1,348 research outputs found

    Alpha Thalassemia Disorders

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    Modifikasi Model Luka Perineum Sederhana terhadap Keterampilan Menjahit Laserasi Perineum Derajat II

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    Latar belakang: Salah satu keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa kebidanan adalah dapat melakukan penjahitan luka perineum, sehingga untuk dapat mahir melakukannya kepada pasien sesungguhnya perlu dilatih dengan praktik di laboratorium menggunakan model/alat peraga. Model penjahitan laserasi perineum sebagai media latihan di keterampilan di laboratorium selama ini identik dengan harga yang mahal dan jumlah yang terbatas, sehingga diperlukan modifikasi. Dengan menggunakan model penjahitan laserasi perineum sederhana mahasiswa dapat melatih diri melakukan praktik penjahitan laserasi perineum di rumah masing-masing pada masa pandemi Covid-19.Tujuan: Mengetahui efektifitas penggunaan model berbahan busa untuk praktik penjahitan luka perineum pada mahasiswa Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes PangkalpinangMetode: Penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest – posttest. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 36 mahasiswa kebidanan semester IV. Penelitian menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dengan CI 95%Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan penjahitan laserasi perineum sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan alat peraga penjahitan laserasi perineum berbahan busa kasur (p=0.000)Kesimpulan: Adanya peningkatan nilai mahasiswa setelah melakukan penjahitan laserasi perineum dengan menggunakan model berbahan busa kasur. Model penjahitan laserasi perineum sederhana berbahan busa dinilai dapat digunakan sebagai alat peraga alternatif terutama untuk praktik mandiri pada masa Covid-19

    Self-Assembling Peptide Hydrogel for Local Anticancer Prodrug Delivery in the Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme

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    Gliomas represent approximately 80% of all malignant brain tumors, and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) accounts for nearly half of all gliomas. GBM is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor. Despite aggressive treatment including tumor resection followed by radiation and chemotherapy, the median survival rate for GBM averages between 12 and 15 months, with a 2-year survival rate less than 25%. Therefore, new therapeutic strategies are needed to improve the survival rate of those affected by GBM. Chemotherapy with the DNA alkylating agent, Temozolomide (TMZ), is commonly used as a first-line treatment for GBM. TMZ is an orally delivered drug that is known to be stable or inactive in the acidic pH environment of the stomach and begins to convert to its active form at a neutral pH in the bloodstream. However, studies have shown that full conversion of TMZ to its active form occurs at a more basic pH. Further, after TMZ is converted to its active form, it is unable to cross the blood-brain barrier, thereby limiting availability in the brain and lowering the effectiveness of TMZ. Recently, peptides have been utilized as delivery systems for hydrophobic anticancer drugs or agents. These peptides are advantageous due to their biocompatibility, and high loading capacity for hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs. To facilitate the delivery of TMZ, and potentially other hydrophobic drugs, we propose an innovative local delivery strategy using hydrophilic and alternating hydrophobic and acidic amino acids to form a peptide hydrogel. We hypothesize that the hydrophobic residues of the peptide hydrogel will load TMZ, and the hydrophilic residues will convert TMZ to its active form as the hydrogel degrades. This therapeutic strategy will allow for extended release of TMZ, thus increasing the efficacy of the drug. In this study, peptide sequences were designed, synthesized, and formed into hydrogels for the delivery of TMZ. In vitro experiments validated that TMZ dissolved at a higher pH resulted in significantly increased cytotoxicity in LN-18 and T98G human glioblastoma cells. We also demonstrated that at various concentrations, the proposed peptide hydrogel efficiently loads TMZ and the release profiles can be adjusted based on peptide composition. Further, studies showed that TMZ-loaded peptide hydrogels mediated greater anticancer activity in LN-18 cells compared to delivery of TMZ alone. Overall, our results demonstrate the therapeutic potential of the TMZ-loaded peptide hydrogels for local drug delivery in treating GBM

    Successful Demand Forecasting Modeling Strategies for Increasing Small Retail Medical Supply Profitability

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    The lack of effective demand forecasting strategies can result in imprecise inventory replenishment, inventory overstock, and unused inventory. The purpose of this single case study was to explore successful demand forecasting strategies that leaders of a small, retail, medical supply business used to increase profitability. The conceptual framework for this study was Winters\u27s forecasting demand approach. Data were collected from semistructured, face-to-face interviews with 8 business leaders of a private, small, retail, medical supply business in the southeastern United States and the review of company artifacts. Yin\u27s 5-step qualitative data analysis process of compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding was applied. Key themes that emerged from data analysis included understanding sales trends, inventory management with pricing, and seasonality. The findings of this study might contribute to positive social change by encouraging leaders of medical supply businesses to apply demand forecasting strategies that may lead to benefits for medically underserved citizens in need of accessible and abundant medical supplies

    A Framework for Identifying Host-based Artifacts in Dark Web Investigations

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    The dark web is the hidden part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and is only accessible with a specific browser like The Onion Router (Tor). Tor was originally developed as a means of secure communications and is still used worldwide for individuals seeking privacy or those wanting to circumvent restrictive regimes. The dark web has become synonymous with nefarious and illicit content which manifests itself in underground marketplaces containing illegal goods such as drugs, stolen credit cards, stolen user credentials, child pornography, and more (Kohen, 2017). Dark web marketplaces contribute both to illegal drug usage and child pornography. Given the fundamental goal of privacy and anonymity, there are limited techniques for finding forensic artifacts and evidence files when investigating misuse and criminal activity in the dark web. Previous studies of digital forensics frameworks reveal a common theme of collection, examination, analysis, and reporting. The existence and frequency of proposed frameworks demonstrate the acceptance and utility of these frameworks in the field of digital forensics. Previous studies of dark web forensics have focused on network forensics rather than hostbased forensics. macOS is the second most popular operating system after Windows (Net Marketshare, n.d.); however, previous research has focused on the Windows operating system with little attention given to macOS forensics. This research uses design science methodology to develop a framework for identifying host-based artifacts during a digital forensic investigation involving suspected dark web use. Both the Windows operating system and macOS are included with the expected result being a reusable, comprehensive framework that is easy to follow and assists investigators in finding artifacts that are designed to be hidden or otherwise hard to find. The contribution of this framework will assist investigators in identifying evidence in cases where the user is suspected of accessing the dark web for criminal intent when little or no other evidence of a crime is present. The artifact produced for this research, The Dark Web Artifact Framework, was evaluated using three different methods to ensure that it met the stated goals of being easy to follow, considering both Windows and macOS operating systems, considering multiple ways of accessing the dark web, and being adaptable to future platforms. The methods of evaluation v included experimental evaluation conducted using a simulation of the framework, comparison of a previously worked dark web case using the created framework, and the expert opinion of members of the South Dakota Internet Crimes Against Children taskforce (ICAC) and the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI). A digital component can be found in nearly every crime committed today. The Dark Web Artifact Framework is a reusable, paperless, comprehensive framework that provides investigators with a map to follow to locate the necessary artifacts to determine if the system being investigated has been used to access the dark web for the purpose of committing a crime. In the creation of this framework, a process itself was created that will contribute to future works. The yes/no, if/then structure of the framework is adaptable to fit with workflows in any area that would benefit from a recurring process


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    The purpose of this dissertation was to examine depression, experiences of work-related racism, and occupational stress among black nurses. Nursing is a highly stressful and demanding profession that can negatively affect health. Underscoring this is the high rate of depression experienced by nurses. In fact, nurses experience depression at a rate twice that of individuals in other occupations. Examining depression in nurses can provide insights that can inform measures addressing the psychological health of this group. This may be particularly important in black nurses who, in addition to the already high occupational stress associated with nursing, may experience additional stress due to experiences of racism in the work environment. To better understand these factors, the specific aims of this dissertation were to: (1) evaluate the current state of the science of depression in registered nurses; (2) examine the psychometric properties of the two racism on the job subscales of the Perceived Racism Scale in black registered nurses; and (3) evaluate whether past-year or lifetime experiences of work-related racism and occupational stress predicted depressive symptoms and whether, controlling for depressive symptoms, past-year and lifetime experiences of work-related racism predicted occupational stress in a cohort of black registered nurses. For specific aim one a systematic review of the literature on depression in nurses was conducted. This review highlighted factors that underlie the high rates of depression among nurses, and the individual as well as work-related variables that contribute to nurses’ susceptibility to depression. For specific aim two the psychometric properties of two subscales of the Perceived Racism Scale in a sample of black registered nurses were evaluated. The two subscales were past year experiences of racism on the job (ROTJ-Y) and lifetime experiences of racism on the job (ROTJ-L). Reliability for each of the subscales was assessed by examining internal consistency. Construct validity was examined using principal components analysis to evaluate the factor structure of each subscale and by testing the hypothesis that job-related racism is predictive of workplace stress. These analyses demonstrated that the ROTJ-Y and ROTJ-L are valid and reliable instruments for the measurement of yearly and lifetime experiences of racism on the job in black registered nurses. Specific aim three was addressed by examining whether past-year or lifetime experiences of racism on the job and occupational stress were predictive of depression and whether work-related racism predicted occupational stress in a sample of black nurses. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to examine if (1) either past-year or lifetime experiences of work-related racism, and occupational stress predicted depression and (2) either past-year or lifetime experiences of racism predicted occupational stress, with control variables depressive symptoms, years of experience as a registered nurse, primary nursing practice position, work setting, work shift, and work status. Results indicated that experiences of work-related racism and occupational stress were not significant predictors of depression but that both past-year and lifetime experiences of racism were significant predictors of occupational stress. The results of the research conducted for this dissertation highlight the effects of depression on nurses as well as the relationship between race-based discrimination at work and occupational stress among black registered nurses. This evidence can inform the development of future strategies to improve the well-being of nurses in the workplace in general and especially of black nurses


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    Tujuan Jumlah wanita menopause di Indonesia meningkat dari 24 juta menjadi 26 juta pada tahun 2018 yang berdampak negatif pada penyakit degeneratif dan menurunkan kualitas hidup wanita menopause dari 69.2 % menjadi 48%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik individu dan dukungan sosial dengan kualitas hidup wanita menopause di Desa Batang Pane 1 Kecamatan Halongonan Timur Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utara Provinsi Sumatera Utara Tahun 2019. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain Cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Batang Pane 1 Kecamatan halongonan Timur, Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utara pada Agustus 2018 - Juni 2019. Jumlah sampel 105 responden dilakukan secara acak (Multi Stage Random Sampling). Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square dan regresi logistik. Hasil Responden memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik lebih dari setengah. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara lama menopause (p=0.0001), pekerjaan (p=0.0001), status pernikahan (p=0.0001), penghasilan (p=0.005), status gizi (p=0.0001), dan dukungan suami/keluarga(p=0.0001) dengan kualitas hidup. Variabel yang paling berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup yaitu dukungan suami/keluarga (OR=17.522). Kesimpulan Dukungan suami/keluarga merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup wanita menopause. Diharapkan wanita menopause Selalu menjaga kualitas komunikasi baik dengan suami atau keluarga dengan cara selalu terbuka tehadap keluhan-keluhan yang dirasakan dan saling berbagi sehingga wanita menopause merasa adanya dukungan dalam mengatasi perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi selama menopause. Daftar Pustaka : 64 (2005-2018) Kata Kunci : Kualitas Hidup, Wanita Menopause,Karakteristik Individu, Dukungan Sosial. FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH ANDALAS UNIVERSITY Undergraduate Thesis, July 2019 ARICA, No. BP. 1611216065 THE CORRELATION OF INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER AND SOCIAL SUPPORT TO THE QUALIFIED LIFE OF MENOPAUSE WOMEN IN BATANG PANE 1 VILLAGE SUB DISTRICT OF HALONGONAN TIMUR PADANG LAWAS UTARA DISTRICT PROVINCE OF NORTH SUMATERA xiii + 96 pages, 32 tables, 2 pictures, 8 appendices Abstract Objective The increasing number of menopause women in Indonesia from 24 million into 26 million in 2018 gives the bad effects, they are the increasing number of degenerative disease and the decreasing number of qualified lives of menopause women from 69.2 % into 48%. This study is aimed to know the correlation of individual character and social support to the qualified life of menopause women in Batang Pane 1 halongonan Timur padang lawas utara North Sumatera 2019 Method This study applies the quantitative method and cross- sectional design is selected as the design of method. The setting of study is in the village Batang Pane 1 halongonan Timur, Padang Lawas North Sumatera from August 2018 up to June 2019. The sample of this study is randomly selected with the total number of respondents is 105. Multi Stage Random Sampling is selected as the method of sampling. Moreover, the Chi-Square test and Logistic regression are chosen to analyse the data. Result The respondents have a good quality of life more than a half. There is a significant correlation of period of meopause (p= 0.0001), occupation (p= 0.0001), income (p= 0.0005), nutrient status (p= 0.0001), and family support (p=0.0001) to quality of lives. The most connected variable to gain a good quality of life is family support (OR= 17.522). Conclusion Partner / family support is the most related factor to good quality of life for menopause women. It is expected that menopause women are able to maintain good communication with both husband and family by sharing any queries felt so they can feel that they are supported in overcoming any changes caused in the period of menopause. References : 64 (2005-2018) Key Word : Quality of Life, Menopause Women, Individual Characteristic, Social Suppor

    Status and Future of Manufacturing Execution Systems

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    This paper proposes a taxonomy for characterizing manufacturing execution systems and discusses how they can benefit from the recent Developments of Industry 4.0. The study is based on a literature review. The taxonomy contributes to theory and practice by providing a framework for benchmarking of manufacturing execution systems. The taxonomy can be utilized in the selection or design process of the manufacturing execution systems. Outlining the further opportunities provided by Industry 4.0 technologies, the paper also provides directions for future improvements of manufacturing execution systems.acceptedVersio
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