14 research outputs found

    Analisis Secara Bakteriologik, Imunoserologik dan Polymerase Chain Reaction terhadap Sampel Pasien Suspek Limfadenitis tuberkulosis

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    Latar Belakang: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kemampuan tes imunoserologi, bakteriologi dan sitologi untuk mendeteksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis berdasarkan tes Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) pada penderita suspek limfadenitis tuberkulosa. Penelitian dilakukan secara cross sectional pada 35 sampel di RS Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, RSD Labuang Baji, Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi Swasta dan Laboratorium Biologi Molekuler Fakultas Kedokteran Unhas. Ditemukan hasil positif paling banyak berturut-turut pada tes sitologi (80%), tes ICT (68,5%), tes PCR (62,8%), tes apusan basil tahan asam (BTA) (31,5%). Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas tes sitologi (72,3% dan 7,69%), tes ICT (63,64% dan 23,08%), dan tes apusan BTA (22,73% dan 58,85%) terhadap PCR. Sedangkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas kombinasi tes Mycotec TB dengan BTA (22,73% dan 84,62%), kombinasi tes ICT dengan sitologi (50% dan 30,77%) dan kombinasi tes BTA dengan sitologi (22,73% dan 61,54%). Tes sitologi mempunyai sensitivitas yang paling tinggi terhadap PCR lalu diikuti oleh tes ICT, tes apusan BTA, sedangkan spesifisitasnya paling tinggi pada tes apusan BTA, lalu tes ICT dan tes sitologi. Nilai sensitivitas kombinasi tes ICT dengan sitologi lebih tinggi daripada kombinasi tes ICT dengan BTA dan kombinasi tes BTA dengan tes sitologi BTA yang mempunyai nilai yang sama.  


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    Resistensi antibiotik pada beberapa tahun terakhir menjadi ancaman yang muncul dan menyebabkan kekhawatiran bagi dunia kesehatan karena semakin meningkatnya bakteri yang resisten terhadap hampir semua golongan antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi kejadian resistensi Pseudomonas aeruginosa terhadap antibiotik golongan karbapenem dan prevalensi fenotip isolat P. aeruginosa yang memproduksi Metallo Beta-Laktamase (MBL) pada pasien infeksi di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium patologi klinik RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar periode Mei-Juli 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental laboratorium dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling. Bakteri P. aeruginosa diisolasi dari 50 pasien. Pengujian dilakukan meliputi uji sensitivitas antibiotik dengan menggunakan vitek 2 compact dan uji fenotip deteksi MBL dengan menggunakan metode Combined Disk test (CDT). Hasil penelitian bakteri P. aeruginosa yang menginfeksi pasien di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar telah mengalami resistensi terhadap antibiotika golongan karbapenem, sebesar 26% (13/50) dan 46,15% (6/13) Isolat P. aeruginosa yang resistensi terhadap antibiotika golongan karbapenem positif menghasilkan MBL

    Analysis of Interleukin-17 Levels in Patients with Thrombocytopenia

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    Thrombocytopenia or platelet deficiency is a condition, in which platelet level in the blood circulation is below normal, which is less than 150,000 cells/µl. Thrombocytopenia is classified into some conditions, including decreased platelet production, increased need for platelets, and other thrombocytopenia. The need for increased platelets can be subdivided into primary immune thrombocytopenia, secondary immune thrombocytopenia, non-primary ITP, and thrombocytopenia that are not immune-mediated. Several cytokines play a role in the process of thrombocytopenia, one of which is Interleukin-17 (IL-17) that will be further discussed in this study. A previous study reported that IL-17 production increased in ITP and cITP patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the IL-17 levels and figure out the differences in IL-17 levels in the serums of patients with primary ITP and secondary ITP. The samples were taken from Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital and the specimens were examined in the Research Unit Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Hasanuddin/Hospital of Universitas Hasanuddin. The comparative test resulted in p-value = 0.005, where p <α = 0.05; and therefore, there was a significant difference between IL 17 levels in ITP and non-primary ITP

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor Levels in Ischemic Stroke Subject

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    BACKGROUND: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) present during early neuronal development and play important roles in the process of neurorepairing includes angiogenesis, neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity after ischemic stroke. In this study, we observed VEGF and BDNF levels of subjects with ischemic stroke in different onset time.METHODS: A cross sectional study was designed. Study subjects were 51 ischemic stroke subjects, aged 30-80 years old, recruited from Gatot Subroto Army Central Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Ischemic stroke was diagnosed by neurologist, based on clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) result. Subjects were divided into 3 groups based on onset time of stroke: 30 days (Group C). VEGF and BDNF levels from serum were measured using lumine Magpix. The data was analyzed for comparison and correlation.RESULTS: VEGF and BDNF levels of group B and C were significantly different with p=0.034 and p=0.007, respectively. Group B had the highest VEGF levels, whereas Group C had the highest BDNF level. VEGF and BDNF levels in each group were not significantly correlated.CONCLUSION: Each stage of time after ischemic stroke has different recovery activities like angiogenesis, neurogenesis and plasticity. Angiogenesis process was optimum in 7-30 days after onset. in more than 30 days onset, Low VEGF with high BDNF have important role in a long period of time after the onset of stroke in the regeneration and repair, such as maintaining neuronal survival and plasticity

    Analisis Nilai Clothing Time, Prothrombine Time dan Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time pada Remaja Obes

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    Analysis of the Value of Clothing Time, Prothrombine Time and Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time in Obese AdolescentsLatar belakang: Berdasarkan estimasi WHO, obesitas menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia. Selain karena insidennya meningkat,juga karena obesitas menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi penyakit metabolik dan vaskuler  seperti sindrom metabolik, penyakit jantung, stroke dan gangguan pembekuan darah. Mengingat insiden obesitas pada saat ini telah mengalami pergeseran dari dewasa ke usia anak dan remaja serta berbagai komplikasi yang ditimbulkan oleh obesitas itu sendiri  maka dianggap perlu dilakukan deteksi dini adanya gangguan hemostasis pada obesitas usia anak dan remaja untuk mencegah komorbiditas obesitas dikemudian hari.Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional study yang dilakukan di SMA Katolik Rajawali  Makassar dengan menggunakan sampel  siswa yang berumur sekitar 10-18 tahun. Dilakukan pemeriksaan antropometrik dan pemeriksaan nilai Clothing Time (TT), Prothrombine Time (PT) dan Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time(aPTT). Obesitas dinyatakan berdasarkan Kategori IMT yang ditentukan berdasarkan ambang batas Z-Score sedangkan kategori lingkar pinggang ditentukan berdasarkan Waist Circumfrence for Hong Kong Chinese Children (2008). Data dianalisis dengan independent t-test untuk menilai perbedaan nilai CT, PT dan aPTT pada remaja obes dan berat badan normal sedangkan uji korelasi pearson digunakan untuk melihat adanya hubungan antara IMT dan LP dengan nilai CT, PT dan aPTT pada remaja obes. Subyek adalah siswa siswi SMA Katolik Rajawali Makassar dengan rerata umur 15 tahun terdiri dari 33 orang laki-laki (22 obesitas,11 normal) dan 16 perempuan (5 obesitas,11 normal).Hasil: Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna antara nilai CT, PT dan aPTT pada remaja obes dan berat badan normal. Nilai rata-rata CT, PT dan  pada kelompok normal adalah masing-masing aPTT 11±1,23; 13,86 ± 0,63 detik ; 32,90 + 1,77 detik dan pada kelompok obes adalah nilai CT,PT dan aPTT adalah 9 ±1,7; 13,11 + 0,59 detik dan 31,92+3,82 detik. Selain itu, terdapat korelasi negatif antara nilai CT,PT dan LP pada remaja obes namun tidak ditemukan adanya korelasi antara IMT dan LP dengan nilai aPTT pada remaja obes. Nilai CT, PT dan aPTT pada remaja obes cenderung memendek dibandingkan dengan berat badan normal.Simpulan: Semakin tinggi nilai IMT dan LP, maka nilai CT, PT dan aPTT semakin memendek.  Background: Based on World Health Organization estimation, obesity has been a world health problem. Aside from the increased incident, also because obesity causes various vascular and metabolic disease complications such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease, stroke and blood coagulation disorder. Considering that the obesitysyndrome now has shifted from adults to kids and adolescent along with the complications of obesity, it is necessary to get an early detection in haemostaticdisorder in kids and adolescent obesity to prevent obesity co morbidity in the future. Method: The design of the research is cross sectional study which was carried out the population of Katolik Rajawali High School student in Makassar, ranging in age from ten to eighteen years old. An anthropometric examination was done, as well as examination of Clothing Time (TT), Prothrombine Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time (PTT) value. Obesity is declare based on Body Mass Index (BMI) Category which was determined based on Z-Score threshold whereas waist line category was determined based on Waist Circumference (WC) for Hong Kong Chinese Children (2008). Data was analyzed using an independent t-test to assess the difference in CT, PT and aPTT value in obese adolescent and normal weight whereas the Pearson correlation test was used to see the relation between BMI and WC with CT, PT and aPTT in obese adolescent. Subjects were the high school students with the average age of 15 years old, consisting of 33 boys (22 obese, 11 normal) and 16 girls (5 obese, 11 normal). Result: The results showed significance different between CT, PT and aPTT value in obese adolescent and normal weight. The mean CT, PT and aPTT in the normal group were each 11 ± 1.23; 13.86 ± 0.63 seconds; 32.90 + 1.77 seconds and in the obese group the CT value, PT and aPTT were 9 ±1.7; 13.11 + 0.59 seconds and 31.92 + 3.82 seconds. Besides that, there was a negative correlation between CT, PT and WC value in obese adolescent but there was no correlation between BMI and WC with aPTT value in obese adolescent. Clothing Time, PT and aPTT value in obese adolescent tends to shorten compared to normal weight. Conclusion: The higher BMI and WC values, the shorter CT, PT and aPTT values. Keywords : Obesity, adolescent,CT, PT,aPT

    The Association of Plasma Fractalkine and Inflammation After Ischemic Stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammation affects the brain after stroke with main functions to rapidly eliminate the source of the disturbance, remove damaged tissue and then restore tissue homeostasis. High sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) is a sensitive marker of inflammation and tissue injury in the arterial wall, while fractalkine is a distinct chemokine that promotes inflammatory signaling after neuronal death on ischemic stroke. We aim to investigate the association of fractalkine with hsCRP as a marker of inflammation in ischemic stroke patients.METHODS: This study was designed as a cross-sectional study. Soon after patients with ischemic stroke admitted to hospital, plasma fractalkine and hsCRP concentrations were assesed. Subjects had to be at least 30 years old and maximum 30 days of stroke onset. High inflammation was defined as hsCRP value >3 mg/L.RESULTS: High fractalkine levels were found on 24 ischemic stroke patients (49%) and mean of fractalkine 0.719 ng/mL on patients with stroke onset 3 mg/L), but no significant correlation between fractalkine and hsCRP (p=0.613).CONCLUSION: High inflammation and low plasma fractalkine profile was found after 7 days of onset in ischemic stroke patients. No significant correlation between fractalkine and hsCRP in ischemic stroke patients.KEYWORDS: CRP, fractalkine, inflammation, ischemic strok

    Strategies for improving Employee’s Competency in Bekasi Highways and Water Resources Government Agency

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    The purpose of this study was to assess and analyze employee competencies and strategies for enhancing employee competence at the Highway and Water Resource Government Agency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the competence of employees at the Highway and Water Resources Government Agency in Bekasi City has not increased, because the competence of motives, characteristics, self-concept is still inadequate, knowledge and skills competencies are very low. Therefore, there are still problems faced related to public services in the administration of government affairs in the field of public works and spatial planning in the sub-affairs of water resources, drainage, roads and construction services in Bekasi City. Researchers found the novelty of the research results, there are dimensions that determine the characteristics of strengths or weaknesses, namely dimensions of employee competency development, empowerment and motivation, the findings of these researchers modify and develop by providing complete or providing reinforcement. Keywords: Strategy, Competence, Diversification. INTRODUCTIO

    Relationship between Vitamin D Level and Serum TNF-α Concentration on the Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Vitamin D Level and Serum TNF-α related to the Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory disease and disturbed bacterial clearance. Vitamin D deficiency is sometimes observed in COPD patients and as significant roles in increasing inflammation of airway obstruction and systemic obstruction, increasing proinflammatory cytokine including TNF-α, reduction of bacterial clearance and increase exacerbation risk due to infection. Also, vitamin D plays significant roles in the metabolism of calcium and mineralization of bones and regulation system of immune. TNF-α also has essential roles in pathogenesis and inflammation of COPD.  Several studies that investigate the relationship between vitamin D level and serum TNF-α concentration in COPD patients are relatively uncommon, including in Indonesia. For that reason, this study aimed to assess the relationship between vitamin D level and TNF-α concentration in patients on the severity of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods This study was a hospital-based descriptive cross-sectional study. Total samples were 50 COPD patients with the average age of older than 60 years during their enrollments at the Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine of the Dr.Wahidin Sudirohusodo General hospital  Makassar in September 2018-January 2019. All procedures of the present study were reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Medicine Faculty of Hasanuddin University. The severity of COPD was assessed according to the combination of COPD assessment stages that referred to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Guideline 2015 that consisted of the combination of scoring COPD Assessment Test (CAT), the modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) questionnaire and results of the spirometric measurement. Assessment of airway obstruction levels referred to the GOLD spirometric criteria. Determination of thoracic photographs was conducted to verify the COPD diagnosis of the severity of COPD. Determination of serum TNF-α concentration and vitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] level used the ELISA method. Results  The majority of COPD patients were observed in the category of older than 60 years old accounted for 34 COPD patients (68%), and the majority of COPD patients were males accounted for 47 males with COPD (94%). The majority of COPD patients were observed in the group of D (38%). All the study subjects observed in this study were smokers, and 82% of them were in the category of heavy smokers. 21 study subjects had higher concentration of serum TNF-α  (tertile 3 = 0.21-1.83 pg/dl), 20 study subjects  and lower level of vitamin D (tertile 1 = 182.1-364.5 pg/dl). The majority of the study subjects (38%) were in the category of severe COPD (category D of the severity of COPD at the tertile 3) according to the GOLD Combine Assessment. In view of the relationship between vitamin D level and serum TNF-α concentration on the airway obstruction, there were significant positive correlations between the increase of vitamin D levels and the increase of serum TNF-α concentrations on airway obstruction. In view of the relationship between vitamin D level and serum TNF-α concentration on the severity of COPD, there were significant positive correlations between the increase of vitamin D levels (tertiles 1, 2 and 3) and the increase of serum TNF-α concentrations on the severity of COPD at p-value<0.05. Overall, there were non-linear relationships between vitamin D level and serum TNF-α concentration on the severity of COPD. Conclusions: Serum TNF-α concentration was positively associated with airway obstruction level and severity of COPD. Low level of vitamin D was negatively associated with airway obstruction level and severity of COPD. Vitamin D3 level (1,25(OH)2D) was negatively associated with serum TNF-α concentration and airway obstruction level and severity of COPD

    Analysis of Interleukin-4 in Thrombocytopenia Autoimmune Patients

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    Thrombocytopenia is a disease characterized by a decreased platelet count. Some of the causes are decreased platelet production, increased platelet use, such as due to infection, and autoimmune causes, namely the loss of tolerance of the immune system to self-antigens on the surface of the platelets and megakaryocytes marked with a platelet count <100,000 / μL and based on the pathomechanism classified as primary Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) and secondary, as well as several other causes. IL-4, one of the cytokines produced by Th2 which stimulates B cells to increase antibody production. The aim of this study was to compare IL-4 levels in primary ITP patients and non-primary ITP tombocytopenia. This study involved 30 primary ITP subjects and 30 non-ITP primary tombocytopenia subjects obtained based on data medical records, examination of IL-4 cytokine levels by the ELISA method. The results of this study that the IL-4 levels of the primary non ITP tombocytopenia subject group were higher than the primary ITP subject group, which means that there were differences in IL-4 levels in the primary ITP subject group and the non-ITP primary tombocytopenia subject group.Thrombocytopenia is a disease characterized by a decreased platelet count. Some of the causes are decreased platelet production, increased platelet use, such as due to infection, and autoimmune causes, namely the loss of tolerance of the immune system to self-antigens on the surface of the platelets and megakaryocytes marked with a platelet count <100,000 / μL and based on the pathomechanism classified as primary Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) and secondary, as well as several other causes. IL-4, one of the cytokines produced by Th2 which stimulates B cells to increase antibody production. The aim of this study was to compare IL-4 levels in primary ITP patients and non-primary ITP tombocytopenia. This study involved 30 primary ITP subjects and 30 non-ITP primary tombocytopenia subjects obtained based on data medical records, examination of IL-4 cytokine levels by the ELISA method. The results of this study that the IL-4 levels of the primary non ITP tombocytopenia subject group were higher than the primary ITP subject group, which means that there were differences in IL-4 levels in the primary ITP subject group and the non-ITP primary tombocytopenia subject group