13 research outputs found

    Reliability of low-cost near-infrared spectroscopy in the determination of muscular oxygen saturation and hemoglobin concentration during rest, isometric and dynamic strength activity

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    Indexaci贸n ScopusBackground: The objective of this study was to establish the reliability of the Humon Hex near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) in determining muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) and hemoglobin concentration (Hgb) at rest and during isometric and dynamic strength exercises using a functional electromechanical dynamometer (FEMD). Methods: The SmO2 and Hgb values of sixteen healthy adults (mean 卤 standard deviation (SD): Age = 36.1 卤 6.4 years) were recorded at rest and during isometry (8 s), dynamic strength I (initial load of 40% of the average isometric load, with 2 kg increments until muscle failure) and dynamic strength II (same as I, but with an initial load of 40% of the maximum isometric load) activity. To evaluate the reliability in the determination of SmO2 and Hgb of this device, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM) and coefficient of variation (CV) were obtained. Results: The main results obtained are SmO2 at rest (CV = 5.76%, SEM = 3.81, ICC = 0.90), isometric strength (CV = 3.03%, SEM = 2.08, ICC = 0.92), dynamic strength I (CV = 10.6, SEM = 7.17, ICC = 0.22) and dynamic strength II (CV = 9.69, SEM = 6.75, ICC = 0.32); Hgb at rest (CV = 1.97%, SEM = 0.24, ICC = 0.65), isometric strength (CV = 0.98%, SEM = 0.12, ICC = 0.96), dynamic strength I (CV = 3.25, SEM = 0.40, ICC = 0.54) and dynamic strength II (CV = 2.74, SEM = 0.34, ICC = 0.65). Conclusions: The study shows that Humon Hex is a reliable device to obtain SmO2 and Hgb data in healthy adult subjects at rest and during isometric strength, providing precision for measurements made with this device. 漏 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/23/882

    Descripci贸n histol贸gica y ultraestructural comparada del h铆gado de trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) silvestre y cultivada

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    Se realiz贸 un estudio comparado de la anatom铆a histol贸gica y ultraestructural del h铆gado de la trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss), entre un grupo de espec铆menes silvestres y otro de cultivo. Se determinaron las posibles diferencias histol贸gicas y celulares de los componentes hep谩ticos, por medio de microscopia de luz y electr贸nica.Se analiz贸 el tejido hep谩tico de cada grupo, en especial composici贸n de los l贸bulos hep谩ticos, hepatocitos y conductos biliares. Desde el punto de microscopia de luz no se encontraron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas en ninguna de las estructuras se帽aladas, entre ambos grupos.Ultraestructuralmente se determinaron diferencias significativas en el desarrollo del RER, cantidad y tipo de ves铆culas, y dep贸sito de grasa en los hepatocitos de ambos grupos.聽聽聽Palabras claves: h铆gado, ultraestructura, trucha arco iris.AbstractA comparative study of histological and ultrastructural anatomy of the liver of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was studied in wild and reared trouts. The cellular and histological differences were analized by SEM and TEM.The structure of hepatic tissue was observed in each group, focussing mainly on lobules, hepatocytes and biliar ducts.Ultrastructural development of RER, vesicles and fat was determined, statistical differences between the two groups were found.Key Words:聽liver, ultrastructure, rainbow trout.

    Descripci贸n histol贸gica y ultraestructural comparada del h铆gado de trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) silvestre y cultivada

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    Se realiz贸 un estudio comparado de la anatom铆a histol贸gica y ultraestructural del h铆gado de la trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss), entre un grupo de espec铆menes silvestres y otro de cultivo. Se determinaron las posibles diferencias histol贸gicas y celulares de los componentes hep谩ticos, por medio de microscopia de luz y electr贸nica.Se analiz贸 el tejido hep谩tico de cada grupo, en especial composici贸n de los l贸bulos hep谩ticos, hepatocitos y conductos biliares. Desde el punto de microscopia de luz no se encontraron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas en ninguna de las estructuras se帽aladas, entre ambos grupos.Ultraestructuralmente se determinaron diferencias significativas en el desarrollo del RER, cantidad y tipo de ves铆culas, y dep贸sito de grasa en los hepatocitos de ambos grupos.聽聽聽Palabras claves: h铆gado, ultraestructura, trucha arco iris.AbstractA comparative study of histological and ultrastructural anatomy of the liver of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was studied in wild and reared trouts. The cellular and histological differences were analized by SEM and TEM.The structure of hepatic tissue was observed in each group, focussing mainly on lobules, hepatocytes and biliar ducts.Ultrastructural development of RER, vesicles and fat was determined, statistical differences between the two groups were found.Key Words:聽liver, ultrastructure, rainbow trout.

    Terapia de juicio de lateralidad e imaginer铆a de movimiento y ejercicios de activaci贸n muscular selectiva glenohumerales en sujetos con ruptura masiva del manguito rotador: serie de casos

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    Introduction: Massive tear of the rotator cuff (DMMR) is a degenerative clinical condition, which corresponds to a 5 cm rupture, or one that compromises two or more tendons of the rotator cuff (MR), generating loss of functionality and disabling pain. Objective: To describe changes in pain and shoulder function following a 6-week program of lateral-imaging and motion imaging therapy and selective glenohumeral activation exercises in subjects with massive rotator cuff tears. Methods: This study is a descriptive research and design of a series of cases, with a sample of 50 participants with diagnosis of rotator cuff mastication. Patients underwent a glenohumeral selective exercise program plus laterality and motion imaging therapy for 6 weeks. The variables of function, pain, abduction ROM and shoulder flexion were measured at sixth week and sixth month of evolution. Results: There were significant differences in pain intensity, shoulder function, AROM flexion and shoulder abduction AROM, after the intervention (p > 0.05). Statistically significant differences were found for all outcome measures between the intervention and the sixth follow-up month (p < 0.05). Only the pain of the statistically significant differences between the sixth week and the sixth month of follow-up (p = 0.01). Conclusion: The application of laterality trial therapy and motion imaging added to a program of selective exercises stabilizadores glenohumerales during 6 weeks, could improve shoulder function, decrease pain and increase AROM flexion and shoulder abduction in patients with massive rupture of the rotator cuff.Introducci贸n: El desgarro masivo del maguito rotador (DMMR) es una condici贸n cl铆nica degenerativa que corresponde a una ruptura de 5 cm, o una que compromete a dos o m谩s tendones del manguito rotador (MR), generando p茅rdida de funcionalidad y dolor incapacitante. Objetivo: Describir los cambios en el dolor y funci贸n de hombro posterior a un programa de 6 semanas de terapia de juicio de lateralidad e imaginer铆a de movimiento y ejercicios de activaci贸n selectiva glenohumerales en sujetos con rotura masiva del manguito rotador. M茅todos: Este estudio es una investigaci贸n descriptiva y dise帽o serie de casos, con una muestra de 50 participantes con diagn贸stico de ruptura masiva de manguito rotador. Los pacientes realizaron un programa de ejercicios selectivos glenohumerales m谩s terapia de juicio de lateralidad e imaginer铆a de movimiento durante 6 semanas. Se midieron las variables de funci贸n, dolor, ROM de abducci贸n y flexi贸n de hombro, a la sexta semana y al sexto mes de evoluci贸n. Resultados: Existen diferencias significativas en la intensidad del dolor, funci贸n de hombro, AROM de flexi贸n y AROM de abducci贸n de hombro, posterior a la intervenci贸n (p < 0,05). Existen diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas para todas las medidas de resultados entre la intervenci贸n y el sexto mes de seguimiento (p < 0,05). Solo el dolor present贸 diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas entre la sexta semana y el sexto mes de seguimiento (p = 0,01). Conclusi贸n: La aplicaci贸n de la terapia de juicio de lateralidad e imaginer铆a de movimiento adicionada a un programa de ejercicios selectivos estabilizadores glenohumerales durante 6 semanas podr铆a mejorar la funci贸n de hombro, disminuir el dolor y aumentar los AROM de flexi贸n y abducci贸n de hombro en pacientes con ruptura masiva del manguito rotador

    Intervenci贸n de ejercicios de habilidad motora manual en el dolor y funci贸n en sujetos adultos con artritis reumatoide: serie de casos

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    RESUMEN Introducci贸n: La artritis reumatoide tiene un significativo impacto negativo en la capacidad para realizar labores diarias, incluyendo el trabajo, las tareas del hogar y la calidad de vida. Los hallazgos experimentales y cl铆nicos sugieren que el reentrenamiento de la habilidad motora puede proporcionar mejoras en pacientes con dolor cr贸nico de mu帽eca y mano. Objetivo: Describir los cambios en la funci贸n manual, en la fuerza de pu帽o y en el dolor, a la sexta semana y al tercer mes tras la aplicaci贸n de ejercicios enfocados en la habilidad motora manual en adultos con artritis reumatoide. M茅todo: Estudio de dise帽o no experimental, descriptivo serie de casos, muestra 17 participantes con diagn贸stico de artritis reumatoide. Los pacientes realizaron un programa de ejercicios enfocados en la habilidad motora manual durante 6 semanas. Se midieron las variables de funci贸n, dolor, fuerza de pu帽o y pinza, a la sexta semana y al tercer mes. Resultados: No existe diferencia significativa en la intensidad del dolor, funci贸n y fuerza de pu帽o, postintervenci贸n p > 0,05. Existe diferencia significativa a la sexta semana en la fuerza de pinza p = 0,002. Durante el seguimiento al tercer mes solo hubo diferencia significativa en la fuerza de pu帽o p = 0,01. Conclusi贸n: La aplicaci贸n de un programa de ejercicios enfocados en la habilidad motora manual gener贸 cambios a nivel de la fuerza de pu帽o y pinza. Con respecto a la funcionalidad e intensidad del dolor no se apreciaron diferencias significativas.ABSTRACT Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis has a significant negative impact on the ability to perform daily tasks, including work, household chores and quality of life. Experimental and clinical findings suggest that retraining of motor skills may provide improvements in patients with chronic pain the wrist and hand. Objective: To describe the changes in the manual function, the grip strength and pain, to the sixth week and to the third month after the application of exercises focused on manual motor skills, in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Method: Non-experimental design study, descriptive case series, sample 17 participants with diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The patients performed a program of exercises focused on manual motor skill for 6 weeks. Were measured at the variables of function, the grip strength , digtal clamp and pain, the sixth week and at the third month. Results: There was no significant difference in pain intensity, function and the grip strength, post intervention p > 0,05. There was significant difference at the sixth week in the digital clamp p = 0.002. During follow-up at the third month, there was only significant difference in the grip strength p = 0.01. Conclusion: The application of a program of exercises focused on the manual motor skill, generated changes a level of the grip strength and clamp. Regarding the functionality and intensity of pain, there were no significant differences


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    The hamstring injuries are recurrent in the sports disciplines of teams such as football, with rehabilitation being a key point to prevent future alterations. Within this process, the strengthening paradigms are rather empirical, therefore, criteria based on the exercises used are required. In this context, the objective of the present investigation is to classify the strengthening exercises of the posterior lower limb chain, based on the amplitude of muscular activation, in amateur soccer players of the Andres Bello University (UNAB), for which a non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional design. The study population was 30 university students, who were studying from first to fifth year, during the academic period 2017. The participants were summoned to the Laboratory of Rehabilitation Sciences, where after signing the informed consent they had to perform a phase of heating on a cycle ergometer, then the MCIV (maximum voluntary isometric contraction) of the semimembranous, semitendinous, biceps femoral and gluteus maximus muscles was calculated, finally applying a battery of strengthening exercises, which were classified according to the intensity of muscle activation. In relation to this, it was obtained that 8 of the 13 exercises implemented were classified as low intensity (p <0.05), 3 of medium intensity (p <0.05) and 2 of high intensity (p <0.05), while the peak of amplitude of the semimembranous, semitendinous and biceps femoral muscles moved to the right in temporal terms, to the extent that the exercises classified as low, medium and high intensity are compared


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    Electrical stimulation (ES) Neuromuscular electrostimulation is one of the most used physical agents in physiotherapy. There is consensus that electrostimulation combined with plyometric exercises generate a positive effect on the development of muscle strength in the short term, however, it is necessary to study whether low and medium frequency electrostimulation alone can generate changes in this capacity physical. The sample consisted of 30 high performance athletes, male, between 20 and 30 years of age. Participants were exposed to 3 interventions with one week of lag. In the first instance, a protocol of concentric contractions of gastrocnemius (CC) was applied. The following week, low-frequency electrostimulation (BF) was performed and finally, at the third week, medium-frequency electrostimulation (MF) was performed. During the 3 instances, an evaluation of the outcome measure, pre and post intervention, was carried out. The data were analyzed with the Shapiro Wilk test to check normality, using the student and Wilcoxon t tests to compare the pre- and post-intervention values. The comparisons of the outcome measures between the different interventions were analyzed with the Kruskal - Wallis test. The results obtained for the power (W) are CC pre: 357.068 +/- 124.724, CG post: 354.552 +/- 133.291 (p = 0.652); BF pre: 352.938 +/- 117.387, Post: 369.796 +/- 131.840 (p = 0.298); Pre MF: 355,157 +/- 112,685, post: 369,417 +/- 142,677 (p = 0.628) and intergroups (p = 0.895). Although the results show changes, these are not statistically significant for the different intervention modalities, suggesting that there are no changes in the power of gastrocnemius post-electro-stimulation of low and medium frequency


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    The versatility of training in high-performance athletes has given way to the development of protocols based on aerobic exercises, in order to enhance the physiological capabilities of these, thus achieving sporting excellence in the different disciplines. Currently, high-intensity aerobic interval training (HIIT) has been the basis for obtaining substantial improvements in athletes, not only at a professional level but also at an amateur level. For this reason, is important to identify how this type of training enhances the vertical jump in amateur basketball players. The sample consisted of 30 persons (Age: 25.46 years, weight 78.16 Kg, size 176.32 cms) subjected to 10 weeks of HIIT training, without interfering in their normal practice sessions. The evaluation of the results (pre and post intervention) was made one week before and one week after the application of HIIT, respectively. The data was analyzed with the Shapiro Wilk test to check the normality of the data, and then, using the Student t-test to compare the pre and post intervention values. The results were statistically significant for time (p<0.01) and height (p<0.001) variables, showing that there are changes in these parameters of the vertical jump after HIIT training The power and speed variables were not statistically significant