24 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Monitoring Early Warning System Bencana Banjir Berdasarkan Ketinggian Aliran Sungai Mengunakan Modem SIM900 dan Internet of Things

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    The rainfall in the Cilacap region is high, about 80-100mm in October-March. The high rainfall that causes the overflow of river water is unpredictable. The high water discharge is not realized until the river water overflows and causes flooding. Therefore, a river water level monitoring system is needed to detect river overflows early. This tool uses a solar cell as a power supply. The monitoring system is divided into two points of river water level monitoring system with a distance between points for the laboratory scale stage, which is 100 meters. Sensors that measure the height of river flow are ultrasonic sensors. The sensor results are processed by microcontroller and SIM 900 L module to be sent to the database. When the water level is in the Alert level 3, the buzzer will sound as a warning. The ultrasonic sensor test results have a very small error. Sensor 1 has an average error of 0.00023% and ultrasonic sensor 2 has an error of 0.00016%. The system is able to transmit river water level data that can be accessed through the website

    A comparison between google cloud service and icloud

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    © 2019 IEEE. The availability of high speed networks and low cost storage devices and computer in addition to the adoption of Service-Oriented-Architecture has opened the door to Cloud Storage Services by many providers. During the recent couple of years, more companies are moving towards cloud storage due to the many reasons such as: scalable on demand disk storage space, backup and data replication and the ability to share and access data from anywhere and anytime. The main objective of the paper is to compare different kinds of Cloud storage service providers. It starts by offering a brief introduction to cloud storage followed by an outline of the general history of cloud services and then moves on to the specific history of two major cloud services: iCloud and Google cloud platform. Furthermore, the various features of the two cloud services are explored and a comparison is made between them

    Sistem Kontrol dan Pemantauan Budidaya Bayam Secara Hidroponik di Desa Widarapayung Wetan

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    Abstract-Widarapayung Wetan Village is developing a village that applies technology as well as an educational tourism object. Technology tourism combined with agriculture to become modern agricultural tourism. One of the applied agriculture is spinach cultivation so that the results from agriculture can be developed into a food product such as spinach chips. Hydroponic greenhouses that use Internet of Things technology can be used for modern agricultural implementation. Monitoring systems and automatic control systems will be able to assist in the maintenance of spinach cultivation. The application of modern agriculture is expected to add insight to the surrounding community. In addition, the greenhouse with this technology is expected to be an attraction to provide knowledge to visitors and the public as educational and technology tourism. The tour can introduce the planting process, controlling the environment around the plants using sensors and monitored through the website. The stages undertaken include constructing a green house framework, establishing a monitoring system, and placing the greenhouse at the destination location or related partners. In addition, further activities include manufacturing hydroponics, manufacturing and assembling control systems, as well as training on the use and maintenance of hydroponic greenhouses


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    ABSTRAK Situs kampung Cikondang berada disalah satu kabupaten Bandung Selatan didaerah Pengalengan, masyarakat desa Cikondang merupakan penduduk suku Sunda yang memiliki leluhur dari Cirebon. Didalam adat budaya situs kampung Cikondang masyarakatnya masih kental dengan aturan budaya dan adat nya. Kurangnya promosi wisata terhadap situs kampung Cikondang menyebabkan perlunya cara yang tepat untuk menginformasikan atau mempromosikan keberadaan situs kampung Cikondang kepada remaja di Bandung baik di kabupaten maupun di kota Bandung. Setelah melakukan penelitian langsung ke lapangan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner penulis menemukan solusi media untuk menginformasikan secara tepat kepada halayak sasaran, melalui video promosi. Video promosi situs kampung Cikondang merupakan media informasi dalam mengenalkan situs kampung Cikondang kepada remaja di Bandung baik di kota maupun di kabupaten Bandung dengan menggunakan video yang akan diputarkan secara masal di sekolahsekolah SMP-SMA di Bandung, seiring dengan kurangnya pengetahuan remaja akan situs kampung Cikondang dalam mengenal dan mengetahui situs tersebut maka perlunya pendekatan atau pengenalan melalui keilmuan Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV). Keilmuan Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) berperan penting dalam menyelesaikan sebuah masalah. salah satunya melalui promosi dalam ilmu DKV yang dapat memecahkan suatu masalah melalui berbagai strategi promosi, penulis menggunakan strategi promosi melalui media video promosi di situs kampung Cikondang. Video promosi di rancang sebagai media informasi untuk mengenalkan situs kampung Cikondang ke pada remaja secara efektif, karena video merupakan media yang sangat efektif untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih jelas melalui visual dan suara kepada remaja. Kata kunci : Situs kampung Cikondang, Promosi, remaja, DKV

    Analisis Peranan Kebijakan Makroekonomi Terhadap Defisit Angaran Indonesia Tahun 1993-2017

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    This research is entitled "Analysis of the Role of Macroeconomic Policy Against Indonesia's Budget Deficit in 1993-2017". This study uses secondary data in the form of time series data from 1993-2017 obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, and World Bank. This study aims to analyze the effect of each independent variable, namely Indonesia's foreign debt, Indonesian interest rates, exchange rates (exchange rates), exports and imports on the dependent variable, namely the Indonesian budget deficit. The analytical tool used in this study is the Error Correction Model (ECM). Based on the results of the ECM analysis shows that in the short term Indonesia's foreign debt variable, Indonesian interest rates and imports have a significant influence on Indonesia's budget deficit, whereas in the long term Indonesia's foreign debt variable, Indonesian interest rates and exports have a significant influence on Indonesia's budget deficit

    Analisis Laporan Keuangan Untuk Menilai Kinerja APBDes Pada Desa se-Kecamatan Babadan Tahun 2020 Dan 2021

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja desa se-Kecamatan Babadan berdasarkan rasio kemandirian, rasio belanja rutin, rasio belanja modal, rasio efisiensi dan rasio efektivitas. Jenis analisis data menggunakan analisis kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti memperoleh data sekunder yang berupa laporan keuangan realisasi Anggaran Pendapatan Dan Belanja Desa (APBDes) dari Kantor Kecamatan Babadan dari tahun 2020 dan 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengumpulan data dengan teknik dokumentasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pemerintah desa se-Kecamatan Babadan dari rasio kemandirian masih sangat rendah. Tingkat pertumbuhan desa se-Kecamatan Babadan tidak seimbang, dan tingkat efisiensi kurang efisien, sedangkan tingkat efektivitas sudah efektif

    Transport Demand and Traffic Engineering Scheme in The Street Space Reallocation Plan For The Future Tram Track

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    Surabaya has the plan to reactivate tram in several arterial streets which will cause car lane reduction. This research aims to enhance the traffic performance of several arterial streets in Surabaya after the reduction of street width due to street space reallocation for the future tram track. The modal split analysis in a natural car and train or pulled scheme is compared to several vehicle restriction methods or push scheme which using data from car and motorcycle rider. From comprehensive computation, it is concluded that the insertion of tram track in the road space directly without any transport demand management will impact street performance to a more severe condition of traffic jam intersection. Therefore this research advising city government to apply restriction scheme to car and motorcycle by using high occupancy vehicle only scheme or prepaid area licensing scheme