213 research outputs found

    Servizi di tutorato didattico e Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi, un’indagine empirica esplorativa: il caso del Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università Roma Tre

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    The paper presents the results of an empirical exploratory research on tutoring services that deal with the recovery of Obligations Additional Learning by university students. Focusing the themes of individualization, the pedagogy of e-learning and of personalized feedback, the research wanted to help define the hallmarks of some teaching strategies that services can use to qualify their work and to improve students’ learning outcomes. The research was developedin the Department of Educational Science (Roma Tre University). The data collectedshows that the active participation of students in that design encourages the development of key competencies for the pursuit of studies.Il paper presenta i risultati di una ricerca empirica esplorativa sui servizi di tutorato didattico che si occupano del recupero degli Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi da parte di studenti universitari. Approfondendo i temi dell’individualizzazione, della pedagogia elearning e del feedback personalizzato, si è voluto contribuire a delineare i tratti distintivi di alcune strategie didattiche che i servizi possono utilizzare per qualificare i propri interventi e favorire buoni risultati di apprendimento.La ricerca è stata sviluppata nel Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione(Università Roma Tre). Dai dati rilevati emerge che la partecipazione attiva deglistudenti a una tale progettazione favorisce lo sviluppo di competenze chiave per il prosieguo degli studi

    Valorizzare i Learning Analytics per promuovere la valutazione per l’apprendimento. Il caso del Master in Leadership e Management in Educazione dell’Università Roma Tre

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    The article deepens the theme of the assessment for learning (Domenici, 2012; Lucisano,2014; Notti, 2014; Trinchero, 2014) investigating how the functionalities connected toLearning Analytics (LA) (Fulantelli & Taibi, 2014; Gaševi et al. 2015; Blikstein & Worsley,2016) could enhance their development in students.The survey was carried out by analyzing diachronically data of the Master in Leadershipand Management in Education (Roma Tre University) from a.y. 2013/14 to a.y. 2017/18; theMaster is designed in blended mode on a Moodle platform.The use of LA in the start-up and monitoring phases of the Master, integrated by thedata collected by quali-quantitative tools, allowed to collect data useful for design individualizedinterventions. The training activities include the study of materials and differenttypes of assessment tests. The trainees have the opportunity to verify theadequacy of their knowledge through self-assessment activities that provide feedback(Butler & Winne, 1995; Shute, 2008; Giuliani, Moretti & Morini, 2016). Furthermore, requeststudents to elaborate critical analysis texts allow to give them also qualitative feedback.The ongoing use of the LA in the monitoring and assessment phases, in this regard,is strategic. In fact, by using the LA functions it is possible to observe the activities carriedout by the students and to give them feedback.From the analysis of the final questionnaires it emerges that students consider to be effectivethe articulation of the Master, both in didactic and assessment aspects. Also theanalysis of the contributions in itinere and of the final test confirms how the planningof the formative activities has been effective considering the quality of the papers.Il contributo approfondisce il tema della valutazione per l’apprendimento (Domenici, 2012;Lucisano, 2014; Notti, 2014; Trinchero, 2014) indagando in che modo le funzionalità connesseai Learning Analytics (LA) (Fulantelli & Taibi, 2014; Gaševi et al. 2015; Blikstein & Worsley,2016) possono valorizzarne lo sviluppo nei soggetti in formazione. L’indagine è stata svolta analizzando diacronicamente i dati relativi al Master in Leadershipe Management in Educazione (Università Roma Tre) dall’a.a. 2013/14 all’a.a. 2017/18, progettatoin modalità blended su piattaforma Moodle. L’utilizzo dei LA nelle fasi di avvio edi monitoraggio del Master, integrati dai dati raccolti mediante strumenti di tipo qualiquantitativo,ha permesso di rilevare dati utili a predisporre interventi individualizzati. Leattività formative prevedono lo studio di materiali di approfondimento e consegne valutativedi diversa tipologia. I corsisti hanno l’opportunità di verificare l’adeguatezza delleproprie conoscenze mediante attività di autovalutazione con restituzione di feedback (Butler& Winne, 1995; Shute, 2008; Giuliani, Moretti & Morini, 2016). La richiesta di elaboraretesti di analisi critica, inoltre, consente di restituire giudizi valutativi anche di tipo qualitativo.L’utilizzo dei LA nelle fasi di monitoraggio e valutazione, a tal proposito, è di rilevanzastrategica. Avvalendosi delle funzioni dei LA è possibile infatti osservare le attività svoltedai corsisti e restituire loro un feedback.Dall’analisi dei questionari finali emerge che i corsisti ritengono efficace l’articolazionedel percorso formativo nelle fasi didattiche e valutative. Anche l’analisi dei contributi initinere e della prova finale conferma come la progettazione delle attività formative sia stataefficace considerata la qualità degli elaborati

    Diventare lettori maturi e consapevoli: la validazione nel contesto italiano del Motivation for Reading Questionnaire

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    Promoting the pleasure of reading and making the interest in different types of books more mature is one of the challenges to raise long-lasting readers over time. The strategic role played by the reading motivation has been broadened by educational research, which have highlighted the correlation between reading motivation and learning outcomes (Gambrell, 1996; Froiland & Oros, 2014; Schiefele, Stutz, & Schaffner, 2016). Teachers can help students become mature and aware readers. Therefore, they should be able to understand the students’ individual needs and to identify the most effective teaching strategies (Lumbelli, 1988; Moretti, 1993; Cardarello, 2004). This paper intends to share with the scientific community a tool capable of detecting the reading motivation of the students of the last classes of primary school. The Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997) has been translated and adapted to the national context by conducting exploratory factorial analysis. In the Italian version, the questionnaire was reduced and four factors were identified: «Recognition», «Engagement», «Competition», «Sharing and sociability». The results of the research are reported to disseminate the outcomes with researchers, teachers and educators interested in deepening the theme of reading motivation

    Valorizzare i Learning Analytics per promuovere la valutazione per l’apprendimento. Il caso del Master in Leadership e Management in Educazione dell’Università Roma Tre

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    The article deepens the theme of the assessment for learning (Domenici, 2012; Lucisano,2014; Notti, 2014; Trinchero, 2014) investigating how the functionalities connected toLearning Analytics (LA) (Fulantelli & Taibi, 2014; Gaševi et al. 2015; Blikstein & Worsley,2016) could enhance their development in students.The survey was carried out by analyzing diachronically data of the Master in Leadershipand Management in Education (Roma Tre University) from a.y. 2013/14 to a.y. 2017/18; theMaster is designed in blended mode on a Moodle platform.The use of LA in the start-up and monitoring phases of the Master, integrated by thedata collected by quali-quantitative tools, allowed to collect data useful for design individualizedinterventions. The training activities include the study of materials and differenttypes of assessment tests. The trainees have the opportunity to verify theadequacy of their knowledge through self-assessment activities that provide feedback(Butler & Winne, 1995; Shute, 2008; Giuliani, Moretti & Morini, 2016). Furthermore, requeststudents to elaborate critical analysis texts allow to give them also qualitative feedback.The ongoing use of the LA in the monitoring and assessment phases, in this regard,is strategic. In fact, by using the LA functions it is possible to observe the activities carriedout by the students and to give them feedback.From the analysis of the final questionnaires it emerges that students consider to be effectivethe articulation of the Master, both in didactic and assessment aspects. Also theanalysis of the contributions in itinere and of the final test confirms how the planningof the formative activities has been effective considering the quality of the papers.Il contributo approfondisce il tema della valutazione per l’apprendimento (Domenici, 2012;Lucisano, 2014; Notti, 2014; Trinchero, 2014) indagando in che modo le funzionalità connesseai Learning Analytics (LA) (Fulantelli & Taibi, 2014; Gaševi et al. 2015; Blikstein & Worsley,2016) possono valorizzarne lo sviluppo nei soggetti in formazione. L’indagine è stata svolta analizzando diacronicamente i dati relativi al Master in Leadershipe Management in Educazione (Università Roma Tre) dall’a.a. 2013/14 all’a.a. 2017/18, progettatoin modalità blended su piattaforma Moodle. L’utilizzo dei LA nelle fasi di avvio edi monitoraggio del Master, integrati dai dati raccolti mediante strumenti di tipo qualiquantitativo,ha permesso di rilevare dati utili a predisporre interventi individualizzati. Leattività formative prevedono lo studio di materiali di approfondimento e consegne valutativedi diversa tipologia. I corsisti hanno l’opportunità di verificare l’adeguatezza delleproprie conoscenze mediante attività di autovalutazione con restituzione di feedback (Butler& Winne, 1995; Shute, 2008; Giuliani, Moretti & Morini, 2016). La richiesta di elaboraretesti di analisi critica, inoltre, consente di restituire giudizi valutativi anche di tipo qualitativo.L’utilizzo dei LA nelle fasi di monitoraggio e valutazione, a tal proposito, è di rilevanzastrategica. Avvalendosi delle funzioni dei LA è possibile infatti osservare le attività svoltedai corsisti e restituire loro un feedback.Dall’analisi dei questionari finali emerge che i corsisti ritengono efficace l’articolazionedel percorso formativo nelle fasi didattiche e valutative. Anche l’analisi dei contributi initinere e della prova finale conferma come la progettazione delle attività formative sia stataefficace considerata la qualità degli elaborati

    Accrescere la consapevolezza degli studenti come soggetti in formazione: utilizzo e validazione del Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire in Italia

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    All formative context should have as it’s main objective an increase students’ awareness as trainee subjects (Schraw, 1998; Young & Fry, 2008; Arnold et al., 2017). Much research has focused on the importance of encouraging the development of students’ agency and leadership (Boud, 2012; Moretti & Giuliani, 2016; Rubat Du Mérac, 2017). Motivation and studying approach are among the variables that identify the profile of an aware student. The objective of the research is to validate an Italian version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pintrich et al., 1991). With an Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted on data from 1091 undergraduate students, the questionnaire was adapted as Questionario sulla Motivazione e sulle Strategiedi Apprendimento, a synthetic and reliable tool to reveal student information students and give them feedback that increases their awareness.Accrescere la consapevolezza degli studenti è uno degli obiettivi che i contesti educativi dovrebbero porsi (Schraw, 1998; Young & Fry, 2008; Arnold et al., 2017). Più ricerche si sono concentrate sull’importanza di incoraggiare negli studenti lo sviluppo di agency e leadership (Boud, 2012; Moretti & Giuliani, 2016; Rubat Du Mérac, 2017).Motivazione e approccio allo studio sono tra le variabili che identificano il profilo di uno studente consapevole. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato validare una versione italiana del Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pintrich et al., 1991). Con una Analisi Fattoriale Esplorativa sui dati di 1091 studenti universitari il questionario è stato adattato con il nome di Questionario sulla Motivazione e sulle Strategie di Apprendimento, uno strumento sintetico e affidabile per rilevare informazioni sugli studenti e restituire loro un feedback che ne accresca la consapevolezza

    Gait Pathway in Subcortical Vascular Dementia and in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Gait impairment, worse equilibrium scores and falls are associated with leukoaraiosis, as widely recognised [1-6]. In Binswanger\u2019s disease with a severe leukoaraiosis gait disorders are clearly evident while patients with mild periventricular changes may present subclinical forms of gait disorders, as proposed by some authors (see data in [7]). Gait disorders in the elderly are particularly relevant, since they can influence the loss of functional independence and death [8]. As anticipated, cerebral small vessel disease (both white matter lesions and lacunar infarcts) correlates with gait parameters: stride length and a lower gait velocity [8]. Most importantly, subcortical vascular lesions seem to increase the possibility of falls, even if clear evidences are still lacking [9-11]. Walking difficulties in Alzheimer\u2019s disease are well described [12]: patients show slow and irregular steps, difficulties in turning and avoiding obstacles [13, 14]. These disturbances have been described also in patients free from extrapyramidal, ataxic, paretic signs, and clinically relevant musculoskeletal impairments [12, 14]. Moreover, Alzheimer\u2019s disease patients have a worse balance [12, 14, 15] and a higher risk of falls compared with matched controls [16, 17]. The prevalence of gait abnormalities varies widely across the studies (from 8.7% [18] to over 90% [19]); this can be explained because of different inclusion criteria and/or assessment procedures. These observations have been confirmed by studies demonstrating that patients with Alzheimer\u2019s disease walk more slowly compared to healthy controls [12] and these gait problems have been interpreted as manifestations of the extrapyramidal deficits (well-known to affect 12\u201328% of Alzheimer patients), or as side effects of drug treatment (e.g. neuroleptic agents) [20]. Since a overt walking problems and trunk movement alterations can be seen also in absence of extrapyramidal signs, it has been proposed that some Alzheimer\u2019s disease patients may present \u201cfrontal gait disorder\u201d, a syndrome coterminous with gait apraxia [21, 15]. The lack of a standardised instrument to assess gait has been implicated as a possible cause for the low frequency of reports on the topic. Since the walking assessment cannot discriminate between walking disorders caused by gait apraxia and other neurological causes of walking difficulty, there has been the necessity to exclude alternative causes of walking abnormalities in Alzheimer\u2019s disease (overt extrapyramidal impairments or other concurrent neurological diseases); in order to assess gait capacity, a new test has been proposed and a large proportion of the sample (40%) scored below cut off, even if the percentage of severely impaired was smaller. Although the possibility of right\u2013left confusion, working memory deficits, and problems with verbal comprehension was minimised by demonstrating the items, the complexity of some of them might have contributed to inflating the proportion of patients performing poorly. Even though, the presence of associated vascular pathology in a few patients also cannot account for the outcome. Neuroradiological signs of white matter changes were reported in three of the 24 patients (22.5%) in the Della Sala et al.\u2019s study [12], who scored below cut off in the assessment of walking skills. Therefore, in a well-defined population suffering from subcortical vascular dementia and Alzheimer\u2019s disease (standing from a neurological, clinical, and radiological criteria), we tried to explore gait, balance and equilibrium alterations, and a behavioral complex symptom, such as apathy, even considering precipitant factors, such as concomitant pathologies and consequent therapies. We now present an extension of the work, with a speculation on what we observed for a two-year follow-up

    Promoting and assessing competencies in the first classes of primary school: the Reality Task in form of simulation

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    Due to the establishment of the educational and institutional system in students from birth to six years old, teachers are required to reflect on how to design a scholastic skills-based curriculum. Additionally, they are also required to understand how to ensure the continuity in teaching, especially in the first classes of primary school. In order to qualify these processes, the courses for professional teaching development are built with the aim to share the best teaching and assessment practices. This paper shows the outcomes of a Professional Development-Research (PD-R) that has expected the development and the insertion of a “Reality Task” in form of simulation. In the Professional Development-Research (PD-R) the focus has been on the development of some transversal competencies that imply the abilities to solve problems, make decisions, be autonomous, collaborate with others and re-elaborate experiences. Promuovere e accertare competenze nelle classi prime di scuola primaria: il dispositivo “compito di realtà” in forma di simulazioneCon l’istituzione del “Sistema integrato di educazione e di istruzione dalla nascita sino ai sei anni” i docenti sono chiamati a riflettere su come progettare un curricolo scolastico orientato alle competenze e come garantire la continuità didattica nelle classi iniziali del primo ciclo. Per qualificare questi processi i percorsi di formazione e sviluppo professionale dei docenti svolgono una funzione strategica valorizzando la condivisione di buone pratiche didattiche e valutative. Il contributo approfondisce gli esiti di una Ricerca-Formazione (R-F) che ha previsto l’elaborazione e l’introduzione del “compito di realtà” in forma di simulazione. Nel progetto di R-F l’interesse è stato focalizzato sullo sviluppo di alcune competenze trasversali che implicano la capacità di risolvere situazioni problematiche, assumendo decisioni, esercitando la propria autonomia, collaborando con altri e rielaborando l’esperienza

    Ricerca esplorativa sull’introduzione di e-book in classi quinte di scuola primaria

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    Explorative Study on the Introduction of E-books in Primary School 5th-Grade ClassesThe paper presents the results of an explorative study on the introduction of illustrated and interactive e-books in primary schools. Starting from the analysis of the issues that national and international researches have highlighted over the last few years, the present study focuses on the concept of engaged reader and underlines two interesting aspects: the selection of top quality e-books and the process of familiarizing children with the new reading format. This explorative empirical study was carried out in two primary schools in Italy, with eighty-two children of four 5th-grade classes who were given the task of reading of an e-book using a tablet device. The children were individually observed during the interaction with the e-book. Each group of children had a comprehension test after the reading session and then a recorded interview at the end of the activity. After collecting and processing the data, we analyzed the strategies and the personal reaction of the children during the reading. We highlight the flexible characteristic of the e-book and the possibility of personalizing the reading process. Moreover, we consider the key role of the teachers in getting the children to familiarize with the e-book. We more deeply analyze some aspects influencing the reader’s comprehension and engagement, and highlight the importance of integrating different book formats in the school context
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