73 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lama Waktu Curing Terhadap Nilai Cbr Dan Swelling Pada Tanah Lempung Ekspansif Di Bojonegoro Dengan Campuran 6% Abu Sekam Dan 4% Fly Ash

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    Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul pada tanah lempung ekspansif adalah sifat kembang susutnya yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya stabilisasi untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat tanah tersebut. Adapun tanah lempung ekspansif yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berasal dari Kecamatan Ngasem, Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur. Untuk kadar additive yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah abu sekam 6% dan fly ash 4% dari berat kering tanah dengan variasi waktu curing (curing) selama 7 hari, 14 hari, dan 28 hari. Perlakuan lama waktu curing dalam penelitian ini diharapkan memiliki pengaruh besar untuk meningkatkan nilai CBR tanah dan menurunkan nilai pengembangan pada sampel tanah tersebut. Dari hasil pengujian di laboratorium menunjukkan nilai CBR tanpa rendaman (unsoaked) pada tanah asli sebesar 3,91%. Sedangkan nilai CBR tanpa rendaman (unsoaked) untuk tanah campuran meningkat menjadi 13,047% dengan waktu curing selama 14 hari. Dari hasil tersebut menunjukkan peningkatan nilai CBR yang signifikan. Sedangkan nilai CBR tanpa rendaman (unsoaked) dengan lama waktu curing 28 hari tidak menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dari waktu curing selama 14 hari yaitu sebesar 13,691%. Untuk hasil pengujian CBR terendam (soaked) tanah asli menunjukkan nilai sebesar 2,39%. Sedangkan nilai pada tanah campuran dengan lama waktu curing 28 hari menunjukkan nilai sebesar 5,77% Untuk hasil pengujian swelling menunjukkan nilai swelling tanah asli sebesar 3,841%. Sedangkan tanah yang dicampur abu sekam 6% dan fly ash 4% dengan lama waktu curirng 28 hari memiliki nilai swelling sebesar 0,438%. Hal ini menunjukkan penurunan nilai swelling yang signifikan, sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko kerusakan suatu konstruksi baik gedung maupun jalan raya yang menumpu di atas tanah tersebut. Kata

    Fractal Characteristic of Electrical Trees Grown in Silicone Rubber under Environmental Stress

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    One of the degradations of insulation is in the form of electrical treeing in which classified as a pre-breakdown phenomenon of electrical insulation. The electrical tree is commonly forming in the shape of tree-like or root-like which may have fractal structures. Due to this fractal structure, electrical treeing formation and patterns are analysed via fractal dimension and lacunarity to study the self-similarity patterns of electrical treeing. Many types of research have been conducted to study the fractal dimension and lacunarity of electrical treeing to fully understand the electrical tree mechanism and characteristics. However, fractal and lacunarity structures o

    Evaluation of residential grid-connected photovoltaic system as the potential energy source in Malaysia

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    Application of solar energy in Malaysia has been started in 1998. This country has a large potential of solar energy due to its location at equatorial region. The current energy consumption and demand in Malaysia is describes in this paper. The potential of solar energy in Malaysia is described together with the suitable photovoltaic construction. It also explains the plans conducted by Malaysia involving solar energy that covers investments and also projects involved such as Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic (MBIPV). Simulation of grid-connected photovoltaic system in this study is performed using HOMER software. Finally, the potential of having a grid-connected PV system in a residential area is analyzed. The positive and negative findings in terms of cost and suitability of the system are explained

    Potential of Residential Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System as the Future Energy Source in Malaysia

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    Malaysia has started the implementation of solarenergy harvesting in 1998. Located at equatorial region, Malaysia hasa large potential for solar energy. This paper examines the currentenergy consumption and demand in Malaysia. The potential of solarenergy harvesting in Malaysia is described together with the suitablephotovoltaic construction. It also explains the plans conducted byMalaysia involving solar energy that covers investments and alsoprojects involved such as Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic(MBIPV). Finally, this paper analyses the potential of having a gridconnectedPV system in a residential area. The positive and negativefindings in terms of cost and suitability of the system are explaine

    Transformer Fault Early Warning System Model Using GSM Network

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of amobile embedded system using an Arduino microprocessor to monitorand record key operational indicators of a distribution transformer,such as transformer oil level, temperature and vibration of adistribution transformer in a substation. If there is any abnormalityor an emergency situation, the system sends SMS (Short MessageService) messages to designated mobile telephones containinginformation about the abnormality of the mentioned parameters.Providing early warning of the abnormality of the distributiontransformer can be accomplished by shutting down the entire unitwith the aid on-line monitoring system integrates with Global ServiceMobile (GSM) Modem. Furthermore, the design generally consiststand-alone single chip microcontroller, modem and sensor packageslocated on distribution transformer site. In general, the design isdeveloped for the user to easily recognize the distribution transformerthat is suffered by any high vibration and rise in temperatures andlocated in remote or suburban area which is rarely and hard to reachfor manual monitoring. The ultimate objective is to monitor thetransformer oil level and temperature of 24 hours, 7 days a weekcontinuously besides the current and voltage parameter whichincluded in basis monitoring syste

    Characteristics of Mineral Oil-based Nanofluids for Power Transformer Application

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    Trends in the field of nanomaterial-based transformer oil show most of the conducted works have focused only on the transformer oil-based nanofluids but limited studies on the stability of transformer oil-based nanofluids. Since mineral oil-based nanofluids still can produce the sedimentation, thus the cold-atmospheric pressure plasma method is proposed to functionally modify the Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) nanofiller in order to enhance the electrical properties of the mineral oil-based nanofluids. The AC breakdown strength oil samples before and after modification were measured. It was found that the plasma treated nanofluids have higher AC breakdown voltage compared to pure oil and untreated nanofluids. Also, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy has been used in this study to analyse the physical changes of oil samples. It is envisaged that the added silica nanofiller has significant effect on electrical properties of the transformer oil-based nanofluids which would enable to the development of an improved class of liquid dielectric for the application of power transformer

    Analysis of Transmission Lightning Arrester Locations Using Tflash

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    Tropical countries with extensive lightning activity, such as Malaysia, encounter numerous problems on their electrical transmission and distribution systems. Many overhead lines trip because of back flashover of lightning and shielding failures of the grounding system. To overcome the problem and improve transmission line performance, a detailed lightning study is required to analyse the corresponding lines and determine the best location for transmission line arrester (TLA) installation. We used TFlash to analyse a TLA installation on a 132-kV SSWW-BBST overhead transmission line system located in Selangor, Malaysia. Based on the results, the installation of the TLA at the optimum quantity and at appropriate towers have reduced the number of lines that trip

    The correlation of statistical image and partial discharge pulse count of LDPE-NR composite

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    High voltage insulation must be designed in such a way that it is very resistant to ageing including that from partial discharge (PD). Many studies were previously carried out on composites based on low density polyethylene (LDPE). However, the use of natural rubber (NR) and nanosilica (SiO2) in the LDPE-NR based composites is relatively new. Furthermore, the PD resistant performance of the composites is yet to be extensively researched. This work aims to analyze the correlation between PD pulse count and its related image to interpreting the effect of PD signals. The results show there is a strong correlation between PD pulse count and the statistical image. The results indicate that the surface image statistical analysis can be used as a tool to justify the total of the PD pulse count on the surface for different samples of composite

    Analysis of transmission lightning arrester locations using Tflash

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    Tropical countries with extensive lightning activity, such as Malaysia, encounter numerous problems on their electrical transmission and distribution systems. Many overhead lines trip because of back flashover of lightning and shielding failures of the grounding system. To overcome the problem and improve transmission line performance, a detailed lightning study is required to analyse the corresponding lines and determine the best location for transmission line arrester (TLA) installation. We used TFlash to analyse a TLA installation on a 132-kV SSWW-BBST overhead transmission line system located in Selangor, Malaysia. Based on the results, the installation of the TLA at the optimum quantity and at appropriate towers have reduced the number of lines that trip

    Transmission-Lightning-Arrester : A Location Determination Using Tflash

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    The high density of lightning occurrence in Malaysiahas caused problems to transmission and distribution electricalenergy. Normally, transmission overhead lines trip due to BackFlashover (BF) of lightning and shielding failures of earth wire.Therefore, a detailed lightning study is required to analyse thecorresponding lines and to determine the exact location ofTransmission Lightning Arrester (TLA). In this paper, a simulationof lightning study using TFlash software associated with theinstallation of (TLA) at 132 kV SSWW-BBST overhead linessystem located in Selangor, Malaysia is presented. By using theTFlash software the location of TLA has been determine