136 research outputs found

    The private health care sector and the provision of prenatal care services in Latin America

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    Private providers have become an important source of health care in Latin America, yet there is still little documentation on them, especially regarding their role as providers of preventive and public health interventions. This paper uses Demographic and Health Surveys from various Latin American countries to compare the effectiveness of the private and public sectors in providing prenatal care. Although the number of prenatal visits is higher in the private sector, this is not accompanied by better delivery outcomes. We discuss different strategies to improve the role of private providers

    Programa de educación sanitaria al paciente con insuficiencia cardiaca y control factores de riesgo

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    IntroducciónLa Insuficiencia cardiaca es un síndrome clínico crónico del corazón que afectaa 26 millones de personas en todo el mundo suponiendo en España la mayorcausa de ingresos hospitalarios en mayores de 65 años. Los factores de riesgocardiovasculares pueden ser tanto modificables como no modificables.ObjetivoDiseñar un programa de educación para la salud encaminado a mejorar lacalidad de vida del paciente con IC grado I/II mediante la prevenciónsecundaria en pacientes entre 50 y 70 años.MetodologíaSe realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica entre los meses de febrero y abril de2023 en distintas bases de datos electrónicas.DesarrolloSe desarrollará un programa de educación sanitaria que constará de 3sesiones en las que se tratará la patología, la medicación y aspectos denutrición y ejercicio físico para modificar sus factores de riesgo.ConclusionesEl control de los factores de riesgo por parte de Enfermería en AtenciónPrimaria es clave para evitar un empeoramiento de la patología. Conociendomás acerca de su patología contribuiría a un correcto control de la misma.Palabras clave“Insuficiencia cardiaca”, “factores de riesgo”, “estilo de vida saludable”,“enfermería”. <br /

    “Propuesta de intervención para el TDAH en Educación Primaria”

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    Este trabajo recopila información de distintos autores acerca del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido, por un lado, conocer qué es el TDAH, sus causas, su evaluación y su tratamiento, y por otro lado, elaborar un programa de intervención en un caso de un/a alumno/a de tercero de primaria, para el que se han planteado diversas tareas para lograr los objetivos propuestos

    Ocurrencia de eventos climáticos extremos y gestión de destinos turísticos de la costa de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    RESUMEN El objetivo del siguiente trabajo consiste en identificar e inventariar los eventos climatológicos extremos en los balnearios del litoral bonaerense y la gestión realizada para la mitigación del peligro. La importancia de esto radica en que estos eventos son cada vez más frecuentes e intensos y afectan a los destinos turísticos principalmente en verano. Se identificaron y catalogaron eventos climáticos extremos (2005 - 2015) y la gestión pública realizada en los destinos para su mitigación. Los resultados indican que el incremento de fenómenos como la caída de rayos impulsó desde la gestión pública el desarrollo de acciones preventivas. Mientras que no existen medidas para los eventos climáticos extremos habituales como las tormentas, vientos fuertes, granizo, etc

    Valorization of chloromethanes by hydrodechlorination with metallic catalysts

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    The performance of Pd, Pt, Rh and Ru based catalysts in the hydrodechlorination of chloromethanes to obtain ethane and ethylene was evaluated by means of computational analysis and hydrodechlorination experiments. A computational analysis using density functional theory (DFT) was developed to obtain preliminary insight on the potential catalytic mechanisms for the reactions involved using palladium, platinum, rhodium and ruthenium metallic clusters. Stable catalytic intermediates were obtained by quantum-chemical calculations in the hydrodechlorination of dichloromethane on Pd6and Rh6clusters, presenting [rad][rad]CH2and [rad]CH3radicals and C2H4, C2H6and CH4products. On the contrary, it was not possible to obtain all these stable intermediates using Pt6and Ru6clusters. Theoretical analysis revealed lower desorption energies for ethane and ethylene products in Pd6than in Rh6clusters, what indicates a favorable selectivity of Pd-based catalyst for desired C2products. Then, carbon supported catalysts containing these four metals were prepared and experimentally evaluated in the hydrodechlorination of dichloromethane (DCM) and trichloromethane (TCM) at low H2excess and a reaction temperature range of 150-400 °C. In agreement with computational results, in experimental tests, the Pd based catalyst showed the best performance for the hydrodechlorination of chloromethanes to obtain C2products, followed by Rh, Ru and Pt have a poor performance, in special Pt based catalyst, which shows almost no selectivity to C2products. This computational and experimental study emphasizes, for the first time, the good performance (high activity and selectivity) of Pd carbon supported catalysts in the valorization of chloromethane compounds to obtain C2hydrocarbon productsThe authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) through the project CTM 2014-53008 and to the “Centro de Computación Científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid” for computational facilitie

    Primer paso en la eficiencia energética, confort ambiental y sostenibilidad de edificios en Panamá: percepción ambiental de usuarios de la Casa Matriz del Banco Nacional de Panamá

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    Electricity consumption in Panama City has increased due to constant use of air conditioning units in the whole internal volume of numerous buildings. In order to reduce the electricity consumption in buildings, the potential of transition spaces was analyzed. The ground floor area, categorized as transition space, of the Headquarters of the National Bank of Panama was used as a study case. A survey was conducted to determine the environmental perception, thermal and light comfort sensation of building occupants. Climatic, socioeconomic, psychological and metabolic factors were considered when determining environmental comfort. The result indicates that the majority (80% to 88%) of users that participate in a survey feel comfortable. Building users perceive a fresh temperature as comfortable and are pleased with the daylight level in the ground floor area. This demonstrates that transition spaces are a feasible solution in terms of sustainable design and energy efficiency in tropical humid climates.Debido a un incremento del consumo eléctrico en la ciudad de Panamá producto del elevado uso de equipos de aires acondicionados en todas las áreas internas de muchos edificios, se analizó el potencial de los “espacios de transición” para minimizar este problema. Para esto, se estudia la plaza de la Casa Matriz del Banco Nacional de Panamá, ya que es un ejemplo de espacio de transición en la ciudad. Se realizó una encuesta acerca de la percepción ambiental, sensación de confort térmico y lumínico de los visitantes de dicho lugar. La encuesta considera factores climáticos, socio-económicos, psicológicos, metabólicos, entre otros factores condicionantes de la percepción de confort ambiental. Los resultados determinaron que la mayoría (entre el 80% y el 88%) de los usuarios que visitan este espacio se sienten cómodos, perciben una temperatura fresca y les agrada el nivel de iluminación natural que existe en el sitio. Demostrando que el uso de espacios de transición en los edificios es una solución viable en términos de diseño sostenible y eficiencia energética para climas tropicales húmedos

    Anti-atherogenic properties associated with the antioxidant activity from the hydrophilic extracts of Halimeda incrassata (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales)

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    Seaweeds are a source of natural antioxidants having potential application in oxidative stress and associated diseases. In this work, anti-atherogenic properties associated with the antioxidant activity from the hydrophilic extracts of Halimeda incrassata were studied. The phenolic content assessed inthe aqueous extract and fraction phenolic acids (FPA) was 0.13 ± 0.05 and 0.47 ± 0.09 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g dry seaweed, respectively. In DPPH?, radical scavenging assay fractions exhibited a dependent concentration. The seaweeds extract inhibited the desoxirribose oxidation in the presenceor absence of EDTA (IC50 = 1.91± 0.09 mg/mL) (IC50 = 2.95 ± 0.01 mg/mL). In vivo antioxidant properties of FPA-H.incrassata were investigated in rats with a CCl4-induced liver injury. Pre-treatment with H.incrassata led to approximately 50% reductions in liver TBARS levels. The treatment with H. incrassataFPA also increased the activity of the CAT enzyme, which in turn resulted in an enhanced antioxidantdefense. The expression of Catalase by PCR-RT technique demonstrated a higher gene expression when compared with that which was observed in the CCl 4-treated group. Antiatherogenic properties were studied in the inhibition of lipoprotein oxidation mediated by Cu2+ or HRP/H2O2, free radicalscavenging, and metal ion chelation, and it was dose dependent with a higher concentration needed for the aqueous extract than for the FPA fraction. Antioxidant activity was also improved in macrophages as evaluated in the cell supernatant (by TBARS formation); and by luminol enhanced chemiluminescence after cell activation with zymosan; and a degree of cell lipoperoxidation wasdecreased by the Halimeda incrassata extract. The results of this work add to the antioxidant potential of the seaweed for its application in oxidative stress associated conditions.Fil: Vidal-Novoa, Alexis. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: Costa-Mugica, Ariadna. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: Zulueta Díaz, Yenisleidy de Las Mercedes. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; Cuba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Diaz-Gutierrez, Daylín. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: de Oliveira e Silva, Ana, Mara. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vazquez, Ana María. Center For Molecular Inmunology; CubaFil: Claudina, Zaldívar-Munoz. Universidad de la Habana. Facultad de Biología; CubaFil: Dalva, Assuncao Portari de Mancini. Institute Butantan Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Mancini-Filho, Jorge. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Comparison of different precious metals in activated carbon-supported catalysts for the gas-phase hydrodechlorination of chloromethanes

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    Four precious metals supported on activated carbon are compared as catalysts in the gas-phase hydrodechlorination (HDC) of chloromethanes. The intrinsic activity or turnover frequency (TOF) of the catalysts follows the order Pd/C > Rh/C > Pt/C > Ru/C in the HDC of dichloromethane (DCM) while the sequence Pd/C > Pt/C > Rh/C > Ru/C was found for the HDC of chloroform (TCM). High selectivities to non-chlorinated products were obtained in all cases except for the HDC of TCM with Rh/C and Ru/C where the selectivity to DCM greatly depends on the operating conditions. A wider diversity of non-chlorinated hydrocarbons was obtained as reaction products with these two catalysts, especially in the HDC of TCM, favoring the formation of carbonaceous deposits which provoked a marked deactivation of the catalysts. In contrast, CH4 was the only non-chlorinated product obtained with the Pt/C catalysts which showed by far the highest stability. Different reaction pathways were found depending on the catalyst and the starting chloromethane. The different reactivity of the metals is explained in terms of their different electronic structure and the physicochemical properties of the catalystsThe authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) through the project CTM2011-28352. M. Martín Martínez acknowledges the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) and the European Social Fund for her research grant. J. Bedia also wishes to thank the MICINN for financing his research through the “Juan de la Cierva” postdoctoral program

    Kinetic study of the hydrodechlorination of chloromethanes with activated-carbon-supported metallic catalysts

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    This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work, see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ie5042484The kinetics of the hydrodechlorination (HDC) of dichloromethane (DCM) and chloroform (TCM) with Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ru on activated carbon catalysts has been studied at temperatures between 100 and 250 °C. Different kinetic models have been checked, namely, pseudo-first-order and Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) with adsorption, chemical reaction, or desorption control. The HDC of DCM and TCM with the Pd and Pt catalysts was well-described by the LHHW model with reactant adsorption as the rate-controlling step. However, with Rh and Ru catalysts, chemical reaction and desorption of the reaction products appear to be the rate-controlling steps in the HDC of DCM and TCM, respectively. In this last case, different sets of complex reactions seem to occur on the surface of the catalyst depending on the temperature, preventing determination of a confident value of the activation energy, because of the formation of oligomeric coke-like deposits and the subsequent severe deactivation of these catalysts. The corresponding kinetic parameters for the proposed models have been calculatedThe authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) through the project CTM2011-28352. M. Martín Martínez and A. Arévalo Bastante acknowledges the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e nnovación (MICINN) and the European Social Fund for her research gran

    Sex Differences in Motor and Non-Motor Symptoms among Spanish Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease; Non-motor symptoms; SexMalaltia de Parkinson Símptomes no motors; SexeEnfermedad de Parkinson; Síntomas no motores; SexoBackground and objective: Sex plays a role in Parkinson’s disease (PD) mechanisms. We analyzed sex difference manifestations among Spanish patients with PD. Patients and Methods: PD patients who were recruited from the Spanish cohort COPPADIS from January 2016 to November 2017 were included. A cross-sectional and a two-year follow-up analysis were conducted. Univariate analyses and general linear model repeated measure were used. Results: At baseline, data from 681 PD patients (mean age 62.54 ± 8.93) fit the criteria for analysis. Of them, 410 (60.2%) were males and 271 (39.8%) females. There were no differences between the groups in mean age (62.36 ± 8.73 vs. 62.8 ± 9.24; p = 0.297) or in the time from symptoms onset (5.66 ± 4.65 vs. 5.21 ± 4.11; p = 0.259). Symptoms such as depression (p < 0.0001), fatigue (p < 0.0001), and pain (p < 0.00001) were more frequent and/or severe in females, whereas other symptoms such as hypomimia (p < 0.0001), speech problems (p < 0.0001), rigidity (p < 0.0001), and hypersexuality (p < 0.0001) were more noted in males. Women received a lower levodopa equivalent daily dose (p = 0.002). Perception of quality of life was generally worse in females (PDQ-39, p = 0.002; EUROHIS-QOL8, p = 0.009). After the two-year follow-up, the NMS burden (Non-Motor Symptoms Scale total score) increased more significantly in males (p = 0.012) but the functional capacity (Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale) was more impaired in females (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that there are important sex differences in PD. Long-term prospective comparative studies are needed.COPPADIS and the present study were developed with the help of Fundación Española de Ayuda a la Investigación en Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas y/o de Origen Genético ( https://fundaciondegen.org/) and Alpha Bioresearch (www.alphabioresearch.com). Also, we received grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [PI16/01575] co-founded by ISCIII (Concesión de subvenciones de Proyectos de Investigación en Salud de la convocatoria 2020 de la Acción Estratégica en Salud 2017–2020 por el proyecto “PROGRESIÓN NO MOTORA E IMPACTO EN LA CALIDAD DE VIDA EN LA ENFERMEDAD DE PARKINSON”) to develop a part of the COPPADIS project