422 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Guru dalam Menjalankan Tugas di Sdn 001 Teratak Kecamatan Rumbiojaya

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    Teachers are human elements that determine the success of education. Profession asa teacher relates to students, who naturally have similarities and differences. Serve thediverse task requires patience and diligence are very high, especially when dealing withyoung learners. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the performance ofteachers in performing their duties in SDN 001 Teratak subdistrict Rumbio Jaya. This studywas conducted in April 2014 by an interview of the entire teaching staff at the SDN 001Teratak. Moreover, the authors also observed the teaching and learning process as well asliterature on the results of previous studies are considered relevant. The results showed thatthe factors that affect the performance of teachers at SDN 001 Teratak is teachermotivation in work, workplace atmosphere, discipline and welfare of teachers. Having donepartial test (t test) against these four factors, the variables of teacher motivation has asignificant influence on the performance of the teacher about 2,799 (279,9%) . While theother variables are not significant. But when done simultaneously testing (test f) thevariable of teacher motivation in work, workplace atmosphere, discipline and welfare ofteachers working together to have significant influence on the performance of teachers atSDN 001Teratak about 57,3%

    Analisis Permintaan dan Penawaran Tenaga Kerja pada Sektor Pertanian di Provinsi Aceh

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    . Labor is one of the most important production factors in supporting economic growth in addition to the factors of production land, capital and management / skill. Aceh is one of province in Indonesia, which has a larger population and some people made their living in the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector in Aceh were able to absorb labor is relatively larger than the other sectors, the contribution of the agricultural sector in Aceh not only in employment but also to PDRB.This study aimed to analyze the factors that affect the demand and supply of labor in the agricultural sector in the province of Aceh. On the demand equation factors analyzed are land, labor, and agricultural investment. On the supply equation factors analyzed were quality of population, wage labor in agriculture and unemployment in rural. The results of labor demand analysis, show that the variable land and agricultural sector investment gave positive effect and significance on labor demand, and labor variable agricultural sector gave a negative effect but no significant on labor demand. The results of labor supply analysis show that variable labor in agriculture and unemployment in rural gave positive effect and a significant influence on labor supply, while a quality of residents variable gave a positive influence but not significant on labor supply

    Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Proporsi Pengeluaran Pangan dan Konsumsi Energi (Studi Kasus pada Rumah Tangga Petani Peserta Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar)

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    . The achievement food security of household indicated their success for food security nationally, regionally and locally. The proportion of food output and energy consumption is an important indicator in determining the household food security. The purpose of this study was to know how large a proportion of food expenditure, the level of of energy consumption and the condition of the household food security of farmers in DEMAPANProgram in Indrapuri Sub-district Aceh Besar Regency. This research was held in the Indrapuri sub-district by using purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed by methods of analysis of income and expenditure of farmer household, income and exenditure of farmer household, consumption, and cross indicator of household food security. The result show that: (1) The average farm income of rice paddy is Rp 1.885.517,00 per growing season and the average of expenditure of household farmer is Rp 1.411.500,00 per month (2) The level of energy consumption and protein is 62,19% and 81,23% (3) The condition of household food security of Farmer less and deficits

    Propagation Technique of Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) Via Shoot Cutting

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    Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) is a treelet growing wildly in the forests of Southeast Asia and widely used throughout the region because of its medicinal properties. Uncontrolled harvesting of wild-grown trees has led to rapid decrease of natural populations. The objective of this research was to get information about propagation technique of pasak bumi by shoot cutting and its adventitous root formation. Cutting materials were originated from 7 month aged seedling propagated by seed. Media used were combination of cocodust : ricehusk (1:1 v/v), cocodust : ricehusk (1:1v/v) and cocodust : ricehusk (2:1 v/v). Research showed that medium significantly improved secondary root length, while rooting percentage, primary root length and the number of root significantly was affected by Rootone F treatment. The microtechnique result showed that roots were first developed from the mesristematic cambium cells

    Pesquisas em epilepsia 150 anos após a teoria da evolução de Darwin

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    On February 12, 2009, we commemorated the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of the ûrst edition of the "On the origin of species". Only in the sixth edition of the Origin Darwin explicitly stated that natural selection applied to the brain as to all other organs and contemporary epilepsy research plays an interesting role in this scenario. Epilepsy affects approximately 3 percent of the general population and is a complex disease. At least 11 genes have now been described for human epilepsy and over 50 more genes have been identified in animal models of epilepsy. The complex gene to gene interactions and gene-environment interactions may account for epilepsy susceptibility and antiepileptic drug response. Darwin's thoughts on evolution are relevant to understand these gene interactions, contributing to current development of new treatments and prevention of chronic diseases, such as epilepsy.Em 12 de Fevereiro de 2009 nós comemoramos o aniversário de 200 anos de Charles Darwin e os 150 anos da publicação da primeira edição do livro "A Origem das Espécies". Apenas na sexta edição do livro A Origem, Darwin explicitamente definiu que a seleção natural se aplicava ao cérebro, assim como a todos os outros órgãos e as pesquisas contemporâneas em epilepsia tem um papel interessante neste cenário. A epilepsia afeta aproximadamente 3% da população geral e é uma doença complexa. Ao menos 11 genes foram descritos até o momento na epilepsia humana e mais de 50 genes foram identificados em modelos animais de epilepsia. As complexas interações gene-gene e genes-meio ambiente podem estar relacionadas com a susceptibilidade à epilepsia e respostas às drogas antiepilépticas. Os pensamentos de Darwin quanto à evolução são relevantes para a compreensão dessas interações gênicas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos e na prevenção de doenças crônicas, como a epilepsia.FAPESPCInAPCe-FAPESPCNP

    Because scientists are unable to explain the unexplained, screening for cardiovascular abnormalities is a good method to protect against sudden unexpected death in patients with epilepsy

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de FisiologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasUNIFESP, EPMUNIFESP, Depto. de FisiologiaSciEL

    Baixas temperaturas e risco de morte súbita cardíaca na esquizofrenia: desvendando um novo calcanhar de Aquiles?

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Laboratory of Experimental NeurologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of PhysiologyUniversidade de São Paulo School of Medicine Department and Institute of PsychiatryUNIFESP, Laboratory of Experimental NeurologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of PhysiologySciEL

    A utilidade do ácido graxo ômega-3 na epilepsia: mais do que uma criação de tilápias!

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    The epilepsies are one of the most common serious brain disorders and 20 to 30% of people developing epilepsy continue to have seizures and are refractory to treatment with the currently available therapies. Approximately one in a 1000 patients with chronic epilepsy will die suddenly, unexpectedly, and without explanation, even with post-mortem examination and this phenomenon is called sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Understanding the mechanisms underlying SUDEP may lead to the identification of previously unrecognized risk factors that are more amenable to correction. We discuss here the possible implications of omega-3 fatty acids consumption on SUDEP prevention.As epilepsias encontram-se entre as mais sérias doenças neurológicas; 20 a 30% dos pacientes com epilepsia continuam apresentando crises e são refratários as terapias disponíveis atualmente. Aproximadamente um em cada 1000 pacientes com epilepsia crônica irá morrer de forma súbita, não esperada e sem explicação, mesmo com o exame pós-morte. Este fenômeno é denominado morte súbita e inesperada em epilepsia (SUDEP). Compreender os mecanismos envolvidos nos casos de SUDEP pode levar à identificação de fatores ainda não reconhecidos e passíveis de serem corrigidos. Discutiremos a seguir as possíveis implicações do consumo do ácido graxo ômega-3 na prevenção dos casos de SUDEP.CNPqFAPESP - CInAPCeFAEP

    Thalamic nuclear abnormalities as a contributory factor in sudden cardiac deaths among patients with schizophrenia

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    Patients with schizophrenia have a two- to three-fold increased risk of premature death as compared to patients without this disease. It has been established that patients with schizophrenia are at a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Moreover, an important issue that has not yet been explored is a possible existence of a “cerebral” focus that could trigger sudden cardiac death in patients with schizophrenia. Along these lines, several structural and functional alterations in the thalamic complex are evident in patients with schizophrenia and have been correlated with the symptoms manifested by these patients. With regard to abnormalities on the cellular and molecular level, previous studies have shown that schizophrenic patients have fewer neuronal projections from the thalamus to the prefrontal cortex as well as a reduced number of neurons, a reduced volume of either the entire thalamus or its subnuclei, and abnormal glutamate signaling. According to the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia, hypofunctional corticostriatal and striatothalamic projections are directly involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. Animal and post-mortem studies have provided a large amount of evidence that links the sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) that occurs in patients with schizophrenia and epilepsy to thalamic changes. Based on the results of these prior studies, it is clear that further research regarding the relationship between the thalamus and sudden cardiac death is of vital importance