41 research outputs found

    Politeness Phenomena as a Source of Pragmatic Failure in English as a Second Language

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    Language should be learned in the cultural context of its speakers.This is because the speakers bring an intention in performing a linguistic act.Failure in understanding the intention of the speakers will lead to failure inresponding to the intended message and, thus, failure in using the language.The study of how language is used in a particular context or situation is thefocus of pragmatics. An important pragmatic issue concerns with politeness,i.e. showing awareness of another person's public self-image. This articlehighlights the politeness phenomena and the degree of success in learningEnglish. The issues discussed include the definition of politeness, strategies ofpoliteness, politeness in the Oriental cultures, politeness in the context ofIndonesian cultures, and the implication of politeness phenomena in theteaching of English

    Teachers’ Perception toward the Challenges in Online English Teaching during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and government policy to carry out online learning or study from home in Balikpapan, Indonesia, this study aims to describe the teachers’ perception of the challenges in the implementation of online learning in teaching English subjects in the learning process and the recommendation to overcome the problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Three English teachers volunteered to participate in this research through invitation at SMK Nusantara Balikpapan. The research data collected through in-depth interviews, which were analyzed descriptively by using interactive techniques. The Thematic analysis is done by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the data analysis show that three English teachers were not too familiar with online learning at first, so they still have many obstacles in the teaching process by using online applications or platforms. There are several obstacles, such as using applications or platforms as media, teachers' knowledge, time schedule, teacher and students’ motivation, and plagiarism. To run online learning, these obstacles should be overcome

    Students’ Perception Toward The Use Of Process Approach In Writing Course of English Department in Mulawarman University

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    This study was aimed (1) to find out how the process approach is implemented in writing course and (2) to know the students’ perceptions toward the use of process approach in writing course. The design of this study was a descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected by using interview guide. The 64 students from class B 2018 and C 2019 were selected as the subject from the results of final score in writing 3 course. While, the six students were selected as the interviewee since they had the highest, middle, and lowest score in writing class. The result of this study found that the lecturer used the same five steps of process approach based on Hyland (2003) which involved pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Furthermore, the students’ perception toward the use of process approach in writing course was totally positive. It was explicitly described under the five aspects that were attitudes, motives, interests, experience, and expectation. Mostly, the students showed positive perception toward the use of process approach in writing course. Moreover, the implementation of process approach was very helpful and also motivated them in writing their future essa

    Personality of a Good Language Learner: a Case Study in EFL Context

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    This case study aims to explore how the personality traits of a good language learner contributed to her success in language learning. Using a case study design, this study involved one student who met the criteria of a good language learner who became a champion of English competitions. This study used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test and semi-structured interviews to collect the data. The study showed that Meta's extrovert personality was described as talkative, confident, enthusiastic, and assertive. She understood a problem by talking about it and heard others' ideas in solving problems. As a sensing personality, she was objective and made decisions based on logic and facts to decide both sides. As a thinking person, she always worked with plans, and in making plans, she analyzed the pros and cons. She was objective and consistent in doing what she had planned. Her judging personality described how she dealt with their outer world. She had a decided lifestyle that had helped her achieve her goals in language learning by planning her language learning activities

    Students’ Difficulties In Speaking English Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 35 Samarinda

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    The current study aimed to analyze the levels of students’ English speaking difficulties and to investigate the most frequent factor causing why students perceived the English speaking difficulties. It employed descriptive quantitative, in which the data obtained from 75 junior high school students of SMP Negeri 35 Samarinda, who responded a-five point Likert scale questionnaire through asynchronous online Google Form. The computer program of SPSS.22 was utilized in the data analysis. It showed that the level of English speaking difficulties perceived by the students was high categorized that proved with the mean score 3.28. Then, the most factor that caused on the English speaking difficulties faced by students was academic and conversational English skills (Mean=3.48), followed by linguistics obstacles (M=3.30), speech processing difficulties (M=3.29), negative effects (M=3.25), and finally access to speaking opportunities (M=2.99)

    Students’ Perception Toward The Use Of Process Approach In Writing Course of English Department in Mulawarman University

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    This study was aimed (1) to find out how the process approach is implemented in writing course and (2) to know the students’ perceptions toward the use of process approach in writing course. The design of this study was a descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected by using interview guide. The 64 students from class B 2018 and C 2019 were selected as the subject from the results of final score in writing 3 course. While, the six students were selected as the interviewee since they had the highest, middle, and lowest score in writing class. The result of this study found that the lecturer used the same five steps of process approach based on Hyland (2003) which involved pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Furthermore, the students’ perception toward the use of process approach in writing course was totally positive. It was explicitly described under the five aspects that were attitudes, motives, interests, experience, and expectation. Mostly, the students showed positive perception toward the use of process approach in writing course. Moreover, the implementation of process approach was very helpful and also motivated them in writing their future essa

    The Difficulties Of Argumentative Essay Writing Experienced By Underground Students Of English Department Mulawarman University

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the difficulties faced by the undergraduate students in writing argumentative essay and their strategies to solve their difficulties. The design of this study was qualitative case study that aims in understanding and explaining the difficulties faced by the undergraduate students of English Department Mulawarman University in writing argumentative essay. The subject of this study was the seventh semester students of English Department Mulawarman University in academic year 2019/2020. The data were collected from students’ argumentative essay writing task and semi-structured interview. The result of the study showed that the students faced difficulties in linguistic, cognitive, and psychological aspect when writing argumentative essay. The most dominant difficulties in linguistic aspects were grammar, finding the correct diction, and in linking paragraph. Then, idea organization was claimed as the most difficult thing in cognitive aspect. Moreover, in psychological aspect the students mentioned stress and laziness. Based on those mentioned difficulties they had their strategies: they used the internet to search about the explanations of the given topic and examples of the correct punctuation and connector. In addition, they used the dictionary to find the correct diction and synonym of a word. Revising and translating were also mentioned as their strategies to solve difficulties in spelling and sentence structure

    The Difficulties Of Argumentative Essay Writing Experienced By Underground Students Of English Department Mulawarman University

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the difficulties faced by the undergraduate students in writing argumentative essay and their strategies to solve their difficulties. The design of this study was qualitative case study that aims in understanding and explaining the difficulties faced by the undergraduate students of English Department Mulawarman University in writing argumentative essay. The subject of this study was the seventh semester students of English Department Mulawarman University in academic year 2019/2020. The data were collected from students’ argumentative essay writing task and semi-structured interview. The result of the study showed that the students faced difficulties in linguistic, cognitive, and psychological aspect when writing argumentative essay. The most dominant difficulties in linguistic aspects were grammar, finding the correct diction, and in linking paragraph. Then, idea organization was claimed as the most difficult thing in cognitive aspect. Moreover, in psychological aspect the students mentioned stress and laziness. Based on those mentioned difficulties they had their strategies: they used the internet to search about the explanations of the given topic and examples of the correct punctuation and connector. In addition, they used the dictionary to find the correct diction and synonym of a word. Revising and translating were also mentioned as their strategies to solve difficulties in spelling and sentence structure

    Teacher Practices and Students' Preferences for Written Corrective Feedback and Their Implications on Writing Instruction

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    Abstract: The discrepancy between students' preferences and teacher practices for feedback on writing has created difficulty on the side of teachers and confusion on the side of the students. What teachers believe and practice as effective feedback for students may not be the one that students perceive as useful and effective feedback for them. This paper investigates the types of written feedback preferred by the students and the types of feedback provided by the teachers on students* writing. This study employed a survey design which involved 54 students and 22 teachers using convenience sampling technique. The instrument used in collecting data was a questionnaire in the form of Feedback Scale. The results showed that there were some points of compatibility between students' preferences and teachers* practices and some other points were incompatible. The data showed that both students and teachers preferred to have or to give direct feedback but the data also indicated that students liked to have more direct feedback than the teacher could provide. It was also found that the teachers provided more indirect feedback than the students expected to have. The students also preferred unfocused feedback to focused feedback. The findings of the study have crucial implications on writing instruction. There is a need to design writing instructions which accommodate both teachers' practices and students' preferences for written feddback. Based on the profile of students' preference and teachers' practices, a model of feedback provision in teaching writing is proposed This model is called preference-based feedback on writing instructio

    Students’ Difficulties In Speaking English Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 35 Samarinda

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    The current study aimed to analyze the levels of students’ English speaking difficulties and to investigate the most frequent factor causing why students perceived the English speaking difficulties. It employed descriptive quantitative, in which the data obtained from 75 junior high school students of SMP Negeri 35 Samarinda, who responded a-five point Likert scale questionnaire through asynchronous online Google Form. The computer program of SPSS.22 was utilized in the data analysis. It showed that the level of English speaking difficulties perceived by the students was high categorized that proved with the mean score 3.28. Then, the most factor that caused on the English speaking difficulties faced by students was academic and conversational English skills (Mean=3.48), followed by linguistics obstacles (M=3.30), speech processing difficulties (M=3.29), negative effects (M=3.25), and finally access to speaking opportunities (M=2.99)