17 research outputs found

    The advancement of medical education through innovative research and simulation learning: A discussion with Dr. Viren Naik, medical director of the University of Ottawa’s Skills and Simulation Centre

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    A B S T R A C T The spotlight of UOJM’s 4th issue is medical education. We met with Dr. Viren Naik, anesthesiologist, associate professor at the University of Ottawa (uOttawa), and Medical Director of the University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre (uOSSC). He is also a core team member of the Academy of Innovation in Medical Education (AIME), uOttawa’s centre for advancing medical education research. Dr. Naik is actively involved in research, with over 60 peer-reviewed publications and grants. He was also the previous chair of the Written Examination in Anesthesia with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. In this interview, we discuss the advancement of medical education with the skills and simulation centre, the future of the medical curriculum, and how to be involved in medical education as students.   R É S U M É Dans cette 4e édition du JMUO, le sujet mis en lumière est l’éducation médicale. Nous avons rencontré le Dr Viren Naik, anesthésiologiste, professeur agrégé de l’Université d’Ottawa (uOttawa) et directeur médical du Centre de compétences et simulation de l’Université d’Ottawa (CCSUO). C’est aussi un membre important de l’Académie pour l’innovation en éducation médicale (AIME), le centre de l’Université d’Ottawa qui a pour but de faire avancer la recherche en éducation médicale. Dr Naik est un chercheur très dynamique qui a plus de 60 publications et subventions évaluées par les pairs à son actif. Dans le passé, il a aussi présidé l’examen écrit en anesthésiologie du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada. Durant l’entrevue, nous avons discuté de l’avancement de l’éducation médicale au Centre de compétences et simulation, de l’avenir du cursus médical et de la façon que les étudiants peuvent participer à l’éducation médicale


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    UOJM Volume 4 Issue 2 marks a significant milestone for UOJM. For the first time, UOJM has sustained activity over the summer due to increased interest and submissions, which has resulted in the release of multiple issues in a year. Our second issue reflects an increase in awareness and support for UOJM both internally at the University of Ottawa and externally. We have made several infrastructure upgrades to accommodate the high volume of submissions, including the implementation of the Open Journal Systems platform hosted through the University of Ottawa Library as a peer review management platform, content manager, and digital archive. We have also expanded our effort to use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ to provide day-to-day communication to our followers around the world

    Historia de vida de dos Docentes y tres estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales de Educación secundaria de 1990

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    La presente investigación se realizó a través de las historias de vida de dos maestras jubiladas en el área de Ciencias Sociales de educación secundaria, lo cual se indagó tanto sus experiencias como docentes como también la metodología didáctica y recursos didácticos que utilizaban en la década de los años 90. Teniendo como objetivo general investigar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en el área de ciencias sociales de educación secundaria, esta investigación surge debido a que no existe mucha evidencia e información acerca de los procesos de enseñanza utilizados en dicha época y además porque mediante la historia oral se pueden reconstruir hechos de mucha relevancia para el ámbito educativo, en la presente investigación el paradigma que predomina es el paradigma interpretativo porque describe y analiza el significado de las ciencias sociales y los testimonios brindados por las docentes es por ello que el enfoque de la investigación es de carácter cualitativo ya que se utilizó la metodología historia oral en la cual se reconstruyeron los testimonios de los entrevistados, sus experiencia en el rol de docentes y educandos debido a la implementación de entrevistas a profundidad, se logró recopilar la información destacando los recuerdos de docentes y educandos logrando obtener sus historias de vida donde expresaron su testimonio diferentes parámetros educativos con los cuales se regía la educación en aquella época tales como recursos didácticos, actitudes, instrumentos de evaluación, metodologías didácticas y sus fortalezas como maestras y educando

    Conversión de prueba cutánea de derivado proteico purificado durante el tratamiento con anti-TNF-α

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    Introducción: los anti-TNF-α se asocian con mayor riesgo de desarrollar tuberculosis (TB). La prueba del derivado proteico purificado (purified protein derivative, PPD) se emplea para diagnosticar infección de tuberculosis latente (ITL). Se recomienda el cribado para TB previo al inicio de terapia anti-TNF-α y el seguimiento para evaluar la posible conversión de la PPD durante el tratamiento. El tratamiento de la ITL puede reducir el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad activa en un 90%. Objetivos: actualmente los resultados de conversión de la PPD y su interpretación durante el tratamiento anti-TNF-α son variables, por tal motivo nos propusimos conocer la frecuencia de conversión de la PPD en este grupo de pacientes de nuestro medio

    Intramyocardial gene transfer of vascular endothelial growth factor 121 improves myocardial perfusion and function in the ischemic porcine heart

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an endothelial cell-specific mitogen that is angiogenic in vitro and in vivo. Several studies report on gene transfer of VEGF121 to promote angiogenesis in the ischemic myocardium of animals and patients. We hypothesized that intramyocardial administration of naked plasmid DNA encoding VEGF121 could improve myocardial perfusion and function in a porcine model of myocardial ischemia. Yorkshire swine underwent thoracotomy and placement of an ameroid constrictor on the circumflex coronary artery. Four weeks later, pVEGF121 plasmid was administered into the ischemic myocardium. Four weeks after gene transfer, SPECT imaging demonstrated significant reduction in the ischemic area in pVEGF121-treated animals compared with controls. In the pVEGF121 group, most of the animals evolved from light ischemia to a normal perfusion. In contrast, control animals exhibited similar or impaired ischemic conditions. Our results indicate that intramyocardial gene transfer of VEGF121 as naked plasmid DNA results in significant improvement in myocardial perfusion and function

    Integrating Administration, the Clinic, and Research: An Interview with Dr. Jacques Bradwejn

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    ABSTRACT: Dr. Jacques Bradwejn is a Professor of Psychiatry, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and a past Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa. He trained in Medicine at the University of Sherbrooke and in Psychiatry at McGill University. He completed a Research Fellowship in basic research in neuropsychopharmacology at Université de Montréal. He began his career as a clinician/researcher in the McGill University network and continued at University of Toronto, before coming to the University of Ottawa. He has also served as the Psychiatrist-in-chief at the Royal Ottawa Hospital and the head of Psychiatry at The Ottawa Hospital. In addition to his teaching and administrative engagement, Dr. Bradwejn has been extensively involved in translational neuropsychopharmacology research investigating the underlying biological etiology of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and social phobia, as well as integrating clinical and psychological approaches towards the management of anxiety disorders. We were able to discuss with Dr. Bradwejn his dedication and extensive commitment to clinical care and advocacy, biomedical research, and administrative leadership, as well as his advice for medical students with regards to juggling a multitude of responsibilities and pursuing leadership roles within their careers. RÉSUMÉ: Dr. Jacques Bradwejn est professeur de psychiatrie, doyen de la Faculté de médecine, et un ancien président du Département de psychiatrie de l’Université d’Ottawa. Il a été formé en médecine à l’Université de Sherbrooke et en psychiatrie à l’Université McGill. Il a complété une bourse en recherche fondamentale en neuropsychopharmacologie à l’Université de Montréal. Il a commencé sa carrière en tant que clinicien-chercheur dans le réseau de l’Université McGill et a continué à l’Université de Toronto avant de venir à l’Université d’Ottawa. Il a également servi en tant que chef de psychiatrie à l’Hôpital Royal Ottawa et à l’Hôpital d’Ottawa. En plus de ses tâches d’enseignement et d’engagement administratif, le Dr. Bradwejn a été largement impliqué en recherche en neuropsychopharmacologie traductionnelle, enquêtant l’étiologie biologique sous-jacente des troubles anxieux tels que le trouble panique et la phobie sociale, ainsi que l’intégration des approches cliniques et psychologiques envers la gestion des troubles anxieux. Nous avons pu discuter avec le Dr. Bradwejn de son dévouement et de son engagement extensif aux soins cliniques et à son plaidoyer, à la recherche biomédicale, et au leadership administratif, ainsi que ses conseils aux étudiants en médecine en ce qui concerne jongler une multitude de responsabilités et poursuivre des rôles de leadership au sein de leur carrière

    Enescu's Second cello sonata: a synthesis of Romanian folkloric elements and Western art traditions

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    In his mature works, George Enescu accomplished a synthesis between apparently two incompatible styles: the Romanian folk music, mostly the genres in parlando-rubato rhythm, and the European symphonic tradition. The Second Cello Sonata, written in 1935, is representative of this style. This paper is an analysis of Enescu's Second Cello Sonata from the point of view of the synthesis mentioned above. Elements of Western music tradition and folkloric inspiration are isolated and observed how they intertwine in the sonata. The traditional elements discussed are the form of the movements and cyclical principle. The folkloric elements are the parlando- rubato rhythm; the use of chromatic modes found in Romanian folk music; heterophony; the folkloric influence on the form (inspired by one of the most popular Romanian genres, called doina); the cellular-motivic compositional technique adopted from certain genres of Romanian folk music; certain fragments in the sonata that resemble genres of folk music; and sound effects that imitate the traditional instruments of Romanian folk music. (Published By University of Alabama Libraries

    Antimicrobial effect of ethanol-based leaf extract of Saccharum spontaneum (Talahib) against bacillus subtilis : an experimental study

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    The objective of the study was to assess the potential of Saccharum spontaneum leaf extract as an antimicrobial agent against bacillus subtilis. An in-vivo study that involved treatment of bacillus subtilis with saccharum spontaneum ethanol-based leaf extrract via Kirby-Bauer Test and determination of MIC using eight (8) concentrations with two (2) replicates each. Antimicrobial property was determined by comparing antimicrobial index (AI) of test extract with chloramphenicol. All three (3) replicates for the Kirby-Bauer method showed a zone of inhibition of 18 mm and AI of 0.8 produced by the leaf extract. This suggested a positive antimicrobial effect against B. subtilis. MIC results showed resistance of the microorganisms to all concentrations of the extract. The results suggested that higher concentrations of the organism, as exhibited in the MIC preparations cannot be inhibited by Saccharum spontaneum ethanol leaf extract. A number of researches focus on the natural compounds found in plants and have yielded therapeutic alternatives due to their antimicrobial properties. Based on the study, it was concluded that Saccharum spontaneum leaf extract does have antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis \u3c104 CFU/mL and that resistance was observed for concentrations \u3c104 CFU/mL

    Prejuicio y distancia social hacia las personas gays y lesbianas en una muestra de empleados en Puerto Rico: estudio exploratorio

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    Through a quantitative, exploratory-descriptive and non-experimental study, the prejudiced attitude (PA) and social distancing (SD) towards lesbian and gay people were examined in a sample of workers in Puerto Rico. The sample consisted of 779 participants, in which, 61 %were women between the age range of 21 to 40 years. The results indicated that workers exhibited low levels of PA (M=85.47) and low levels of SD (M=18.14) towards (LG) people. Moreover, we found a direct, moderately high and significant relationship between these variables, r (777) = .63, p<.01. When considering sexual orientation, heterosexuals expressed higher PA and SD towards LG people than non-heterosexuals. In respect to political perspective, conservatives showed more PA and SD than liberals. Finally, when considering religious practices, those who reported attending to some religious services weekly indicated higher PA and SD than those who reported never attending. In conclusion, although the PA and SD in workers towards LG people are expressed in low levels, they continue to be present. A relatively high proportion of non-heterosexuals participating in the study (29 %) may have had an impact on the low levels of PA and SD found. This study provides relevant information about the attitudes of workers in relation to sexual minorities, which allows organizations to develop diversity programs that are more inclusive and LGBT-friendlyMediante un estudio cuantitativo, exploratorio-descriptivo y no experimental, se examinó la actitud prejuiciada (AP) y el distanciamiento social (DS) hacia las personas lesbianas y gays (LG) en una muestra de trabajadores en Puerto Rico. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 779 participantes, de los cuales 61 % fueron mujeres entre el rango de edad de 21 a 40 años. Los resultados reflejaron que los trabajadores muestran niveles bajos de AP (M=85.47) y niveles bajos de DS (M=18.14) hacia las personas LG. Igualmente, encontramos una relación directa, moderadamente alta y significativa entre dichas variables, r (777) = .63, p<.01. Al considerar la orientación sexual, los heterosexuales manifestar on mayor AP y DS hacia las personas LG que los no-heterosexuales. Respecto a la perspectiva política, los conservadores manifestaron más AP y DS que los liberales. Por último, al considerar las prácticas religiosas, los que asisten semanalmente a algún servicio religioso mostraron mayor AP y DS que los que nunca van. En conclusión, aunque las AP y la DS de los trabajadores hacia las personas LG se manifiestan en niveles bajos, aún siguen presentes. Una participación relativamente alta de personas no-heterosexuales (29 %) pudo haber incidido en los niveles bajos de AP y DS hallados. Este estudio provee información relevante sobre las actitudes de los trabajadores en relación a las minorías sexuales, lo que permite a las organizaciones desarrollar programas dediversidad más inclusivos y LGBT-amigable