2,063 research outputs found

    A Review of the Travel Behavior Analysis: Its Basis and Application for Developing Cities

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    Travel, most often viewed in theory as derived from the demand for activity participation, has almost always been modeled on the trip-based basis, i.e., the trip is treated as the unit of analysis. Attributes of a trip (e.g., its origin and destination, mode, length) have been the subjects of analysis, but not the types of activities engaged in, their durations, sequences, and timing. This paper offers a brief review of the travel behavior analysis in order to provide a better understanding and forecasting of travel behavior. The article further offers discussions on its possible applications in urban areas of developing countries where historical accumulations of transportation and communications technologies are being introduced within a short span of time, creating the environment for travel which may not be properly accounted for using the conventional trip-based models of travel demand. In addition, the dataset from Malaysia was employed as a case of study

    Cytosolic recognition of flagellin by mouse macrophages restricts Legionella pneumophila infection.

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    To restrict infection by Legionella pneumophila, mouse macrophages require Naip5, a member of the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain leucine-rich repeat family of pattern recognition receptors, which detect cytoplasmic microbial products. We report that mouse macrophages restricted L. pneumophila replication and initiated a proinflammatory program of cell death when flagellin contaminated their cytosol. Nuclear condensation, membrane permeability, and interleukin-1beta secretion were triggered by type IV secretion-competent bacteria that encode flagellin. The macrophage response to L. pneumophila was independent of Toll-like receptor signaling but correlated with Naip5 function and required caspase 1 activity. The L. pneumophila type IV secretion system provided only pore-forming activity because listeriolysin O of Listeria monocytogenes could substitute for its contribution. Flagellin monomers appeared to trigger the macrophage response from perforated phagosomes: once heated to disassemble filaments, flagellin triggered cell death but native flagellar preparations did not. Flagellin made L. pneumophila vulnerable to innate immune mechanisms because Naip5+ macrophages restricted the growth of virulent microbes, but flagellin mutants replicated freely. Likewise, after intratracheal inoculation of Naip5+ mice, the yield of L. pneumophila in the lungs declined, whereas the burden of flagellin mutants increased. Accordingly, macrophages respond to cytosolic flagellin by a mechanism that requires Naip5 and caspase 1 to restrict bacterial replication and release proinflammatory cytokines that control L. pneumophila infection

    Persepsi dan Sikap Para Pihak terhadap Lanskap Berhutan di Kota Pagaralam, DAS Musi Hulu Sumatera Selatan

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    Masalah deforestasi di DASbagian hulu tidak dapat dihentikan atau diperlambat oleh kebijakan dan program yang berlaku saat ini, sehingga masih diperlukan pendekatan lain yang sesuai dengan dinamika sosial-ekonomi kondisi masyarakat lokal. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana memulai manajemen lanskap hutan di daerah dataran tinggi, melalui studi kasus di Pagaralam, Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan melalui survei terhadap para pihak yang memiliki kepentingan dan kewenangan pada lanskap hutan di Pagaralam. Data hasil survei dianalisis dengan statistik non parametrik, kemudian dibahas dengan para pihak melalui FGD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para aktor pemerintah dan pengguna lahan memiliki persepsi dan sikap yang berbeda dalam menilai lanskap berhutan. Selain pentingnya peningkatan kesadaran bagi pengguna lahan melalui media yang mengangkat isu-isu lingkungan, prioritas program untuk memulai pengelolaan lanskap hutan adalah penanaman kembali dan melindungi daerah sekitar mata air dan kanan kiri sisi sungai

    Condition and the state of coral reef management in Lembeh Island waters of Bitung City

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    Lembeh Island is a small island part of the minicipality of Bitung, It is an area that supportincluding the category of small island, but it is an area that support community life in the mainland who mainly living as fishermen. Those fishermen generally made coral reef ecosystems as a location for  fishing. This research is aimed to provide information such as ecological conditions and states of coral reef, that  can be used appropriately in planning and decision making for the development of Lembeh Island waters, especially in the management of coral reef ecosystems. Intern of coral cover Lembeh island can be categorized in good condition and the state of coral reef management can be seen from the utilization activity that still good but tend to degrade over time. The implication, shows that the management and development of today tend to cause less sustainableto coral ecosystems. Keywords : Lembeh Island, coral reef, manajement, sustainability   A B S T R A K Pulau Lembeh merupakan pulau di Kota Bitung, termasuk kategori pulau kecil, tetapi merupakan kawasan yang menunjang kehidupan masyarakat di daratan utama, Masyarakat Pulau Lembeh yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan, umumnya menjadikan ekosistem terumbu karang sebagai lokasi penangkapan ikan karang. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi berupa kondisi ekologi serta status pengelolaan ekosistem terumbu karang, sehingga dapat digunakan secara tepat dalam proses perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan guna pengembangan perairan Pulau Lembeh, khususnya dalam pengelolaan ekosistem terumbu karang di masa mendatang. Kondisi terumbu karang Pulau Lembeh berdasarkan tutupan karang batu dapat dikategorikan baik, dan status pengelolaan terumbu karang dilihat dari kegiatan pemanfataan saat ini masih baik tapi cenderung menurunkan kualitas kawasan.  Implikasinya, memperlihatkan bahwa pengelolaan dan pembangunan saat ini cenderung ditata ke arah kurang berkelanjutan. ________________________________________________________________ Keywords : pulau lembeh, terumbu karang, pengelolaan, keberlanjutan _____________________ 1 Alumni Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan FPIK Unsrat 2Staf Pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi 3;Staf Pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulang

    Perancangan Iklan Kampanye Trunk and Feeder Melalui Infografis Sebagai Upaya Pengenalan Transportasi Baru Di Kota Surabaya

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    The purpose of designing advertising campaigns Trunk and Feeder as the new public transport Surabaya is to raise awareness of the status of the transport and traffic impact on congestion in the city of Surabaya. Further research was conducted using qualitative research methods that do interviews, observation, documentation, and literature to obtain the data used to support the manufacture of the design concept of the ad campaign. Data were analyzed using several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. After analyzing the data, found a design concept or keyword advertising campaign namely "Impressive". Description of "Impressive" is Memorable. The concept of "Impressive" aims to show that the Trunk and Feeder are expected to have an impression in the eyes of the public using public transport compared with the previous public transport. That is, the impressive concept presented to instill public perception, that the Trunk and Feeder is public transportation memorable. Results from the design ad campaign is to raise awareness of the state of transportation in the city of Surabaya, which if left unchecked will cause congestion and so we need to start public awareness willing to use public transport

    Characterization of the yeast flora on the surface of grape berries in Israel

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    Yeast populations were collected from the surface of berries of three grape cultivars during three seasons, from fruit set to maturity. They were studied by RAPD and ap-PCR, each with two primer pairs. In the population, identical isolates were found only rarely on 13 % of the bunches in 1997 and on 58 % of the berries in 1999. From RAPD and ap-PCR, a dendrogram with clusters of similarity was established. Eleven representatives from clusters of the white yeast dendrogram were identified by traditional methods as 10 different yeast species, one of which has not been isolated from grape berry surfaces before. The population size was smaller for Colombard than for Cabernet Sauvignon and Muscat of Alexandria berries.

    TFLink: an integrated gateway to access transcription factor-target gene interactions for multiple species

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    Analysis of transcriptional regulatory interactions and their comparisons across multiple species are crucial for progress in various fields in biology, from functional genomics to the evolution of signal transduction pathways. However, despite the rapidly growing body of data on regulatory interactions in several eukaryotes, no databases exist to provide curated high-quality information on transcription factor-target gene interactions for multiple species. Here, we address this gap by introducing the TFLink gateway, which uniquely provides experimentally explored and highly accurate information on transcription factor-target gene interactions (∼12 million), nucleotide sequences and genomic locations of transcription factor binding sites (∼9 million) for human and six model organisms: mouse, rat, zebrafish, fruit fly, worm and yeast by integrating 10 resources. TFLink provides user-friendly access to data on transcription factor-target gene interactions, interactive network visualizations and transcription factor binding sites, with cross-links to several other databases. Besides containing accurate information on transcription factors, with a clear labelling of the type/volume of the experiments (small-scale or high-throughput), the source database and the original publications, TFLink also provides a wealth of standardized regulatory data available for download in multiple formats. The database offers easy access to high-quality data for wet-lab researchers, supplies data for gene set enrichment analyses and facilitates systems biology and comparative gene regulation studies. Database URL https://tflink.net/

    Coral Fish Community of Chaetodontidae in the Coral Reef of Poopoh Village, Tombariri District, Minahasa Regency

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui jumlah spesies, kelimpahan individu, densitas, dan struktur komunitas ikan Chaetodontidae. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Desa Poopoh, Kecamatan Tombariri, Kabupaten Minahasa, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada kedalaman 5 meter dengan metode Underwater Visual Census (UVC) dengan luas areal pengamatan adalah 250 m2. Ikan karang Chaetodontidae telah ditemukan di terumbu karang Desa Poopoh, Kecamatan Tombariri, terdiri dari 3 (tiga) marga yaitu Chaetodon, Forcipiger, dan Heniochus dengan 13 spesies dan 51 individu. Keragaman spesies di Poopoh dikategorikan sedang. Densitas tertinggi ikan koralivora ditemukan pada jenis Chaetodon kleinii yaitu 360 individu/Ha diikuti Heniochus acuminatus yaitu 240 individu / Ha. Keanekaragaman spesies Chaetodontidae di lokasi ini tergolong tinggi. Kondisi ini terlihat juga pada indeks maksimum (Hmax) yang tidak berada jauh di atas nilai H \u27
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