19 research outputs found

    Morpho-Colorimetric Characterization of the Sardinian Endemic Taxa of the Genus Anchusa L. by Seed Image Analysis

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    In this work, the seed morpho-colorimetric differentiation of the Sardinian endemic species of Anchusa (Boraginaceae) was evaluated. In Sardinia, the Anchusa genus includes the following seven taxa: A. capellii, A. crispa ssp. crispa, A. crispa ssp. maritima, A. formosa, A. littorea, A. montelinasana, and A. sardoa. Seed images were acquired using a flatbed scanner and analyzed using the free software package ImageJ. A total of 74 seed morpho-colorimetric features of 2692 seed lots of seven taxa of Anchusa belonging to 17 populations were extrapolated and used to build a database of seed size, shape, and color features. The data were statistically elaborated by the stepwise linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to compare and discriminate each accession and taxon. In addition, the seed morpho-colorimetric differences among coastal and mountainous taxa were evaluated. Considering the ecological conditions, the LDA was able to discriminate among the Anchusa taxa with a correct identification of 87.4% and 90.8% of specimens for mountainous and coastal plants, respectively. Moreover, the LDA of the 17 populations of Anchusa showed a low separation among species and populations within the coastal group, highlighting how the long-distance dispersal by flotation on the sea water surface and the pollination network may influence the similarity patterns observed. In addition, a misattribution was observed for A. crispa ssp. crispa, which was misclassified as A. crispa ssp. maritima in 14.1% of cases, while A. crispa ssp. maritima was misidentified as A. crispa ssp. crispa in 21.1% of cases, highlighting a close phenotypic relationship between these two taxa. The statistical results obtained through the seed image analysis showed that the morpho-colorimetric features of the seeds provide important information about the adaptation and evolution of Anchusa taxa in Sardinia

    Immune Response in Young Thoroughbred Racehorses under Training

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    Training has a great impact on the physiology of an athlete and, like all stressful stimuli, can trigger an innate immune response and inflammation, which is part of a wider coping strategy of the host to restore homeostasis. The Thoroughbred racehorse is a valid animal model to investigate these changes thanks to its homogeneous training and highly selected genetic background. The aim of this study was to investigate modifications of the innate immune response and inflammation in young untrained Thoroughbred racehorses during the first training season through haematological and molecular investigations. Twenty-nine Thoroughbred racehorses were followed during their incremental 3-month sprint exercise schedule. Blood collection was performed at time 0 (T0; before starting the intense training period), 30 days after T0 (T30), and 90 days after T0 (T90). Haematological parameters (red and white blood cells, haemoglobin, and platelets) were evaluated and haematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and red cells width distribution + standard deviation (RDW-SD) were calculated. Moreover, via RT-qPCR, we investigated the expression of, Interleukin 1β (IL-1β), Interleukin 4 (IL-4) Interleukin 6 (IL-6), Interleukin 2 (IL-2), Interleukin 3 (IL-3), Interleukin 5 (IL-5) Interleukin 8 (IL-8), Trasformig Growth Factor β and α (TGF-β), Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and Interferon γ (IFN-γ)genes. Main corpuscular volume (MCV) showed a significant (p = 0.008) increase at T90. Main corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) values were significantly augmented at both T30 (p < 0.001) and T90 (p < 0.001). Basophils were significant increased at T30 (p = 0.02) and eosinophils were significantly increased at T90 (p = 0.03). Significant differences in gene expression were found for all the genes under study, with the exception of IFN-γ and TNF-α. In particular, IL-2 (T30, p = 0.011; T90, p = 0.015), IL-4 (T30, p = 0.009; T90, p < 0.001), and IL-8 (T30, p < 0.001; T90, p < 0.001) genes were significantly upregulated at both T30 and T90 with respect to T0, TGF-β was intensely downregulated at T30 (p < 0.001), IL-5 gene expression was significantly decreased at T90 (p = 0.001), while IL-1β (p = 0.005) and IL-3 (p = 0.001) expression was strongly augmented at the same time. This study highlighted long-term adjustments of O2 transport capability that can be reasonably traced back to exercise adaptation. Moreover, the observed changes of granulocyte numbers and functions and inflammatory cytokine gene expression confirm a major role of the innate immune system in the response to the complex of stressful stimuli experienced during the training period

    Clinicopathologic Characterization of Diffuse-Large-B-Cell Lymphoma with an Associated Serum Monoclonal IgM Component

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    Recently, diffuse-large-B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) associated with serum IgM monoclonal component (MC) has been shown to be a very poor prognostic subset although, detailed pathological and molecular data are still lacking. In the present study, the clinicopathological features and survival of IgM-secreting DLBCL were analyzed and compared to non-secreting cases in a series of 151 conventional DLBCL treated with R-CHOP. IgM MC was detected in 19 (12.5%) out of 151 patients at disease onset. In 17 of these cases secretion was likely due to the neoplastic clone, as suggested by the expression of heavy chain IgM protein in the cytoplasm of tumor cells. In IgM-secreting cases immunoblastic features (p = 2 extra nodal sites (p <.0001), bone-marrow (p = .002), central-nervous- system (CNS) involvement at disease onset or relapse (p <.0001), IPI-score 3-5 (p = .009) and failure to achieve complete remission (p = .005), were significantly more frequent. FISH analyses for BCL2, BCL6 and MYC gene rearrangements detected only two cases harboring BCL2 gene translocation and in one case a concomitant BCL6 gene translocation was also observed. None of the IgM-secreting DLBCL was found to have L265P mutation of MYD88 gene. Thirty-six month event-free (11.8% vs 66.4% p <.0001), progression-free (23.5% vs 75.7%, p <.0001) and overall (47.1% vs 74.8%, p <.0001) survivals were significantly worse in the IgM-secreting group. In multivariate analysis IgM-secreting (p = .005, expB = 0.339, Cl = 0.160-0.716) and IPI-score 3-5 (p = .010, expB = 0.274, Cl = 0.102-0.737) were the only significant factors for progression-free-survival. Notably, four relapsed patients, who were treated with salvage immmunochemotherapy combined with bortezomib or lenalidomide, achieved lasting remission. Our data suggests that IgM-secreting cases are a distinct subset of DLBCL, originating from activated-B-cells with terminally differentiated features, prevalent extra nodal dissemination and at high risk of CNS involvement

    Clinicopathologic characterization of diffuse-large-B-cell lymphoma with an associated serum monoclonal IgM component.

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    Recently, diffuse-large-B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) associated with serum IgM monoclonal component (MC) has been shown to be a very poor prognostic subset although, detailed pathological and molecular data are still lacking. In the present study, the clinicopathological features and survival of IgM-secreting DLBCL were analyzed and compared to non-secreting cases in a series of 151 conventional DLBCL treated with R-CHOP. IgM MC was detected in 19 (12.5%) out of 151 patients at disease onset. In 17 of these cases secretion was likely due to the neoplastic clone, as suggested by the expression of heavy chain IgM protein in the cytoplasm of tumor cells. In IgM-secreting cases immunoblastic features (p<.0001), non-GCB-type (p = .002) stage III-IV(p = .003), ≥ 2 extra nodal sites (p<.0001), bone-marrow (p = .002), central-nervous-system (CNS) involvement at disease onset or relapse (p<.0001), IPI-score 3-5 (p = .009) and failure to achieve complete remission (p = .005), were significantly more frequent. FISH analyses for BCL2, BCL6 and MYC gene rearrangements detected only two cases harboring BCL2 gene translocation and in one case a concomitant BCL6 gene translocation was also observed. None of the IgM-secreting DLBCL was found to have L265P mutation of MYD88 gene. Thirty-six month event-free (11.8% vs 66.4% p<.0001), progression-free (23.5% vs 75.7%, p<.0001) and overall (47.1% vs 74.8%, p<.0001) survivals were significantly worse in the IgM-secreting group. In multivariate analysis IgM-secreting (p = .005, expB = 0.339, CI = 0.160-0.716) and IPI-score 3-5 (p = .010, expB = 0.274, CI = 0.102-0.737) were the only significant factors for progression-free-survival. Notably, four relapsed patients, who were treated with salvage immunochemotherapy combined with bortezomib or lenalidomide, achieved lasting remission. Our data suggests that IgM-secreting cases are a distinct subset of DLBCL, originating from activated-B-cells with terminally differentiated features, prevalent extra nodal dissemination and at high risk of CNS involvement

    Clinicopathological features of 19 DLBCL with a serum monoclonal IgM protein.

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    <p>CNS<sup>1</sup>: Central nervous system involvement at diagnosis or during relapse progression.</p><p>COO<sup>2</sup>: Cell of Origin defined by the Hans algorithm.</p><p>IgM-I<sup>3</sup>: heavy chain IgM expression assessed by immunohistochemistry.</p><p>MYC-I<sup>4</sup>: MYC protein expression by immunohistochemistry.</p><p>BCL2-I<sup>5</sup>: BCL2 protein expression by immunohistochemistry.</p><p>MYC-f<sup>6</sup>: MYC gene translocation by FISH analysis.</p><p>BCL2-f<sup>7</sup>: BCL2 gene translocation by FISH analysis, carried out by both IGH/BCL2 and BCL2 break apart probes.</p><p>BCL6-f<sup>8</sup>: BCL6 gene translocation by FISH analysis.</p><p>MYD88<sup>9</sup>: MYD88 gene analyzed for L265P mutation.</p><p>FUP<sup>10</sup>: Follow-up.</p><p>NE<sup>11</sup>: Not evaluable.</p><p>NT<sup>12</sup>: Not translocated.</p><p>T<sup>13</sup>: Translocated.</p><p>CCR1<sup>14</sup>:1<sup>st</sup> Continuous complete remission.</p><p>CCR2<sup>15</sup>: 2<sup>nd</sup> Continuous complete remission.</p><p>WT<sup>16</sup>: wild type.</p

    Comparison of clinicopathological features in DLBCL subgroups.

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    <p>p-value<sup>1</sup>: comparison of clinical features in IgM-secreting and non-secreting DLBCL subgroups.</p><p>p-value<sup>2</sup> comparison of clinical features in IgM-secreting and IgM+/non-secreting DLBCL subgroups.</p><p>ALC<sup>3</sup>: absolute lymphocyte count.</p><p>COO<sup>4</sup>:: cell of origin based on the Hans algorithm.</p><p>CNS<sup>5</sup> central nervous system involvement at diagnosis or relapse.</p><p>ECOG-PS<sup>6</sup>≥2: performance status following the ECOG nomenclature.</p><p>IPI 3–5<sup>7</sup>: International prognostic index score 3–5.</p