185 research outputs found

    Analisa Teknis Dan Ekonomis Pemilihan Manajemen Air Ballas Pada Kapal (Ship Ballast Water Management) Di Indonesia

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    Peraturan yang mengatur dan manajemen dari air ballas dikeluarkan oleh IMO (International Maritime Organization) melalui konvensi Manajemen air ballas. Konvensi tersebut menyatakan bahwa organisme yang berbahaya terhadap lingkungan, kesehatan manusia, properti atau sumber daya merusak keanekaragaman hayati atau mengganggu pemanfaatan terhadap suatu area jika dilepaskan di air laut. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia mengeluarkan Peraturan Presiden No. 132 tahun 2015 mengenai pengesahan Konvensi Internasional untuk pengendalian dan manajemen air ballas dan sedimen dari kapal 2004 (The International Convention for the control and management of ships ballast water and sediment's 2004). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa sejauh mana kesiapan Indonesia dalam ratifikasi peraturan (come into force) Ballast water Management serta dampak yang diakibatkan setelah peraturan tersebut diratifikasi. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 3 pendekatan yaitu dari aspek hukum, aspek teknis dan aspek ekonomis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 21 Tahun 2010 tentang Perlindungan Lingkungan Maritim sebagai jabaran dari Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2008 tentang Pelayaran, telah sejalan dengan Konvensi Internasional untuk Pengendalian dan Manajemen Air Ballas dan Sedimen dari Kapal, 2004 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 1985 tentang pengesahan United Nations Convention on the LAW of the Sea (UNCLOS). Serta Penggunaan sistem manajemen air ballas untuk kapal di perairan Indonesia lebih efektif dan efisien menggunakan filtration + electrolysi

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Komputer untuk Manajemen Perawatan Fasilitas Industri Manufaktur Kapal

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    Beberapa galangan setingkat denganPT. Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya masih menggunakans istem manual dalam melakukan kegiatan manajeman perawatan peralatan / mesin. Hal ini menyebabkan keterlambatan tindakan perawatan mesin dikarenakan kurangnya informasi dan tidak adanya system peringatan yang mendukung manajemen perawatan. Itu semua menyebabkan keterlambatan perawatan yang berakibat pada menurunya umur mesin. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya suatu pelatihan ketrampilan mengenai tindakan-tindakan awal perawatan peralatan / mesin kepada operator mesin produksi menggunakan metode Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk merancang system informasi manajemen perawatan fasilitas industry manufaktur kapal. Model system ini dapat memberikan informasi perawatan peralatan / mesin dan system peringatan jadwal perawatan. Pertama dilakukan analisa kondisi existing mengenai system informasi perawatan. Kedua dilakukan penentuan parameter-parameter dan pengumpulan data-data informasi perawatan. Ketiga merancang system informasi manajemen perawatan menggunakan program visual basic. Pembuatan model system ini menggunakan system perancangan database dengan parameter metode TPM. Berdasarkan hasil perancangan system dan uji validasi serta verifikasi program yang dirancang, didapatkan terjadi Perubahan efektifitas dalam hal alur penyampaian informasi perawatan, system penyimpanan informasi perawatan, dan kemudahan akses dalam mendapatkan informasi perawatan. Sistem yang dirancang dapat memperbaiki sistem manual yang diterapkan. Sistem informasi manajemen perawatan peralatan / mesin dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan oleh supervisor, karyawan dan operator mesinproduksi

    Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Ducrosia flabellifolia: A Combined Experimental and Computational Approaches

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    Ducrosia flabellifolia Boiss. is a rare desert plant known to be a promising source of bioactive compounds. In this paper, we report for the first time the phytochemical composition and biological activities of D. flabellifolia hydroalcoholic extract by using liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) technique. The results obtained showed the richness of the tested extract in phenols, tannins, and flavonoids. Twenty-three phytoconstituents were identified, represented mainly by chlorogenic acid, followed by ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and sinapic acid. The tested hydroalcoholic extract was able to inhibit the growth of all tested bacteria and yeast on agar Petri dishes at 3 mg/disc with mean growth inhibition zone ranging from 8.00 ± 0.00 mm for Enterococcus cloacae (E. cloacae) to 36.33 ± 0.58 mm for Staphylococcus epidermidis. Minimal inhibitory concentration ranged from 12.5 mg/mL to 200 mg/mL and the hydroalcoholic extract from D. flabellifolia exhibited a bacteriostatic and fungistatic character. In addition, D. flabellifolia hydroalcoholic extract possessed a good ability to scavenge different free radicals as compared to standard molecules. Molecular docking studies on the identified phyto-compounds in bacterial, fungal, and human peroxiredoxin 5 receptors were performed to corroborate the in vitro results, which revealed good binding profiles on the examined protein targets. A standard atomistic 100 ns dynamic simulation investigation was used to further evaluate the interaction stability of the promising phytocompounds, and the results showed conformational stability in the binding cavity. The obtained results highlighted the medicinal use of D. flabellifolia as source of bioactive compounds, as antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal agent

    Evaluating PCR-based detection of Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi A in the environment as an enteric fever surveillance tool

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    With prequalification of a typhoid conjugate vaccine by the World Health Organization, countries are deciding whether and at what geographic scale to provide the vaccine. Optimal local data to clarify typhoid risk are expensive and often unavailable. To determine whether quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) can be used as a tool to detect typhoidal Salmonella DNA in the environment and approximate the burden of enteric fever, we tested water samples from urban Dhaka, where enteric fever burden is high, and rural Mirzapur, where enteric fever burden is low and sporadic. Sixty-six percent (38/59) of the water sources of Dhaka were contaminated with typhoidal Salmonella DNA, in contrast to none of 33 samples of Mirzapur. If these results can be replicated in larger scale in Bangladesh and other enteric fever endemic areas, drinking water testing could become a low-cost approach to determine the presence of typhoidal Salmonella in the environment that can, in turn, guide informed-design of blood culture-based surveillance and thus assist policy decisions on investing to control typhoid

    Sustainable environmental geotechnics practices for a green economy

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    The revitalisation of the global economy after the Covid-19 era presents environmental geotechnics with the opportunity to reinforce the need for a change in paradigm towards a green, circular economy and to promote aggressively the use and development of sustainable technologies and management practices. This paper aims to assist in this effort by concentrating on several thematic areas where sustainability solutions and future improvements are sought. These include the re-entry of construction and demolition of wastes, excavated materials, industrial wastes and marine sediments into the production cycle and the reuse of existing foundations. Despite the recent trend in advanced countries towards recycling and waste-to-energy thermal treatment, landfills still constitute the most common municipal solid waste management practice, especially in low-and-middle-income countries, and technological solutions to improve their environmental footprint are hereby presented. At the same time, remediation solutions are required to address the multitude of contaminated sites worldwide. Advanced developments that incorporate environmental, economic and social dimensions are expounded by the authors, together with sustainable ground improvement solutions for infrastructure projects conducted in soft and weak soils. The topic of thermo-active geostructures concludes this paper, where, apart from their infrastructure utility, these structures have the potential to contribute to the renewable energy source.Published versionThe second author would like to acknowledge the support of the Office of the Associate Provost for Research and Academic Development at Abu Dhabi University, UAE through grant19300540

    Individuals with Le(a+b−) Blood Group Have Increased Susceptibility to Symptomatic Vibrio cholerae O1 Infection

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    Cholera remains a severe diarrheal disease, capable of causing extensive outbreaks and high mortality. Blood group is one of the genetic factors determining predisposition to disease, including infectious diseases. Expression of different Lewis or ABO blood group types has been shown to be associated with risk of different enteric infections. For example, individuals of blood group O have a higher risk of severe illness due to V. cholerae compared to those with non-blood group O antigens. In this study, we have determined the relationship of the Lewis blood group antigen phenotypes with the risk of symptomatic cholera as well as the severity of disease and immune responses following infection. We show that individuals expressing the Le(a+b−) phenotype were more susceptible to symptomatic cholera, while Le(a–b+) expressing individuals were less susceptible. Individuals with the Le(a–b−) blood group had a longer duration of diarrhea when infected, required more intravenous fluid replacement, and had lower plasma IgA antibody responses to V. cholerae LPS on day 7 following infection. We conclude that there is an association between the Lewis blood group and the risk of cholera, and that this risk may affect the outcome of infection as well as possibly the efficacy of vaccination

    Leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis with single-dose rifampicin

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    _Objective:_ Leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis with single-dose rifampicin (SDRPEP) has proven effective and feasible, and is recommended by WHO since 2018. This SDR-PEP toolkit was developed through the experience of the leprosy postexposure prophylaxis (LPEP) programme. It has been designed to facilitate and standardise the implementation of contact tracing and SDR-PEP administration in regions and countries that start the intervention. _Results:_ Four tools were developed, incorporating the current evidence for SDRPEP and the methods and learnings from the LPEP project in eight countries. (1) th

    Impact of Rapid Urbanization on the Rates of Infection by Vibrio cholerae O1 and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh is a country where acute dehydrating diarrhea or cholera is common and is seen at least two times every year and additionally in natural disasters. In addition cholera cases have increased in the country, especially in urban settings such as in the capital city, Dhaka, where the number of hospitalized patients with more severe disease has tremendously increased. In the present observation, we have concentrated on determining the occurrence of diarrhoea caused by the two most common bacterial agents V. cholerae O1 and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in a densely populated, disease prone area Mirpur in Dhaka for two years from March 2008 to February 2010. Stool or rectal specimens from diarrheal patients coming to the ICDDR,B hospital from Mirpur were tested for the two bacterial pathogens. We found that V. cholerae O1 was the major bacterial pathogen and a cause of severe cholera disease in 23% of patients (2,647 of a total of 11,395 patients) from Mirpur. We surmise that cholera vaccines, as well as other public health tools that can target such high risk groups in the country, will be able to reduce the disease morbidity and the transmission of pathogens to improve the quality of life in urban settings