91 research outputs found

    Modus D4.1 Interface to modal choice model

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    This deliverable is the first deliverable of WP4 of the Modus project which aims to develop highly detailed low-level results on the present and future of the mobility of passengers in Europe based on flight and passenger metrics. The purpose of this document is to describe the methodology designed and developed to translate the output results of the modal choice model into individual passenger itineraries that are going to be used by the mobility models. Additionally, it outline so-far identified data requirements and processing needs to create valid input for the rest of the models developed in Modus: flight-centred airside model RNEST, passenger-centric airside model Mercury, and the landside model (i.e. door-to-door model)


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    Many young businessman who has become an entrepreneur-entrepreneur small medium enterprises in Indonesia, as the hero of the economy that can survive in any condition, but not many know the extent to which its business is said to be successful. Orientation on the sale of products and services is an important focus that they do, and eventually a large profit or income to reflect successful businesses are built, without sufficient knowledge of the accounting concept of profit and success of the business to continue to run the business so it does not break in the middle of the road. From the above problems then the phenomenon of business success for SMEs is very interesting to study, the two informants are small and medium entrepreneurs who have struggled in his world for decades so it is interesting to uncover the journey in the world of small and medium businesses. From the analysis of both small and medium entrepreneurs perceptions of business success of the concept of profit, the author drew the conclusion that the success of the business is not always synonymous with great profit, but profit is a means to achieve business success according to the objectives before the establishment of the business, but has a social side in it . Because by not expecting a big advantage, it is important for SME businesses continuing business (going concern). Instead the company's main goal berorintasi the same profit-oriented entity with the entity theory, the theory is oriented on income or income oriented oriented or income statement is not the same in the field of small and medium business (home industry) due to differences in the scale of the business. Keywords: Entrepreneur, Business Success, Concept of Profi


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat nilai-nilai Pendidikan tauhid pada anak serta penelitian selanjutnya, ada beberapa saran yang dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pendidikan tauhid anak dan relevansinya dengan makna fitrah dalam Surah Ar-Rum ayat 30. Pertama, penelitian selanjutnya dapat meliputi studi komparatif dengan surah-surah lain yang juga membahas tentang fitrah atau pendidikan tauhid dalam Al-Qur'an. Kedua, perluasan sampel, disarankan untuk melibatkan sampel yang lebih representatif dan beragam dalam penelitian berikutnya. Hal ini dapat mencakup anak-anak dari berbagai kelompok usia, latar belakang budaya, dan tingkat pendidikanMelihat kondisi saat ini, terdapat banyak fenomena penyimpangan dari fitrah, terutama yang melibatkan anak yang masih memerlukan pendidikan, pengawasan serta arahan dalam proses pertumbuhannya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pengaruh wawasan, pengetahuan dan lingkungan yang menyimpang serta kurangnya peran orang tua dalam mendidik anak mengenai nilai-nilai yang berasal dari tauhid. Akibatnya, anak menjadi jauh dari fitrah yang sebelumnya ada pada diri mereka, yang bersifat suci dan lurus seperti semula. Pendidikan tauhid bertujuann untuk memberikan ketentraman batin dan meyelamatkan manusia dari kesesatan dan kemusyrikan serta memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan umat manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan nilai-nilai pendidikan tauhid pada anak dalam Al-Qur’an. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan menjadi pilihan dalam pelaksanaan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini meliputi Pendidikan tauhid bertujuan meningkatkan keimanan individu Muslim dan membentuk manusia yang bertakwa serta berakhlak mulia. Rasulullah menekankan pentingnya bertakwa kepada Allah dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain dengan akhlak yang baik. Tujuan lainnya adalah membangun karakter dan adab dalam diri setiap Muslim, menganggap moral dan etika sama pentingnya dengan kecerdasan intelektual. Kata Kunci: Anak, Pendidikan, Tauhi

    Conocimientos docentes relacionados a la Alfabetización Informacional para la gestión de la información de Recursos Educativos Abiertos

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    Frente a la brecha digital de acceso al conocimiento, los Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) se presentan como respuesta para eliminar esta barrera. No obstante, existe incertidumbre en torno a las competencias que posee el profesorado para enfrentar la cantidad de recursos que hay en el medio digital. Por lo mencionado, esta investigación se realiza con el objetivo de analizar los conocimientos de docentes, del nivel de primaria, relacionados a la Alfabetización Informacional (AI) a fin de gestionar la información de REA. En relación con la metodología, el estudio se enmarca en el enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo. Tiene como finalidad describir y analizar los saberes respecto a los beneficios y riesgos del uso de la información de REA, así como los procesos de gestión de la información que comprende la Alfabetización Informacional. A partir de ello, se concluye que las docentes muestran dificultades para identificar los REA y sus diferentes tipos de licencia de uso, pero sí identifican los beneficios y riesgos del uso educativo de estos recursos. Asimismo, se determina que las docentes reconocen la importancia de la AI en la formación docente; sin embargo, evidencian conocimientos limitados en torno a los procesos de búsqueda, filtrado, evaluación, almacenamiento y recuperación de la información que contempla un REA. El aporte de esta investigación es visibilizar una de las competencias digitales docentes que no viene recibiendo la atención adecuada en nuestro país.Faced with the digital gap in access to knowledge, Open Educational Resources (OER) are presented as a response to eliminate this barrier. However, there is uncertainty about the skills that teachers have to deal with the amount of resources available in the digital environment. Therefore, this research is carried out with the objective of analyzing the knowledge of teachers from Primary level, related to Information Literacy (IL) in order to manage the information of OER. In relation to the methodology, the study is framed in the qualitative approach, of a descriptive type. Its purpose, is to describe and analyze the knowledge regarding the benefits and risks of using OER information, as well as the information management processes involved in IL. From this, it is concluded that teachers show difficulties in identifying OER and their different types of licenses for use, but they do identify the benefits and risks of the educational use of these resources. Likewise, it is determined that teachers recognize the importance of IL in teacher training; however, they show limited knowledge about the process of searching, filtering, evaluating, storing and retrieving the information contained in an OER. The contribution of this research is to make visible one of the teaching digital skills that has not been receiving adequate attention in our country

    Estado del arte: enfoque de evaluación auténtica en el proceso formativo

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    El estado del arte presenta una revisión de la integración del enfoque de evaluación auténtica en el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de países hispanohablantes, dado que es un enfoque evaluativo poco investigado en estos espacios geográficos. En esta línea, esta investigación se realiza con el objetivo de reconocer aquellos aportes y desafíos del enfoque de evaluación auténtica en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje de los países hispanohablantes en los últimos 5 años. A su vez, estos aportes y desafíos son los dos grandes pilares de este estudio. En relación con la metodología, el estudio es una investigación documental de carácter cualitativo, y tiene como finalidad analizar, reflexionar y comparar las experiencias de la evaluación auténtica en contextos educativos con estudiantes de habla hispana, utilizando fuentes bibliográficas, tales como artículos de revista, libros, tesis, monografías e informes de investigación. A partir de ello, se reconoce el aporte de este enfoque evaluativo en la formación discente y en la práctica docente, dado que posibilita la mejora continua de los aprendizajes, permite la intervención y retroalimentación oportuna de los docentes y les otorga un rol más protagónico a los estudiantes durante su proceso de formación. No obstante, este paradigma también afronta ciertos desafíos que involucran la familiarización de los estudiantes y los docentes con este paradigma de evaluación, y que se enfrenta a un bagaje limitado de estudios sobre experiencias reales en contextos hispanoparlantes.The state of the art presents a review of the integration of the authentic evaluation approach into the formative process of students from Spanish-speaking countries, as it is an under-researched evaluative approach in these geographic spaces. In this line, this research was carried out with the aim of recognizing those contributions and challenges of the authentic evaluation approach in the teaching-learning process of Spanish-speaking countries in the last 5 years. In turn, these contributions and challenges are the two main pillars of this study. In relation to the methodology, the study is a qualitative documentary research, and aims to analyze, reflect, and compare the experiences of authentic evaluation in educational contexts with Spanish-speaking students, using bibliographic sources, such as journal articles, books, theses, monographs, and research reports. From this, the contribution of this evaluative approach in discent training and teaching practice is recognized, since it enables the continuous improvement of apprenticeships, allows the intervention and timely feedback of teachers, and gives a more leading role to students during their training process. However, this paradigm also faces certain challenges involving the familiarization of students and teachers with this evaluation paradigm, and which faces limited background studies on real experiences in Spanish-speaking contexts

    Modus D3.1 Modal choice analysis and expert assessment

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    Modus Deliverable 3.1 has the objective to identify and assess (future) drivers that influence passenger demand and supply of mobility, and how these affect passenger modal choice. A comprehensive literature review is provided and identifies a set of high-level and detailed drivers of supply and demand. This analysis is complemented by an expert survey, to gain initial high-level insights regarding the potential importance of various factors, and by a multimodality workshop, to identify additional factors and acquire a first insight into potential enablers and barriers of future mobility solutions. Combining all the identified drivers reveals that most drivers are of a social, economic or technological nature. A large number of social drivers are demand drivers concerned with the passenger aspects of mobility. On the other hand, a large number of economic drivers belong to the supply drivers concerned with various cost-related factors or with transport operations, the market structure and available infrastructure


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    Permasalahan yang diungkap dalam penelitian ini adalah kondisi self esteem siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 32 Semarang yang rendah. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role playing terhadap pengembangan self esteem siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen melalui metode penelitian True Experimental Design dengan model Pre-test Post-test Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah jumlah 271 siswa. Kelas VII G adalah kelas yang dipergunakan untuk tryout sebanyak 30 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian yaitu 20 siswa kelas VII C yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Alat pengumpul data yang dipergunakan adalah skala self esteem. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data uji t diperoleh thitung = 4,723. Selanjutnya dikonsultasikan dengan ttabel dengan taraf signifikansi 5% (0,05) yaitu 2,101. Hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa thitung = 4,723 > ttabel = 2,101. Atas dasar perhitungan tersebut maka hipotesis alternatif (Ha) yang berbunyi “ada pengaruh layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role playing terhadap pengembangan self esteem siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 32 Semarang” diterima kebenarannya pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Dengan demikian menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role playing terhadap self esteem siswa.Kata Kunci : Self esteem (harga diri), bimbingan kelompok, teknik role playin

    Future multimodal mobility scenarios within Europe

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    The European transport system faces multiple pressing challenges, including the need for significant emissions reduction in the sector and the provision of a seamless, multimodal journey to travellers. In order to address these challenges, a thorough understanding and assessment of different development pathways are required. This paper elaborates on four different scenarios developed within the scope of the Modus project. Based on these as well as additional insights from experts of the air and rail sector, initial implications for emissions reduction potential, travel times, or technological options are discussed