gabah dengan produksi terbesar berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Selatan yaitu sebesar 2841,92 ton dan produksi terkecil berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Barat yaitu sebesar 112,65 ton. Kata Kunci : Sawah, citra Landsat 8, Luas area tanaman padi, Produksi padi ABSTRACT Paddy field is a media or means to produce rice. The fertile paddy field will produce good rice. Indonesia is an agrarian country which is most of the territory is agriculture that can produce rice in the high scale. However, due to the construction of factory or other building on the farmland, causing the agricultural production is diminished. The calculation for the area of paddy crop is done by overlaying between the map's result of the classification with the map's result of NDVI on the citra landsat 8. Whereas, for counting the production is done by using ubinan method as performed by the BPS and the Department of Agriculture. The farmland paddy's area in Pekalongan in the amount of 664,96 hectares with the largest area is in the sub district of south Pekalongan in the amount of 425,33 hectares and the smallest area is in the sub district of south Pekalongan in the amount of 16,86 hectares. While the value of paddy production is estimated at 4443,05 tons of unhulled rice with the largest production in the Sub district of South Pekalongan in the amount of 2841,92 tons and the smallest production located in the sub district of West Pekalongan in the amount of 112,65 tons. Keywords: paddy, Citra Landsat 8, The area of paddy crop, paddy production

    Subtipe Molekuler Kanker Payudara di RSUD Madiun dan Hubungannya dengan Grading Histopatologi

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    Breast cancer is a complex disease with variable molecular characteristics and shows different tumor behavior, therapeutic response, and prognosis. The regional general hospital Madiun has begun to improve services for breast cancer patients since 2015 with the availability of immunohistochemical examinations. This effort was made because breast cancer therapy is currently guided by these examinations. This study aimed to determine the distribution of various molecular subtypes of breast cancer in Madiun Hospital and also the relationship between molecular subtypes and histopathological grading. This study was a retrospective study with a cross-sectional design taken from the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Madiun Hospital data from 2015 to 2018. A total of 281 breast cancer cases were examined for immunohistochemical of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal receptor 2 (HER2), and a total of 91 breast cancer patients plus Ki-67 examination were then classified into luminal A, luminal B, HER2 and triple-negative (TN). The statistical test used was the Chi-Square test with a 95% confidence level. The most common molecular subtypes of breast cancer in Madiun Hospital were luminal B (28,5%) followed by TN (27,5%), luminal A (22%), and HER2 (22%). The mean age of breast cancer patients was 52.8 ± 10.57. The most common histological types and grades of breast cancer were invasive ductal carcinoma (85.1%) and tumor grade 1 (58.71%). There was a correlation between the immunohistochemical features of ER, PR, HER2, and Ki67 withhistopathological grading. Positive ER and PR were more well differentiated but e HER2 positive andKi67 were more poorly differented. Abstrak Kanker payudara merupakan penyakit kompleks dengan gambaran molekuler bervariasi dan menunjukkan perilaku tumor, respon terapi, dan prognosis yang berbeda. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Madiun mulai meningkatkan layanan untuk pasien kanker payudara sejak tahun 2015 dengan tersedianya pemeriksaan imunohistokimia. Upaya ini dilakukan karena terapi kanker payudara saat ini berpedoman atas pemeriksaan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi berbagai subtipe molekuler kanker payudara di RSUD Madiun dan juga hubungan antar subtipe molekuler dengan grading histopatologi. Penelitian ini adalah studi retrospektif dengan desain cross sectional yang diambil dari data Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RS Madiun selama tahun 2015 sampai 2018. Total 281 kasus kanker payudara dilakukan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia estrogen receptor (ER), progesteron receptor (PR) dan human epidermal epidermal receptor 2 (HER2) dan total 91 pasien kanker payudara ditambah pemeriksaan Ki-67 kemudian diklasifikasikan menjadi luminal A, luminal B, HER2, dan triple negative (TN). Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Subtipe molekuler kanker payudara di RS Madiun yang paling banyak adalah luminal B (28,5%) diikuti TN (27,5%), luminal A (22%), dan HER2 (22%). Rata-rata umur pasien kanker payudara adalah 52,8 ±10,57. Tipe histologi dan grade kanker payudara terbanyak adalah karsinoma duktal invasif (85,1%) dan grade tumor 1 (58,71%). Terdapat hubungan gambaran imunohistokimia baik ER, PR, HER2 dan Ki67 dengan grading histopatologi. ER dan PR positif lebih banyak mengalami diferensiasi baik namun HER2 positif dan KI67 positif lebih banyak mengalami diferensiasi buruk

    Latihan dasar sepak bola remaja

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    Judul asli: Great drills and skills for better fundamental palyxi, 146 p. : il.; 24 c

    Media Representations of Islam and Muslims in Indonesia: A Review and Research Direction

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    Current political issues related to power struggles in Indonesia are playing a divisive role in the country and escalating religious cases are a common sight. With Muslims dominating the nation's population, Islam inevitably plays a pivotal role in the country's political pageant. Indonesian government claim that they manage to secure moderate Muslims' loyalty to the political system while groups that are labelled as 'intolerant and radical Muslims' by the mainstream media often reject the mainstream democratic interpretations. In light of this situation, it is imperative that studies on factors contributing to the case and discourse strategies used in news and articles in secular and Islamic mass media dictating the current constructions of Muslim and Islamic identities in the country be encouraged

    Sebelas Menit (Eleven Minutes)

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    Cinta hanya menimbulkan penderitaan ...Demikianlah anggapan Maria, gadis Brazil yang sejak remaja begitu yakin tak akan pernah menemukan cinta sejati dalam hidupnya. Seseorang yang ditemuinya secara kebetulan di Rio de Janeiro, berjanji akan menjadikannya aktris terkenal di Swiss, namun janji itu ternyata kosong belaka. Kenyataannya, dia mesti menjual diri untuk bertahan hidup, dan dengan sepenuh kesadaran dia memilih untuk menjalani profesi sebagai pelacur. Pekerjaan ini semakin menjauhkannya dari cinta sejati.Namun ketika seorang pelukis muda memasuki hidupnya, tameng-tameng emosional Maria pun diuji. Dia mesti memilih antara terus menjalani kehidupan gelap itu, atau mempertaruhkan segalanya demi menemukan "cahaya di dalam dirinya." Mampukah dia beralih dari sekadar penyatuan fisik ke penyatuan dua pikiran atau bahkan dua jiwa --- ke suatu tempat di mana seks merupakan sesuatu yang sakral?Dalam novel yang sungguh berbeda ini, Paulo Coelho menantang segala prasangka kita, membuka pikiran kita, dan membuat kita benar-benar terperangah